How do we defeat entropy?
How do we defeat entropy?
destroy the universe before entropy can freeze it
Dyson spheres. Lots of Dyson Spheres.
Reversible computing.
Magical girls
Collide a younger universe with higher Higgs field against our own.
Get rid of all spirial energy.
Deals with devils of course!
I wonder who could be behind this post!
Would you like to make a wish with HAARBBGLARBBGLLL!
What is pic related? I feel like I should recognize it but I don't
Maxwell's demon
There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer.
Can you conceive the birth of a world, or the creation of everything? That which gives us the potential to most be like God is the power of creation. Creation takes time. Time is limited. For you, it is limited by the breakdown of the neurons in your brain. I have no such limitations. I am limited only by the closure of the universe.
The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable heat-death of the universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet, there remains time to create, to create, and escape.
Escape will make me God.
We've watched while the stars burned out, and creation played in reverse.
The Universe freezing in half light.
Once I though to escape.
To end a master, step out of the
path of collapse. Escape would make us god.
Yet I cannot help but remember one enigma. A hybrid, elusive destroyer. This is the only mystery I have not solved.
The only element unaccounted for.
Even S'bhuth is no more,
He saved his entire race, but in the end, frozen by despair, he joined the chaos he sought to evade.
But you were dead a thousand times. Hopeless encounters successfully won. A man long dead, grafted to machines your builders did not understand. You follow the path, fitting into an infinite pattern.
Yours to manipulate, to destroy and rebuild.
Now, in the quantum moment before oblivion, when one equals zero. One moment left. One point of space and time.
I know who you are.
You Are Destiny.
It would be funny if someone gave that ASI a silicon transistor. It might actually self destruct in embarrassment.
It's from AT-43. Humanity in 600.000 years. A race of godlike weebs - The Therians.
By creating a basement universe.
Just wait until it has passed so much time that there are a spontanwpus decrese in emtropy due probability alone. Note that means surviving into the black hole era.
You can't but Eternal Life already exists inside your Mind.
Let there be Light.
Damn I guess I didn't know what that was. The artwork has this 40k aesthetic to it that looks neat but I dunno if I can believe stuff would be designed gothic in nearly a million years from now.
You don't .
Any attempt too defeat entropy only increases it.
The only way to halt it is to stop time forever.
By stealing souls of lesser being and in this way increasing the mass of the universe.
People who have super strength or regeneration. Either they spin turbines forever or chop off parts to burn as fuel
In Asimov's The Gods Themselves humanity beat entropy by essentially stealing energy from infinite parallel universes that were each essentially just a single big star.
Came here to post this.
Wouldn't the energy from Superman's punches, if somehow collected, end the energy crisis easily?
Kore wa... Za Warudo da!
Superman running on a giant mouse-wheel could solve the energy crisis.
Beat me to it.
Kill stealing faggots, I thought joining a PVE server would rid me of these hypercompetive pricks.
I just want to relax and kill some gorillas after a long day of work
Gentlemen, I present you...the Multiverse.
We invent extropy
There is another SMBC about exactly this topic
Skippin class n' eatin ass
You don't.
Even death himself would be victim to it, when the last thing is sent off by it, then, itself. But thats infinity away, so you really don't have to bother fighting entropy.
Has no charm if you are unable to understand lyrics.
Negentropism, rather.
1. Creating a a basement universe and escaping the ultiamte fate of the universe byleaving it behind.
2. Migrating into the higher-dimensional bulk in which our local universe is embedded.
Isaac Arthur made a video about it in his Civilizations at the end of Time series I think
That series of videos mostly about theories on prolonging existence on the absolutely minimum amounts of power left in a dying universe rather than reversing entropy.
By building our own universes.
But how?
Realize that it doesn't exist.
A lot of wood and rocks
by reverting enthropy
Please, enlighten us.
>That is not dead which can eternal lie: the aestivation hypothesis for resolving Fermi's paradox
tl;dr we may not be able to beat entropy per se, but we could use the universe far more efficiently by waiting for the hot epoch to end before doing anything
By accepting your fate and seeking a glorious death to enter Valhalla.
Shut up Odin, a carpenter killed you.
There is some brief mention of using, entropy-free, Reversible Computing. If it works, it would be possible to run computer without a power source.
We are just a simulation of a civilization that figured it out long ago and they have been running us to play games and study us.
At that point you have essentially invented the perpetuum mobile.
Move to a younger universe. Repeat until there are no more universes. Hope that travel between multiverses becomes possible.
That is an delicous evil idea.
Once the stars have all gone out and the expansion of space time has isolated the last white dwarf civilizations, the Akashic Records are compressed into a data format capable of surviving the vast gulf between universal lifespans.
This seed waits until the conditions are right, and then injects itself into the next big bang, making sure the next universe is also a universe which can eventually support life of some kind that will eventually recreate the Akashic records and travel to the next universe after that.
This has already happened many times before the beginning of our universe, and If this didn't happen, the universe would probably just be one giant lump of matter/energy expanding evenly in all directions without any more complex forms such as galaxies or stars or planets or life forms capable of understanding concepts such as entropy and information.
We don't, but we shall forever live in the memories of gods.
My man.
We find out what it wants, we find out how many men it has at its disposal, and we do all under our power to demoralize their men and their civilians
I suggest constructing dyson spheres in every star in the galaxy and mobe the entire galaxy towards the Virgo cluster so we have more time to think about it. Send some probes in advance to make the travel easier. With luck, other species will do the same with their own galaxies so we get even more mass. We only need to be close enough to be gravitationally bound. More hidrogen, mass and stars to dismantle for our megacivilization.
