Conan setting > LOTR setting > GOT setting
Conan setting > LOTR setting > GOT setting
Conan setting > GOT setting > LOTR setting, but we can agree Conan is best in life.
yes, correct lineup right there
>Not Conan/LOTR setting
>> GOT setting
I can agree on that.
objectively wrong.
>Conan setting = LOTR setting = GOT setting
Dragon Ball Z setting > > > > > > > > > > mountian of shit > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Conan setting > LOTR setting > GOT setting
Nah we do it real, anonbro.
>original in any way
its like LOTR but with RAPE and long talks about TAXES. Very adult.
>GOT over LOTR
Your pitiful settings wouldn't exist if it weren't for The Bard of our time. You disgust me past disgusted.
Honestly, the Conan setting itself is pretty damn boring. The stories were great, but the setting wasn't its strong suit.
>Conan, an older property by far, owes its existence to LotR
You fucking plebian.
Conan setting > LotR setting >>>>>> shit >>>>> getting a blowjob from your own father >>>>>> GoT
Where does Moorcocks Elric fit in with you guys?
But Thingol looked in silence upon Lúthien; and he thought in his heart: 'Unhappy Men, children of little lords and brief kings, shall such as these lay hands on you, and yet live?' Then breaking the silence he said: 'I see the ring, son of Barahir, and I perceive that you are proud, and deem yourself mighty. But a father's deeds, even had his service been rendered to me, avail not to win the the daughter of Thingol and Melian. See now! I too desire a treasure that is withheld. For rock and steel and the fires of Morgoth keep the jewel that I would possess against all the powers of the Elf-kingdoms. Yet I hear you say that bonds such as these do not daunt you. Go your way therefore! Bring to me in your hand a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown; and then, if she will, Lúthien may set her hand in yours. Then you shall have my jewel; and though the fate of Arda lie within the Silmarils, yet you shall hold me generous.'
Thus he wrought the doom of Doriath, and was ensnared within the curse of Mandos. And those that heard these words perceived that Thingol would save his oath, and yet send Beren to his death; for they know that not all the power of the Noldor, before the Siege was broken, had availed even to see from afar the shining Silmarils of Feanor. For they were set in the Iron Crown, and treasured in Angband above all wealth; and Balrogs were about them, and countless swords, and strong bars, and unassailable walls, and the dark majesty of Morgoth.
But Beren laughed. 'For little price,' he said, 'do Elven-kings sell their daughters: for gems, and things made by craft. But if this be your will, Thingol, I will perform it. And when we meet again my hand shall hold a Silmaril from the Iron Crown; for you have not looked the last upon Beren son of Barahir.
Even in that dark hour Beren and Lúthien returned, hastening from the west, and the news of their coming went before them like a sound of music borne by the wind into dark houses where men sit sorrowful. They came at last to the gates of Menegroth, and a great host followed them. Then Beren led Lúthien before the throne of Thingol her father; and he looked in wonder upon Beren, whom he had thought dead; but he loved him not, because of the woes that he had brought upon Doriath. But Beren knelt before him, and said: 'I return according to my word. I am come now to claim my own.' And Thingol answered: 'What of your quest, and of your vow?' But Beren said: 'It is fulfilled. Even now a Silmaril is in my hand.' Then Thingol said: 'Show it to me!' And Beren put forth his left hand, slowly opening its fingers; but it was empty. Then he held up his right arm; and from that hour he named himself Camlost, the Empty-handed.
Are we talking about the literary or cinematic setting?
Why is your dad so bad at blowjobs?
Technically, since Conan's setting and LotR setting are both antediluvian Earth, Conan setting == LotR setting.
But, yes, Earth >> Planetos as a setting.
I respect your opinion, though I disagree.
sigh... this is why roleplaying sucks as a hobby. Only bottom dwelling nerds play it and so precious few of them have any social skills to appreciate intrigue, politics, and influence. The few that do are people who got rich by doing so and therefore have time to play RPGs.
