Shit Waifu Edition
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I love all of you
No. I am SDA.
>that pastebin
So Angel's Tok fanfic edition?
Dammit I've been had
Why are there so many gay guys on here? Not trying to be a dick, just curious.
But we're clearly all little girls!
You wish
The better question is who isn't SDA.
Did you CYOA not worked properly?
Drugs are bad, user.
Not gonna lie, I find your horrible grammar kind of cute.
What are you talking about? There's barely any gays on here. There's only like 2-3 husbando CYOAs.
Mah dick
I was talking about Veeky Forums in general. Although obviously, some boards are worse than others.
If that's what drugs do to me, I don't want to be good.
There's a lot of bisexual and open minded people on Veeky Forums. Anonymity will do that.
This and much much more...
I cannot believe i could mess up a string of words so badly
Is memes druggz
It's kind of impressive, really. Even the Russians I play DotA with do better than that.
Aww... Someone started the thread with one of my CYOAs ag-
>Shit Waifu Edition
We are all SDA.
For he is the best and worst of all of us.
We are the Smug Legion.
Join us or perish.
Remember to vote if you haven't already!
Current Results:
Tie between Vignette and Oriadne
Gwendolyn & Gracia
Something must be very wrong with me today.
is Guardian Spirit done?
I'm a rugged manly little girl
fuck vignette
>playing with Russians
>not Peru
At least it's not pinoys
What if I meant shit in a good way?
>That gif
I... uh... Gotta go... Do... A thing...
>its a "user somehow finds it within himself to resume crafting pearls for the local swine" episode
There is something wrong with me.
>Tummy rubs
But that's obviously her womb being molested. If you paid closer attention you'd notice the fingers are positioned above it.
50% (could be 90% with no real problems but I'll be a moralfag)
meteor, pretty bad if it kills 50%, though not very traumatizing as the chances of it happening again soon are very small
new genesis, people were going to believe in memes anyway
senescence and nourishment, restore civilization, make some smart long term investments and look both ways before I cross the street
You're not alone. I'm working on one right now as well. Keep the hope alive.
Just starting grabbing images for the Defensive Abilities. If you want to help I need images for all these powers (a great deal of the names are place holders):
>Aegis: (Ultimate Defense)
>Restoration (Healing):
>Grand Entrance (Superhero Entrance):
>Swap Places:
>Get Behind Me:
>Ward Off Evil:
>Summon Army:
>Clear Mind:
>Rise From The Ashes (Can't Be Killed):
>Inspire Hope:
>Strengthening Suffering (Do More Damage The More You’re Hit):
>Get Away From Me:
>Danger Sense:
>Cure Disease:
>Become Armor:
Then I would be kinda confused because of the phrasing.
>Remember to vote if you haven't already!
I can't. I'm not really interested in the premise, so I didn't read past the first page.
That's not how that works.
Okay, this is something i was wondering since the first one, whats up with sakata kintoki being a cool older brother to nursery rhyme and alice?
>2nd most popular has a benis
Just what I expected from this thread.
Will Italics ever make an actual cyoa again?
But it actually is.
She's likely on entactogen, and they're touching a very sexual area. So not only is that how it works, its the only way it works.
If you still think otherwise, then can you explain why she's having a orgasm form belly rubs?
>Remember to vote
What are we voting about? Who are these people?
Can't wait for Apocalypse.
Thankfully, Tok had answered in a previous thread ( 55261044 ) that the pain only briefly occurs when you are initially sent to the Death Realm, and not continuously during your whole stay.
I am glad the build turned out as powerful as it did!
After all that working on the build and refining every last detail though, I feel silly for overlooking the Halfling option.
>when you wanted to make a short waifu cyoa to test an idea but you ended with page long descriptions again
he made some weebshit cyoa like 2 weeks ago
>Women's Intergalactic Supermax Prison
That's great, I get to see you suffer for a whole month and then some more since I might not be able to complete it even by next month.
>He made some weebshit cyoa 2 weeks ago.
He did? Do you have it? Or is it another waifu cyoa.
Even if it is, he should still post it.
I love you like a brother.
Complete anonymity. I'm not sure whether that means people just act gay or are gay, but either way they can do so without concern of exposure or whatever.
toehoe waifus
You could at least the most recent StarDust version.
Sorry user but if I look at that too much I might go blind
Full points for creativity, but none for readability.
because you're fapping to much, right?
i know, i really out did myself there
>Teddy Roosevelt Conquers the American Frontier
That's not me. He hasn't even updated to the newer SD]A firmware yet.
I don't really care so long as someone posts it.
Its more of a Wetware ever since you ejaculated on it.
That manga is a gift to the world
Imagine a thread where ZBG, SDA, and THG are all banned.
This event, long ago foretold, was called Shangri-La.
>travel to a fictional world that has a device that allows interdimensional travel
I think SDA is just super lonely, you should give him a break. He spends so much time here for some reason, and he's probably upset with Tok since he gets triggered every time his rival makes an appearance.
