How does your shadowrunner stick it to the man other than robbing from corps?
How does your shadowrunner stick it to the man other than robbing from corps?
We find The Man and beat him with sticks.
idealist shit gets you killed as much as getting greedy. A good runner pulls just enough jobs to retire in a high-mid tier community and never looks back. world is a fuck and the only thing you can do is get yours
Imagine pigeons that behave like bees except they're also cybernetically enhanced and instead of producing honey they produce hundreds of gallons of shit. The pigeons collect food from all over the city and bring it back to the pigeon queen which processes the food into more pigeons and ultra pigeon shit for special shitjobs(90% fatality rate against non-enhanced direct victims, 10% fatality rate for bystanders).
>being a communist
Without "The man" you'd be jobless.
By robbing from corps in other indirect ways
Like distributing a commlink virus that would turn device into hotspot and allow free access to corp/city grid through it.
We fuck them all with our cocks.
jaywalking, littering and petty vandalism
What's the point of being cyber if you don't get to be a punk?
I fuck their daughters and keep them locked up in my sex dungeon.
By pretending that they are anything other than a fit in the corporate machine, one that lets the AAAs plunder those beneath them with minimal fear of reprisal.
Drugs help. A lot.
shadowrun games do not exist
If your shadowrunner wants to fight the man, then they would have to become terrorists - and they probably won't live long. Publish the corporations' dirty secrets (gathered through hacking and investigation) - the man's competition will be happy to publish it. Sabotage the man's infrastructure. Assassinate/kidnap key personnel. Kill as many innocents as possible to show how the man is unable to keep people safe.
The question is why would anyone want to do this? Don't you like money? Do you have a deathwish? Do you want to be branded as a psychopathic criminal and have all your contacts getting tortured and killed?
And let's imagine you somehow manage to destroy Corporation A, what will happen next? Corporation B will take Corporation A's place. You just passed the whip from one slaver to another. Like Snake Plissken said: "I shut down the third world, you win they lose. I shut down America, they win, you lose. The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Be a real punk and show those fucking wageslaves what a badass system-fighting anarchist you are:
>turn yourself into a living biological weapon by not brushing your teeth (use beer to rinse your mouth) and not wash yourself,
>piss in flower pots,
>shit on kids' playgrounds,
>bomb (= paint tags) bus stations and walls,
>kick trash cans,
>throw cigaret buts and garbage on the floor,
>spit on the front of the bus as it arrives and enter the rear part - this will totally show them you mean business,
>smoke in public places,
>listen to loud and shitty nĂ¼-punk music to annoy people,
>be loud and obnoxious,
>put trash in the wrong recycle bins (glass in paper, metal in organic trash...),
>talk loudly and vulgarly while waiting at the fast food restaurant,
>put your feet on the opposite seat in the maglev,
>racket and bully corporate kids in front of video game stores,
>complain about corporations on social media,
>put an anarchy sticker on your cyberdeck to show those corporate bastards what you think of them while slurping a caramel latte macchiato in your favorite Sunbucks franchise,
>show the wageslaves what an independent badass you are by panhandling and insulting people who don't give you money,
>steal everything you can as sign of rebellion against the capitalist system that exploit people and ressources
99% of Shadowrunners I saw in games aren't rebels - they're just highly specialized mercs and/or international men of mystery. I agree with you that it'd be nice if it was more Cyberpunk, but it usually isn't.
man, no work and unlimited resources?
sounds horrible
You stick it to the man by doing it better.
You come up with a better system, you plant a seed, you watch it grow, you protect it, nurture it, until its strong enough to stand on its own.
You come up with a better way of life, one that respects the sanctity of the human soul.
>The question is why would anyone want to do this? Don't you like money? Do you have a deathwish? Do you want to be branded as a psychopathic criminal and have all your contacts getting tortured and killed?
That's an okay defeatist argument to keep your head down and pick up that can, but of course it essentially just amounts to a teenager saying: "Why mow the lawn dad? It will just grow again!" - unless your GM insists on being grimdark in a very cartoony way.
you sound like a mall-ninja
shadowrun isnt cyberpunk. its nu-cyberpunk, with all the themes and point of the genre removed and the aesthetics are the most important thing. which is ironic because thats a very consumer-sheep thing to do
There's a reason why it dead.
Where did the shadowrun general go?
>cyberpunk setting
>muh communism, be thankful for your job
Wageslave detected
It died and no one has made a new one yet from what I can tell.
Most people are happy with a roof over the head, junk-food in their stomach, a TV for entertainment and some form of security. They'll put up with any despotic system that can provide this to them.
it lives again
But i am the man
I somehow ended up buying out ares
Lets just say it involved a lot of underhanded schemeing and a pinch of hand waving on the GMs part
> any despotic system that doesn't fuck them over and fuck over other people
>Cyberpunk setting
>Not being a nihilist
What are you even doing with your life
I came here to post this.
> Rebelling against the laws of grammar, nyah!
> Shows distaste for the fashion industry by not wearing underwear.
> Eschews societal norms and sleeps with whoever asks nicely.
> Brings a sword to gunfights, and compensates for the lack of range with rollerskates.
You sound like someone who constantly wonders what just passed overhead.
>people that try to suggest feel good bullshit but can't actually come up with a way to practically do it