>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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Thread gonna die edition.
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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Thread gonna die edition.
No he doesn't and no he isn't, have you even watched his videos, you autistic reject? He acts like a smug piece of shit who thinks he's better than everyone else and whiteroom theorycrafting videos are useless.
What the fuck do you mean people need to grow up? He harassed a bunch of YouTubers and drove some off YouTube then feigned ignorance, and blamed it on others when he was caught, that's not something to be easily forgiven. He also gets extremely buttblasted when other groups are popular, he reviewed DCA and Critical Role by saying the DMing isn't what he would do which meant it was bad, and he had a bizarre and creepy one sided interview with Matt Mercer.
Cry more and act more buttblasted, retard. Don't be That Guy.
>reviving a dead argument from a dying thread in a new thread
Kys cunt
We'll get Tortles tomorrow, right? How do you think their racial bonus will be? I bet +2 con and +1 wis with natural AC like Lizardfolk
According to your logic, that should exactly be how it works.
You're simply not understanding it, and the other anons have given great responses to your continued ignorance.
Force of personality and conviction can produce divine energy and magical effects, see the paladin, the storm herald barbarian, the sorcerer.
You need to wrap your head around the fact that paladins do not need to be and are not direct servants of gods, and the energies they tap into are generated through themselves, their force of personality and their convictions and ideals alone. Why is this concept so difficult for you, you understand the game you're playing, right?
Also, going to give a super quick context of this (from memory): Saved this from an older thread where an user was talking about how in their game, the players each got to draw one card from this deck. The DM got the rest (with one or two discarded?). They were forbidden from telling each other what cards they had drawn, or what the effects were - but anyone was allowed to play these plot twist cards during the game .. But only one could be played per session (with exception of canceling plot twists).
Or something like that. Anyways, seemed like a kind of neat idea to me. Makes me kind of curious: Has anyone ever done something like this before?
Tomorrow? Why tomorrow? Its part of ToA, is it not? That's not due out for a bit. Even more so if its part of Xanathars, and if its part of UA its not going to come out until Monday.
Dead arguments guys. Just leave it.
Yeah a Deck of Many Things
So champion 3/barb 2/rogue x would be viable, but not nearly as durable as barb 17/champion 3. Also the ASI/extra attack delay would be rough on either. Would it be worthwhile to go 4 or 5 into champion, or do you think that delays other features too much?
>Got bored and read through the sex in DnD guide
>Goliath and Dwarfs incompatible
Well fuck you too buddy
That Guy is being a complete douche and also willfully rewrote what actually happened, you severe autist.
Not a dead argument, it's also an interesting argument even though that user is ignorant.
Just stop
I would personally recommend raising the Barbarian over raising the champion levels. I've not looked into three way MC abilities like that, but I would pretty much end up recommending going Barb/rogue, or Barb/champ. You're likely to be giving up too much elsewise, but I'll let someone else do the crunch on that.
But stopping short of 3 means you don't get barbarian subclass benefits, which is things like "Take half damage from everything except psychic".
How achieveable is immortality? How much gold would I need to pay for some wizard nerd to stop me dying of old age?
Seconded, check yourself boi
Depends on your DM and what you're willing to do for it
What is a binder warlock like to play? I can't make heads or tails of the class beyond OPTIC BLAST
How about you actually contribute something.
Paladin OotA 15 level feature.
Alternative, but probably more affordable solution would be getting bitten by vampire.
Anything short of soul-selling. Plus that sounds like a terrible deal for the other guy unless they planned on killing you, and if that was the case then what would be the point?
Vampire's the cowards way out but the paladin thing needs looking into, thanks user!
Nigga just go outside for five minutes and cool off, you feel me?
I believe druid and monk have something similar, but I've not double checked it. You would be best to talk to your DM though, as it might have more approachable ways in setting for other classes to achieve it.
As for the "terrible deal for the other guy", its super easy to go "the entity is working on different optics/timeframes than you are. You're not going to die of old age, but its not impossible for you to get killed. Letting you linger on past your appointed death makes your soul so much more potent for when it does eventually get you, and it's in no hurry, really." Outside of that: It might just want to kill you, because it doesn't particularly give a shit.
Generally that's what lichdom is for, and usually you have to be really evil to succeed
How about you start contributing something actually relevant, you feel me?
OP's implementation kinda sucks. Imagine how fucking disappointing it would be to draw a "cancel" card. Like, the other players are getting free magic items and summoning Drizzt, and I'm just supposed to sit and wait for the DM to do something bad so I can say "nope, undo"?
I'm not completely opposed to the idea. I wonder if it could work well with something more abstract like a Tarot deck or pic related? You could let the player pitch an idea, like "I play The Lovers. I want the merchant to fall in love with me." Or you could just say "play the card, and the DM will come up with an idea." So a player chooses to play The Chariot, and the DM says "you visit the shop, but you see a flurry of action: men moving and packing boxes. The merchant tells you he is preparing a trade caravan to depart for the Eastern towns. He is quite preoccupied, but willing to trade at a very generous rate if you have any goods that are in-demand to the East."
