Would Veeky Forums support a line of GW historical minis?
Just think:
>ancient world massed battles
>War of of the Roses
Would Veeky Forums support a line of GW historical minis?
Just think:
>ancient world massed battles
>War of of the Roses
They published both Warhammer Historical Battles AND Warmaster Historical (Ancients and Medieval).
So between those books and, for example, Perry Miniatures (GW sculptor) you're basically covered.
I realize that, but given some of the stuff GW has been putting out lately I think they could really blow the lid off the Historical genre. Perry makes some really nice stuff, especially War of the Roses, but they don't make everything.
You want GW to destroy Perry is that it?
If so purchase a shotgun and destroy your brain.
>I am a gigantic faggot, please give me aids
>but given some of the stuff GW has been putting out lately
Do you realise that historicals require good sculptors (not just CAD), good proportions and that the competitors sell multi-part plastic kits at 1/10th of GW's price per mini?
The black powder starter box holds 150 minis for 70 pounds, with full rules inside.
GW just don't have the inhouse skills and business model to compete in historicals anymore. It could have in the early 00s, but now they can't.
GW can't even compete in the fantasy genre anymore, what makes you think they can do historicals ?
90% of the historical minis I've seen are shit with muddy details.
Perry's multi-parts have crisper details than GW's.
Plus, GW doesn't sculpt minis, they do everything by CAD, so it would look pretty shit on realistic humans.
There are enough historical wargames out there for GW to be able to penetrate. They aren't going to bother with anything that isn't Warhammer anymore.
Because they don't know how to use CAD then. CB uses CAD too but their miniatures look realistic (for a sci-fi game) and well proportioned imo
>CB uses CAD
Judging from wips I saw, I'd guess they use ZBrush.
>can't compete.
>largest profit in the companies history this year.
yeah, please stop being a faggot.
>I am too poor to play
go back to your shitty f2p mobas and digital ccgs
You obviously know fuck all about CAD if you think that. Warhammer has a certain exaggerated style, and they sculpt things to match.
I have no idea how you come to the conclusion that it must be because they can't.
I mean, one look at the Hobbit miniature range, which uses realistic proportions is proof enough there.
someone doesn't realize the profit is coming from the whoring of their IP and not from per unit sales. Their per unit sales are crap
GW hasn't been putting out anything good lately.
They've just been cheapening and slashing the prices on the remnants of their once great IPs.
So basically what I'm saying is GW should do a modern setting wargame.
Yeah, from the fucking huge success that was Sega's Warhammer Fantasy video game.
Is this the deluded Island the WHFBG faggots sit upon?
Tell me, how did GW show record profits over Creative Assembly?
Did GW somehow make more out of Warhammer Total War over CA ?
>Huge boom in profits coincides with release of massively popular video game in the same IP.
Fucking contrarians. I'll bet you spend your spare time on /co/ arguing Man Of Steel was good.
>>Huge boom in profits coincides with release of massively popular video game in the same IP.
That didn't happen though.
GW's boom is more recent.
>first two quarters of current year are incredibly successful
>without factoring in 8th or the campaign
>obviously this was caused by a game which released in the third quarter of 2015
the absolute state of this board
>I mean, one look at the Hobbit miniature range, which uses realistic proportions is proof enough there.
The LotR minis were 99% done by the Perry bros, dude.
this had to be the first post
it is.
something is right with the world.
It's sickening.
The fuck is wrong with you OP, do GW tell you when to take a shite as well?
They'd rather go bust and live off video game royalties than sell plastic Vikings for less than 50p each.
>GW historical minis?
GW could sell their minis wrapped in twenty dollar bills, and I'd still have reservations about giving them my money.
Nah, I don't want to give GW a chance to start acting like they invented history and have sole rights to it.
>The LotR minis
Speaking of, was I the only one who thought that all the faces in that line were hideous? Like they'd been squashed from top and bottom? The general proportions were okay, but the faces, ugh.
Perry make generally from late Medieval period onwards. They're good but they're certainly not the be all and end all of Historical wargaming.
Gripping Beast, Fire Forge and Conquest make some nice plastics of earlier stuff, and metals are generally inexpensive too.
>GW historical minis
So just like historicals, but more expensive to pay for a stronger marketing machine?
No. I assume people would just glue bolters to them and use them in 40K.
Fantasy failed, what makes you think GW could run a historical line with success
Only if 28mm heroic scale
Who makes the best ancient world miniatures. I'm specifically looking for Macedonian/Alexander The Great stuff, but also interested in Egypt and Rome.
Victrix is your best bet.
Because other companies already do all of those better than GW could. It's hard for GW's business model of pushing huge overpriced overpowered centerpiece models or infantry blobs to work with historical settings and the historical crowd in general. The rules for GW's games exist to push their models, which is often the opposite of the purpose of historical wargaming rulesets.
Forgot to add, Warlord does good imperial Romans, and Gripping Beast has late Romans if either interest you.