But even I can't disagree. Conan is excellent. And furthermore is correct, so it has legacy status as the progenitor of modern fantasy as well.
You're a fine gentleman user. Though, placing LOTR at the bottom I consider to be by no means an insult. That trio is miles above most other settings.
I will admit I am voting only for the GoT setting. I like the backdrop. I am not happy with where the story has gone in the last few books. I preferred it low magic and more grounded in base politicking and interpersonal woes. It's a lot less a 'Game of Thrones' now and more a 'Forgotten Realms of Thrones'. And unto that I say 'meh'.
I dunno, I think "Broad strokes version of most pre-modern cultures" + "Cthulhu Mythos" is a pretty fun setting. It's true that Howard's world isn't super original or detailed, it's more of a broad back drop for thrilling action. Still, I think an Egyptian necromancer leading an alliance of Roman Centurions, Zulu warriors and Huns against a group of Medieval French Knights and their Anglo Saxon infantry allies is pretty fun.
Could Conan wear the ring?
It's fun, but kinda goofy. Which means it ultimately succeeded at what Howard designed it for (he just wanted to make money off his writing, there wasn't a deeper meaning to it) but it is still kinda goofy.
Above all.
Moorcock's multiverse> Conan setting > LOTR setting > GOT setting
You see me now a veteran....
>sigh... this is why roleplaying sucks as a hobby. Only bottom dwelling nerds play it and so precious few of them have any social skills to appreciate intrigue, politics, and influence. The few that do are people who got rich by doing so and therefore have time to play RPGs.
Oh god, tell me about it. The worst aspect of this hobby is the fanbase by far. Many are socially inept, utterly uncultured, and completely lacking in any sense of maturity.
As a setting, Moorcock's was legitimately imaginative and quite a bit of fun. But I feel nowadays it's hampered by the fact GW lifted so much shit out of it, leaving comparisons to Warhammer inevitable.
>Oh god, tell me about it. The worst aspect of this hobby is the fanbase by far. Many are socially inept, utterly uncultured, and completely lacking in any sense of maturity.
So, in other words....GoT fanbase..?
Of a thousand psychic wars?
True. But WH doesn't get "it".
I've been living on the edge so long.
Barsoom>Conan Setting>Elric Setting>Vance Post-Apocalypse SciFantasy Setting>>>>>>>Lotr Setting=GoT setting.
Behold, a game best played by imaginative AND socially intelligent people, for some reason never played by the socially intelligent.
Conan books a good read?
>True. But WH doesn't get "it".
It doesn't, but neither do most geeks. So you're going to get a bunch of clamorous cretins making Warhammer references the entire time.
An excellent read. Don't expect deeper themes, and don't expect character depth. The action is fast-paced, the subject matter is fun and weird.
Conan himself is a wankpile.
Conan > LotR > Power Gap > LotR Imitators > Power Gap > GoT
These are the true and honest facts.
That's why i'm dreading the inevitable Elric adaptation.
I challenge normies to fully grasp the tragic nature of City In the Autumn Stars.
>Compares Tolkien to The Bard
Uh... no. Tolkien invented a made up langeuage. Shakespeare coined 1700 new ENGLISH words, many of which are still in common use today. Shakespeare balanced dry informative dialogue with tension-relieving groundling scenes in nearly all of his works. Tolkien can only be bothered to break from the dry informative tone ever when he's writing for children (Hobbit.)
Tolkien was highly influential in the fantasy genre (which I'd personally say is good for worldbuilding but bad for pacing/tone, though that's personal taste) but let's not go overboard by comparing him to...
>ITT a bunch of anons have shit opinions
You certainly do.
... No, Shakespear was just a very popular playwright.
Considering most of his work is petty Popularist swill is pretty funny from a historicans perspective.
They're wild action pulp stories. Occasionally, they have genuine pathos but mostly it's like reading someone's super cool D&D campaign. Howard's a solid writer, but it's definitely pulp so don't go into it expecting Faulkner or what have you.
