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Punchgirl Edition
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Punchgirl Edition
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No question?
fuck ya beat me to it
No girl is gonna look that pretty after more than one spiked knuckle boxing match. And she's kinda a dumb bitch for ruining that pretty face.
>tfw the paladin is a headbutt/bite girl instead because of poorly foreseen loot
Also acceptable.
She also needs bullying because her boobs are getting bigger and she doesn't want to admit why!
Those are the type of people you can rely on... loose cannons, always great people to have around.
Time to start telling the truth like a real liar!
What build should I make so I can have fun!
whatever you want man
Punchgirl. Wizard. Support Rajah. True Dragon. Some gestalt abortion.
How profitable is to own a bath house?
Are you asking in general, using a specific subsystem like Downtime or Kingdom Building, using skill checks, or for fluff? I suspect it depends on the area, and the availability of plumbing.
God, this meme needs to die.
You fuckers have turned this into a completely meaningless word, by now you use it for everything from gentle ribbing to full-on sexual assault.
It's too late, user. It's too fucking late.
Perhaps it's best if you just step away from the internet for awhile.
I don't think you know how that works, why would she be dirty fighting or doing any fighting or heavy tasks if she's pregnant?
Right, so some members of my group and a few of my other friends have expressed a desire to do a straight up dungeon crawl where the characters are basically nothing more than walking stat blocks.
Since I don't really want to go through the effort of designing and mapping out a dungeon, what's a good dungeon crawling module I can run them through?
To be fair, it is used pretty aggressively. It just feels kind of lazy to use it as a catch-all for any level of antagonistic relationship between party members short of killing each other. It also feels like it's trying to make it cutesy, which triggers some people's distaste for cuteposting.
If I make punchgirl will my group dislike me for being too cliche?
Rappun Athuk.
Or just spam Don Jon over and over again.
Well then what is it mr smarty pants?
If you play the character as a cliche, they might. I don't know your group to know how they react to cliches, and I don't know how you'd characterize her. If they dislike cliches, and you just slap a bunch of cliches into a character, they'll probably dislike it.
Big Green Tower is a pretty good dungeon crawl if you're looking for little story and nothing but hard floors.
I just want to make a fighter and use a weapon
Maybe it's just your group's subtle way of saying you are bad at DM roleplay and they think your stories suck.
So is it worth for an occultist based around transmutation to take VMC into wizard and go for transmutation there to get natural enchancement bonuses to two physical stats, get a familiar and Time Stutter, or do feats beat out those benefits?
Exactly. It's used for everything, and then people fucking shriek that any social interaction is bullying. So it pretty much shuts down any conversation because then it becomes either cutesy flirting and babying or straight-up rape disguised as cutesy flirting.
>straight-up rape disguised as cutesy flirting
how is that even possible?
Usually when you put two people already in a relationship in a game. One makes a character who's basically owned by the other, and just gets dragged off to get molested by them every time downtime comes around.
I just like martials! Is that so wrong?
Truthfully I feel like I'm a mediocre DM *at best* but they seem pretty happy with me. The suggestion for the dungeon crawling came from one of our outside friends. I'm guessing that the dungeon crawl group will be mostly outside friends with 1 or 2 people from the group I run for.
Are you referring to Emerald Spire? I was looking up "Big Green Tower" for a few minutes before it occurred to me that I may be retarded.
I actually have a copy of Rappan Athuk which I got from a humble book bundle ages ago that was composed of 3PP pathfinder books and was considering that though I had been wondering if there were other suggestions. As for donjon I had completely forgotten about the generator, I'll poke around with that.
>PC walks up and strips another PC, then claims that she's now his property
>this is played off as bullying
>they roleplay rape
And this is why I don't like the word. This is why I'm wary of people who use the word. It removes any sense of scale or gravity to interparty conflict. It's all just bullying.
i see. somehow i think your definition of rape and mine differ substantially
that's not a bad thing. this "hard edgey and oh-so winter" version of rape seems much better.
You laugh at their possible innocence, but my immediate reading was more along the lines of "it's not rape if it's cute." I'm not sure which is more likely.
It's usually more like
>"I think you're cute"
>"I'm going to rape you now. Bend over."
