Gookmoot said we can have one meta thread

gookmoot said we can have one meta thread

How do we fix Veeky Forums?

What needs to be fixed? Quests got thrown out into their own board, creative grognards left in droves, and now all we have around here is general threads and sometimes content. Deal with it or create new content.

>le questcaust drove creative people out -meme

Getting rid of quest was a mistake.
Getting rid of smut was a mistake.
They were annoying, but sometimes you had a spark amongst the garbage.
Now they're gone and nothing good took their place. Net loss.

Have you seen a lot of drawfags and wirtefags on Veeky Forums recently? Case in point.

Mine might be a hypothesis, but it's a hypothesis backed by data and observation.

We've got two or three draw-fag threads active at any given time. We get write-faggotry about as often as we used to. And there's the same permissible level of lewdness and ribaldry this board has always tolerated.

I don't know who you're trying to convince, because the old timers know better, and newfags don't care.

Butthurt over /qst/ and the soft smut-ban is a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

>now they're gone

net gain

>Have you seen a lot of drawfags
Where did they go after dreaded Charlotte disappered?

Fuck off to the circlejerk shitpile that is /qst/ then, you obnoxious little snivellers

...yea? There is a draw thread up daily and REALLY good shit comes out of it. Like damn that would be a 100 dollar commission good

There's a lack of userbase in /qst/ anyways. As I said, deal with it. Don't try to fix what ain't broken, you'll get questcaust 2.0: electric boogaloo.

Never let quests back. Ever.

>Getting rid of quest was a mistake.
>Getting rid of smut was a mistake.

I think you should go, drooling sweaty neckbeard.

Go post your "le sexy Tau/Daemonettes" on /d/ or /aco/ or something, what would be the harm in that?

>post your "le sexy Tau/Daemonettes" on /d/ or /aco/ or something, what would be the harm in that?
People won't see it

>implications of Veeky Forums being bad
Inb4 newfag. Veeky Forums is fine. If you want something that you don't see in the catolague,start a thread.

>Doesnt identify a problem
>Implies that Veeky Forums is somehow fucked
>How do we fix Veeky Forums?
Start by deleting this thread and then forcing OP to stop sucking so many cocks.

Veeky Forums is fine as is.
Can it be improved? Yes.

No one is seeing it right now, so you have nothing to lose by posting it on the appropriate board.

Nothing wrong with that, you could all go fap together in your general on /aco/ or something, get each other all excited about how the drawings are so tsundere for you or whatever.

I want more setting discussions instead of rules garbage and more megathreads.

Eliminate /pol/.

not you again

Eliminate the people who got to passive aggressively cry about /pol/ whenever anyone says anything that can vaguely be construed as rightwing. Stormfags too I guess.

Guys, we have a thread for this already with spooky skeleton

How very /pol/ of you.

Politics is politics, and I don't care for them on Veeky Forums. I don't care what kind of politics you espouse or believe should be allowed on Veeky Forums, if it's modern day current politics in any way shape or for,e GET THE FUCK OUT.

oh, in that case I agree. Its just the last 5 threads I've been in, someone vaguely alluded to rightwing politics in passing and led to giant fucking derails of "FUCKING /POL/ REEEEEEE"
like its gotten to the point to where I think they antipol is more annoying than /pol/ because at least /pol/ disappears when no one bites.

>That easily recognizable posting style
Aren't you the user that constantly goes on about the wonders of socialism and the evils of Capitalism in /pfg/?

it begins...

I support this

>it's yet another meta thread that automatically devolves into "QUESTS SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT IN THE FIRST PLACE REEEEEE" automatically


>strictly remove /pol/fags and /b/tard tier threads and posts ("muh sjws, muh blacks, muh womyn -4 str")
>remove shitposts ("WIZARDS ARE FUCKING SUPERIOR DEAL WITH IT MARTIALS", every "elves suck" thread with rampant le deus vult posters with some kind of hurr durr humanity fuck yuh agenda, etc)

I'd wager that "stat me" threads are as annoying than these two, but they die so fast they're a non-issue, and theyre kind of board culture at this point

Why wouldn't women take a str penalty?

