Itt we talk about 40k fan factions, wheather it be Vampyr Courts, 40Kaven, the Cosmic Coalition, or others, because let's face it. 40k needs more armies that aren't just more space marines.
40k fan faction thread
How often are you going to make this thread you chode?
If Games Workshop did a third party army release I would want the ADVENT from XCOM 2. Good mix of ranged and melee units for diverse list making. Also plenty of different styles to prevent painting from getting boring.
Eh, I think 40k has hit a good number of armies, and I don't feel like anymore need added. And this is coming from a xenos player.
I see what you mean, but there's ton of stuff that still feels "empty" about the setting. (I.e. No Skaven and vampire counts)
Don't Tyranids and Skaven kinda fill the same role? Extremely numerous faction that can show up anywhere due to being outside the normal areas of the others? Only difference being that Nids are unified, while Skaven were not.
Also, Blood Angels are the Vampire side of Vampire Counts, while Necrons fill the other undead niche.
Not really, no. Tyranids are Xenomorphs and Skaven are evil scientists nazi rats. I don't see how you could come up with that comparison
Vampyrs, vs 40kvens vs Coalition, who wins?
I'm familiar with the first two but i don't know anything about the third one.
In a large city, you are never more than six feet away from a rat.
I think you know who's going to win.
>Only difference being that Nids are unified, while Skaven were not.
Actually there's a world of differences, the most pressing being the Tyranids do not have the greatest invention in the history of fiction.
Seriously dude? Other user was just saying that they fulfill the same role in the universe, a huge swarm of an enemy that is evil. No they are not the same race but we dont need space skaven, the hrud are already in that role.
We don't need to come up with any new races, there are about 100 different xenos species. All that needs to happen is for gw to choose one. I personally think RakGol would be awesome
Coalition was basically a reworked Tau that focused more on the xeno aspect of things instead of the Mech faction. So your guess is as good as mine
>hrud are already in that role.
Yes, because this looks like a giant walking rat man
40kven have.
>A large enough industry/population to attempt an invasion of the whole galaxy.
>A pantheon that they are using to subsume the ruinious powers into themselves.
>An impenetrable defence in the form of their webway hives.
40kven are quite a bit more powerful then the other two.
speaking of which, where's that one user who was gonna writefag Skaven taking a imperial ship?
I know nothing about anything you just said, where should I go to remedy that?
There was a plan to introduce Space Skaven and None Squat Space Dwarves, but they never went anywhere outside of battle fleet gothic and the Dark Heresy.
The Space Skaven were called the Stryxis. There whole thing was slavers and they used cobbled together alien tech. (see pic)
Then there were the Demiurg which were space dwarfs and I really liked them because they were basically 40k Ferengi
space skaven were supposed to be Jes Goodwin's gasmask+jezzail+longcoat fetish army.
But now the skitarii already fill that niche
which means that the Hrud can't be like space skaven anymore, they have to be time-warping weirdos like in Xenology, and all the recent fluff about them confirms that.
skaven don't have a pantheon, they only worship the Horned Rat
They don't really fit the aesthetic at all
they kind of fall in line with the tau, but then again, the tau don't fit the aesthetic either.
There are numerous already semi-canon xenos factions that would make great factions such as the Demirug, Rak'Gol, Stryxis, and Huurd without any of this homebrew nonsense of copying fantasy armies directly into 40k.
Not that GW is going to touch any of anything in this thread anyway.
Nither do the Eldar. 40k doesn't have a set aesthetic. Only faction specific aesthetics's
But anyways yea. What do you people wanna talk about today? Anyone have anything new to add to the table?
40k has a set aesthetic: anything that a nerd in the 80s would find badass.
That includes violent 80s scifi manga like Guyver. Which is the basis of the eldars' aesthetic
That's why the Cosmic Coalition exists. A way to put highlights on all the cool xeno and forgotten stuff GW forgotten about(half Eldar anyone?)
Wait, Eldar are added off of Guyver? Why haven't I heard of this till now?
>cosmic coalition
of you mean the T'au empire back when it was still called the tau empire.
Because it's so blatantly obvious that nobody needs to point it out
>cool brightly-colored insect-like super-armor with what looks like gemstones on it
>has a mind of its own and can lend its skills to the wearer
>ends up devouring the wearer under some circumstances
That's why they were made, yes.
im still mad at GW for ruining the Tau's xeno aspect
also Jes said that craftworlds were inspired by Macross and whatnot. Or maybe the alium spaceships from that Jouji Manabe manga. it's impressive how hard the "organic technology" thing resonated with 80s mangaka
>insect like
Other then that yea your spot on. Shit son. I feel dumb now
Huh, guess you learn something new everyday
well it IS pretty insectoid. in both cases it's organic, Guyvers are based on beetles and some aspect warriors are literally fashioned after arthropods.
Can we please get back on topic? Is the user who made space lizardmen still here? I kinda wanna talk about those rn
Honestly that makes the Tau's failure to channel weeb inspiration into something badass all the more unforgivable. You can kind of see how they may have taken design elements from Shirow's mech designs (as well as blockier mecha like a MS) but the result looks embarrassing and clunky in most cases.
