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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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What happened during the two Umineko gauntlets?
Did you take anyone there as a Companion?
>Kamen Rider Batman
So... What would the Joker be in this tale?
An enemy of justice!
Dead. Kamen riders take no prisoners.
Umineko ended up having a long-term impact on Decade's chain, all from his choice of companion: Erika Furudo, the Great Detective. Decade's bizarre choice led to getting Bernkastel's full attention for several jumps later, and this ended up having consequences for everyone and everything.
Currently, I don't plan on jumping Umineko again just because of how much of a role it had in my last chain. For Nameless' stuff, anyways.
We have perks that alter the "tone" of a universe and lots of jumpers that operate on the logic that universes don't have narrative enforcement. So, has anyone done both and how did that work?
I'd like to think he would have some version darker of the OOOs Belt using Core Medals. Think about it. The costume is brightly colored and they feed of desire. It's all but made for Joker.
Evil omnicidal Kamen Rider?
Aren't all the characters rape victims who are at the same time super unlikeable sociopaths?
How could he be anything else but the Joker Dopant?
Because the man that uses the Joker memory is a softboiled friend
Hi /jc/ here's the pastebin with all the Genesis jump perks except the angel origin (because I still don't know how to separate the different kinds of angels) and one of the 600cp because I noticed a few problems with it, also the grammar might be kind of wonky. pastebin.com
Speaking about the human origin I will probably change the description on the 600 cp perk because I wrote it on a lunch break and I am not happy with how it turned out. The other perk was going to be about how Jacob wrestled God till he gave him a blessing and would give you the ability to fight things more powerful than you to a standstill, it felt a little too OP so I am still trying to see how can I balance that. I also wasn't too happy with the "twenty pieces of silver" perk because I didn't really know what to do with it, so I may change it in the future. lastly I'm on my phone so I will probably reply to all the replies in about 2-3 hours when I get back home. Suggestions, corrections and shitposts are encouraged.
Because the obvious route is not always the best one.
It depends if Joker is a monster... well Batman's one rule doesn't apply to non-humans. If he is an evil Kamen Rider... expect the normal relationship of capture, jail and escape to murder some more to be captured again..
How do you build up the motivation to write jumps? It feels like, what's the point?
Like make new ones or write your experience in jump?
The way I see it, "tone" is the narrative equivalent of physics: if X happens then Y will likely happens as a consequence. Whereas narrative enforcement would be contrived fate bullshit - no matter what happens with X, Y will inevitably happens.
>Aren't all the characters rape victims
Not really, though there's plenty of familial abuse and neglect all around.
>super unlikeable sociopaths
The magic side often magnifies the worst aspects of the character's personality because it's about the narrative of a person who despises them. The family is very fucked up, but not as much as what taking the gruesome witch murders at face value would have you conclude.
>how Jacob wrestled God till he gave him a blessing
I... what? That's a thing? It sounds hilarious.
The point is generally one of a few things? Maybe because you just like writing them, maybe you want to jump it yourself, or maybe you want to make it for someone else.
Bad judgement, hype, and a sense of masochism.
Well the jump has it at face value, you know. So that's the canon version of these people.
Origin: Drop-In
Age: 17
Location: Farmhouse/Derse
Title: The Maid of Heart
Perks: 1000
Heir Conditioning (Free)
Man Grit (100)
EctoBiologist (200)
Heir Transparent (300)
God Tier (400)
Stuff: 0
Sylladex, Fetch Modus, Strife Specibus - Hammers (Free)
Alchemy Machines (Free)
Symbol Shirt (Free)
Collection of Really Terrible Movies (Free)
Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Text (Free)
Multiplayer - Vera and two people who are staying (Free)
Vera - Harley. Heir of Hope, Dream Jumper, Weird Time Shit, Alchemization, A Taste for Adventure. Strife Specibus - Swords
Being tasked with creating a new universe was a bit of a surprise. Me and my wife were separate at the start and had to pull some crazy shit to get into the game.
It was both easier and harder than expected, easier because I expected loads of problems to start showing up, harder because my goodness everything is super complicated. I mean, I got used to it, mostly by just ignoring the fact I shouldn't be used to it. But, oh well.
There were two other players, a Space and Time player, I cloned us in the past and ensured our existence...
I had an odd feeling that everything could have gone super horrible and we very easily could have died horribly.
What is asking. What do you mean?
Rolled 1 (1d8)
Now with both of our heroes finally able to stand equal to each other as Gods, where shall their paths take them next?