No, because as stated I don't like modern day politics interfering with my escapism. I play games to escape that crap. It's all over the goddamn place if you need it, and I don't need it.

Thoughts on upping the reply limit? It would help cut down on the general spam.

True its annoying seeing sjw, socialist and progressive crap in entertainment.

>another meta thread that automatically devolves into "QUESTS SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT IN THE FIRST PLACE REEEEEE"
Who do you think makes these threads?

How do you feel about threads discussing instances of game designers making political statements in their games, or articles encouraging political interpretations of games? The gaming media is inextricably politicised now. Designers and critics have made it so, so why shouldn't we be able to discuss Wizards' representations of ancient civilizations in MTG, or Starfinder/Eclipse Phase's views of social change?

Because in a roleplaying game, they can be as strong as a man if they want to be. Or are you saying they're not allowed to play roleplaying games to escape the harsh reality they live in too?

If you want to be a dick fine, just say you're an asshole and don't want them in your game.

So whats the lore reason for them being as strong as a man?

You people don't even play traditional games. Absolutely pathetic. Go and stay go.

Why would they? You're playing alongside magic and fantasy races most of the time, against eldritch horrors or using cyber implants in the not so distant future, or you're in a historical setting where the female PC would be an outlier to just be there

Why would anyone care about muh realism when it's just a dumb stereotype based on the average of a large group, rather than the individuals?

You're an obnoxious faggot, and I hope nobody has to deal with your shit

They ignore that because

1. They subscribe to that political narrative
2. They're the target of the political narrative and it makes them uncomfortable knowing the designers of the game their playing hate their guts

What if you wanted to play a realistic setting?
>Why would anyone care about muh realism when it's just a dumb stereotype based on the average of a large group, rather than the individuals?
It's a stereotype that women are weaker than men?

Unban porn.

Keep quests banned and classify CYOAs as quests.

>Unban porn.

>Keep quests banned and classify CYOAs as quests.

buddy its his game, if he wants realistic strength levels for woman, thats his prerogative. take your /pol/ and leave.

> Like damn that would be a 100 dollar commission good

Literal lie

Also it's just good shit that one person takes and hordes. We don't have drawfags hopping around to threads and shit and being like "damn, I gotta draw that."

It's not Veeky Forums content. It's one person's content.

>It's a stereotype that women are weaker than men?
Being a popular stereotype doesn't make it wrong

Please get decapitated by muzzies.

They still think that we want that spam back. Even Poke-fags over on /v/ weren't that autistic. Hell even /jp/ isn't this autistic.

Fuck off. Bring quests back. Quests are pure fun and 100% Veeky Forums related

I also support this idea.

>Have you seen a lot of drawfags and wirtefags on Veeky Forums recently?

There's an entire thread of them, the most active one on Veeky Forums - and that includes the porn and drawing boards.

If you mean the classic drawfags, kittenmod banned and harassed them into leaving, quests had nothing to do with it. I wouldn't expect a newfag /a/ immigrant or a paizo forums transplant to know that, though.

Bring back quests.

Literal 0 reason to remove them aside from REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The concept is that 100% of women aren't physically weaker than 100% of men.

Also way to dodge the whole concept of fantasy/sci-fi universe.

Every game designer shoves political crap in their games, user. They always have, just as with anything else that's been published since the invention of the publishing press. Even AD&D and Chainmail had that crap in it. The Arduin Grimoires were rife with it, and equally prone to sexualization. It's only since the advent of the internet that it has become so disruptive to games that you can't fucking touch it without idiots crying about it as much as they do.

