No WIP thread?
WIP thread.
Here's my Warlock Engineer, questions, comments, criticism welcome. Not finished with boring pistol yet not sure what to do
No WIP thread?
WIP thread.
Here's my Warlock Engineer, questions, comments, criticism welcome. Not finished with boring pistol yet not sure what to do
Other urls found in this thread:
I like the blade, nice blending.
I like what you did with the green on the glaive thing. looks dope
Hmm not a commissar and not a Mordian... I have repainted him slightly now.
wardrobe change!
Valhallan Officer
>(1.08 MB, 2592x1936)
no links in OP, starting the thread with your own model, fuck huge picture, poor photography
why bother creating the thread if you can't be fucked to put even a modicum of effort?
>why bother creating the thread if you can't be fucked to put even a modicum of effort?
All is not lost, user, although I agree it would've been... challenging for OP to make it much worse.
>Citadel Painting Guides:
>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36
>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers
>Painting Videos only
>DIY Lightbox
>DIY Spraybooth
>DIY Wet Palette
>How to Moldlines
>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy
>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)
>Priming With Acrylic Gesso
>Green Stuff Casting
>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation
>Previous thread(s):
>didn't greentext a bunch of useless links no one ever uses
>post a picture relating to a WIP completely relevant to thread
>get shitpoasded
I made a thread hoping the community would post WIPs, not bitch about effort level/aesthetics of the actual thread.
>mfw my thread is a WIP
>mfw that's on par with the irony that I have no face
Thanks user but fu at the same time for cucking my thread.
Ty guys cheers
I saw the daemon prince pieces and this is what I thought.....
I just happened
well, that happened.
I think with a bit of tweaking the concept could work.
what kinda tweaks?
I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate
is he carrying the regiments assigned monthly toilet paper?
Looks like he just read something horrific on that roll
Used even
Looks pretty cool imo. Still using as DP?
Craftworld Miami
Hotline Aeldari
Sure am!
lol Looks sweet
>no links in OP, starting the thread with your own model
Fuck off retard. This is the way it should be.
If your pic wasnt fucked it'd be even better
I love it
Great paintjob- a tad flamboyant (not that there's anything wrong with that)
Should I use the 50 Blessings logo for the craftworld symbol?
I wouldn't put fuck all on it, you'll just ruin a good pj
thin your paints/take your time....
that and the orange/yellow are ruining the fun colors with air brushing
That's what the red circle in the middle is. This is more or less my concept model where I can refine from here.
I think the 50blessings logo would suit dark eldar more than craftworld
First time painting again after a 5 years break.
What do you think?
Not finished yet, i want to make a a blue osl on the eyes and the torso, but no idea how to do it...
What about Ynari?
Lamenter Sergeant is now done. Will get pics later with him in his squad. Not sure what I want to work on next, more Primaris models or maybe finish my Sanguinary Guard squad.
Massive amount of respect for anyone who even attempts to paint lamenters. He's turned out great, the checkerboarding esepecially
Looks excellent, are you going to give him the pink skull vest?
I was gonna do that for the Farseer or a Corsair Exarch.
I miss the good ol times of angry marines and pretty marines
Huh... I... don't hate it actually. Put some fuckhuge pauldrons on him and give him some cooler weapons and it could work
Citadel blue glaze?
He put in more effort than anyone else at the time, including you.
Well the claws are the best thing you can give a prince atm... maybe pauldrons... next round of primer i'll put them down to be primed too, just to see
only thing you guys are gunna hate is that I'm a terrible painter so I'mma use flat paint and then wood stain. It's either that or the paint job looks horrible
So I'm a D&D player and I want to get into painting minis, so I backed the Bones 3 Kickstarter. I kind of went nuts and I got all of the expansion sets too, and a couple of the stand alone figures like their sand worm. I just got them a month or so ago, and now that I'm looking into paints, I have absolutely no idea what to buy. I've got about $100 per month that I can dump into this hobby and I'm trying to figure out the best way to spend it. Should I wait another couple weeks and buy one of the sets that reaper offers of paints? Is there a different set that might be worth getting?
That's actually pretty rad.
Get a can of white and black paint+primer
Get some brushes
Testors has good paints, citadel/GW is pricey but good, Vallejo is also a great brand. If you're feeling creative just get your basic rainbow of colors and mix your own shades. Otherwise pick 3-6 colors for a model and go for it.
You could add some gore around the neck, make it look like he tore himself out of the daemon and is now controlling the body via glute clenches.
Glad to see the Stark/Potts dynasty is alive and well in the 30th millenium
And here is a quick pic of my first squad now all done.
Got a response last thread suggesting a mossy green. Right now I have the bases as a mix of brown with some light blue spots drybrushed. Does the green look a bit better, should I keep what I got? It's been a while since I properly based multiple dudes.
Beautiful work, user.
Requesting the Plague Marine winter scheme models. For some reason I cant see it in Google.
