Your PC must battle this Khorngor in ritual combat to see who is a greater warrior.
Spells will not work on him, the blood lords crest protects him from your pathetic tricks. If you cannot battle, he will provide his spare weapons and armour and train you himself for however long it takes.
Rules of combat
You must decapitate the loser.
You shall not take any of the losers trophies. (Skulls, weapons, jewelry, etc)
You will not use cowardly attacks. (Hitting in the groin, sand in the eyes, etc)
You shall not try to escape the battle circle during the fight or until you've taken the losers head.
You will not enchant, upgrade or modify your equipment in any way.
How will your PC win?
Your PC must battle this Khorngor in ritual combat to see who is a greater warrior
important question, is favor of the gods allowed
Any outside interference in the form of gods, demons, spirts, etc is prohibited.
This should've been obvious but hey, unspoken rules need to be brought up now and then.
b u m p
>train you himself for however long it takes.
>I dunno, i REALLY suck
punch him about the hands and face
>Another challenge of my skill
I would argue that the conflict is unfair. Even if he offered to train me, by the time he was done I would be young and strong while he would be old and gray. On top of that, his anatomy is different and therefor his techniques would be less than useful to myself.
>let me get my car
>I would be young and strong while he would be old and gray.
Ok. *Shoots with railgun.* Now I decapitate his corpse, right? Or does removing everything below the neck count?
If I had to fight i'd pick a small blade and go right for the neck. He might kill me but I will leave my mark.
Is your character so weak and young that he'd be old by the time you're done training, or are you making excuses to escape the duel?
>his anatomy is different and therefor his techniques would be less than useful to myself.
Do you think he's so stupid that he'd train you in techniques you can't use?
I guess if I had to pick any other form of equipment it would be a vambrace, for my arm.
I'd also switch hands. You defend with your good hand, you kill with your left.
You are more likely to react correctly with your off hand than you are with your primary. Untrained fighters tend to broadcast where they are going to strike with their right.
>Is your character so weak and young that he'd be old by the time you're done training, or are you making excuses to escape the duel?
Ok, just looked it up and they live for hundreds of years, so that shit wouldn't fly unless I was an Elf.
>Do you think he's so stupid that he'd train you in techniques you can't use?
His anatomy isn't human, so I doubt he would be able to provide me even the fundamentals. There's literally zero ground between our bodies that would allow him to even grasp how my spine or my swing should look.
Well what if he simply had his human duelbuddy train you how to battle?
Are you gonna train now?
1) Order a beam up for myself away team
2) Ensure the safety of the cultural monitoring outpost.
3) Kick myself for putting my away team in jeopardy, if it was my fault. More likely it's the dwarf. Either way I'll file a report on how and why we broke the equivalent of the prime directive.
4) Let the dwarf go down with a hardlight holoprojector disguise if she really wants to tangle with this guy.
Then we run into the age problem again. I'm assuming he's giving me this mercy because I'm young. So his duel buddy would already be middle aged or even older. Also, what evidence can he provide that his duel buddy his adequate as a trainer? Enough to get me on par with a super human monster.
After a while of you explaining why you shouldn't fight him he gives you this look.
Pretty lame offer if you ask me.
"Well fuck you too, I'll kill you without training then."
Level 40 literal greater god, slaughter him.
My Paladin is thus without his Divine abilities, and despite the best of his own abilities, will most likely lose. Stripped of light of his angels, he'd probably be knocked off balance and easy prey for the Khorngor.
Unless the Khorngor decides to train him how to rely only on himself, before they battle, which honestly could be a cool development.
I refuse
What friend are you?
He punches you in the nose before violently clawing your throat open.
First I discuss with him the rules of the combat to clarify a few things. What weapons are and aren't allowed. What cybernetic/genetic enhancements I'm allowed to use, if any.
I'm assuming that he won't allow firearms, which means his weapons are probably superior to the knife I've got on me. So I'll ask for a short delay to let my ships armory supply me with suitable weapons for the ritual combat. If he refuses, I'll borrow some of his spares.
I will stick to whatever rules he sets. While we are discussing the rules, I'll do two things:
- Download training in whatever weapons we will be using so that I'm fighting as well as my physical body allows.
- Upload my personality and memories.
Maybe I win, maybe I lose. Either way I'm surviving the fight.
Khorne disapproves
>God of bloodshed dislikes bloodshed
He doesn't like it when people don't fight honorably. I mean, yeah, he won't CARE if you slaughter noncombatatnts, but by the same merit, offering up the skulls of a bunch of women and children isn't going to get you into his graces
The Khorngor gave you the option to die honorably to gains Khornes grace, but like all followers, will spill blood for bloods sake sometimes.
Then I don't have to play fair either
Well how are you gonna beat a goat motherfucker with no restraints on him?
Rolled 8 (1d20)
>How will your PC win?
Pull the old switcharoo on his blood lord crest while getting a weapon from him, let our mage do the rest.
Unless he can beat a 20+ Slight of hand roll.
Rolled 15 (1d20)
Well, that's lower than I'd like. 28 is still a tough roll to beat. I dunno if the weird goat thinger has a sense motive or spot roll, so we'll just have to see.
I guess you could kick him in the dick
I leave. Sometime after accepting his offer. Also, beast men are borderline retarded, so it shouldn't be too hard to trick him.
The rules do not say my warrior-priest cannot buff himself with his spells. That's neither enchantment of weapons nor using spells on the animalistic fella.
(Or is it?)
Either way, my dude is usually really good with a sword. Even without pseudo-magic he would give the guy a tough battle, jumping around with his sword.
In literally every edition except for 4th, paladin's powers come from the platonic ideal of the perfect knight, not from any specific deitites (though they almost always give homage to the deities, because that's what the perfect knight would do, thus bringing them closer to the platonic ideal from whence they draw their power.)
Wait... We get to specify our character? Well shit. Then I'm a champion of Khorne and I rip him a new asshole.
I'm pretty sure "Your PC" means whatever Charecter you're playing now, not any character you've played.
While true, my PC honestly believes that all his power comes from the Heavens, due to religious upbringing. You're totally right in that in all honesty it comes from his own will, but he wouldn't see it that way, and if Divine Intervention wasn't allowed, he wouldn't think he'd be able to call upon his powers without the aid.
That being said, it would be a funny lead into the old cheesy "The magic was inside of you the entire time" cliche.
Regardless, with spear and shield, he might get lucky, but the knock on his confidence would probably still be the death of him.
It's true, if the perfect knight believed
>A: his powers were external in nature
>B: using external powers was dishonorable
he wouldn't do it. Anything else wouldn't be in alignment with the ideal of the perfect knight.
Can I use the natural ability to enlarge myself?
In any case, like I would fight any other strong foe - with sheer violence and sheerr still stubborness.
Can I ask the technician to fight this for me?
I fight him and win.
>How will your PC win?
By disobeying the rules and setting him on fire with napalm.
He's wearing some kind of retard armor, so, our Shadowrunner team will unload into him with our Vindicator minigun, and 6 assault rifles.
I think growing a second head so I can be formally decapitated will be the least waste of time here. Okay, everyone happy, bye you inbred savages.
>have to decapitate the loser
>can't take the head as a trophy
What an awful deal.
Bullshit. Give source.
By kicking his ass. Is this a trick question?
She's a wizard.
I guess the only thing she could do would be possess another, stronger body beforehand. Or maybe use telekinesy to drop parts of the arena on him while flying out of range.
Training sure isn't going to make her a fighter.
Cutting words and self inspiration.
Those are not considered magic.
Ki isn't magic and doesn't come from an outside source. My Monk goes DBZ on his sorry ass.