The only option that has ever been available to people who actually play games is to ignore it, because we can't make them take it out. If you really think this is a recent thing and that people haven't tried jumping down the game designers throats over this stupid shit for the past FIFTY YEARS, you're woefully late in the game. It's only more obvious NOW because it's easily noticeable online, as opposed to the hundred and thousands letters that were easily trash canned without ever being opened.

You can discuss it all you want, but expecting it to change is a naive and foolish pipe-dream, and for gods sake stop bringing the modern politics into the goddamn discussion. You really want to discuss it, that's LITERALLY what the /pol/ board is made for! You can make a thread in /pol/ and link it from the /pfg/ and /mtg/ threads here, but for the sake of whatever deities exist, stop wasting everyone else's time with it.

I want porn unbanned to chase off all these kids from paizo and the GitP forums, back in the day Veeky Forums's essential Veeky Forums-ness basically acted as an immune system against garbage like that.

>shitload of threads that move super fast not because of the quest itself going forwards, but from people posting actions, in an otherwise somewhat slow board
>they take up space and remove slower, relevant threads about inspiration, character art, and actual discussion

Nah mate I love quests but they should stay in their board.

....are you kidding? It's in the very first chapter of 99% of every roleplaying game:

"Adventurers are different than normal people."

Almost every single game in existence has that line somewhere in it.

Quests have never been Veeky Forums related, they were garbage spam on other boards forced on us.

You have to go back.

>wtf why do these people not like Waifu Anus Quest it was so popular on /a/

Back to your concentration camp.

You want it because you want to jack it to orcs and goblins and too lazy to open /aco/, let's not kid ourselves
Being able to browse Veeky Forums anywhere without fear of faggots like you posting succubi traps or 1000 year old lolis or orc futas keeps this board great

If a thread gets knocked off the board, then it's not one that's being used currently, dipshit.

>Almost every single game in existence
You know since this is a meta thread I politely request people to submit similar quotes from their favorite games. I'm really curious how different games handle this issue.

>what are slow threads
Even now, big threads like /gdg/ or small request threads get knocked down constantly
Giving back the influx of a shitload of non-Veeky Forums threads will just make the issue worse

They were always Veeky Forums related. Bring up any quest and I can prove it's Veeky Forums related.

See? The only argument against quests is REEEEEEEE

If I wanted that I'd just go to sankakucomplex. Mostly I want shrinking violets like you gone, because I remember a time before nazimod.

>Shitload of quests

Subjective aka: REEEEEEE

>they take up space and remove slower, relevant threads about inspiration, character art, and actual discussion

Doesn't realize that a thread that gets bumped out by quests is dead as fuck aka: REEEEEEEE


yeah okay i can see what im dealing with now

>I'm going to park my car in this parking space for a week

>lol if you can't find a parking space you obviously don't need one WAIFU ANUS QUEST XXXIV GUYS, WILL WAIFU FUCK THE PLAYERS' PATHETIC SELF-INSERT THIS THREAD?


Well, it's irrelevant - quests won't be comign back. But's I'd rather have quests back if it meant the /pol/-Veeky Forums mod was fired and we didn't have idiots derailing threads with their personal political soapboxes regardless of which one is theirs.

False Logic.

>no more posts about orcs

>no more posts about chaos

>no more posts about non-human waifus

>basically all non-human and heretic posts will be deleted

sounds boring as shit.

What's with that shit eating grin?

>He brings up strong counter points that I have no argument against

The anti-quester reveals his true colors

Yeah, backing this one.

So fucking boring when you get doom merchants and edgy nihilists bringing immigration or whatever up.

>wants free parking for a week

This isn't a parking garage, user. If people don't give a shit about your thread then it dies.

90% of Quests were "Waifu maid panty quest pt. 531"

Don't miss them whatsoever.

Not that guy but I'll bite

Those threads should be kicked to /pol/ because they are about politics surrounding a game.

