Why are they the best chapter?
Why are they the best chapter?
>rebelled against the imperium
You can only pick one. I mean I like them myself but you can't really hold that title with that hanging over their head.
>Weeping Heart
>#'s somewhere between devastated and destroyed
I dunno man, the Imperium is pretty fucked.
you used the wrong image OP but dont worry, I got you covered
t. Forge World. Don't you have some insanely expensive models to sell?
>when your chapter is all but dead but nobody cares because you weren't sad about it
>not buying chinese recasts of them for a fraction of the costs
sometimes you gotta be a baller on a budget
FW cant stop me from enjoying the best chapter
Do they have any fluff? I've never seen them mentioned besides their paint scheme and list of Ultra successors.
>Fulgrim descendants
>Best chapter
Not likely.
more like the BLACKED consuls now that they got primaris desu ex machina marines
>fulgrim decedents
>not the ABSOLUTE MOST PERFECT chapter
come on now brother, istvan was just a prank bro
>The Black Consuls are a Primogenitor Chapter and were known to be the least compromising of the successor chapters, dogmatically following the Codex Astartes no matter the situation. For the vast majority of their history they were a Crusading Chapter, stationed aboard the ancient star fort Noctis Obscurum. However, in M40 Dark Eldar saboteurs infiltrated the Obscurum and detonated the ancient fort's Warp drive. Afterwards the Black Consuls relocated to the planet Cyclopia. They spent the next three centuries on a vengeful crusade against Dark Eldar, purging fifteen star systems and invading the Webway itself and collapsing an entire sub-dimension.
>Three and half centuries ago the majority of the Chapter was destroyed in the Siege of Goddeth Hive. There they faced a combined army of Iron Warriors and Word Bearers, including the ancient Infidus Imperator. At the moment of their defeat, the Iron Warriors detonated Goddeth Hive's nucleonic reactor, vaporizing themselves, the Black Consuls and much of an entire continent.
>While the main force was destroyed, as accounts suggest, many space marines still survive because they were on other special duties like, working for a composite Space Marine force attached to a larger Imperial crusade, officers in consular duties or planning for large scale strategy with other chapters, undertaking duty in the Deathwatch or on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Primarch on Macragge. Those space marines have the choice, depending on existing resources, of trying to restore their chapter or decide to serve the Imperium as long as they can in organizations like the Deathwatch.
>Many Battle-Brothers of the Black Consuls resigned to the fact that they may have been the very last of their Chapter. These warriors were determined fight to the death, believing that the history of their chapter would end in glory.
But apparently they got reinforcements from the Primaris marines, so yaaaay, their one defining thing is gone.
y-yeah ferrus manus f-faked his death right guys?
It was all just a prank to make us fight harder! Yeah!
I like those baraka guys, what were their names? Black Drakes?
Black Dragons?
Yes, them. Out of all the chapters with mutated gene-seeds theirs seems to be the only one where it's even close to entirely beneficial.
this happened to so many fucking chapters
>hey we all sacrificed ourselves or were whittled down to being almost extinct. We are the very last of our proud and honorable chapter
>BAM primaris up in this bitch! no we dont know anything about our host chapter's culture or traditions but LOOK HOW BIG WE ARE! TOTAL CHADS AMIRIGHT REDDIT? XD !!
primaris were a fucking hack writing mistake. They undervalue the theme of sacrifice that makes a lot of chapters special, cause now theres no risk of going extinct or having any real irreplaceable loss.
its worse than no story progress because now they get fucking shit up by lazy writing that shits all over what made them special in the first place by adding even more special snowflakes on top of them.
>Out of all the chapters with mutated gene-seeds theirs seems to be the only one where it's even close to entirely beneficial
There are always Space Wolves
>Space Wolves
>Entirely Beneficial
>have a chance of spontaneously turning into Digganobz if they're unlucky and drink from the cup in that one stupid chapter ritual
The Flame Falcons or Fire Hawks or whatever their name was, was a Cursed Founding chapter that just immolated without dying. Beneficial, but spooky as fuck but they all got hunted down, though there's at least one serving as a Blackshield in the Deathwatch in a short story.
To be fair, Black Dragons have their own Digganobz/Death Company suicide squads.
