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We Eat Butt
I like dead games.
Reminder that the V5 alpha playtest is avaliable from You have to register, log in, and it'll be in the inventory of your profile available for download. Player's Packet is 75 pages and Storytellers Packet is 104 pages.
When do I get the 2nd edition of Hunter.
>I like dead games.
Well, you are in Veeky Forums so...
Their use of gender pronouns
I kinda want to run this, but my player base isn't that familiar with Vampire. How much work is this to run?
How much is spelled out and pre-written vs how much is improvised?
I know the first play test just murdered you for going off rails, is this similar?
Does it actually have char-gen or is it all premades again?
It's a simple system with pregens and a scenario. This is an alpha to test possible systems and ideas, not a fully fledged and developed game.
If a Vampire gets blasted with say a shotgun. That damage will get reduced to bashing but will it still stun them if it does enough damage?
In M20 is going above rank 5 in a sphere a thing? In the V20 book, they printed all of the abilities past 5 but Phil decided not to for spheres. Did he just decide that those spheres don't exist in M20? I've looked through the book and I don't remember reading anything about it.
They are mentioned several times as still being cannon, but m20 doesn't cover them, much like it doesn't cover damn near anything, like proper spell casting rules, or what all those charts they copy pasted without reference are for.
Where in V20 do they go past 5 dots? Could I get a page?
Phil is a fucking mong. What could have been a proper system for Archspheres was butchered in favor of a pretentious "don't try this at home, kids" booklet of pure ass.
Had they actually decided (as they should have) to do the Archspheres it would have looked like pic related.
Vampires can't be stunned or knocked out
>"don't try this at home, kids"
That's literally the whole book.
Oh you want to examine them and no how their aura works because this is a game? Fuck you.
Phil is such a piece of human garbage, I'm glad he can't pay his fucking rent. Maybe if he learned how to do something he wouldn't be so fucked.
A'ight cool. If there like a handy cheat sheet for different splats and their quirks in combat.
I don't think they do.
Yeah, they still exist but Phil hates them and elected not to include any meaningful content about them in the book.
Is that hipster trying to summon one of the Great Old Ones? That's some lovecraftian chanting shit right there
>Oh you want to examine them and no how their aura works because this is a game? Fuck you.
Wait seriously?
YEP, hes scum and can't write and RichT should be shot out of the same cannon into the sun for letting him do it.
Yes really.
>5th edition cliffnotes
This sounds awful.
>No rules for Sorcerers or Archspheres
>Rules for fucking food
Father's thrusting cock
what's the point in aura colors ala auspex when IIRC prime resonance detection is supposed to be different depending on your paradigm?
Dead things including vamps, mummies, and geists can not be stunned or knocked out.
unless magic
If a demon's knockout punch doesn't work on mummys/geists neither will a mages magic.
nah it will work
>mage fans
Guys, just come over to Awakening.
Dave will treat you so much better.
>Ascenion fans.
I'm already an Awakening faggot.
Doesn't mean I can't complain about how much Phil butchered M20.
Um citation please. Cos thats BS.
No it will not
They can't be knocked out by conventional means.
Read the fucking books. Mummys and Geists specifically can not be knocked out.
Guys? Question about Thaumaturgy.
You have to get your Primary Path to level 5 before you can start on another path, right?
.. Well, does that mean Thin Blooded vampires can never learn more than 3 dots of a single Blood Sorcery discipline? Tremere heritage or otherwise.
Where does it mention that in vampire, show me specific text and your gay fantasies.
Oh so both geist and mummy, both 1e so we can ignore. Were vampires immune in 1e because they arnt in 2e..
just what is says, thin blooded are limited to any path at 3
>You have to get your Primary Path to level 5 before you can start on another path, right?
Lol, blood sorcerers sound weak as balls
Sorry that it's not a Mage nerd power fantasy where you can do anything
They are. They are pretty much a insect compared to one of the Wise.
Those are fighting words here in /MofDg/
Daily reminder that next to nobody ever actually wants to run an obnoxious power fantasy Mage game and all the Mage fans congregating to these threads are here because they don't have any games to play.
But in 20th it says you pretty much have to complete your primary path before you can start working on another. And so on.
15th gens can't have more than 3 dots and can never master a discipline. 14th gens can never have beyond 4. They can't master Thaumaturgy paths.
Oh, I'm sorry. It was my understand that Mage was all about magic and the power that comes from it. Not some faggy game about 'muh personal horror' and how gay it is to suck on people.