The Game is separate from all that bullshit, which you'd understand if you actually played traditional games. It doesn't matter how many 'gays are okays' nods are typed in the 5e rulebook, I could run 5e like FATAL and I can run FATAL like Blue Rose. Also, MtG? yeah, when you play MtG, there are spells and life totals and never does the inclusivity marketing agenda of Wizards of the coast EVER come up in the game. As an interpersonal conversation perhaps, but the game itself doesn't care. At all.

Screeching political debates about games have JACK SHIT to do with gaming and everything to do with politics. There are no serious discussions about 'the politics of MtG' there's just the same old fucking left vs right shitflinging using MtG as the battlefield to launch the same old shitty arguments as an excuse to shitpost on Veeky Forums instead of /pol/.

So I literally, figuratively, metaphorically, absolutely, do not give a single fuck about what 'game designers' are trying to make statements about or what political fucktards are saying about how I should run my game. I didn't give a shit for the 10 years before I found Veeky Forums, and I still don't. All I care about is faggots like you who mistakenly think their politics are always relevant shitting up my discussions about games.

The game is a hobby of thoughts, and no one is standing over me with a telepathic laser demanding I play my game like such n such. I play with people I CHOOSE TO PLAY WITH. Politics aren't relevant to MY GAME unless I want them to be.

Seriously. Gaming is a private and fictional affair. Politics are a public affair. They're in completely different worlds and people who fail to understand this are either stupid or delusional.

>questfags claim they were mainstream on Veeky Forums and not spam most of us despised

>now questfags complain their board is dead because it doesn't have enough users

Show evidence to back up your numbers.

>questfags claim they were mainstream


Yo, I have an actual suggestion - can we ban CYOAs? Half of them are content free image dumps, and have you ever looked at them? They're almost all 'which superpower do you want' or 'which waifu wud u fuk.' I'd expect that on [s4s] maybe but here?

Havign 15-30 people in a thread that were playing the game with the person writing it.



Roles to fill.

Role. Playing. Game.

Quests were roleplaying games. Sorry.

>can we ban this popular thing that draws attention and receives posts
>can we ban something 100% because I don't like it?

If it's unpopular then it dies. If it's popular then it lives.

Care to add anything else that is BadWrongFun and Fun I Don't Like to your banlist?

Well put mate, it's so tiresome. They use Veeky Forums and /v/ as battlegrounds too.

>B-B-But downfall of the west because my card sleeves can't have massive tits on them in public fucking SJWs

It was an exaggeration, my opinion is still the same that we're better off without. Go to /qst/ and talk with other balding males about sniffing a drawn child's clothes or whatever you enjoy.

Never been in one myself, more of a hobbyist wargaming type, they do seem pretty pathetic but 3 threads isn't the end of the world.

All you had to do was fucking be there mate.

but Veeky Forums itself is mostly dead outside of megathread.

This isn't /b/, dude, you want to spam garbage, go there.

I fucking was there.

You had first 2 pages at most being quests.

Problem solved with the introduction of the catalogue

Quests created content and every so often resulted in some pure gold way more than isolated generals that are more concerned with finding ways to abbreviate increasingly abstract concepts within their system.


>Go to /qst/ and talk with other balding males about sniffing a drawn child's clothes or whatever you enjoy.

It's just occurred to me this is literally half of Veeky Forums.

I kind of feel bad how far down the rabbit hole some people are.

>Well put mate, it's so tiresome. They use Veeky Forums and /v/ as battlegrounds too.
>>B-B-But downfall of the west because my card sleeves can't have massive tits on them in public fucking SJWs
motherfucker, if they want to complain about how such and such don't got big tits not more, then they can. Thats not fucking /pol/

> Go to /qst/ and talk with other balding males about sniffing a drawn child's clothes or whatever you enjoy

Source? This seems to be a big part of your argument but I don't remember quests being about this.

Quests have never created content and we're endless circle jersey wasting slots on Veeky Forums.

We are in a subforum for nerdgames and you are talking about how pathetic other people are.

>anything I don't like is garbage

>Quests have never created content

Literal lie