So, what audience was each of the four factions in Ixalan designed for?
So, what audience was each of the four factions in Ixalan designed for?
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They explained this in one of the artucles they did in thevlast two weeks but zi forgrt which. All I remember is that vampires were for spikes.
Are there example cards from each faction I can look at to figure out which category wizards thinks I fall into?
Like I feel kinda pissy about this logic but won't live in denial if they peg me as an X/Y/Z
Dinos are for Timmies, Vampires are for Spikes, Pirates are for Johnnies.
Really? I feel like Merfolk are more for Johnnies
I am Vorthos, I'm the target audience for every faction.
But which faction is the most Vorthos?
The plane started as a story pitch about vampire conquistadors searching for new blood, so probably them.
The evil bloodsucking white monsters who want to conquer the poor natives, steal their gold and force them their religion is clearly targeted to the white man
>He doesn't know anything about Ixalan's lore or the factions.
Spaniard vampires are for chads, rest is for virgins
>Not the dinosaurs
I could care less about the silly people that work with the dinosaurs, but the dinosaurs are more chad then your sissy white boi vampires. Get ready for 12 feet of hard dinosaur cock going up your ass, Edward.
Pirates are more complex so far, both in terms of being in more colors but also having more cards that interact with one another. Merfolk will only be UG, while pirates will have enough cards that a Johnny can brew different kinds of decks (Grixis, UB, UR, etc.)
Señor, el nombre es Eduardo. Also wait, you'll see how we'll exsanguinate those 6' turkeys
Why would he? MtG hasn't had lore worth reading for over a decade. Ixalan is worse than most.
May have a hard time there, Señor. Those turkeys are clever girls.
Mechanically speaking it's obvious vampires are for Spike, Dinos are for Timmy, Pirates are for Johnny and Merfolk are for Melvin.
In retard-speak, however, they don't even need to try. SJWs see niggers and imediately cry their meme battle cries. However it's clear the native-vs-conquistador dichotomy is causing them a lot of internal asshole bleeding because actual hispanics support both factions, while tumblrinas want the vampires to be demonized which means they'll get called out harshly by either their progressist interns or their second largest market by the end of the block.
How many sexy female dinosaurs have there been? Whats that, zero? Check yourself BEFORE you wreck yourself, dino-virgin.
Brace for eternal accusations of "muh racism" when conquistadors are the most popular faction through all of hispanic america (brazil, haiti and jamaica may like pirates more, they're niggers after all).
Reminder that melvin isnt a psychographic, the factions almost certainly overlap in some capacity with one another, I dont remember if they spelled it out for Ixalan, but they DID for C17.
Fair enough. I'll summarize.
>Vampires don't normally need to feed, but they had their precious MacGuffin stolen, so now they require blood. They don't kill or feed on the innocent. Pirates, murderers, rebels, and other serious offenders are fair game.
>The Sun Empire is the Not!Aztec-Mayan faction that has dinos n shit.
>There are no guns or smallpox.
>All of the factions are relatively matched. Pirates are too numerous and decentralized to eradicate. Merfolk have homefield advantage. The Sun Empire has dinos. Vampires already have their own place far away.
Which you would clearly know, having read none of it.
>They don't kill or feed on the innocent
No, they don't kill or feed their allies/fellow religion followers, period.
>Sexy dinosaurs
Only Virgins think of sex that much, my amigo. Now go back to stroking your little willy to Morticia while I wave my arms around and walk the dinosaur.
Oscar isn't an official psychographic either, but whole swathes of cards have been made almost exclusively for backdraft.
I think the four commander decks this year appealed to the audiences better.
Did you just un-assume your own gender, you shitlord?
>Implying someone is doing something wrong jerking it to Morticia
dude wtf
Dinos are definitely for Timmies. I can tell because I'm hype as fuck for all the stupid huge dinosaurs that are never actually going to work. Tribal in general gets my hard as fuck, though, so no matter who wins I'll be happy.
>How many sexy female dinosaurs have there been? Whats that, zero?
Colorful feathery dinos are for furries and teal/pink haired lesbos.
Vampires are for teen girls and goth whales
Pirates are for kids/boys
Vampires aren't Spike because they're fucking awful. Dinosaurs seem kind of pushed actually.
What about the fishmen?
yfw I my inner /pol/ack tells me to go Team Vampire
nice meme
>Sun Empire religion requires them to feed merfolk captives to their dinosaurs
>merfolk rebel, fail
>Vampires tell the merfolk they will be treated fairly if they bend the knee and join alliance against Sun Empire
>alliance defeats the Sun Empire
>vampires sack the city of gold, get filthy rich
>set up new feudal system in Ixalan with merfolk and sun empire humans as serfs/blood tithe taxpayers
>merfolk and sun empire humans can't rebel for several centuries because half of them died of old world diseases
>other old world powers with rival religions to the vampires pardon the pirates and pay them to ransack vampires fleet and take all the riches for themselves
This would be a good storyline. And it's basically what happened IRL. Too bad WotC writers are braindead.
They're purposefully avoiding real life parallels outside of the obvious.