>still here
Uh, is he here
space lizardmen are in Age of Sigmar.
In 40k there's already the Slann. Unlike in WFB where only the big fat mage-priests remain, in 40k we still have fairly recent mentions of Slann armies.
Here's what we know about them:
-they're what remains of the Old Ones
-they got lots of psykers
-some of them hang around with Rogue Traders out of curiosity
-they don't understand their own tech anymore
-everything they do is highly ritualized and they sometimes lose wars on purpose to fulfill prophecies
so basically just like old WFB slann armies but without the lobotomized human slaves
I remember the user who made the space lizardmen included megastructures that they lived on that substituted the temple city's from fantasy. Sadly that's the only thing I remember.
A faction of weird alien cyborg wizards who through altering their own minds, have learned how to take a more controlled and scientific approach to the warp with numerous methods of fighting the taint of chaos. Unfortunately for other factions they view most lifeforms as potential threats to their goals of expansion into the warp. Generally favor quality and unique mechanics over quantity. aesthetically they like: Geometric Shapes, Surrealism, Vaguelly religious imagery, flowers/lotuses/ and vaporwave.
How well would the warframe factions fit into the 40kverse?
pretty well actually but you'd need to remove like half of their fluff
yeah no, the eldar already fill that niche
harlies especially
Or change a few things.
A non-humanoid race that isn't the tyrannids.
Well i mean obviously, in my mind they'd be off in some distant star cluster of the galaxy, doin a thing or just standalone variants of themselves.
Skaven are already in 40k. They're just biding their time
yeah but they don't look like that
they look like hunched Skitarii with a tail
Is that a new thing in 8th?
The Tau's gimmick is sitting outside of the usual aesthetic for technology in 40k. They're meant to be weird high tech outsiders.
Adding more people with similar looks dilutes that.
Well... the Void, as a concept, would need to exist, which adds some great oddity because it isn't super well explained. The Tenno/Warframes themselves would be very much like Assassins on steroids, if we're talking gameplay. In lore, The Tenno are trying to stabilize things for the common people and themselves- you'd see a whole bunch of lore bits where invasions and governing bodies have their hearts ripped out and lose steam because a Tenno blitzed through a ship killing officers and breaking important bits. I don't know if Void energy, therefore Tenno abilities, would fall under Warpshit... That could change a lot of contexts.
Corpus are playing with fire by relying on AI if they stick with the Imperium- assuming they can travel reasonably well, I think they'd enter an alliance with the Tau, though it would be a loose one- the Corpus would be hesitant to give up their way of life, what with the profit and tech-worshipping and all that.
Grineer are a little more iffy. Would the Imperium brand them as mutants? Abhumans? I doubt the Imperium would be that kind. I think Chaos Grineer are the likely result of them entering the 40k galaxy...
The void could be "purified" warpstuff, like geneseed.
As for the Grineer, dark age of tech remnant that the Imperium didn't stomp out thoroughly
Grineer as a faction are quite adaptive and illussive when they want to be, so that wouldn't surprise me all too much. Depends on the leadership I guess.
I feel they could compete with the Imperium in small doses well enough.
But then things get interesting. The Infested are, in some ways, worse than Tyranids. They're a lot less focused, but spread more easily (contact, vs spawning more Tyranids), and could fester in the black holds of Imperial ships, easily becoming a plague on the Imperium. At the same time, though, they seem quite... insane, incoherant... There's no major guiding goal, as far as the game has shown so far, just a few minor and isolated ones. They also have a major weakness which means they may avoid other nanomachine or biological horrors, so Necrons and Tyranids might get off scot-free. [spoilers] In the Glast Gambit, the Lotus says that the Infested "fear hybrids." Presumably she means they fear part-Infested beings that are still in control- to the point where a little kid infected with a super-weakened version of the Technocyte Virus causes them to pussy out, enabling a society to exist among the Infested. The fact that a major Infested theme is that bosses invite the player to join them, ask why the player is refusing them even though they are of the same flesh, corroborates this, in my eyes. [/spoilers]
Orokin towers would be Techpriest bait- I can't imagine that the numbers of the Corrupted wouldn't swell with Ork and Admech bodies in short order. I suppose Orks looting Derelicts would have a major impact on Infested numbers, too.
Now... the Sentients. So, in-game, Sentients get near-immunity to damage types they take the most damage from. So by the time you've unloaded a couple of clips into one, it's taking damage in the ones to tens rather than hundreds to thousands. Thankfully, no faction in 40k seems to be too locked in on ONE weapon type. The thing is there's stuff that you never see in-game that are supposedly Sentient strengths. Up until the Tenno [spoilers]and the Lotus proves even this wrong, haha[/spoilers] the Sentients made a habit of throwing every weapon the Orokin employed against them right back at them. I don't recall if it's ever explained exactly how, but the only weapons that the Sentients can't reverse and throw back at you are Void-based, ergo the Tenno being the only warriors that really even stood a chance. With that in mind, we have to go back to the Void vs Warp question. I believe they'd be different things, possibly even opposites, but if they're the same the Sentients are fucked. If they aren't... THe Sentients would probably be the only force capable of being major players in the 40k galaxy from Warframe, aside from the Tenno themselves (who again don't really do armies, you know?) I don't think any of the other factions would be wiped out per se, but they'd be relatively minor.
