A discussion about the TCG while also claiming your card-fus.
You can use the OCG arts if you want to.
A discussion about the TCG while also claiming your card-fus.
You can use the OCG arts if you want to.
best girl
t. Seto Kaiba
Royal waifu best waifu
with honorable mention to marmalmaide
Im the only one who love her. But thats okay, she was special to me
Space/Star Warrior Girl best waitfu
you mixed it up. Its actually
>tfw you want to get back into the game, but the only place to play at is full of "those guys" that under-price the shit out of your cards, but go by the highest price they can find on Ebay for theirs
>Want to get into yu-gi-oh again
>See tourney location very close
>Buy pretty cheap but fairly effective pet deck
>Call them to ask when their tournaments are
>Konami gave me outdated information and they no longer host yu-gi-oh tourneys
>Next closest store is 40 minutes away
I should have just bought a magic deck.
I tried to get into MTG, just didn't like it too much.
Great fucking waifu choice, btw. I wish she was more viable when she came out, DUEA was probably my favorite booster set right next to THSF.
I miss old yu-gi-oh so much.
I remember buying a shit ton of cards from a bootfair. We had tons of these things.
Me a my little bro would sort them into
>4star and under
>5-6 star
>traps types
>magic types
and then take 5 from a pile and make decks from those. good times
Back when a 2000 def monster was a pain and monsters with 1800 atk where powerhouses.
Yeah, the way yu-gi-oh chains cards together feels a lot better than magic in my opinion.
When I play magic I feel like I trip my way to victory.
game is Hemorrhaging players lately, which is a shame but Konami doesn't seem to care
Best Vampire clamed!
Can you just summon Ray off of Utopia then Lightning off Ray in one turn?
Am I missing something here? That sounds fucking stupid.
Yes you can. Utopia.dek was very real. You just keep going and going and with pic related you'll almost never run out of cards.
Lunalights 4 lyfe
Newfag to this board.
Can someone explain to me in shot what is the current state of the game since I want to get into it.
Last thing I played was Kaiba the revenge and I loved the game to death.
I keep hearing about banned,nerfed or changed cards and 1000 edition reprints.
Has everything gone to shit or what?
Played Yugioh first at home as a kid, then at weekly events during the xyz era (played mostly chaos dragons, some monarchs).
Yugioh is a fun game, the problem is that most people, sometimes me included, don't have the working memory to read an entire card text without forgetting the first line before they're done. I mean, look at Tragoedia for example, wtf is that shit. They seriously need to simplify their explanations, and their effects.
before link monsters, see pic related
after link monsters, non-top tier decks(namely, every other deck you can think of) are finally playable
shit, meant to reply to this
After BEWD we got DDD,Zodiacs,Frogs,Eidolons and True Kangs( I think)
Link rules and banlist murdered those except for True Kangs which dominate now
Husbando coming through
>True Kangs
sorry, been out for a while, but is this some new archetype? what's the name?
if you're referring to triamids, then it's too good to be true
But isn't the current anime arc the last one also? So it's about to be a dead franchise regardless once they lose the constant influx of new players.
>is this some new archetype?
> what's the name?
just read about them, dayum, sounds like they're broken.
Current meta has 2 tiers, broken and useless.
True Kings, the "we wuz elemental dragons and shieet" archetype
back to waifuposting
I used to run a vanilla fem deck on the playground, loved raping the fiend/machine beatdown faggots with pic related.
Considering how much the meta has changed, are the Egyptian God cards even considered still broken.
Egyptian gods were never broken. Ever.
Needs more DEF
I say this as a duel links player.
A strong attack is the best defense
Sure, but there is not a big enough attack prevents you being screwed by sphere kuriboh.
If you don't know how to protect your monsters from handtraps you're a trash duelist anyway.
Waiting a turn to attack isn't generally that good.
Someone post silent magician level 8
My phone is dumb.
This is a common thought process of nostalgiafags who can't take off their rose colored glasses. This "era" you miss never truly existed for the game, because in the actual meta and older age groups, nobody played that way. What you actually miss is being a child, when people didn't use things because they were "good", but because they were "cool". When nobody cared about winning, but about trying to emulate their own self-insert anime character and building a deck that just had monsters with artwork they liked. In short, you want to go back to being fucking retarded, when everyone was too stupid to know better.
>Someone post silent magician level 8
I'll post something better
better pic
also my waifu is Jinzo
I would probably be what you consider a nostalgiafag.