1. Lovecraft
2. Digimon
3. Custom Robo
4. Enter the Gungeon
5. Dark Souls
6. Dog Days
7. A Super Mario Thing
8. Kid Radd
Queue: Need one or two for the future.
I sleep a lot
>I... what? That's a thing? It sounds hilarious.
He fought with an unseen presence for an entire night. That presence is implied to be the G-man Himself, though some interpretations put it as "just" an angel.
Jacob was renamed as a result: "Wrestled with God", Israel.
>And God saith unto Jacob, "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!" But he could not, for God was hitting him with his own hand.
I wanted to namefag
>God is a bully
That explains a lot.
So what epic crossover battles have you helped create. Maybe you helped but the main fighters were two other people of note.
One big battle of my chain was Gender Bent Dr. Doom vs. Gilgamesh. It ended in a draw because I cheated. However for a while it was an equal battle until Gil went for Ea.
>Making Jumps
Usually the setting itself helps me ramp up the motivation to make the Jump. Often it's because I'm attached to the characters, but sometimes it's just because the game was truly awesome or I'm looking at it through nostalgia goggles.
Seeing people actually Jump my Jumps and write about them provides a lot of inspiration too. I know I do a lot of "Off Broadway" properties, but I still like knowing people are enjoying what I'm creating. Even when people take a setting and completely twist it apart, I enjoy reading about it. Both help my work ethic out a lot. And it is also the answer as to why I do it.
>Writing about the Chain
I do it for myself. Writing is my hobby, like some people paint or draw or garden or whatever. So I don't need to build up a bunch of motivation to make myself do it. I /want/ to do it. I think about what could happen next, what might happen next, what definitely won't happen next. I run character interactions through my head whenever I'm bored, even if they never make it to paper. Ask me about any Jump in my Chain and I could whip out a story that never made it to page as fast as I could type it.
It's not work, it's a passion.
It was more like
God: All right your hip is broken, let me go now
Jacob: I won't let you go until you bless me
Jacob was quite the motherfucker, he made his brother give him his Birthright by tempting him with food when he was starving.
Mahou Sensei Negima
Imago Dei could be 1000cp I feel like. It doesn't seem much stronger than just making a bunch of children does it?
Well, Israel is literally named after him.
Mine was Dr. Doom vs Scion (of Worm.)
It looked like Scion was going to win, though not effortlessly, until it was revealed that Doom was using a bot as a distraction while he prepared the real method. After that it was one-sided.
Having an excuse to send my little dumbasses to my favourite settings.
Hey, did you claim TAZ in the IRC at some point? Nika mentioned it and I wanted to verify.
>Imago Dei
Hm. What does "in your image and likeness" actually mean? Human by default, or whatever altform you're in at the time?
>The Lightbringer
Does it actually make you beautiful, or just cause people to think you are and ignore anything to the contrary?
I'd personally like there to be an expanded perk in the same vein as Abrahamic Covenant, to help actually populating/repopulating an entire world like Adam&Eve and Noah managed. Maybe something to have a benefit like that passed through the generations?
>populating/repopulating an entire world like Adam&Eve and Noah managed
I like that, being the progenitor of all humanity sounds rad (and biblical.)
And incestuous.
No, I never did. I haven't even listened to it at all. It just came up as a list of possible properties for making more Dungeons and Dragons Jumps in one conversion. If you're interested, go for it. Always glad to see more possible D&D in the offing.
Did anyone ever hear from EberronAnon again? I was looking forward to that but I just realized it's been a while since they've posted.
Well, there were a few good ones in the Restarted!Chain.
>Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) vs Leviathan (Worm)
This turned out to be a showdown of hydrokinetic powers on a scale that proved to be difficult for me to imagine until I watched it. Neither had the greatest fine control of their powers, but their raw power was just about equal. That got her classification bumped up in a damn hurry.
>Raven (Teen Titans) vs Akane (Ranma 1/2) vs Shampoo (Ranma 1/2)
Don't ask me what started this fight because I just came home to this madness wrecking the entire backyard before spilling out into the street. But holy crap was it fun to watch. Raven didn't go entirely all out, of course, but her martial arts were no slouch after taking Weirdly Specific Martial Arts - Bookwork. Which was mainly hitting people with and throwing books, but she could pull off a few cool tricks like throwing pages as sharp as throwing stars and bookmarks hard enough to dent concrete.
Those are the only two I can think of off the top of my head that seem particularly noteworthy and interesting that didn't get a lot of screen time.
What type of attention are we going to get from the main fractions as a Drop-In, assuming not many powers shown, and no plots derailed? I want to make sure that (as a drop-in) the jumper doesn't immediately get smote for their "not supposed to be here"-ness.