>Toehoe waifus
Italic's was a mistake. Instead of making something interesting they give us waifus.
That looks about right.
I personally have no problem with ZBG, in fact I even enjoy him sometimes
But I mean, SDA and Tok are pretty much the same person, if that person was incredibly self loathing
He didn't even use any of the cool 2Hu's. There's so many options and we got six shades of lame.
Ya gonna post it or keep complaining and not contributing? Because i'll take that over the shitposting over SDA and Tok.
Really looking forward to this next update! I know the author mentioned a bunch of stuff they were planning and it sounded quite interesting.
SDA and Tok are life partners
Sadly I don't have it. So have best Vampire instead.
Italics still has to update the 2hu Waifu CYOA a bit more. Especially with the ones they mentioned before.
>He didn't even use any of the cool 2hus.
You're joking right? Italic's just wants to watch the world burn.
One of them clearly has superior design capabilities and is much better at imagining fantastical universes. However, Tok is the superior pervert. I suppose he could be SDA's basement dwelling, loser little brother
Thank me later senpai.
>World war 3
>Lesson learned
>God's accomplice, Chronicler blessing
Bit of a moralfag in that if my decisions are going to cause this many people to die, I won't exempt myself from the grinder.
I'm in a normal, stable relationship, though.
Stupid captcha
I don't have enough time to make a new build tonight, but I can post an old one before I go.
>Power Source
The V
I would pick hero, but I would be lying if I did.
>Body Archetype
Mild Mannered + Heroic = Attractive
Just a pretty girl, other than the plant parts...
>Body Gender Type
>Body Features
Breasts; C
Ass; Apple
Eye Color; Green
Head Hair; To the Ground
Body Hair; Bald
Hair Color; "Unnatural"
Voice; Smooth
E-Storage; Belly
Restricted Infusion (Oral) 1
Restrained Donations 2
Enhanced Production 3
Sticky Situation 4
Alternative Discharge (Breast Milk) 5
Reabsorption 6
Waste-Not 7
Elastic Capacity 8
Nutrilicious Output 9
Efficient Exchange 10
Auxiliary Storage (Breasts) 11
Going Green 12
Prehensile 13
Never-Not 15
Coming Apart 17
Perpetual 19
Generator 21
Open Tap 23
Holely Vulnerable, Batman! 25
Lewd Learning 27
>Allies & Adversaries
Naw. I'm not really feeling it.
>Secret Identity
Full-Timer 25
Core; Organic 25
Opulent 24
Mobile 23
Residence 23
Lewd 23
Secure 22
Arachna 21
Minor Resistance 21
Self-Sustenance 20
Ageless 19
Adaptive Response 17
Strong Psychic Resistance 15
Strong Healing Factor 11
Minor Enhancement 11
Superior Musculature 10
Enhanced Mind 10
Super Grip/Wall Crawling 10
Bone Protrusions 9
Retractable Claws 8
Detachable 6
Spit Attack (Venom/Irritating Pollen) 5
Flora-kinesis 4
Healing Touch 2
Pheromone Manipulation 1
Overflow 0
>already have glaucoma
>I can feel my eyes staging a revolt every time I open this image
>too fucking blind to realize what I clicked until it's too late
Why must you do this?
SDA, where's the new Stardust update?
Well, I wanted to be a bunch of plants and live in a tree. The mind boggling amount of lewdness that goes on inside that tree is purely incidental.
I'll probably take the hero commission to pay the power bill and keep up on the video game habit, sending out clones riding leaf dogs made Home Tree's biomass to patrol. The clones are all on hivemind mode, and return to the tree to "recharge" regularly. I'm kind of a prude, so I'll keep my constant orgy restricted to the privacy of the tree. Outside the tree, we are calm, fully clothed, and professional keepers of the peace. Inside the tree we are a mass of writhing plants shoving themselves into whatever slick hole is available, seeds pumping into fertile bodies to grow and swell, and girl on girl on girl on girl action. Also, naked cuddle piles around the TV, and general lazing about on soft mossy carpets.
I can't really blame Arachna for not wanting to work with us. My fighting style is 100% plant based NOPE. Constant grasping animate plants, thorny claws and protruding wooden armor, severed limbs continuing to crawl and attack even as a replacement grows, and the horror that is Spit Attack mixed with Overflow turning perps into teary, snot drenched puddles of allergic torture. I'm glad we can heal others with my powers, or I might run into trouble with lawsuits. Well, even if she doesn't want us on her job site, Arachna's still a pretty cool person to hang out with. As full-timers, we can openly hang out when she's not working. We'd probably play Mazes&Monsters at the local comic shop, and babble about shiny gadgets over coffee. Depending on her level of interest, we might show her around my home. A tree is a great place to spin a web, and I wouldn't mind getting tied up in a relationship.
I dunno what you guys are talking about with boring options, best 2hu is right there, big, at the top of the third one.
Don't think I've seen this reposted, but I could be blind.
Never ever. What is even in the update of Pokemon Personified?