I look at the game and i see cards with a million different effects. i see ways to summon multiple 2000+ attack monsters turn one and i see new ways to summon monsters that overshadow the simplicity and the epicness of fusionmonsters and ritual monsters.
yu gi oh may still be a good game but to say it hasnt changed is laughable and objectively wrong.
Now good cards do 5 different things instead of just "destroy all spells" or "summon 2100 beater for free"
look at this card
>Normal monsters are so uncommon now, they have to say normal
God I'm old
I activate my Pot of Greed spell card. It allows me to draw two cards from my deck.
It differentiates them from tuners I guess.
>overshadow the simplicity and the epicness of fusionmonsters and ritual monsters.
Fusion and Ritual have been meta. Nekroz was the best deck during its time and Fusion has a few meta decks like Shaddoll.
Normal tunas are old as hell.
Normal has weird rules baggage, like normal monsters aren't extra deck monster types, so giving a xyz monster the Gemini effect makes them not count as xyz monster. ... I think.
But what does it do?
Get you banned from tournaments
>saying what Pot of Greed does
You guys i wish there were formats in this game
Im currently playing duel links and i dread the powercreep that i know is going to take place
Duel links is a format in and of itself.
Basically low power game.
Man, I really wish that they issued errata so old cards in duel links didn't randomly say select.
I ran equipment back in the day.
A 4300 or whatever attack Overdrive was something to behold.
The idea of a jeep with an axe, a unicorn horn and a necklace also fueled my later love of equipment decks in general.
I think full playground force Ra might actually be legit, since the 3 sacrifices thing just makes it stronger.
Plus, they are just outright immune to being fucked with once they are out, which is nothing to sneeze at.
Playground force?
Sphere mode Ra was the only playable one as a tech because you can sac your opponent's shit, and it came out in 2016 and got replaced by Kaiju.
The fact is that you're going -3 to NORMAL summon nothing more than a beatstick with sometimes protection. Obelisk and Sphere Mode still gets blown out by a boardwipe or nontargeting removal, Slifer and normal Ra have no protection.The only one who's actually immune to anything is Phoenix mode, which requires you to first have a normal Ra out and have it be destroyed by an opponent's card effect, while also leaving for Sphere Mode at the end of the turn it's summoned.
don't you have a duel to job Seto?
I think he means with all the bullshit powers they got in the shows that kids would prescribe to.
If you could redesign the god cards, and say the sphinxes, for a more modern meta, how would you?
I wouldn't. God cards and anime boss cards in general are made solely for people who watch the show and -should- be absolutely unviable to a competitive scene, because for them to be cool in the show they have to have a metric fuckton of situational effects and obtuse summoning conditions, meaning they'd be awful in the actual card game itself. Meanwhile, the people who actually are interested in cool points is like kitchen table magic where you can make up rules on the fly, so what's the point in making them actually good if they're going to ignore the rules anyways. The system works, I wouldn't change it.
how fast is the format atm? i used to run horus lock back in glad beast format but after that the meta sped up too fast to compete with most decks
They all retain their blanket immunity to most target effects.
All three have the effect: Sacrifice this monster. Your opponent must sacrifice a Divine-Beast they control if able.
All three prevent the other player from winning the duel by any means other than lifepoints.
All three are automatically sacrificed at the end of the turn they are special summoned if they were special summoned by means other than printed on the card.
Obelisk and Slifer must be special summoned from the hand by sacrificing monsters whose total level adds up to at least 10.
Ra can be special summoned at any point from your hand for free, but you CAN sacrifice up to 3 monsters to do it. Ra gains the sum total of their Attack and Defense upon summoning.
Obelisk remains a 4000/4000 beatstick. it gets 3 abilities, each of which can only be used once per time it is on the field:
>Destroy all monsters on the opponent's side of the field
>Increase Obelisk's Attack and Defence by 4000 points.
>Obelisk cannot be destroyed or removed from the game until the end of turn.
While in your graveyard, Obelisk decreases the attack of all of your opponents monsters by 500.
When you special summon Slifer, draw a card.
Slifer's Attack and Defense points are equal to the number of cards in your handx1000.
Once per turn, you may choose one.
>Draw cards until you have as many cards in your hand as your opponent
>Your opponent discards cards until they have the same number as you do
Whenever an opponent normal summons, special summons, or sets a monster, Slifer automatically attacks it. Prevent all battle damage you or Slifer would revieve as a result of this attack. Monsters with flip effects have those effects negated.
has the sum total of its sacrifices stats, and can exchange your LP for attack points at a 1-1 ratio for 1 turn.
Also, the sphere/pheonix mode stuff is cool, just put those on the card itself.