That picture got me thinking. Wouldn't it be cool with an RPG where every player was a magician, but rather than having a list of spells, they had a deck of spells? Each encounter they would draw a hand of, say, four or five cards, and each turn they'd be able to play one face down and then reveal them in turn order. Players would be given some form of freedom in customizing their own decks, but what spells they had on hand at the moment would be largely random, which, rather than simulating Vancian magic, would simulate the concept of wizards under huge stress not being able to necessarily think straight.
>Outside of that: it might just want to kill you, because it doesn't particularly give a shit
Nyarlohotep is best Elder God. That said, good points all round! May many blessings impregnate you dear user!
>Being this buttblasted :')
Necromancers have all the fun. Qt undead lawful good waifus when?
>Being this buttblasted :')
Do you even play 5e or are you just severely autistic?
Have any PDF copies of ToA appeared online yet?
Not that user but
If you were lawful good you'd realize that death is a natural part of life and have nothing to fear when reuniting with your benevolent god
The most certain method is Clone, which costs 3,000gp overall. It's an 8th level spell so you need a pretty high level wizard. It specifies that your clone can be a younger version of yourself, so being repeatedly cloned should keep you indefinitely young (having multiple clones at once isn't ruled out but your DM may disagree).
Another method which should work is Reincarnate, a 5th level druid spell which costs 1,000gp. It would make sense that a human reincarnating as an elf would have his lifespan extended, and your DM may or may not agree that being repeatedly reincarnated would prevent you from growing old (because you receive a new body each time). It's not as clear-cut as Clone, but it's easier to find someone who can cast it.
Most other methods in the book (like the transmuter's stone, or the monk's timeless body feature) specify that you still die of old age, they just keep you physically young or fit. The oath of ancient's undying sentinel feature is ambigious but seems to imply you still age, you just don't suffer the drawbacks of aging. Whether that includes death is up to your DM.
Anyone played one of these?
You posted ~18 minutes ago be patient we're busy with important matters!
So magic the gathering, vaguely.
Found the paladin
Wtf how are these options so cheap? I'm halfway to being able to afford a clone already!
Or pretty much anyone heading into upper planes for their afterlife.
you're not wrong, I do like me some devotion paladin
It's cheap but how many 8th level wizards that can cast clone are there running around?
Nah you found the Paladin with a stick up his ass, I'd be willing g to give some undead qt a good hot dicking to bring her back into the light
Just get a girlfriend.
So fa/tg/uys how many of you are getting Almiraj (unicorn bunny) familiar?
>Implying I don't have one
She can't fill ever fetish my friend despite her best efforts.
Why did I think you were talking about
It's going to fuck your shit up.
I dunno
Because he should have been
The most exotic thing I'll ever have a familiar is a Tressym, now good day sir
It's the bunny unicorn thing coming out in Tomb of Anihilation
It's called an Almiraj and supposedly you'll be able to just buy them at Chult
How do you make PotA better? I've only skimmed over the book, but many rate it as not so great.
The dungeons seem fine for the most part, but the area is pretty small in scale and the beginning probably won't hook the players very much from what I can see.
Are they immune to poison
I didn't think so
Who else would test my Wizard Noble's food
It's supposed to be a tie-in for their Extra Life thing since proceeds from the DM's Guild Tortles package go towards Extra Life; so it could really be any time from tomorrow to November 4th.
What is wrong with me??
>browsing at local game store
>see "treasure nest" dice bag for 10 dollars
>the name suddenly fills me with this creepy maternal feeling
>only ever get it for "cute" objects
>the name "treasure nest" suddenly seems cute to me
>want it
>but it's 10 dollars for a simple dice bag
>feel this protective urge to "adopt" it
>feel this sort of thing a lot
>sometimes have bought small stuffed animals or figurines almost out of pity for them
>feel anger and frustration at myself for not liking them
>get mad at myself for leaving these things behind
I didn't buy it, and it doesn't really bug me, but next time I see it I know I will feel this stupid pang of guilt and rationalize needing a new dice bag. Shit I can already feel it since my current one is just a pouch and is getting kinda full. But even though there are cheaper ones I will probably buy that one for its name, even though "Treasure Nest" isn't even printed on the bag so I'll probably do some gay shit like leave it in the packaging then feel guilt for not using it.
Sorry I know I posted this before.
I read this as 'busty unicorn thing coming out in Tomb..."
The fuck is wrong with me.
I'm a shitty person, I'm just downloading the PDF if it gets online
Why the fuck are you posting this again
You aren't even asking anything that wasn't answered last time so there's nothing to even say
My first guess is "a lot", user.
You're correct that there's a lot wrong with me.
But I detest horse-people-things.
Go see a therapist user, it couldn't hurt
does Veeky Forums have a dnd group?
well I would assume since most of us play D&D we would have groups
I'm pretty sure based on people's responses in these threads that not everyone has a group or have people willing to play with them or any friends.
I want to know what mental issue I have, and how to fix it.