>Pssh, Personnel horror, kid.
Sounds about right to me. Death Mage Armor also means you can't be knocked out, at least. Or that you don't have to roll stamina to stay conscious when your health track fills up with bashing damage, I should say.
>The Vampfag is triggered
>t-the only reason I don't have any games to play is because my system is just too advanced to appeal to the unwashed masses
>*tips wizard hat*
I've only played Wraith and think that all of World of Darkness is awful by the way, I'm just here to laugh at you.
Vampire is a complete fucking meme
>muh personal horror!
Fucking beast is scarier than my chemical romance rejects the splat.
Awful lot of projecting going on there user.
Ah yes, projecting, the new form of "N-N-N-NO Y-YOU ;_;", what an argument.
>user has no games.
>Autisticly REEEEEES that nobody else has games for the system he doesn't like
>Other people do in fact play games
>user gets called out for not being the all seeing shitposter he believes himself to be.
Yeah bro, that's projecting pretty hard right there.
Hey guess what. Geist is far better than wraith thematically, mechanically and playability.
When will the splat wars end
What the fuck? Geists look like badass stands? I thought they were lame all so "spooky" ghosts.
I meant disciplines not abilities. Whoops.
Yes, but page number?
Can it truly be called a war if the others continue only at the good grace of Mages?
I grew up with Ascension but this board has made me want to read through the Awakening book.
Awakening is more original.
Though I do miss the real world occult influences of Ascension.
Awakening is pretty fun, and this is coming from a hardcore Ascensionfag.
All of them?
I thought they'd be stronger.
The V20 book only lists disciplines going above 5 because they always have.
Player characters cannot have beyond 5 dots, because in order to have access to 6 and above, you need to be a 7th generation.
You can play 7th generations in Dark Ages, but not in the modern era. The average Modern Era vampire is 12th, and the rare "Five dots in Generation" background is 8th generation. They can never achieve more than 5 dots in a Discipline unless they diab a vampire of a generation closer to Caine than themselves.
The extra levels of the disciplines cannot be attained by player characters.
>Not eating your way up the Generation totempole.
6+ Disciplines aren't really that impressive.
Not in the way that Archspheres are.
Anybody else think the Spheres are highly undetailed in M20? Even Revised has it better.
Does ascension actually work out of the box? Every screenshot I've seen seems to be a rules nightmare.
Fuck no. There are contradictions left and right. There's literally multiple ways of using Foci rules because of how vague it was worded.
Geist is pretty much a shounen anime.
Literally every previous version of mage including Ars Magica does a better job than m20
The only Mage edition to properly work out of the box without any issues is Awakening 2e.
It's not perfect the rules for imbued items and artifacts are kind of vague for my taste. But overall Dave and the team did a bang up job.
This has been the biggest barrier to me adopting 2e Mage. There are just a few too many unanswered questions since there aren't any supplements or anything.
Really every WoD / CofD game is broken and requires some improvisation to make it work.
The only think that's even close to breaking that is Awakening 2e like the one user said, and Demon. But Demon gets around it by going "lol make half of this shit up yourself, you were going to have to houserule it anyway"
That's true for like every pen and paper system.
Awakening is arguably the least broken of the current 2e lines, unless you consider it's powerlevel a problem.
Yeah but WoD is a special case of broken. Right up there with Shadowrun
So Geists get some key from grave yard that makes them immune to stun and knockdown but its not a innate ability.
Mummy says they cant be knocked out from a blow but has nothing about immune to being stunned.
Fact checking 101
Geist 2e when
Giests get a key but if you read earlier it's says geists can't be stunned or knocked out because of their g eist making that key pretty useless at first level
Who cares since Dave will nerf them anyway. He has said multiple times that sin eaters are too overpowered
Look if you can put your teeth on a 7th or 6th gen and not have them crush your face with 6-7 strength and 6-7 potence in their asscheeks, good luck to you.
I've done it before! But our group was a Sabat pack and the Lasombra multigrappled him for a pretty much instant win. Good ol LARPs.
Jesus Christ people actually Larp in this thread? I literally can't think of a more autistic and cringeworthy hobby.
>Who cares since Dave will nerf them anyway. He has said multiple times that sin eaters are too overpowered
Dave as in DaveB? Doesn't sound like something he would say, honestly. And would he even have the authority?
Is roleplaying at a table considered LARP?
Or does one have to gain 300 pounds and put on some shoddy goth makeup/attire to do it?