>"Ooh, tee-hee, don't bully me silly boy~"
The problem here is that you're dealing with people who probably haven't had any social interaction with real human beings since elementary school, where everything that wasn't formally overseen by a teacher or adult was them getting bullied.
So they see all interaction as a subset of bullying, but seek it out anyway because they think it'll make them popular. Flirting? Bullying. Compliments? Bullying. Physical abuse? Bullying. Rape? bullying. Consensual, post-marital sex? Bullying. Hugging? Bullying.
Everything that isn't blandly inserting plot or side-quest coupons into an NPC in exchange for loot, gold, and XP is bullying.
But in that context it's usage is what bullying is, that of asserting superiority over another through physical or mental threats and abuse in order to gain something from it, whether it be actually benefits or mere amusement.
I think you're putting way too much thought into the use of bullying in the context of /pfg/ threads.
You're over thinking it. It's legit fucking anime in this case? Someone gropes someone, it's just bullying/teasing. You see it all the time in hentai and ecchi shit.
And that's fine, but it's going to be used to meme. Which means it's too late.
Really? We allowed PM THEM to become the cancer it is, and I'm the one overthinking this?
Yeah, pretty much.
Clearly the bullying of people who don't want to see the bullying meme is an issue that needs to be discussed.
Which do you feel is a more interesting NPC from a purely aesthetic standpoint?
>1. Female Brawler Half-Orc bodyguard who fights by throwing two shields.
>2. Female Swashbuckler Dhampir archaeologist who fights with a Blue Scarf & Scimitar
I hate dhampir, so brawler wins.
How did the Dhampir hurt you user?
He stuck his bullypole in my boipucci, stirring up my shitoris until I made cummies.
Posting this again: is it worth as a transmutation and melee focused occultist to grab wizard VMC and transmutation school to get two natural enhancement bonuses to physical stats so that I only need one belt or buff to get big plusses to all physical stats?
god is dead and we killed him
> Bad people woke up
> Unlucky Red Chair
> Storytime about Fire
> A Bunch of Bamboozlers
> Sim City: Pathfinder Edition
> Snake Head
> Royal Dead Body
> Green Substitute
> Yar Har Fiddle Dee Dee
> Broken Sun
> F**k Cold Weather
> Angry Holymen
> Crypts and Facewear
> A Technophobe's Worst Nightmare
> Big Man Hurters
> Hipsters: The Rebellion
> Edge: The Anti-Rebellion
> Shiny Mindrape
>You don't encounter a Giant with levels in Slayer
user, you are the giantslayer. Also were hybrids even a thing back when Giantslayer was released?
That's because you're assuming the space goes after the S, not before. You're supposed to be laying all the giants.
What game would let me join as a spunky succubus punchgirl in a bikini?
An LWC probably.
Starstone probably, it's run by a fucking useless degenerate just like you.
haha yes, time for punching!
>ass knives
Gets me every time.
Trust me user, there are no degenerates like me.
I'm disappointed by the lack of keijo-style tit weaponry.
I'm also disappointed by the fact that keijo was dropped by the publisher.
Prove it!
Thursday means Blingmaker greentext! Last week, the PCs had found headache-inducing ruins and a brewery ran by bandits atop a waterfall. They decided to see if they could convince these bandits, whom they heard to be friendlier than most other bandits, to ditch the Swag Lord. After negotiating with one of the bandit guards, the party was finally given permission to speak to the man's superior, Auchs- but on the condition that only Andrik, Antoinette, and Viviana go.