>Post-Perry GW
>able to make historical models
>GW releases a WWII line
>issues a DCMA takedown to the Holocaust Museum for infringement
Wow! These are great, thank you very much.
TW:WH and other vidyas kake up one quarter of total GW profits for Q1 2017.
GW couldn't compete, historicals are sold under 1$ a pop.
Their financiel report, faggot.
Well all we now is that it's not caused by AoS, since the game sunk in sales.
GW would get annihilated in the historicals market, they just have no hope of competing with the massive amount of competitors there.
They have no brand to stand on seeing as how many historicals are jaded ex 40k players, they have no real pedigree of mini design considering their biggest asset in that field (Perry Bros) is a direct competitor now, and they have no leg up on rules. Throw in their "premium" price point and they would be torn to shreds. Many companies out there sell a platoon of infantry for the cost of a single squad of space marines, and in pretty good quality. If you go the cheap route, you can sometimes get upwards of 40-50 infantry for around $40.
The industry has just changed too much, and they really need something to stand out in order to complete with the big boys in the industry. Warlord and Battlefront would smash anything GW could offer just on price alone and many smaller companies would crush GW when it comes to model quality or options.
Not to mention GW would be in for a rude awakening the moment they tried to copyright a Sherman tank or Napoleonic uniforms.
Plus they would inevitably fuck it up like they did their other lines and they've got their hands full unfucking 40k and whatever the hell they're calling fantasy these days anyways. They need to work on their core lines and prip them up before they start adding random shit onto their list of things to do.
> Wants to replace realistically scaled, fine detailed and characterful models with over designed, messy, bloated CAD action figures with weapons the size of motorbikes.
Actually kill yourself, millennial.
You're looking in the wrong place and/or don't know what detail actually means, which puts you in the same bracket at GWs current CAD designers
GW just can't compete. Perrys sell 40 guys for 30 bucks with better sculpts than GW was able to push out lately.
The pre cad stuff was done by the Perrys. Which is why everything since looks like it was left too close to a fire. Try again.
>Not understanding sales vs profits
I agree user, you are fucking sickening
A napoleon themed army for sigmar woulda be cool
GW's target audience is kids and young adults, not old farts and military veterans.
The hell it's with the GW shills of late?
I hope you get cancer. Sincerely.
>ancient world massed battles
>War of of the Roses
All of this exists in both, plastic and metal from a large number of different companies in good or even great sculpting quality for prices GW would never consider.
A statement without any value as long as you don't tell us which minis you looked at or provide pictures.
Maybe there is something wrong with your eyes?
This is some dumb shit tbqh you'd get far worse sculpts than the Perry, Victrix and other 28mm plastic minis for a huge markup
>Lineguard Gorerifles
Except you won't have this. Enjoy you cogfop dwarves and smegmarines.
considering the huuuge amout of historical of successful wargames, gw would have to make a cheaper historical wargame... Which is not bad, i would like to see some ancient empires wargame (hellenic kingdoms, roman republic and so on) or ww1 wargame with GW sculpts
Thankfully not. Historicals are the realm of the terminally boring and would-be Nazis.
Their accounts are in the public domain. Royalties are only 5% of their income, sales are up by more than a third in the last year.
>Royalties are only 5% of their income
And 22% of their profits. Because, you know, royalties don't count in the revenue.
like 40k?
GW couldn't compete, because they don't know how to :
>make decently-priced minis anymore
>make balanced and fun rulesets
>make realistic human faces and bodies
>>ancient world massed battles
>>War of of the Roses
There are guard regiments for that.
That's something of a downplaying, they're straight profit and quite a good chunk of it, because there's basically no overheads.
Get back to your tabletop moba, shillary supporter.
where has all the money come from user?
games workshop deals in selling models, selling books and selling the IP, and all recent 40k vidya has been awful and flopped hard, which leaves books and models
where has the money come from user?
here are games workshops revenue "highlights"
Revenue 158,114 118,069
Revenue at constant currency* 143,375
Operating profit - pre-royalties receivable
30,832 10,921
Royalties receivable 7,491 5,939
Operating profit 38,323 16,860
Profit before taxation 38,403 16,948
Cash generated from operations 49,370
Earnings per share 95.1p 42.1p
Dividends per share declared in the year**
74p 40p
add three zeroes to the end of each of the figures not displayed in pence to get the whole sum as gee dubs have rounded their profits to the lowest whole thousand.
the first results are for two thousand and seventeen, the second results are for two thousand and sixteen for contrast
as we can see their operating profits have doubled for the first two quarters over the last year without factoring in any of the recent releases including eighth edition or the primarines, also royalties only account for about one seventh of total cash generated from operations and it only accounts for that much because they don't have to worry about the overhead.
further in the document we can see that games workshop has sold thirty million pounds worth of items through mail order and a further fifty million through direct sales.
however from direct sale within stores they only made about 0.5 million pounds profit from direct store sales and that most of their actual profit from selling product came from mail order and supplying it to different stores due to the sheer overhead required for operating the stores.
this is better than last year however as at least they made money off of the stores instead of losing money.
you can see the full report here investor.games-workshop.com
Why are historical companies able to produce high quality plastics at a much lower price? What's the deal?