>>Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) vs Leviathan (Worm)
>Neither had the greatest fine control of their powers, but their raw power was just about equal.
I imagine Lapis didn't have too much of a hard time, though, given that in addition to controlling water she also has either the power to create and destroy it or to store it away extradimensionally. I was never clear on which it was.
NiGHTS Into Dreams
I'm not good with time zones.
As far as I've ever been able to determine from the show, she can store limited amounts of it in her gem, but not very much. Only enough to make her wings or perform similar small tricks. Mostly she manipulates already present water.
The problem with her battle Leviathan, was that he could do more than just move water. Sure, it's his main deal but he's also a decent brute. (Keep in mind, I haven't actually read Worm, so I'm running off wiki knowledge and a few things suggested by the various thread conversations here.) So yeah, she had an easy time taking care of his hydrokinesis, she had help actually defeating him. Fenja and Menja ended up helping out a lot. Especially after I handed both of them Kamen Rider belts.
But Lapis did a LOT of the hard work for that fight and kept the death toll down to the lowest of any Endbringer attack that I could find mentioned.
Godzilla vs an Evangelion Angel. To explain, I took the power from Godzilla: The Series allowing me to use any kaiju as a base for my form, and I picked the G-Man himself. So, when Evangelion came around, I fought the Angels as Godzilla, using only his powers. Remiel and Zeruel were my most difficult fights, and I was nearly killed in both, and then Leliel...I just couldn't fight that thing at all. It was just not something I COULD fight. Arael and Armisael were also out of my reach, due Arael attacking from space and Armisael being thin and agile enough that I couldn't touch it. Godzilla's healing factor managed to push it out when it tried to possess me though, so at least I had that.
The Nameless One. The Edgeless Blade. The God of War. On paper, that probably sounded like an unstoppable team, great and powerful legends that formed a triad that could overcome all who tried to fight them. In reality…
"Oi, Sho! Have you been hogging all of the alcohol again?!" The short Captain Rosewater accused the wanderer.
"What do you mean 'again'? No one drinks as much as you and our fearless leader, anyways." Sho protested, holding up a hand defensively.
"Then why do you have so many empty bottles around, anyways?!"
"Because you both hate cleaning the Warehouse, anyways. Anyways, stop blaming me over this sort of thing!"
It was really just a nameless wanderer, a mysterious pseudo-pacifist of a ronin, and a chuunibiyou pirate Captain. They had been brought together by fate and misfortune, but had steadily grown used to each other's presence. Indeed, Nameless worried they had become too comfortable with their circumstances. Perhaps only he grasped the gravity of how long this cycle of Samsara might be going on. All without hope of ever seeing home again. Why was he the only one so bothered by this…?
Nameless had quietly moved to his own little corner, with Fluff the Jolteon standing next to him as he lit a few incense sticks and made small wooden markers. It had been nearly one-hundred years, and their next departure was but a week away. He got down onto his knees and clasped his hands together as he murmured a soft prayer for the departed and the fallen.How stupid. He must know that there's someone or something beyond his control taking him this far away from home, far away from where they supposedly wanted to be. Unknown to him, not a moment has passed since he left those worlds in their entirety. They will be the same as he left him, but he will be a changed and increasingly ageless being. As far as he may be concerned, those he loved and 'mourns' may as well have died once he was pulled further along.
How did you convince her to become a Companion? Doesn't she just want to be left alone?
It may seem cruel and petty, but this is part of a bet, after all. And I won't be satisfied until one of us eventually yields. Yes…I may be keeping him here like this forever, if neither of us surrender.
I wonder if he remembers me…?
>As far as I've ever been able to determine from the show, she can store limited amounts of it in her gem, but not very much.
She stored away almost the entirety of Earth's oceans. That water pillar was nowhere near big enough to account for all the water that disappeared. Either she can store away billions of gallons of water, or she can create and destroy billions of gallons of water. Either way, gonna be a big advantage against another hydrokinetic. I mean yes, Leviathan can create his own water, but it doesn't seem to be very much water given that even when he was fighting Scion (and therefore presumably not jobbing), he didn't have a huge amount out.
now that i've read all of "kill 6 billion demons" i have to say...pretty gay. Cool worldbuilding and all, but just insufferable characters and lazy character development.
i can't wait to jump there and literally kill every single one
Can someone please explain how Laws work in xianxia? They dont seem to mean like normal laws and I dont really understand them.
Wait, who is that? I get that it's the Benefactor, but why is Ridley user freaking out?
It's not Yuki, is it?