Session #18
>one bandit brings out some booze to chat with Branwen, Franze, and Kyras over while another takes the other PCs inside the rustic cabin to talk with their leader
>they find a quartet of bandits in the cabin but only one seems to do the talking, a rude man who cuts to the chase and asks what bargain the trio wants to make
>the offer is simple: the PCs overlook the past crimes of him and his subordinates if he refrains from sending aid to the Swag Lord when the party attacks him
>the man expresses some serious doubts that the PCs can defeat Sairok, but agrees in the end because he can feign innocence if the PCs fail
>he stresses that accepting this deal doesn't mean he owes the PCs any favors, and then tells Auchs to bring out some booze to seal the deal at Antoinette's request
>PCs realize the person they had been talking to wasn't Auchs at all, and he finally introduces himself as Udrath
>the lumbering oaf that is Auchs brings out some moonshine for the PCs and politely gives it to them before going back to the toys he was playing with before the PCs arrived
>the two halves of the party regroup and leave
>the next day, the party heads off to investigate a "temple with a troll" they heard about (triggering Kyras' PTSD in the process)
>inside, the PCs find a weird troll wearing Abadar's holy symbol getting ready to cook some guy he has tied up
>Kyras puts the troll down and Antoinette lights it on fire, but not before it somehow commands water elementals to leap from a fountain and attack
>Hipsters: The Rebellion
That sounds like a World of Darkness game.
For someone transitioning from 5e, is it better to use the Beginner Box rules before the Core Rules?
Considering how rules-light 5e is in comparison to Pathfinder, you'll probably want to start with the Beginner Box.
Well if she was pregnant she wouldn't be able to go trekking around on an adventure. That means she would have to spend all day doing downtime activities but I'm not sure a paladin can research spells or craft magic items.
I think most people will agree wizard is the best pregnancy class.
It would be Hipster: The Rebellion, not Hipsters
Have any of the PCs smooched yet?
If not, who's going to?
I'm planning to smooch (you)
Wow Kyras, how'd that happen?
Wait, what?
Help me /pfg/ I need examples of the most repulsive fetish shit that 3pp have added to pathfinder!
A friend at my last session remarked that my game is way too "pure" and how he's so happy that I dont do magical realms like his old GM. I kinda want to fuck with him now by including some Agaunas shit.
>tl;dr I need some ideas to make one of my players hate pathfinder kitune, I know you have examples.
Childhood adventures. Pretty sure there's some babyfur bullshit in there.
Ohh man that sucks. I only thought it was ok but im a sucker for overly serious shonen sporting events.
>via 9gag
I feel the urge to punch someone.
Blingmaker is a pure and chaste game, user.
Baby fur, weaponized farting, age regression, mental age regression, and generally unpleasant times all around.
Thanks, Augunas.
Does Freedom of Movement prevent you from being petrified?
Pretty sure it doesn't, since that's a different sort of condition than just being bound, grappled, or paralyzed.
ok cool. I wasn't sure if magical petrification would fall under the category of "magic that usually impedes movement"
/pfg/ what's the most fun Blaster class? A Blockbuster Wizard? Spellburst Savant? Are there any options I'm missing that would make a Kineticist or other class good at it?
You think? I thought their blasting got a little bland after all the nerfs area stuff got.
It's still fun enough.
What the hell were the nerfs to area stuff?
They all started scaling off level instead of points invested in the blast. It starts at 1d6 per odd level and half Cha and doesn't start picking up compared to normal casters until level 8 or so.
Fair enough.
Don't let your memes be dreams.
But what if I believe in destiny?
So /pfg/ 3.5 question here, I know this isn't the right place but I have a question or rather I want a second opinion
I'm currently making a character missing their left arm, I decided to go with human for the bonus feat. But the hardest part was choosing a class that would work well using one arm. Mages were an obvious choice of course but I like martial, and after learning I had a Bard and a Rogue in my party, not sure on the other two members, but I decided to go with duskblade
Now the problem was finding a weapon that I could use without any issues and be able to cast spells. That when I came across the hidden weapons in complete scoundrel which included the wrist blade, sleeve blade, knee blade and boot blade. These seemed like interesting choices since they would allow my character to be hands free to cast spells but still have plenty of weapons on hand, albeit they aren't very strong, two of them being daggers, one being a punching dagger and the last one being a short sword, but with spell channeling that's not such an issue I imagine. As for feats I was looking at obtain familiar and I was gonna go with an owl since it's sneaky and can help the rogue with scouting and whatnot, my 2nd feat though has me a bit more stumped, I was thinking arcane disciple so I can take a cleric domain and get enlarge person as a early level spell
What are your thoughts and opinions on this idea?
/pfg/ give me a quick rundown on what would be a fun dungeon crawl module/AP to run in SPAAACE