Apparently I can't into spoilers.
So Cyber Vampyres. Anyone got any new ideas for them?
I wish we saw some more of the Sentients. They seem stronk as fuck, but only seeing them in infantry form is a lil disheartening, I'd love to see what they REALLY have going on.
I feel the tenno would be massive off-side players. I mean essentially they're big ninja cult, which could thrive in secret no problem
What are they now?
We know Hunhow was spacehip-sized, and if you've seen any of the Plains of Eidol-whatever previews, it looks like the Sentents might be getting some love there as well. The Mirage questline describes worm-ships, bit with Sentient aesthetics it's kind of hard to picture what those might be.
God i hope Warframe lives long enough to expand more on its lore. I got proper enthralled into the dream line, especially when it lead us to meet the queens and discover the truth.
Uh, restate your question please? Where Cyber Vampyres a thing before?
You said it like you already had ideas and wanted to expand on em'
I'll also add- in spite of the high levels of bullshittium present in Warframe, no faction ever really gets played up as "the biggest, baddest thing" the way other games tend to do so. Even the Stalker gets a big plate of humble pie. DE has done a good job of creating a really well-balanced pool of lore, even when it's often designed to be mindfucky as hell. There was another thread where people were talking about Destiny enemies in 40k, and it was... really a whole load of wank. Warframe feels so much more interesting and, in spite of itself, believable, because of that, you know?
his idea was pretty much "muh nanomachines"
Even though 40k already has like five or six different types of vampiric creatures that are all way more interesting than "muh nanomachines"
Oh, teah. I have a few things. I feel like they would make a good Necromunda faction. I was playing XCOM wotc and the Lost gave me an idea that they would make a good horde army for Necromunda with the Thralls
Fucking PASS, jesus.
Nope, blood and oil, suck it all up.
Pic related
What is it about video games that makes people automatically believe that whatever's in them would fit in 40k?
user, it's nanomachines!
lad, nanomachines are the most boring sci-fi concept to gain traction in the past few decades.
They can be used to explain away virtually anything but there's nothing they could do that can't be done more impressively with another sci-fi concept.
You can't even see them, so when they do something that looks cool it's only by imitating the effects of something else that's already cool on its own.
Because 40k's early days derived from Warhammer's fantasy world, there's a lot of stuff that is in the very least in the background that feels like it was transposed from elsewhere, and because of the time that 40k has been around added to the degree to which some of these things have been justified and become major components of the setting(Space elves? Robot space mummies/skeletons? Space orcs? Hell, the Space Marines are more Space Knights than anything that would be traditionally described as a "Marine") there's a distinct feeling that anything could really be justified. Also, Space Marines make simultaneously great and terrible powerlevel gauges, partially because they are capable of being both "just" superhumans with pretty great gear all the way up to movie-marine one man armies. The "basic superhumans" interpretation is a great measure, because aside from their esoteric abilities (eat brains to gain information? Spit acid?) that basic interpretation doesn't go all that crazy as far as bulshit sci-fi powerlevels go, the only problem being when people pull Movie Marine out of their ass and suddenly a single marine can conquer a planet while never getting hit (and surviving world-shattering weapons when they do!) and landing a headshot with every trigger-pull.
You didn't answer my question
what is it about VIDEO GAMES (not about 40k or fiction in general) that makes people AUTOMATICALLY (not through their own decision-making processes) believe that whatever's in them (in video games) would fit in 40k?
Hey guis can we pls stop arguing and talk about dumb spess vamps pls
Oh, nothing inherently, then. Quite the opposite, in fact. You see people throwing around ideas from sci-fi novels a lot of the time, too, just video gaming has a wider audience overlap and therefore we're more exposed to video game ideas than stuff from the sci-fi section of your local bookstore. Shoot, you see people throwing around anime and manga shit on occasion. If you're in the 40k fandom and don't have a hardon for IG BALLS OF STEEL, "how does X fare against Spess Mehrens/the Imperium" is a pretty natural question to ask.
Maybe as a possible explanation, I have noticed that videogames compartmentalize concepts for ease of storytelling to a degree other mediums avoid. You might know what I mean- every concept is cleanly separated from every other, every faction has a name, every member of a group has the same motivations unless it's a plotpoint that a particular individual doesn't... there aren't a whole lot of blurred lines in modern videogame settings. It makes it easy to take a chunk and transpose it elsewhere. I guess if you were someone who lacked imagination, you might naturally do this as a reflex, particularly where my previous paragraph is concerned.
*40K*ven have a 13 member pantheon, led by the great horned rat.
Who may or may not me Malal