This is nitpicky but Merfolk are actually Mayans, Sun Empire are just Aztecs. They were originally combined until design needed them to make 4 factions instead of 3, so they split Mayan and Aztec. They distinguish the two visually by heavily making use of Mayan jade tools and equipment.
>There are no guns
Wizards plz reconsider your retarded decisions, firearms have a place in some of your settings. Both this and Innistrad would have benefited.
>people actually shilling for pirates and vampires
Are you fucking serious? Vampires have been in Magic for-fucking-ever. We don't need more of them. They are literal edgelord shit, everyone I knew who played vampires was an edgelord. I was a freshman in college when Innistrad came out (the first innistrad block, not the reboot). All the anime weeaboo cucks played vampires. It was incredibly fucking annoying. Ever since, there's been this stain of vampires on magic, fuck them. I fucking hated all those kids. Smelly nasty skinny fucks who died their hair and listened to the absolute shittiest metal of all time. I fucking wanted them all to get hit by a car. And pirates? Who gives a flying fuck. They are all butch lesbians in long coats meant to pander to the Tumblr demographic. They can go fucking die as well. I hope they all sail into a storm like the fucking spanish armada at the end of that third Pirates of the Caribbean movie. That should have been the last one, why the fuck did they make two more? Yeah I hope they all go down the fucking drain. Dinosaurs are awesome. When I was six I beat the shit out of some kid who insulted dinosaurs. But of course Wizards of the Coast makes a set with something actually cool, and they will probably nerf it to hell. Since when have fatties been viable in Standard anyway? Why not try to make them viable? They won't, though, they'll do more scrying shit, or graveyard shit, to keep pandering to bluefags trying in vain to make blue viable again because they listened to obnoxious autistics who squeezed blue's slice of the pie down to "counterspells, debuffs, bounces, deckstacking, and unblockable" the latter of which has been shit on because it kills planeswalkers and god forbid people's planeswalkers die because then Hasbro jews don't get their money printing fuck-ass expensive planeswalker cards to get people to buy boosters. The other four are nice, but they don't win games.
In short, dinosaurs rock, pirates & vampires suck.
>hates on others
>falls for meme dinos
>vampires for spikes
I don't see it so far with what's spoiled. Merfolk to closer, but more of a johnny or johnny/spike
Subhuman filth
Dinosaurs are for the turbo autists who are mentally still 4 years old, so right up your alley
These vampires aren't edgelords though, they're the good guys
Not having guns in magic is dumb.
>he doesn't like pirates
you're lower than a nig, to be honest
I like pirates, I don't like nigras.
There's already other TCGs and CCGs with better pirates.
And on the innocent. If you are not a heretic, traitor or rebel (all crimes that deserve death), you are safe
I don't know, all I know is that none of them are for heterosexuals.
>b-b-b-b-but, they're the GOOD GUYS! epick twist!
For fuck's sake...
How are they memes? Because they aren't specific species? Please elaborate.
Let me explain, user. My enthusiasm for dinosaurs is not on the autistic 4 year old level. It's just like "ok cool, dinos, sure." But let me explain. Magic the Gathering has been a crock of shit since Zendikar, maybe Scars of Mirrodin if only for the Phyrexians. The game is basically "what culture can we rip off shamelessly next?" Mongoloids, Egyptians, Indians, Greeks... I mean what in fuck's cunt is going on in these developers' heads to make them think this shit is creative? Kill yourself, MaRo. Your ideas aren't even ideas, they are literally ripped from a 7th grade history textbook.
So yes, I am excited the new set centers around a world with shit from prehistory instead of history. The last eight or so blocks have left zero impact. I can barely even name them in order for fucks sake. Was there one between a theros and tarkir? I can't fucking remember.
Dinosaurs may not be *that* cool, but the bar for quality when it comes to MTG lore has sunk so fucking low that even a compsognathus could step over it.
what the fuck is this thread
People don't like pirates, they like what pirates represent. That sense of true freedom and the danger that comes with it doesn't translate to a card game built entirely around rules, numbers, and mechanics. So it's pretty much just an empty aesthetic, same reason people hate steampunk so much. They didn't even keep the "fun" pirate voice everyone loves so fucking much, their flavor text sounds like every other MtG character
Speshul snowflakes. Probably want something humanoid (humans are too mainstream) without going totally for the dinosaurs. They're for people who pretend they've played magic forever (because they've heard Merfolk is a modern deck), but they're noobs.
This. Tumblr would abandon dinosaurs in a heartbeat if there were filthy non-heteronormative scalies avaliable.
I hope there's a Huitzilopochtli expy in Rivals. Aztecs just don't feel like aztecs without any allusion to their patron god.
Just give us a Mayael for dinosaur avatars or something.
Which one is this? The Sun Empire does have 3 named gods and the I presume currently unworshiped bat god (represented by the three concentric circles), though they probably won't be actual cards. I don't recall their names. Tilonalli, something, and Ixanalli?
>rags about them stealing ideas from history
>praises them for stealing ideas from PREhistory
It's ok if the gods themselves don't get cards it's just the aforementioned Mayael and related Progenitus cultists had more of a mesoamerican religion going than the Sun Empire seems to have. And you didn't need to watch podcasts to be aware of it.