>Plague Marine winter scheme models
Do you mean the Death Guard?
here you go
Alright, that makes sense. I have several larger models like pic related that I got as well. Do you think it would be easier to start with something like this, or should I stick to doing some of the more generic goblins and stuff first before I continue on?
for your first models ever you're better off starting with smaller generic guys first. once you've got the basics down then move on to the larger stuff.
My IG vetaran squad for Shadow War: Armageddon campaign. Most of conversions is done, but it still needs a lot of painting.
rate and constructive help me out
Honestly you should get a big bag of cheap plastic army men and practice by painting them up
That's some good shit.
looking decent so far. The purple hood and the mask is nice. As far as stuff to improve; I think the highlight on his left sleeve is way too thick and the hand looks a bit messy at the moment.
That campaign must be pretty far in to afford a red dot sight for everyone in the squad. I'm surprised about the choice with shotguns though. It looks like you raided part of a GSC Neophyte box, but didn't take some of the better looking guns.
Also, Krak Launchers are baller.
twin linked lasguns
Purple hood looks nice. I would add darker purple in lower parts of a fabric. Consider using black paint in deepest concavities of metalic parts instead of overall wash for better contrast
Does green stuff cure by itself over time/heat, like some clays do? I want to buy a pack to mess about with but I don't want to pull it out after a couple of weeks and discover it's rock-hard / turned into sludge.
The freeze method doesn't actually remove super glue, it just weakens the bond; then I'm stuck with that whole mess of chipping the crap off. Is there any non-toxic substance that will completely strip super glue?
Nope, it won't harden until you mix the two compounds. I leave mine in the plastic wrapper and it's still good, even after months of leaving it laying around.
if you don't seperate it out eventually it will cure in the middle. for best results store the yellow and blue parts in seperate containers.
don't get that one, get the one with the green and blue in separate tubes. it only cures after being mixed together.
Anyone got any tips/guides for painting Silver Tower bases?
Working on this guy at the moment. I give up trying to paint eyes, it ruins the whole thing every time I try.
Dunno why it's sideways. Phone was upright when taking picture. Fucking shity old iPhone 3.
paint scheme looks great, osl usually needs an air brush in my experience.
Acetone. Super glue (cyanoacrylate) is based on acrylic. Unfortunately, acetone has the unpleasant side effect of also dissolving your plastic miniatures.
Honestly, I just picked the first picture of GS I could find, I was planning on getting the tube ones anyway. Good to know, though.
I spent 2 hours trying to paint eyes on him and it just looked bad, every single time. Am I supposed to use a pin to dot the whites? Or a brush with 3 bristles? Even when I use just the tip of the brush i I can never get the white to look spherical.
Yeah, the new models with the winter scheme.
Not this one, bruv. But thanks
I actually wanted to have something like that back in like, 4th ed.
I wanted something like an assault 2 lasgun that wasn't a shotgun.
I know about acetone, I said I'm specifically looking for non-toxic solutions.
Don't hold it upright. Hold it sideways to the left. Veeky Forums does that for phoneposters for some reason
If it's metal, I use easy off oven cleaner. Not sure for nontoxic purposes though.
>Is there any non-toxic substance that will completely strip super glue?
>I said I'm specifically looking for non-toxic solutions.
Acetone is by far the safest and least toxic substance that will strip super glue.
Finally washed, and sealed 1 coat gloss 1 coat matt
This looks great man, did you make this scheme or use one of the ones from the booklet? Do they have a name? Normally, I like to make up my own scheme, but this time I fell in love with the Glooming Lords and I picked up an easy to build set to try it out before the main box releases.
Its just white with gold(retributor) and elysian green shoulders. Its me using 30k dg scheme for 40k
Anyone think they can show me what Citadel silver looks like with two coats of Carroburg Crimson thrown over it? Considering a scheme but I don't have Carroburg on me to test it out
Hey /wipg/, does this look excessive so far? I didn't like the power sword so I was looking to make a greataxe out of some spare bits. It's a flamer stuck into a Nid skull
>does this look excessive so far?
Bad excessive or cheesy retarded campy excessive? I can live one of these
Thats like something out of one of those jap cartoons
Bad excessive
Hm, back to the drawing board then. Thankfully the only thing I permanently glued together was the actual head. Maybe I'll stick it on a vehicle in the future
That bad chadmarine sculpt already looked like it was falling over and so adding that godeater/monhun weapon emphasizes it even more.
Fair point. I'll go with a smaller axe, although I don't actually have any weapon bits outside of bolters. Might have to prowl the FLGS for some people willing to sell bits
Working on my Primaris Ancient. Want to give it a more Lamenter feel. Heart on the helmet feel too much?
Also I get the feel like an Ancient would be considered a Veteran rank so I am trying to figure out a good paint scheme to represent that. But to my knowledge Lamenters mostly follow Codex squad markings and rank.
Starting up some biker conversions.
Nothing special or fancy, but I wanted horseback bikers
you might be able to salvage that top (if you remove the gun from the mount) as a banner. Not a held one, but like a planted one. You'd have to sculpt a pretty large banner though.