You should only read them a few at a time too. Howard re-worked his stories as he went along, so if you read a bunch in one sitting you'll wind up reading three different stories about Conan being on a pirate ship, starting a mutiny, then exploring a strange island with weird monsters on it.
Did you intentionally misspell "mountain", or are you regular retarded
Gor> A mountain of garbage >>> Conan setting >>> another mountain of garbage > LoTR setting > yet another mountain of garbage > GoT setting
>People thinking Elric is some kind of Deep Masterpiece
>When it's literally Punk Fantasy
Jesus wept.
The fact that Shakespeare knew how to, and regularly did, appeal to groundling sensibilities while still entertaining the educated classes does not make it lesser in anyway. If anything, it's a huge mark in his favor: one that Tolkien is lacking in everything but The Hobbit.
Shakespeare has direct influence on how you speak today if you speak English. Tolkien has direct influence on how you speak today if you speak Elvish, Oromëan, Aulëa, or Melkian.
Shakespeare knew how to appeal broadly to both the groundlings and the nobility. Tolkien appealed to his fellow linguistics/history professors, and a bunch of hippies at woodstock.
You can still read/watch Shakespeare today, and it's genuinely entertaining, independent of all the allusions, references, and "meta" information. Independent of the worldbuilding and mythological/historical/linguistic allusions/shout-outs, LoTR is 481,103 words about some dudes taking a walk through some very detailed landscapes.
>Tolkien can only be bothered to break from the dry informative tone ever when he's writing for children (Hobbit.)
>LoTR is 481,103 words about some dudes taking a walk through some very detailed landscapes.
Did you ever manage to make it to the third chapter?
So what you're saying is they both heavily influenced their respective targets?
I guess we agree.
I do like Hyborian Age, but it is really overrated in grander scheme of things. And people overappreciate both Howard's writing (which is quite mediocre) and his actual share in creating this setting (yes, he invented it, but the setting's only strong points are feel and aesthetics, which were mostly estabilished by later works only inspired by the original ones, from Frazetta's illustrations through 80s movies to the vidyas.
I was exposed to those before actually reading the books, and... they did dissapoint me greatly. Characters weren't interesting (only really memorable one was the title hero, who, let's face, is kind of gary stu who is literally good at everything and better than everyone in the setting), plots weren't that interesting (some better, some worse, but I can hardly recall summary of any, and I think I read all of original Howard's ones), maybe because the premise itself wasn't that interesting (powerful adventurer running in some trouble on and on aod on...), and the setting, something that did captivate me before in other media, appeared to not be presented nearly as neatly as in mentioned media. It felt rather dry.
Though, the "enhanced" setting, utilizing all of this later-added aesthetics is clearly great and much better than average D&D shittery. Still it feels like there is too much cringy power fantasy to it, and it doesn't get anywhere close Middle Earth.
>weird monsters
Fuck me, the collection I have has almost no weird monsters in it.
You should read the Marvel Comics stories from the 1970s. They're pretty fun.
“His rage passes description - the sort of rage that is only seen when rich folk that have more than they can enjoy suddenly lose something that they have long had but have never before used or wanted.”
“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
“In one thing you have not changed, dear friend," said Aragorn: "you still speak in riddles."
"What? In riddles?" said Gandalf. "No! For I was talking aloud to myself. A habit of the old: they choose the wisest person present to speak to; the long explanations needed by the young are wearying.”
LOTR is the all time sassiest of settings
Yes, but wouldn't as he has no interest in that magical bullshit.
I won't give way on Conan the best, but Elric's world always seemed worth exploring, so would happily put it second.
I like LotR but the setting never seemed interesting to adventure in myself. I'd rather do GoT, even though I wouldn't say the GoT books are better.
>Not including any of the orc lines insulting each other.
You had ONE job user.
>Conan setting > LOTR setting
>GOT setting = shit
Sorry, your garbage isn't representative of reality at all.
>"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water."
