Red color in MTG is about rag-
Red color in MTG is about rag-
Nah, it is more about being a ADHD person which a lot of hatr-
Red's about emotions.
I am pretty sure Red is about destruct-
Of course! Red is about gobos! Those little cowards are so random! They are always dying in some wonky way! It is not like their lives are meaningles-
Is it possible to have a Black mana hero who isn't an edgy try hard? That one dude from Kamigawa comes to mind but who else?
Kaladesh was hot garbage
>Indian woman has a pale redhead
They wasted the opportunity of doing somewhat of an Erebos good/neutral planeswalker, who could see death as a natural part of life and a necessary path in our existence in order to put a soul into rest. Some kind of deep voice planeswalker who would be wandering quietly among the planes, preserving in more of a philosophical way instead of "EVUL VS GOOH!". Maybe someone the main characters know he/she doesn't desire any harm to them, but they can't know if he is with them or against them. Making them think if they are doing the right thing, I guess?
I would have had a lot of potential for a plane as Amonkhet, where real death was a God's gift when zombies where the norm. And it would have given him/her a very strong reason to oppose Nicol Bolas when the truth was revealed.
If not, it could be exploited the last clause about black: power with a cost. Maybe some kind of honest to heart hero which tries to make good deeds even when that could bring harm to him? Because he is too little of a sacrifice for the agenda he has for the multiverse.
But, nah!!! Let's continue choking on femme fatale with plot armor and daddy issues to appeal the bad gamer girls. Black is about being a stoned emo vampire or a cunt. Right guys?
>Pic unrelated
It's MAGIC (the Gathering)
I ain't gotta explain shit
Agreed, a lot of wasted oppurtinity for these particular sets but then aside from Lillith and Sorin Black is the easier color to fuck up in making a decent character.
How do you make an asshole who's out for number one? I mean they have motivations and needs like anyone else so having one that is invested in ensuring there is an order in place (and that they benefit from it) is one thing, maybe they just extract a price for an essential service they provide (dealing with demons and undead)
is the father pale redhead?
Memes aside, V could be seen as a black alligned character, or a rakdos one. Maybe his end for all is about giving freedom to the people, but his real motives was plain revenge and vindication. The liberation of the meek was a way for that revenge. His cruelty and cinism was totally in tune with black.He hasn't doubted about torturing Evey in order to make her see his way.
Making a dick character is easy. Creating a character whose motives you can't point if right or bad is pretty, pretty difficult. An art. A black alligned character who lies in order to tell the truth.
>Red is about all of these things.
>It's the color with the least design space in almost every set.
I can accept that. Actually, now that I think about it another one I'd throw in would be Gin from Bleach. The guy played the long con for the sole purpose of attempting to kill Aizen simply because he mistreated Rangiku when she was a kid. He hated him and his hatred drove him into a plan that had him betray everyone for that singular moment (even though it failed)
well, they kinda tried to go artistic passion with the thopter makers.
I really want permanent no block ability for red once flavor texted as love.
A thread died for this.
For this shit that I see every fucking time I'm on Veeky Forums.
You're not clever, this isn't amusing, all of this discussion is 100% WANK. Just look up a couple fucking cards and your answers are fucking solved. EVERYBODY KNOWS HOW THE FUCKING COLOR WHEEL WORKS. Everybody has the ability to EXTRAPOLATE, fucking use it.
Holy shit fuck off.
>tfw too intelligent to play red
Nope, black bearded Indian-ish.
>Too lazy to find a clear picture.
but R/U is objectively the greatest?
Crovax, kinda
Pretty ironical the fact that you tell that about color red as such a basic fact but, at the same time, it looks like anger and madness are the ideas which plague your mind right now.
A wank can be a wank. But this thread is not about wanking about the color red, but about what creative ideas could surge from the stablished color pie. Could gruul get out of the savage stigma? Could dimir be the color of a good character without loosing its essence? Some theories could be seen as wankery, since for you are simple facts. Other could be even impossible and mere rantlings. But, in the end of the day, my senpai, ... in the end of the day is about stimuling the creative process your mind uses, in order to subvert the stablished arquetypes without leaving them without their essence. Be MTG colors, be industrial elves, be a rpg system.
Yeah, but that card is shitty
Mtg lore is normie-tier...made to be accepted by the lowest common denominator amongst nerds.
As soon as you accept this, the disappointment in their writing becomes easier to bear.
He's pale, but not red-headed
They could both be gene-carriers, tho.