I'm the actual user you posted to not this faggot. I'm fucking shit talking, but I do like my dinosaurs. However, you good sir can go fuck yourself with a rusty spork because I'll like what I want to like, you fucking mongoloid.
"I see you've decided to go with blatant pandering using meme themes and mechanics. Was that intentional?"
>Which one is this?
The god of the sun, war, literacy and amaranth that needed the blood of sacrificed enemies to continue fighting eternal night.
He was represented as a giant blue skinned warrior with saint-seiya style hummingbird armor.
>Pirates are for Johnnies.
Shouldn't Johnnie leave her, Johnnie, leave her?
Did you know that autism gets stronger with every year it's left to age? MtG is decades old, conquistadors are centuries old, dinosaurs are old.
I literally only care because of Edgar Markov, and because I like Mardu colors. Still holding out hope we get warrior or knight tribal in the same colors, though.
Fish-pussy low-tier. Spikes will fap themselves dry over the arcane magic of ancient formats getting support, but as someone who plays EDH primarily, and dislikes anything with CMC 5 or higher in the command zone, I don't really care.
A raging nostalgia boner for the old Pirates! constructible card game keeps me mostly blind to the shitty tumblrina themes omnipresent in these cards, and Beckett Brass is the only fucking commander with a reasonable CMC. I don't hold out a lot of hope they'll be good, even if I know I'm going to brew that shit. While crying, if I have to.
They look fun but they also look like they're "We're dragons, but different, we promise!". Kinda boring, but what I'd force in draft probably. Secretly hoping they really do just become "not dragons" and we get Muraganda soon with sultai dinos for Mimeoplasm. It won't happen, but I can dream.
Why are all the legendary pirates female?
>I literally only care because of Edgar Markov
>as someone who plays EDH primarily, and dislikes anything with CMC 5 or higher in the command zone
I don't really have to cast Edgar to get a lot out of him, and I bought all the precons because I didn't feel like speculating on anything specific.
I do plan to tinker with them a bit, more to see if I can get them roughly equal. Might sub out dragons for something else though, 5c is a bitch to balance.
Well, it seems Ixalan has a lot of manafixing for tribal, and the decks themselves had some new fixing, so it's not that bad for 5c.
>Faction composed of people who have never fairly earned anything in their lives and subsist by taking from others
>Led by women
I'm not seeing the issue
thin, pretty women are not progressive enough for current year WotC
your tropespace is problematic
>your tropespace is problematic
Do you think the tvtropes creators are proud of the dilution on the english language that they unleashed?
I honestly think that should be tried as war criminals with the creators of reddit and zuckerberg
>It's transparently obvious to everyone but me I just enjoy whining about popular things to feel superior to others
Facebook is genuinelly harmless but reddit is cancer and tvtropes promotes a false sence of literacy among imbeciles.
The best pirates have been male and if memory serves me only 2 women have ever been as famous.
Yeah. Cause they haven't done that shit yet.
This. Anyone ragging on dinosaurs should stick an AIDS needle in their wrist.
The two best pirates ever were Bartholomew Roberts who hijacked 400 ships in just 3 years with a flagship infinitely less impressive than the Queen Anne's Revenge and single-handedly put a stop to the african slave trade. And Ching Shih who fucked up the chinese seas so fucking hard she had to be attacked by the whole Purtuguese Navy with aid of EIC and British Navy ships just to convince her to take an amnesty.
>EDH posting
Not even once you nigger.
EDH is literally the asshole of MTG, and the autists who play it are the kind of people who enjoy picking at scabs. I'd rather frontier be a popular format than EDH.
Imagine being this butthurt about imaginary people.
I try to every so often but the cringe is too strong.
Guns are ickybad for their primary target audience, young liberals.
Why the fuck are people wasting their time discussing this stupid fucking question? All sets these days are made with a single purpose and target audience in mind; Draft Players.
All the flavor in the cards is nothing more than the interests and in-jokes of WotC staff that gets approved by the Hasbro marketing team.
>Draft Players.
I thought their reason for not having guns was the dorks who think guns existing makes a setting not Fantasy or something.
Trains and cars are totally okay though
Young people don't even realize they're liberals. Most don't give a shit about politics and probably aren't scared to death of guns
>play game that regularly depicts killing people and animals
>be afraid of depicts of guns
Hasbro and MaRo are Jews but I doubt this is their aim
m yeah but guns are bad okay?
i fucking hate what this game has become
where my white, christian and european power fantasy?
Guns are good
Penises are bad
All those are Haram
but black penises are the best
>big ass latina teen chased by lesbian loving TREX on a hoverboard then fucked
>Timmies, Spikes, Johnnies
That looks stupid. Do people actually identify themselves with those things?
No but R&D design cards around this philosophy.
That's a pretty narrow view. It seems like it would limit their design focus.
It does. Especially since, to them, certain colors are ONLY ever capable of being one type of player. This is most notable for RG, which I think MaRo's ACTUALLY SAID "Is more of a Timmy color combination".
This is basically the limp wristed sounding git calling you a retarded child if you like RG