For one, you can't copyright or trademark a Napoleonic Line soldier or a Sherman tank.
Thus, many companies can make their own version and the free market will do it's thing.
Are other sci-fi games as expensive as WH40K then? Or did GW bully and sue everything vaguely sci-fi looking and there's nothing left but them now?
>Or did GW bully and sue everything vaguely sci-fi looking and there's nothing left but them now?
Nah, only small guys
I can't think of plastic 28mm sci-fi that's not Warlord's Gates of Antares (which is noticeably more expensive than Warlord's historical ranges) or Mantic, which I have no experience with.
What about pre-painted minis?Its horrible to people without any type of painting skills,like me,to get a good painted mini without buying it on amazon
The majority of Sci fi games are either 15mm or smallers, and thus cheaper, or 28mm skirmishing games.
There is Warzone I think, but it has lots of bad luck, and the different mantic ones than are pretty good but not that played.
28mm or whatever the new scales it's GW doing isn't that good for mass battles in my opinion anyway, the sheer price and logistics to put tanks or mechs in game and have fun are bonkers, much easier to do it so in 6mm for mass battles armies of tanks etc or battles with plattons of infantry and some tanks/mechs in 15mm.
>only doing half the hobby
>in an age were there's all sorts of tools, paints and washes that make entry-level painting easier than ever
Would buy for kitbashing/making RPG characters. Not sure about gaming, most armies would likely feel too samey.
Im retarded,so GW would make me a favor by selling pre-painted minis
Play FFG X-wing, plenty of people plays it and it's a fun game.
>Oh look, 15mm miniature
>O, and 25mm one, but sculpted in '83
>Thay really can't beat crisp detail of my 32mm Chaos Megazord Knobkrusha (tm)
Problem with historicals is that you can get most detailed models in this fucking world if you simply look into the autistic realm of modelling.
Would they really, though?
> me no understand technology the post
Holy shit man. Are you so fucking stupid you think that CAD is incapable of rendering models in whatever the fuck scale or detail you want?
Can you walk and chew gum?
Do you have to wear a helmet?
Git gud faget
Painting decent is too fucking easy. Guides out the ass
You are just lazy
Pretty sure I remember some WD issue where they showed actual citadel sculpting, though that was some 7+ years back, I think. Still, have they actually transitioned fully to CAD? Is there any confirmation on this?
Warlord games, Essex miniatures, and the rest are just fine for me.
They have good models. I don't know of anyone who plays Hail, Caesar!, so I just the models for dioramas.
Absolutely terrible proposition.
Too small a market for it
Isn't Warlord basically all former GW folks?
This 100%. The people whinging about CAD are the same technology-illiterate morons that think airbrushes are cheating. Go paint with your fingers and sculpt with playdoh you nostalgic fags.
>tfw the surgeon isnt even a barber shop anymore
i'm no fan of AoS, but this is simply false. It's a matter of public record how much GW receives from royalties, that being 7,491,000 pounds. GW's profit before royalties is 30,832,000 pounds, meaning their total sales minus expenses is still greater than royalties by a magnitude of 4. Moreover, sales is responsible for GW's increase in profitability from 2016 to 2017, since GW's per-royalty profit (that is to say profit from sales) jumped almost 20 million pounds from 2016 to 2017 (from 10,921,000 to 30,832,000 pounds) while royalties only increased by less than 2 million pounds (from 5,939,000 pounds in 2016 to 7,491,000 pounds in 2017)
source: 19485-presscdn-0-14-pagely.netdna-ssl.com
In short, no, vidya was not at all why GW's profit increased so much, not at all. The fact that this is so easily disproven makes it embarrassing that people still spew it. Pic very much related
Historical Wargaming quite literally dwarfs the entirety of non-scifi wargaming combined and has so since the inception of wargaming you uninformed baboon
>And 22% of their profits
Wrong, it's 19.5%, and it's certainly not the cause of GW's massive increase in profit like you retards claimed, since it barely increased from 2016 to 2017 while profit from sales alone made a massive jump. shut the fuck up faggot, you are objectively wrong.
more or less
>rock elemental
Warzone is high-quality resin and the scupts would make GW cry. Same for all Prodos products really.
Infinity sells for cheap compared to GW characters too, 5-10 bucks a pop
Gates of Antares or the mantic games are cheap as fuck.
GW would take over the market, drive bankrupt the many other countries doing historicals, harm the hobby by driving it into GW stores and bankrupting the indie game stores that aren't already driven bankrupt, and then jump back out of the market when it doesn't produce a lot in the way of profit. Thus the whole field would be killed.
I would support them buying out and doing Eclipse Phase as a specialist game. For the same reason.