Red's about speed and going FUCKING FAST
Ask any red players and they know speed is everything for red, all other things about that color are afterthoughts.
>mom is a brown-haired Mexican
>dad is a brown-haired Indian
>daughter is a pale ginger
What did WOTC mean by this?
>"Fuck continuity"
Typical magocracy bullshit. Trying to magically tag buildings? Trigger a spell to summon spectral turgid horse wangs to punish the offending spellcaster. Total bullshit.
Akagi Shigeru, while not a hero, is a good example of a likeable, non-edgy Black protagonist (especially old Akagi)
people look as the colors hard coded the same way they look at alignments. blue and lawful means smart and cunning while red and chaotic means dumb and stronk, right? we cant have SMART red creatures or players!
>we cant have a PROUD goblin race with any sort of intelligence, they must all be stupid murder children!
slobad, mizzix, and daretti are smart. krenko and grenzo are cunning. auntie wort has a deep sense of caring and family, in RB no less! the chaotic evil of the color pie! sure they can get chaotic, but they dont genuinely mean harm to anyone. raidmother wort acts more like what we expect from goblins.
i play t2 tokens in modern(new to the format, whent with a interesting budget deck), an early possible turn 1/2 killer and a less consistent/midgame 8whack. while it stupid fast i have to be smart about what i play and when so i dont fall short. ive held risky hands and try for some risky gambits and bluffs. when i lose one time i have heard an offhand remark "majik is a thinking game" and another got called its not "real" magic. why? because i can play blood moons t1/2 and play things faster than you. guess what? they were all playing blue. they use the term "real magic", but what they are saying is im not playing blue. i played against a player who won but was a good sport and discussed our decks and deck tuning ideas abit. he was using a r/g deck.
i dont play red exclusively and i dont mean to stereotype, but exclusive blue/splash2win players are the worst. they think playing a counterspell deserves a pat on the back and a smug sense of satisfaction, but all they are doing is saying "no". magic is a numbers game and a gamble, the decks and strategies are just a means of reaching an end goal. but one mans fun shouldnt be put down if its just as valid and fair at wining.
Is akagi black and not red? I would have pegged him as red.
So red is for lesbians?
I guess you could argue Red. An independent, self-reliant streak can be Red or Black, but he puts a ton of importance on being himself over all else, which is a very Black trait. His suicidal streak isn't Red, because he's always acting from rationality rather than impulse, and always considers the consequences of his reckless actions. He just has faith in himself. If I'd put him into a second color it'd be Blue if anything else
I'd argue that while red =/= dumb, it does coincide with irrationality based on emotion. Red's gamble cards convey a short-sighted "double-or-nothing" attitude compared to Black's "equivalent exchange";.
They're supposedly mother and daughter
Even though they fucked up immensely and made the planeswalker from the Indian steampunk plane look like the most irish woman alive and from a place that's neither indian or steampunk
Are you sure he doesnt follow impulse? Its not always but I thought he definitely followed his gut. Thats kind of his whole thing I thought. I cant think of a specific example but I know he defeated some of hsi opponents by doing the illogical thing. Plus he doesnt do things for power or money which is the black part of self centeredness. He does it purely for the adrenaline rush. Its been a while so maybe Im misremembering things.
what about Ink-Eyes?
muh waifu
Spent to long in the tanning salon?
Where to find the others?
Black is all about the self. Me me me. Unfortunately for Black, we ascribe selfishness to be bad and selflessness to be good.
Closest you could get that wouldn't be try hard edgy would be in the same vein of Greed from FMA. Greed's minions and companions are his property, and he protects his property. It takes him right until the end of the series to admit that they're not really his property but his friends and family that he loves.
Liliana had a bit of that going on Internal monologue style, but she hasn't quite moved to the 'friends and family' stage yet.
Well, there's also the fact that Black is the color of "me", and democracy and anarchism are therefore considered Black-aligned since they are all about the power of the individual over the group (contrast to White, which is explicitly identified as the color of Fascism, which is all about the State over the individual).
Liliana actually moved AWAY from the "Friends and family" stage
Also, black is also the color of liking where you are. Like, you don't ALWAYS need to strive for more and more power, if you're comfy where you are, that's fine too. It's all about YOU after all.
I thought chandra's hair was literal fire.
Where does capitalism fall on the color pie?
From my very layman philosophical interpretations of capitalism, is that it's a system designed to work with the human nature of wanting things and competition. That sounds pretty G/B to me: natural desires, personal choice, survival of the fittest, etc. I don't even know if it would have to spread to other colors for more modern versions with regulations and such, since the core of the beast hasn't changed- adapt, compete, repeat.
