Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/

Seize the Edition

>Konor Campaign, fucken rigged

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:


Year of the putrid and the jailer edition

2nd for Inquisition thrown in dumpster

Did we ever see prices for the new DG releases?

I feel like I should have something relevant to say, but I don't. Maybe I'm just burnt out. I want to paint but the will isn't there

Fuck I forgot how based some of those sculpts were.

Alpha legion: Shooty or choppy?

Post the THEME MUSIC to your Warband/Chapter/Waaagh! Etc

This what I hear when I think about my Plague Marines; it’s so plodding and sinister, it feels like it’s marching towards you with malevolent intent and then whirls itself into a frenzy of violence and insanity


So the 30th anniversary vet Sarge primaris is a huge waste, but how do you feel about this guy? I think he looks pretty solid and it's nice to have another loadout to play with.

probably around the same region as the 1k sons releases

>no link to last thread

too ultramariney, unless he comes with a different helmet and loincloth option

Nothing of value

IG holds the line

You are nothing of value



He gets a bare head option, that's it though

>mfw people at my shop are actually excited about dropping 35 fucking dollars on a primaris sergeant with absolutely no distinguishing features and literally looks like one out of the box of 10


2 or 3 Helbrutes for DG list?

I'm normally an easy sucker for limited edition models but that one is too weak even for me

tried my hardest to talk my retard friend out of getting one, with no success. It really is beyond me why anyone would get one, its a lot like getting an iphone
Bragging rights? what's there to brag about? fucking nothing

>lgs sells them at 17 europoors
store with eternal 15-25% discount feelsgoodman


next year

Anyone know what you could expect to pay for a commission of a single figure? I'm a decent painter but I really want my Grimaldus to be something special.

Why would you cuck yourself like that. Take that virgin plastic for yourself, slop youre custom blend all over it.

>tfw trying 8th ed with my 13yo guard army tonight

Suggestions for Dark Crusade graphic mods? I found there's a nice one that adds better shadows but it only works in skirmish - looking to play a pretty campaign.

Varies with painters skill, reputation, type of model and hell, if they're in the mood for a marine.

Planning on building an ork army themed around cold environments with a purple and blue color scheme with white wolf pelts. How do I do this without them seeming too viking-like? I am also looking to avoid any russian memeing

Sisters of Battle seem surprisingly strong this edition, which is a good thing! However, because they're so underplayed, I don't really have a good idea of how to fight them. In preparation for an upcoming game against a SoB player, any ideas on how to beat them as Chaos? I run mono-Slaanesh, Emperor's Children.

So, I'm trying to mix up my Ravenguard with an Imperium detachment alongside it. How does this look?

HQ - Malleus Inquisitor in terminator armor

Elites - Paladin squad of 4, 2x Eversors

Troop - Custode squad of 5 with sword/shield and vexilia.

Heavy Support - Venerable Land Raider.

Would that be viable for its cost? What would my Ravenguard need to do to help it? I play 2500 pts.

Inquisition has been squatted? Whats the story here?

I stopped playing when I started business school a couple of years back, only stopping in at the FLGS for maybe 3-4 weeks. I was just too slammed with work.

Now that I've graduated and moved, I can't believe how much I've missed this hobby. I must have painted 150 models this month, and I've never had this much fun playing my army.

The sculpts

Maybe it's just me, but that Turret on the LR looks tiny as fuck. Also, hope you had some stormtrooper models cause they're time to shine has finally come.

Use forcehighpoly

How did that chimera get up there and what's on its back?

Same here, but with engineering school. My vostroyans will finally take the field. I've painted 5 tanks in the last month

As a guard player how the fuck do I bring a enginseer into my tank list? Is he a different army list, how does he fit into my detachments.

Thanks user, should've mentioned I had that going already. That and extended camera zoom and some "HD FX" mod that I can't actually tell is working or not due to Ruski modders and lack of instructions.


What kind of lazy ass paint job is this you nigger

Chaos cultists seem really good this edition.

I just noticed that your tanks are doubled tracked. Y tho. That's why your turret looks so small.

I have 50 of the old kasrkin models which I have pulled out of storage and painted. I've stopped using them already, though, since they seem a bit too good with the deepstrike and small unit sizes. A shame, because I love the model sculpts.