I have failed utterly and brought shame upon my house.
what about FF6
>magic powered robots
>trains and planes powered by steam
>magic infused knight superweapons
>meteor throwing dinosaurs
In my experience, everyone who likes GoT sucks
>GOT setting
Shakespeare>Homer>>>>Mountain of Garbage>>>>Tolkien
>Howard's writing (which is quite mediocre)
I heartily disagree
Agreed, most of the early awesome stuff came from Clark Ashton Smith
FF6 is my favorite setting.
krom laughs at your four winds
over rated and kefka is a gay clown villain, which is retarded edgy teen bait.
same way conan is gay lovecraft muh eldritch horror edgy teen bait.
Agreed. I love Conan but Barsoom has a lot of neat things.
Conan is the biggest fucking shithead.
Like, I could not stand being around Conan.
>He hasn't delved deeper into the mythos
Elric, as full of possibilities that it already has', is one part of the Multiverse.
Von Bek and Colonel Pyat say hi. so do Corum, John Daker and Dorian Hawkmoon.
This is some spicy Veeky Forums edgy teen bait.
unfortunately for you it's true.
Unless you like wanking to mary sues and "muh god" clown.
Which makes you a faggot.
There's a reason robert howard died alone of suicide at age 30. He was a self loathing cuck who never touched a woman.
Replace Tolkien w/ Howard and then replace Shakespeare w/ Lovecraft.
Howard and Lovecraft are literally butt buddies. They should be in the same place.
Conan hates magic, and has an almost supernatural resistance to mind-affecting spells, so he wouldn't want anything to do with it.
>cuck cuck cuck
And you've exposed yourself. Go back to your children's board for politics or porn. The adults are trying to have a serious conversation about the play-pretend settings we use for playing children's games
They're good, quick short stories. I listened to the audiobooks and they're fantastic.
Eh, I haven't read as much Howard as Lovecraft so my rankings are pretty flippant.
He's a total asshole, but he's literally a barbarian. What did you expect?
His appeal is mainly due to his boundless courage and irreverence to authority, as well as his heroic acts in the name of rescuing damsels in distress, even if it means losing a potential fortune in the process.
If you want short, light, but genuinely entertaining, fantasy stories, that put action first and world-building second, you can't go wrong with Conan.
Rated by viability as a that game you actually end up playing. At the end of the day no matter how cool a setting is it needs to fit within the confines of game to be Veeky Forums.
First because it's the most conducive to standard table top play. You can get most groups together and they would settle into the game without much trouble. You can bring anyone in and in a few minutes you have a rip roaring game filled with theft, violence, glory, drinking whoring and general fun while still being true to the world.
Next because it would require some set up and coordination. You'd need players who are at least a little open minded and ready to reign in their chaos a bit. After that you can have more quest oriented game with solid drama, discovery and weirdness on top of the usual adventuring stuff.
After because you have to have a group that is really in it for the style. This will probably be limited to people who have already read LotR and liked it, which is probably pretty small. The number of systems you could use would be a lot smaller. It has the potential to be something really special but it's not something I would wave around as an example of the perfect RPG mostly because it's so delicate, it's a setting that relies to heavily on having the right group.
A close last because you'd have a hell of a time finding the right people for the game. You would probably find yourself drowning in players who WANT to play but the majority of them will be shits. It would rely on a lot of coordination between players as well as the GM as well as players ready to poor a lot of detail into their characters while still accepting high lethality play. It's also a setting that works best when characters have wildly different backgrounds and motivations. You would need players who are dedicated to the roleplaying aspect and overall a group with a high level of trust in each other.
Like LotR it would be fun as shit if you can get it to work.
I agree with your list but for different reasons.
In this setting, good and selflessness is the natural, balanced state of the world, and evil is an unnatural abomination upon the proper order of things. Players who want their characters to be dicks on occasion will be in for a very rude awakening when it's revealed that they're slowly losing their free will to darker powers.
People will come in and expect political intrigue out the ass, but here's the catch: PLAYERS NEVER WANT POLITICAL INTRIGUE. They never, ever fucking want this, because it's boring. Don't ever believe them when they say they want it. They're deluding themselves and setting themselves up for disappointment.