It gets like that when she channels mana. Kinda like how liliana only SOMETIMES has tattoos
Black is the color that controls the acquisition of wealth in all forms.
i agree, it just seems to get a bad rep because it promotes speed above a long term strategy. acting and setting the pace above reacting to the situation. a bad hand or draw is equal among all colors. card advantage doesnt mean anything if you cant play them.
Capitalism is solidly black in the emphasis that it places on the individual.
There's also the fact that it's been actively despised by the people who make the game for a quarter century now
Grixis or Esper
>emphasis on the individual
What about Chinese modes of capitalism?
Also black since the chinese are rat men.
socialism is white
Alexander the great spoke of how his friends were also him, and extensions of himself. In the same way Black is greedy and values possessions, it can value the well-being of other people, seeing them as essential to the self.
Every color can be altruistic, or self-centered.
Yes, I wasn't denying that, I was saying that liliana USED to be like that, but is no longer
You do remember her whole reason for sparking right? She was like, the only character that escaped origins unscathed
Oh shit, I just realized I played Magic when pogs were a thing
B. Capitalism is all about using wealth to acquire more wealth, i.e. the "fittest" is the one who's the wealthiest already. I guess you could argue WB because of social stratification, though.
No, hes 100% red. Passionate, expressive, wants freedom for everyone
"h-hello, my fellow angrymen!"
The "comfy where you are" is green, son. Red is also acceptable.
Black believes if youre not motivated by your own preservation, someone else will abuse you. Thats why its between red and blue (doing what you want and marching toward a goal)
>V could be seen as a black alligned character, or a rakdos one
I was meaning that, depending upon to what aspect you give more importance, you could get a black character or a rakdos or red one.
If you just center his character about culture, freedom of speech and passion towards ideals , you would get a red character. But if you center his character on the revenge aspect and the conspirations, he would step towards black. In fact, he could be the first rakdos character who is not a chaotic stupid character.
you can tell by the flavor text of pic in . goblins have gotten it bad, but newer sets have been better. BfZ had neat designs imo. im still mad about tuktuk though, i though he would be important. love zada thou, best red commander.
technically that picture could indeed be about being on the rag
I have a question about the Tithe Drinker art and this seems like a good place to ask.
Which one is the Tithe Drinker, the girl or the monsters?
The girl
The card's creature type is Vampire, so it's the girl. Those monsters are Orzhov's kind of Gargoyles.
They're technically thrulls. I think
>Koth "phyrexians broke my land so I will break their backs" The hammer
>not angry
You must have some massive sausages to fatfinger an R when you meant W
>Red color in MTG is about rag
so its some kind of period power?
Nope. Can see why you think that though.
Especially weird considering they slowly made Gideon more and more brown in his art, so they're not above retconning the races of their characters.
They can't retcon Chandra being pale because that fucks up her ginger look. Brown people with red hair don't work.
Chandra without red hair isn't Chandra.
>my enemies are white
What did they mean by this?
Well, Chandra is apparently "special" even on her plane. It might have something to do with her being an pyromancer born on Kaladesh.
Red has always been the color of passion and creativity, why are you surprised?
>always complaining about feelings getting hurt
>violently reactionary
>wish to replace facts with stuff that makes "everyone" feel welcome
SJWs = Red
I guess a character like Barbossa from pirates of the Carribean could fit? Not exactly a Hero with a big H, but not exactly evil either.
atleast it had dwarves in it. it dint do anything cool with it but god dammit i miss dwarves.
what do you mean by pogs?
Here you go.
Just google "My color is ... Magic the Gathering"
He's still a romance novel lead guy.
That's his archetype.
Hell, the book that introduced it was written by a romance novel writer.
It's about emotions and passion with true, unfettered intent. Not just rage and violence.
I play UW because it embodies everything that I see in myself: self-righteous, controlling, hypocritical, cannot differentiate between fact and opinion, socially-inept, and "criticizes" whatever I see as badwrongfun.
I have very low self-esteem.
I've tried three so far but can't put up with the lolsorandumb questions and spelling errors.
Fucking shit, the spelling errors.
Left is a travesty
Right is better
Make black great again.
Black was never great, user.
>not playing BG and converting snack 'food' into fat
shiggy diggy
truest thing in the thread
Try again, dumbass
>Brown people with red hair don't work.
Dont you fucking talk shit about my waifu, faggot
Fucking this
little discs