Location: Miskatonic Region
Age: 36
Origin: Drop-In
Perks: 400
Purple Prose (Free)
Distinguished (100)
Son of Old Man Henderson (300)
Stuff: 700
Pet Monster - Vera (400)
Direct CP Transfer to Vera (200)
Impossible Dye (100)
Drawbacks: +100
Weirdness Magnet (+100)
Vera: Inhuman - Shoggoth, Fearsome Visage, FEAST.
Vera wasn't entirely happy about being a glorified Amoeba, at the very least she knew it wasn't my fault, at least, not entirely.
Anyways, I was in a better position then most to deal with the Eldritch Things of this universe after my trials in SBURB, and Vera being literally made of Hope even as a Shoggoth made her drive people sane as a consequence because of how it interacted with her ability to drive people mad. So she kind of hid under Arkham and poked at the people trapped inside, sneakily managing to drive people sane. Sort of as a hobby really.
In other news, I was consistently knocking out cults and other spooks. My new shotgun and Hawaiian shirt going well with the job.
God damn it, NuBee, make the drop-in option explicit.
Otherwise, I'm really impressed by the work on Dark Souls 1 so far.
No idea.
Nope, not Yuki or anyone related to Destroyer of Worlds. They're a bit too mean to be Yuki, as someone pointed out.
Rolled 7 (1d8)
No leaving a realm of apathetic Gods and maddening beasts, with both of our number grabbing a spark of madness if different from each other. Where will our hero's ship dock next?
1. Mahou Sensei Negima
2. Digimon
3. Custom Robo
4. Enter the Gungeon
5. Dark Souls
6. Dog Days
7. A Super Mario Thing
8. Kid Radd
Queue: NIGHTS into dreams
The Favorite Child and Rage of Nephilim are closer in effectiveness and power to the 400 cp perks than the other 600 cp perks.
WMG: The benefactor is the other Eldrazi Fragment.
Its kind of like this in most xias I know, a law is kind of like a platonic ideal the law of fire for example IS fire, and by understanding it you gain control over it. More specific things are generally easier to grasp the laws of, for example the law of frozen snow slowly melting into a stream would require you to k ow everything there is to k ow about frozen snow slowly melting into a stream however once you did know everything it would be completely within your control, kinda like a long winded true name.
Now as you can probably guess this is harder to do for very broad topics which is why you would often try to find 1 law and then build from there slowly grasping more laws. For instance you would be hard pressed to learn literally everything there is to know about fire, but once you did wow thats a lot of fire.
Do companion imports in Prillya get their origin free?
Not really. She's just disconnected from the world in the beginning. She's been trapped in that mirror for a staggering amount of time and was broken for a good chunk of that. Really, she just needs someone to connect with, and a little therapy after being fused with Jasper for so long.
A few befriending perks didn't hurt either, but mostly it turned out we were broken in pretty similar ways. And Lapis latched onto that. Basically I became her Peridot instead of Peridot.
I think you might be overestimating her abilities just a little bit. She's good, but not "stopping an Endbringer single handedly" good. And she certainly can't store that much water. She didn't suck up /all/ the Earth's oceans, just the one she was nearest to.
excessive spoilers is a little obnoxious
(Same Poster)
This random idea was based entirely on the fact that the provided picture of the "benefactor?" has purple eyes, just like Heaven's previous eldrazi fragment benefactor.
>I think you might be overestimating her abilities just a little bit. She's good, but not "stopping an Endbringer single handedly" good. And she certainly can't store that much water. She didn't suck up /all/ the Earth's oceans, just the one she was nearest to.
Oh, sure, not stop him singlehandedly. Even without water he's still a hyper-dense speedster, plenty of damage he can do. But she definitely can store at least enough water that Leviathan would have to rely entirely on his water echo to supply his powers. Even if I'm remembering wrong and she only sucked up one ocean, that just changes the height that water pillar would have to be to account for it all from "reaching all the way to Saturn" to "reaching all the way to Mars". It's clearly not that high, so she did something else with the water.
On that first point, I totally agree, which was why Fenja and Menja had to step in to deal with the hyper-dense speedster side of things.
As for her powers, we might just have to agree to disagree. There's been all sorts of theories about that Tower scene but I don't think applying hard math to it really gets anywhere near the answer of her actual power level. I don't think she was storing the extra water so much as sucking it all of it she could handle. She was cracked at the time, so I expect she's stronger than even that scene would suggest, but I'd still argue against her being able to store anywhere near that amount of water because I don't see it anywhere else in the series.
In case you (or anyone) is interested, have 39 pages of slightly rambling writing about from Restarted!Chain during Steven Universe.