They are painted it looks. He just picked primer+ as the scheme

Technical paintjob, as in technically painted. Even has 3 colors.

Stay mad but it's gw display army, not my paint job. Got it all for a great deal.

Technicolor rainbow isn't the only colour scheme, It's not Orks or marines.

Here they are. Played them against Necrons and Tau last week.

IMO the Russ is too narrow for its height, the tracks made it look wider and flatten it out. Some people like it, some don't.


How are you bringing your enginseer to your guard list, I can't find out how to with BattleScribe.

Best way to make IG tanks and guard with this style pattern?

Don't say racist stuff on boards other than /b/. You can get banned for that! Don't you read the rules?

Enginseers are under Cult Mechanicum units but are still Astra Militarum for faction keywords.

This edition you can mix units from any army, they just lose a lot of synergy bonuses since buffs and abilities activate from keywords in their tags.

As an IG player, you are also an IMPERIUM player, which means any IMPERIUM keyword unit is a pretty good match for your army. That means marines, admech, or any of the Imperial Agents works fine. You could even take some skitarii infantry if you wanted to.

Well there's not mushroom in GW's release schedule for Orks so you're just gonna have to wait.

Guard will be a absolute pain, 100% manual work, 0 shortcuts
Tanks can be done with stencils or masking tape and airbrush/stippling.

Make sure they still have silly football hooligan accents

So? It's not like you can't paint in more detail

Skyhook? Elevator?

Also, it's a searchlight proxying as an augur sensor array for a Salamander Command Vehicle.

He's under AdMech.

But I don't wanna... my standard for painting a model is really high. I tend to over do it and I don't want to with these guys.

Enginseers still have the ASTA MILIWHATNOW keyword, you don't need to mix and match shit.

>Implying it wouldn't be smarter to kitbash your own variant and not pay $35.

Then why isn't the whole of /pol/ banned?

How's the dakka predator for chaos? I was thinking of getting that or a vindicator to round out my small chaos marine force.

>when you can actually make the same model out of the box of ten

Too scared of kitbashing personally, I'm always worried that I fuck up something beyond repair

Believe it or not, they actually cut down on the racial slurs. They still use code phrases though

How do we fix Necrons in 40k as a whole?

It was, twice. Lurk moar newfag.

Gloat about them not having Plastic Models until the enemy player gets pissed off and makes a bad move.

>implying I didn't know
Presently it is not you sperg

Turn them back into their pre Dynasty selves

More ctan

Who /poorhammer/ here?

All you have to do in this case is take the standard captain model and give him the Plasma Pistol from the Hellblasters Kit and a Power Fist arm from somewhere else.

>you can't shoot my model, he's clearly too thin to see.

How much does the standard captain cost?

>those Uruk-Hai
The papercraft is shit but at least you can tell what it's supposed to be.

The same amount. But you can only get the Plasma Pistol and Power Fist version at certain stores.

Chaos Lords let you reroll hit rolls of 1.
Prescience adds 1 to all hit rolls

If you have a unit affected by both, can they ever reroll anything with the chaos lord ability?

Yes because rerolls are before modifiers.

No. All mods are applied before checking what the roll is for rerolls.

Wrong, you check for re-rolls before adding modifiers. So if you rolled a 1, you would re-roll it and add one.

can any of you provide a source?

my friend recently bought a baneblade so he will probably bring a stormlord next game.

i play orks. how fucked am i

Probably just stipple in layers and hope for the best

Check the rulebook FAQ. It explains it in a different context. You don't get to reroll rolls of 3 for a space marine devastator if he moved if he's near a chapter master.

Pic Related

Bring 50 tankbustas

Depends how you tackle it.
If you try to throw boys at it, you'll likely go down, but if you can put on of your fairly punchy walker can openers near it, you should be able to pull it of, just.. don't expect them to survive.

i have a deff dread

is that enough

Depends how much he cheeses it and the rest of his list.

From what he normally bring I would assume he will put 3 infantry squads in it and maybe some bullgryns.

The rest of the army will probably be celestine, some psykers and a shit ton of scions.

Greentide. He can't kill all of you