That's true, I suppose I forgot. I guess the Flame Falcons or whatever really were one of the few that didn't have any major problems, so of course fate decided to fuck 'em.
The Sons of Antaeus, also from the cursed founding seem to have done alright, though that's probably just because there's next to nothing written about them.
Posting real best badab war chapter
Exorcists are alright. Though they had some dudes fall to Chaos and fight the Black Dragons.
My brother of Dornian descent.
I'm sorry but you need more than one marine to be a Chapter.
Lamenters player here, can you idiots stop making these threads to falseflag and get people sick of us?
Literally the whole point of playing this chapter is suffering and not whining about it unless you're discussing how to paint them, then whining is pretty dixking justified. Making these threads kind of proves you don't really play the chapter and have only done about 10 minutes of reading on Lexicanum and 1d4chan at best.
op just said he thought they were best chapter
Why does old space marine art look so much better?
The middle era was best for me as far as marine depictions go
Part of their deal is that they're not anywhere close to being the best chapter. The other part is that despite this and their shitty luck/choice of friends they keep trucking on for the sake of the people.
>>Not angry enough to be best chapter
I much prefer Forge World's approach to Space Marines.
They look much much more realistic with all their little markings and variations
And 4th-5th marines are cool as well
俺のXV104rvarna battlesuitは他の標準量産型に比べて背が低い
>My XV104 Battlesuit is shorter than other standard mass production types
Because they fucking aren't.
.>that salamander paintjob
oh god
...I don't see how them saying that they were the best chapter goes against what you said
I don't really think so - what were they thinking with half of those colorschemes? It's not always great now, but some of those are just awful.
Step aside children, don't wanna get in the way of crazy
>Best Badab war chapter
I wouldn't say they are the best, I really like the Imperial Fists and Blood Ravens, but in my Opinon the Lamenters surly have the best Battlecry. Absolutely Badass.
Primaris ruined everything. I hope they fix this shit in the future, perharps some fucked up mutation that passed unnoticed.
They tried to hold a contest to determine who was the best chapter between the Executioners and Carcharodons, but unfortunately, no Executioners survived.
There was a lot of potential for powerful, but green novices who would be awed by their host chapter's history and accolades. Primaris who try their hardest to live up to and honor their chapter, and who die trying would have been good stories. Grizzled veterans pointing at maps and explaining the proper way to execute a mission to the towering Primaris huddled around him would have made a good image.
Primaris should have just been new wargear and same old marines, but instead they went with new marines, and even messed that up.
These chapthers were loyal,had no important geneseed defects and needed reinforcements.Guilliman,one of the most rational Primarchs,coming back and not fixing their manpower problem would be stupid.
Also,you're ignoring possibilities for the sake of "muh sacrifice".Their bout with extinction could have changed their strategies,their outlook and their relations with other factions.It might also have made them cool,just like the Raptors.
Must be older than 12 to post here.
>Best Badab War chapter
>no important geneseed defects
>lamenters suddenly getting back both the black rage and red thirst
>Not important
They are not the best
It does not look better
Keeping those Marines IN CHECK
>baller on a budget
been watching those kenny videos eh
Thats not the Space Wolves.
Marines hardly need to be kept in check they are so brain washed. When Marines go crazy its usually becaise the Inquisition pushes them, and who keeps the Inquisition in check? The Space Wolves.
10,000 years later and still the Emperor's chosen executioners.
>marines keeping marines in check
>space yiffs
>not black templars
>>and who keeps the Inquisition in check? The Space Wolves.
>To resist the edicts of the Ordo Malleus whilst the eyes of the High Lords were upon them would be to risk bringing the entire Chapter under censure, and perhaps trigger another civil war just when the hour was darkest – perhaps even damning Fenris to Exterminatus alongside its departed brother Midgardia. With a heavy heart, Logan Grimnar gave his seal of approval to the tribesmen’s abduction. They were never seen again.
>Yet from that day on, the relationship with the Dark Angels was more strained than ever before, and the agents of the Ordo Hereticus were frequent guests in the Fang’s halls.
Seems that the Yiffs are the Inquisitions bitch tbqh.
>Best Badab war chapter