Why are Salamanders so popular?
Why are Salamanders so popular?
No there not.
They probably ended up, by pure luck, as slightly less retarded than the rest in the BL novels.
They're rather nice, which is quite the oddity in 40k, so naturally a lot of people are drawn to them.
I'm gonna say cause of pleasing aesthetics and fire
They use hammers, its called warhammer. Basically science.
Don't actually think they're very popular compared to many other marines though. Easiest current data set to look at would be the global campaign, compare to other marine chapters, chaos, xenos, etc. Also depends on if you're counting 30K or not.
>what are white scars
Bro as fuck fire worshipers.
What is there not to like?
Seriously, Ultramarines control the media and somehow can't wank themselves to being more liked than genuine good guys.
IRL I'd say that in 40k, the popularity is:
>Blood Angels
>Space Wolves
>Dark Angels
>Grey Knights
>Black Templars
>Imperial Fists
>Iron Hands
>White Scars
>Raven Guard
>Iron Hands
>Anything but the bottom
>all those people.
>Only 165 got the right answer.
>everyone in the poll voted Alpha Legion, they just didn't know it
>when you fight with your best friend about which Space Marine chapter is best
Green is a nice colour.
Because they are the only chapter with a primarch that canonically isn't a virgin
> Emperors Children at dead fucking last
I was wrong about you fuckers. I still have some faith in you.
What's wrong with the Emperor's Children?
Slaanesh overhype.
The poll is from reddit
>IH and WB bottom
as expected
>EC that low and Fists that high
What do people have against the Iron Hands? I think they're pretty cool.
Like the WS and RG, they mostly fall into the "rather boring color scheme and underwhelming lore" pit.
>The poll is from reddit
explains a lot, really
Being the founding chapter that is, by our standards, the most well adjusted and least assholeish is part of why they are popular.
What the fuck is a Salamder? An elite saracen fighting force?
Because they are not assholes towards normal humans. Like Space Wolves but less furry
It is not holding anything against them. It is pure apathy and not not caring about them at all. As with WBs
>love fire weapons
>love hammers
>love green
>super white
Go swimming the next time there's an oil spill.
Honestly, the only thing stopping me from playing them is their rules. I should be able to take ONLY FLAMERS AND HAMMERS, but no, that would be too fun for GW.
>Why are Salamanders so popular?
>iron hands, iron warriors and the emperors children so low
graph is a shit
iron hands are cool, they just arent really popular.
They are the good guys.
> bros
> Aren't the annoying golden children always paraded around
> bright green
> lizards are cool
> squish dark eldar sadists like grapes with hammers
>build shit and tote giant industrial grade flamethrowers
>awesome as fuck power armor with horns on the shoulder pad while not being CSM
>dragon tooth necklace
>chapter serf to carry skateboard
That guy has it made
Just take nothing but Company Veterans, Assault Terminators, and Aggressors. Nothing but flamers and hammers as far as the eye can see.
Because they're cute, user. CUTE!
Axolotls are cute
I've seen a lot of iron hands armies. Easy to paint and can include a diverse unit list mostly
Generally pretty nice but don't have anything as controversial as the Burning of Prospero in their backstory
Huh, thanks. I had never considered aggressors before, totally forgot they can run heavy flamers, as I only see them with the bolters.
>Imperial Fists
>Thousand Sons
>Blood Angels
>Space Wolves
This checks out as top 5.
>Thousand Sons in top 3
>Space Wolves take the 5 spot
>only primarch that is not a virgin
>not fulgrim
Aren't Salamanders so black that it goes beyond what is naturally possible for human skin regardless of their skin color before becoming Salamanders? I mean, I don't dislike the concept but...why?
Where is this from? The HHG strawpoll shows very different results.
Their home planet of Prometheus mutated the geneseed of Vulkan making him and his sons have the mutation, it also provides an above average protection to heat and fire.
Green is a damn nice colour. I mean if for some reason you can't play orks then the next best thing is green marines I suppose.
>bro-tier as fuck, will actually get into physical fights with other chapters if they intentionally sacrifice civilians uneededly
>self sufficient when it comes to crafting and maintaining their own weapons
>more fire
>all of the fire
>genuinely seem to care about average blokes
What's not to like? A Salamander is the type of space marine that would willingly hold up several tons of rubble on their backs for a week straight with failing power armor if it meant saving a handful of children. It doesn't matter that the armor has enough juice to get him out at the cost of the kids, it doesn't matter that he got most of their organs (redundant or otherwise) pulverized by a warboss earlier in the day and is running on sheer faith and stubborness alone, it doesn't even matter when rescue comes and he's told that there's no way to get both him and the kids out in time. If those children are servants of Big E then he's going to make damn well sure that they get out and tell the others to dig him up to collect his geneseed when the dust has settled. Not all chapters are so down to earth.
see this is what I love and hate about them. they try to be good in reality that is dark grey. yes it is good he saved a couple of kids, but if he got back in the fight he could kill more enemies and save hundred of kids.
cause they're black
Being such a hardcore blacksmith basically charred the primarchs skin since he tempered metal in VOLCANOS.
there is also a magical property to taking in a gene seed. There is a psychic link and a powerful physical connection they have, hence why a regular space marine will develop the pigmentation
An example of this is during the horus heresy when sanguinis was murdered, gave every blood angel the feeling of suffering indescribable to words. Every BA simultaneously went berserk which was later dubbed "the black rage" or something.
The Blood Angels were going berserk during intense battles before Sanguinius died (gene-seed mutation), but the Black Rage made it so they sometimes don't come back to normal. It also makes it so they literally picture themselves as Sanguinius, fighting Horus in the last moments of his life.