I don't have any money....
>does Veeky Forums have a dnd group?
I have three. One I play in, two I DM for.
>I don't have any money....
Well than you're fucked, have a good time with your Treasure Nest
>I want to know what mental issue I have, and how to fix it.
Ask a therapist, not Veeky Forums
>I don't have any money
Then wait until you have the money to see a therapist
I'm just trying to understand. I need to stop having a weakness for small cute things and feeling guilt for not indulging them.
I've only played in one 5e campaign as an Arcane Trickster.
What class should I try out next?
I play Deathwatch on Saturday, run Delta Green on Sundays, run D&D 5e on Wednesdays for newbies at my office I'm teaching how to play. I hapzardly fill my other days with a West Marches 5e game I run.
Feels pretty good man.
Is SCAG a must buy, or would just buying the Player's Guide be fine if I'm going to be playing the game and not DMing?
Should I preorder Xanathar's Guide to Everything while I'm at it, because it's only 30 on Amazon?
What do I do if one of the other players in my group whined so much about his 4d6 drop stat rolls that another player swapped stat blocks with him to make him stop complaining?
You don't roll for stats
SCAG has very particular classes that you will almost never use and backgrounds that slightly adjust the ones in the PH. You can get a PDF OF SCAG in the mega above and judge for yourself.
Xanathar's seems to have a bit more range and use, but I wouldn't recommend it if you're just starting out
If all you're doing is playing get the Player's Handbook and any splats that have rules, classes, or races you actually want to play.
Kill off every other PC, have them all roll new characters with 5d6 drop lowest two see if he still whines.
Tomb of Annihilation comes out early on Roll20 tonight. Is anyone here going to grab it? Will you post details/maps/etc?
Look, this is the second time you demonstrate that you do not understand the difference I'm trying to emphasize. Everyone else gets it. Last thread two guys had explanations that are pretty close to how I see this matter. and
I do not agree about the 'conviction network' since I think gods serve well enough for that purpose. But that's okay. It doesn't have a god in particular and it could also be that several divine beings share the labor so to speak.
>Force of personality and conviction can produce divine energy and magical effects, see the paladin, the storm herald barbarian, the sorcerer.
Clearly, no. In all cases.
>Barbarians who follow the Path of the Storm Herald learn instead to transform their rage into a mantle of primal magic that swirls around them. When in a fury, a barbarian of this path taps into nature to create powerful, magical effects. Storm heralds are typically elite champions who train alongside druids, rangers, and others sworn to protect the natural realm.
Barbarians use their emotions to shape magic they receive from nature. The source is nature, not their emotions.
>Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer comes from a divine source that glimmers within the soul. Having such a favored soul, your innate magic might come from a distant but powerful familial connection to a divine being.
It clearly states where the magic comes from and it's not 'force of personality and conviction'.
And the paladins are the ones we were arguing about. To me it's clear that 'conviction' doesn't produce divine energy. Paladins make themselves compatible and receptive to energies from divine beings who seem to love showering them with those or to nature itself. This is my understanding based on the source material. I know you do not agree with that. I'm grateful to the input of the other participants. Unless you have anything new to say, we're probably done.
You use the standard array
Use the standard array oh my god
I'm planning on doing a session ripping off Attack on Titan soon. Are there any mechanics for targeting specific body parts of giants in 5e? Sorry if it's a dumb question, I haven't GM'ed D&D in a long while.
Rolling a d20 to hit?
>New DM finally takes off the training wheels for our newer players.
>A 3 hour combat session starts.
>Somehow nobody important dies.
>Big bad escapes.
>My Bless literally saves the kings life.
>A random enemy wizard manages to become an important and named character through the players sheer hatred for his fireballs.
>Both sides retreat.
That was some good shit.
I have a question, if someone was dragging something (so their speed is down to 5 ft) but then 3 others assisted and turned it into a lift, how would that affect their speed? They're lifting a large sabre-tooth style creature.
Are those all the plot twists? Where do they come from? Could be an interesting thing to play with.
Does targeting specific area do extra damage or inflict a condition?
>Attack roll at disadvantage
We voted on picking stats.
He rolled better than the standard array though,
just more extreme. His big issue was that he had a 6 in a stat.
Oh God, I want THEM BEASTS
If you're familiar with Attack on Titan, titans can only be killed by cutting them at the base of the neck. I'm looking for a simple mechanic that might reflect that.
For now I was thinking of having that be represented by the players attacking a particular square (since big creatures take multiple squares) if they want to cause that lethal damage.
Exactly, just use standard array. It's helpful
Basically, the specific are is the only way to cause death. Hits anywhere else will regenerate rather quickly.
>Rolls better than standard.
>Has a single 6.
>Acts like a cunt.
Tell him to eat shit.
Unless you're rolling 4d6 and you HAVE to allocate them in the order you get them and he unfortunately got that 6 in his key stat. Even then, tough fucking shit. Work with it.
Seems like you got it.
Get a huge creature that has various AC depending on which square is getting hit, and the correct square scores crits on an 18 or higher