Jumpers! What is your go-to pickup routine?
I'm at least moderately sure Fenja and Menja wouldn't be able to make up that difference.
is this in reference to generic xianxia, 'Generic Xianxia' or 'A tale of Demons and Gods'? also, the laws are basically their concept. The Law of Time is the very concept of time etc etc. by studying and understanding them, some xianxia let the person gain a measure of control over them.
> I don't think she was storing the extra water so much as sucking it all of it she could handle. She was cracked at the time, so I expect she's stronger than even that scene would suggest, but I'd still argue against her being able to store anywhere near that amount of water because I don't see it anywhere else in the series.
Storing it, moving it away to somewhere we couldn't see, either way my point is that she can get Leviathan away from water pretty easily. I'm sure that was a big advantage.
>In case you (or anyone) is interested, have 39 pages of slightly rambling writing about from Restarted!Chain during Steven Universe.
Neat. I'll give it a look when I get the chance, I'm phoneposting right now.
They actually did fight Leviathan to a stand-still for a while, though Fenja died in the process.
But again, I gave them both Kamen Rider belts. Which are pretty potent strength and durability boosters in their own right.
I just show up.
Ayy bby u wan sum fuk??
Finding a point helps if you involve thread in as little a way as possible.
Usually by just dumping a jump's draft, getting feedback (if they deem you "worthy" of said feedback), and then dumping the finished product.
If anything, you make jumps for yourself and a few friends you make here and there. Either that or make jumps purely for yourself.
You mean Kamen Rider Ouja from Ryuki?
I don't have one. I'm one of those seemingly-rare jumpers that practices monogamy. Aside from cheesy joke pickup lines directed at SHODAN (not the one you're thinking of, the one from the Space Station 13 jump), I don't have any, and I like to vary the ones I use on her so my jokes don't get stale. They do tend to have a lot of terrible computer puns, though. Asking her if she wants to go on a hard drive, telling her that for her SCSI be pronounced "sexy" instead of "scuzzy", things like that. She hates them. But the jump says her personality is tsundere, so I've got to give her something to be calling me baka over.
Generic xianxia mainly, I was thinking warlock in magus world specifically
Post me ya builds for Fire Emblem Heroes, /jc/.
Nah. W's Joker is more based on the idea of the "trump card," which the hero always has up his sleeve.
I thought it was that it was the most balanced combat style, able to adapt to any situation and therefore a "wild card". But I was actually just making a bad pun.
Those people don't look that heroic all ganging up on her.
Sometimes a gangbang is the most heroic resolution you can undertake, user.
You'd best be laughing then when she disintegrates them all because they're summons.
So Destiny 2 just came out are we going to get an update?
I couldn't really care less. My luck perks will probably secure a relationship if I can ever be bothered with one, but as it stands I'm too busy rethinking my entire worldview.
This should be the edition for the next thread, also did that Drunken peasants jump got accepted?
Obviously she is the hero here.
Eh normal dude playing mind games with a superhuman awesome dude and then at the end he pulls this.
I think people were fine with it, I don't think it was ever UPLOADED.
So can I make a Metour/Internet Aristocrat jump?
To accomplish something. I also wanted to jump a setting and also share it with others so I made a jump for it.
Admittedly I'm probably going to make 2 or 3 private jumps based on original settings that I'm going to keep to myself.
I'm thinking on companioning Bern. I don't know if I want to bring Lamba, since I don't have that much points.
What to do.
How early is it feasible to jump Problem Sleuth? So far this chain, the most powerful thing I've got is Starborn (Narnia).
I mean.
You can try? And people will prolly be fine with it?
You’re A Natural! - Free
You’re Such A Curious One (Discount Drop-In) - 100
Summoning Specialization (Discount Drop-In) - 150
The Lodestar (Discount Drop-In) - 300
Master of Tactics - 300
Title - Free
Specialization - Free
Rain of Swords - 50
Sleepy Mentor (Discount Drop-In) - 50
Adoring Fan - 100
Noble Captain - 100
Loyal Retainer - 100
Together We Ride (Sharena) - 200
Fat Owl Friend - Free
Stamina Potions - 50
Fire Emblem Games - Free
Breidablik (Discount Drop-In) - 150
Chronology of Jumper - 50
Band of Maids - 100
Band of Maids - 100
Summoned by Breidablik + 0
Echoes of History + 0
You Killed Me + 200
Anna’s Good Pal + 100
Struggling Together + 200
Lunatic Mode + 200
Past Enemy Summons + 200
Have you bullied your worm today?
Way ahead of you