For the Tolkien one, I would also add in that you have this very ephemeral, fate driven quasi narrative magic. When you have the curse on the Children of Hurin, that the "shadow of Morgoth's thought will be upon them", it reads a lot like a That DM fucking over his players for spite, and it would be VERY difficult to work that kind of thing into a game framework well.
I find that what players often REALLY want is political intrigue happening quietly but noticeably in the background of their hig-adventure questing, so they can occasionally show up, flip the tables with their conan-like adventurer-ey-ness, then run away to the next adventure when the mood suits them.
It's like that episode of adventure time where Finn accidentally becomes the king of the goblin kingdom: it works as an episode, because you know that it's going to ultimately be resolved with trickery or fighting, and then you'll go back to adventuring, but if the whole show suddenly shifted to Finn dealing with inter-kingdom politics, it would be stupid.
I get that, but I think the problem is people forget that seven years ago the very first scene in Game of Thrones had a White Walker. The high fantasy stuff wasn't added in, it was always there, the main character were just not aware of it. Cersei, Tyrion and Littlefinger thought they were in Ye Olde Young & the Restless, when in reality they were in Warhammer Fantasy the whole time.
I don't? It's one of the main types of shows I watch and always loved it when I get to play it and it's decent.
When your go-to trick is shock-value and ante-upping, you are inevitably going to end with bullshit.
The original DragonBall, when it began, was actually pretty run of the mill wuxia that was actually more grounded than its inspiration material (Journey West,) but after having to up the ante enough times.... well.... here we are.
GRRM tries to end every chapter with either a cheap shock or upping of the ante....and how many novels were there again, with how many chapters per novel? It was kind of inevitable, no matter how small and grounded each upping of the ante initially seemed.
I don't know about him, but I found his continually being better than literally everyone, and the author playing as is cheering squad kind of obnoxious.
It wasn't even like Achilles where he has to start acting like a mortal in the course of his arc and is ultimately doomed for his greatness. Conan just gets to continue being the same obnoxious, overpowered dipshit without consequence.
The stories are fun, but Conan as a character is eye-roll inducing.
Conan gets consequences all the time? Numerous times he's down and out or imprisoned or seriously injured and so on. Yeah, he eventually overcomes it, often via "Fuck you, I'm Conan" willpower and muscle.
I can a complaint as him as being overpowered, fantasy character, but I don't get the idea he's an asshole or obnoxious as a character.
>without consequence.
You must not have read many Conan stories if that's what you think.
Gotta echo the other anons: Conan gets the living crap kicked out of him all the time. He overcomes it, yes, but there are lots of times where he has to rely on other people to rescue him. Hell, the best story, "Queen of the Black Coast" basically ends with him a heart broken wreck. Despite being quite a lusty fellow, Conan actually ends a decent number of his stories without whatever babe he was rescuing, either because she dies, already has a lover, or just isn't really interested in him.
Conan's an ubermensch, to be sure, and Howard basically loves talking about how crude but honest barbarians are infinitely superior to cold hearted civilized people, but Conan definitely suffers consequences for his more boneheaded decisions and suffers a lot of set backs in his life.
In Howards writings, while he did do some majorly pulpy stuff to pay bills, there is a surpising depth to them.
The overarching theme of Conan is that Barbarism is the natural state of mankind, and in times of great challenge it is the barbarian, and not the civilized man, that will prevail. Civilization enables mankind to go further than a man can alone, but it robs the individual man of his power.
That's the kind of stuff that Howard exlplores.
Also, this is one of my favorite passages from his works.
“I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of the Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.”
― Robert E. Howard, Queen of the Black Coast
nigger you what?
Does he suffer brain damage, maiming or Death? Or are all of his consequences things that have no permanent impact on the character? Again, Achilles dies for his greatness; Conan becomes king for his.
From the same genre, Elric loses everything dear to him, unmakes reality and dies to his own sword.