Part one:
Images that inspire you Part two
Other urls found in this thread:
Fifteen WHAT dammit!?
Is this the western one punch man?
>and wouldn't you know it, I just sent the last payment this morning
I also live in Chicago
Go be a retard somewhere else
I miss Ishigaki Storytime
What is it about this subject that attracts one particular /pol/tard?
I know this isn't like a request thread, but does anyone hav any like water city/slum pics. Like pic-related
a few
Coolest armor I've ever seen imo. Based a character around this but campaign never went anywhere
Thanks, i'm trying to make lie a slum that's right by a huge ocean and this helped a bit
shaolin cowboy
This is more of a slum that sucks enough to be watery, but I like it.
Their lives are so hollow with self hate forwarded towards anyone they can take it out on that any flicker of real enjoyment in life is shunned away as some Jewish-Communist/Nazi White- Supremacist ploy.
By the way everyone ITT is autistic
No, you are just a faggot
Go be a retard back in /pol/
Found the Tumblrite, back to the abyss with you.
Yes we know you are stupid
Nope but you on the other hand are both with a bad smell
Where in the FUCK do you think we are? You Tumblrite trash.
We can ask you the same thing you retarded /pol/ faggot, seeing that I am posting stuff that has to do with topic of the thread and you are acting like a moron.
Shove your leftist autism back up your ass, please. The only triggering I care about is the one on the gun aimed at your head. Either post on-topic or fuck off.
Cry more you retarded faggot and go back to /pol/ with the other underage morons.
>Feeling the need to call the moron out
I applaud you for your noble sentiments and deeply experienced perspective and situational analysis, at your own behest of proclamation to everyone in and of this thread, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums. As well as especially to me... I applaud you, kind, wise sir, you truly are, the SJW white knight of the boards that we all deserve, I tip my hat to you, you absurdly retarded faggot.
>Everything I don't like is /pol/.jpg.png
Good to see you still have zero to add to the thread and you are still stupid as fuck.
>Inspiration thread
You Tumblrites can't get much more dumb or thicker than this.
That's the kind of response that an autist would give
If someone needs inspiration on acting like a retard they can go over to /pol/. Now go be stupid somewhere else.
Of maybe your response is something an autist would give.
Listen, I don't know what you shitbirds are taking about, but I fucking despise having to scroll past your political shitposting on my Veeky Forums
Either fucking stop posting and lurk more until you get the board culture, or please for the love of god KYS
If you have nothing to at to the thread why are you here? There are other boards that you shitpost like a retard in.
Dude that is the most uninspiring and autistic image I've seen all day
Good for you retard, now go to bed kid you have school tomorrow.
Actually tomorrow I'll be lifting weights, bossing manufacturing and test engineers around, and then banging my white girlfriend.
While I think the other guy's a jackass the fact that you keep replying is pretty fucking stupid.
Sure kid, now go be retard /b/ faglord
Yeah you are stupid but at least you are posting something to do with the thread topic.
Ok I gotta get to bed and get ready for another great day, don't stay up too late posting pictures of your pretend-places ok pal?
>Once again Veeky Forums proves to be completely incapable of not only refusing to take the bait, but chugging that shit down multiple times.
GG on shitting up the thread there, anons.