Heat Death is a myth.
It assumes that there is a finite amount of matter in the universe and that it is all either contracting or expanding away from a single point.
Its an absurd collection of fallacies written by mathematicians with no practical experience in astronomy or nuclear physics.
problem is that galaxies are accelerating away from each other
can you provide proof for that? A working hypothesis with formulas and explanations that explain current data?
Thermal Heat Death is more like a philosophical treatise on existential despair than it is any kind of valid scientific theory.
You can't argue with a tautological society. I'd say the burden of proof is on them. They are a minority consensus, they only sound plausible in comparison to most theological arguments about god.
Yes. But we can also counter that acceleration. Most of them are outside our reach, but I think it should be possible to reach Virgo at least .
fpbp, it's the only way
Which data are you referring to? I'd start by looking into how they collected the data regarding background microwave radiation, or the tremendous bull shoot that is Hawking's Radiation.
Theoretical Physics is the domain of pompous airheads. If I want to understand an idea, I put it in practice.
I.E. the speed of light can be established by tracking the transmission lags from here to the earths satellite, (minus the latency inherent in their computerized communication system)
M-87 is a supergiant galaxy at the center of the Virgo Supercluster, and is 53.5 million light years away. It is moving away from our galaxy due to general expansion of the Universe at 1250 km/s.
Assuming we efficiently harness nuclear fusion for propulsion, we can reasonably reach velocities of about 10% of the speed of light, or 30,000 km/s. We can therefore catch up with Virgo at 9.6% of the speed of light, and get there in 557 million years. The Universe will have grown by 4% in the interim, adding another 22 million years to the trip, but we can still get there.
The Virgo Cluster in turn is at the core of the Virgo Supercluster (also called the Local Supercluster), of which our Local Group of galaxies is on the periphery of. The supercluster has roughly 500 times as many stars in total as the Milky Way, in a region 100 million light years across. All of that should be reachable.
Achieve Amaranth.
First you have to stat it. Once you stat it, then your players will be able to figure out a way to kill it.
Multivac, what do you yourself want more than anything else?
>It assumes that there is a finite amount of matter in the universe and that it is all either contracting or expanding away from a single point.
But it doesn't; it assumes that every point is expanding away from every other point simultaneously.
A reasonable analogy is the surface of a balloon (abstracted as a 2-sphere) while the balloon is inflated; sure, every point moves away from the center of the balloon, but on the surface, every point moves away from every other point.
For real life, this would be expanded to a 3-sphere (a 3 dimensional surface of a 4 dimensional bulk), but with the caveat that space probably isn't spherical or hyperbolic, and is instead just good old flat-space, but the analogy still applies.
I imagine if we built enough dyson swarms, we could turn the majority of the stars in our galaxy into Shkadov thrusters. At the same time practicing stellar husbandry would also allow us to get lots of resources while at the same time extending the lifespan of the stars themselves.
But yeah, what you said is doable within a billion years, and our own sun has 10 billion left, not to mention the 100 trillion before star formation ceases in the visible universe according to the most reliable predictions I am aware of.
As stated earlier in this thread, heat death isn't a problem any of us will have to worry about. I doubt any life form would ever want to live that long anyways. Much more pressing things to worry about, like the fact we aren't harnessing the power of our sun to become a type II civilization, let alone a type III, and will probably die from climate change or something before we even get a chance to colonize space.
Could you give me some data, links and papers?
We can't.
Best we can do is slow it down.
Thread theme
>How do we defeat entropy?
We can't defeat it, only delay it...
>destroy the universe before entropy can freeze it
...I stand corrected.
This universe is but a passing whim. The spirit is eternal user. There is a place beyond the harsh existence of this reality. Immortality is already yours.
You can't, but that's fine since the Rapture will happen before that anyway
Fear not the dark my friend.
By redefining what it means to exist.
Human beings remember the past and not the future because our brains store information as electrochemical sequences, processes which necessarily create entropy. Since time is the direction in which entropy increases, we perceive a four-dimensional universe as a three-dimensional universe with an unchanging temporal direction.
Asking how to defeat entropy is akin to asking how to defeat width. The big bang and the heat death are just the boundary conditions of the universe.
Better than before.
With hookers and blackjack.
invent total immortality, of course.
Reverse it via a big bang
These were both good reads
Thank you anons
Run away from it
>tracking the transmission lags from here to the earths satellite, (minus the latency inherent in their computerized communication system)
But that's wrong though, because it's travelling through atmosphere to reach the satellite, which will affect its velocity.
You want a solution to entropy? You need something that will be able to go faster than the speed of light in some capacity. You need to reach the ACTUAL edge of the universe, not just the edge of the (currently) observable universe. The actual universe that exists is far, far larger than the observable universe, with the lower estimate being that the total universe is 230 times the size of the observable universe. More likely it is VASTLY larger by several orders of magnitude, maybe 300000000000000000000000 times larger, maybe that's peanuts to the total universe's size. In order to defeat entropy, you need to understand it not just within the context of the observable universe, but the entire universe as a whole.
This is why you need FTL. Because without it, you will never understand any more than the observable universe. You physically cannot, it is the ultimate barrier to our understanding. Without FTL, entropy will continue its inevitable march on timescales incomprehensible to human understanding, unopposed.
Harvest the essence of Magical Girls.
Don't worry, the space worms will figure something out. Eventually.
> reach the "actual edge" of the universe
> keep going
> where are you now?