How do you like your elves?
Tolkien ubermench?
Forest hippies?
I like them as stand-ins for the white race
That pic you got there about sums it up.
The worst thing is that this thread will probably not get deleted.
You're fucking magic user!
Why? Because of what lore? because of the playstyle? Do you play an elf like this often? In what setting and system?
Believe it or not I genuinely want to discuss elves, hoping Veeky Forums is more mature than blue /b/.
Alien, often lewd.
Alien nature spirits who might dance with you, ignore you, fuck you, eat you, give you weird gifts, or anything in between.
Certainly not just haughty, long-lived, pointy-eared 'totally not humans u guize'.
As far as playable races go, half-elves are the limit.
All in one. The younger elves are chill hippy dudes who have yet to see the horrors the world truly has, the assholes of the bunch are supremacists, and the old elves are so ancient that other elves can't even relate to their way of thinking.
Because an attractive Elf has a lot of social and political advantages?
>Because of what lore?
See above, plus Elven diplomats don't have to worry about handing off their duties to someone after 30 or 40 years on the job. If you negotiate a treaty with a lord, you'll enforce the same treaty with his children, and their children and grandchildren, and so on.
>Do you play an Elf like this often?
No, I hardly play elves. But when I do, and it's female, it's usually like that in my head.
>In what setting and system?
Whatever we're playing, as long as Elves are kosher to play as.
I don't ERP. I think it's odd. Nor do I wank over or waifu my own PCs.
Funny thing, this elf lady became much less attractive once I remembered from which game series she came
By posting some female elf with big tits you made the same mistake. Protip: Post a male elf. Reduces the amounts of people that never really cared about elves posting in your thread and just shitpost about japanese pornography and killing elves siginificantly.
Was she ORCED or TROLLED by any chance?
Facial hair? On an elf?
That flustered my jimbobs.
>No, I hardly play elves
I could have guessed from your posts.
Also HORSED, MINOTAURED and GNOLLED. MC was standing there and watching.
How's that? And why does it matter? You didn't ask for veteran Elf players only, m8.
I don't think this pic was from a specific setting. But it can happen.
Tolkien level of awesome yet flawed combined with Disciples II level of badass, added medieval level of alien.
dat gaping ass pussy
>Facial hair? On an elf?
>But it can happen.
It can, depending on the setting.
In mine, elves never do, but enough half-elves do that humans don't really know this.
Actually, most humans think elves are stronger, faster, smarter, and more magical than humans, despite being much smaller.
The reality is that very few elves venture out to where humans can encounter them without significant magical buffs.
I spread ignorance like cropdusting over my setting.
This is how I like my elves.
>How's that?
People that prefer porn elves, big tits or brown elves mostly don't care about traditional games, playing as elves or how elves are actually in the settings and lore we are supposed to play around here, because of how different they are.
>And why does it matter?
Because I want to talk about elves with people that care about fantasy beyond surface level and masturbation.
>Believe it or not I genuinely want to discuss elves
Considering your pic, no you don't.
So why are you playing innocent when you know what picture you used to start this thread? It's not really working. If you want people to take your thread seriously (which I know you don't) then don't use an image like that in the first place. But you already knew that.
Remember user, pretending to be retarded means that you're being retarded. That makes you a retard.
Also, this.
Tall forest-dwellers who used to be the big shots until their culture devolved into hedonistic debauchery and a civil war split their race into multiple different factions that-
Yes, I like Warhammer elves.
A combination of all four plus empire.
Stand-ins for the Romans, the Achaemenids and the Chinese.
Please don't confuse me with the OP.
A bit arrogant, but not for a reason
It's got a sharp light-dark contrast and titties, grabs peoples attention very easily.
Yes it's gonna draw in people who want to lewd-post but it's elves, you know?
In my country is functioning stereotype that elf=faggot
>Yes it's gonna draw in people who want to lewd-post but it's elves
Yeah, that really helped the other thread.
It's called blue /b/ for a reason
And Veeky Forums is supposed to be /d/-lite, so let's see how this goes.
I know Übermensch but no fucking idea what a übermench is. Some sort of gremlin?
Chained up in sex dungeons
ma nigga elf fucker
wait are you calling me your nig or insinuating I fuck drow. Because both are true
Quality posts. Many traditional games
Both. may i ask how you break them arrogant fine-assed black bitches?
elf fucking is an ancient and noble tradition in tabletop games
There are two kinds of elves: elf women, and elf women with vaginas.
What setting?
the OP image worked.
Hopefully this thread gets deleted like the other one.
Nah, Veeky Forums was supposed to be /d/-lite when monstergirls threads belonged on /d/. They've relocated to /e/ and /h/ by now.
well as you know how they're typically haughty by nature. So what I do is like to let them think they get the best of me and then in a single moment reveal to them that all their taunts have fallen on def ears with a swift smack.
Unfortunately too many actual posts of worth in here.
>Yes it's gonna draw in people who want to lewd-post but it's elves, you know?
Yes, we know.
>Posting a lewdish OP pic and mentioning lewd in OP
>I genuinely want to discuss elves and hope Veeky Forums responds more maturely than blue /b/.
Pick one asshat.
Alternatively, use your big-boy words to mention aspects of elves you'd like to discuss.
Generally I like my fantasy races as alien as possible, so that they are more than just reskinned/sized humans. Elves would take it to a particularly higher level.
Alien to the point of utter detachment from mortal concerns, mysterious to the point of incomprehensible,naturally attuned to magic to the point of godlike power.
>that DWARFS that even of their men
Does that mean the men are dwarves?
Or is one of these Elder Scrolls things where everything is technically Elves?
Aw, stop trolling, you know what to dwarf means, I'm sure.
By the way, what does it mean to elf? That is the question.
übermench is definitely a verb or an adjective. If it were a noun, it would be capitalized like it is in your post.
Drowning in magma
I like Tolkien Übermensch, but they shouldn't be playable races at all. These should be strong, wise, sometimes cruel, sometimes helpful, stoic, except when they get really pissed. If they are arrogant, they should have a good reason for it, nothing annoys me more than elves that are arrogant because the tropes demand it, not because it has actually something to do with their story and achievements.
A lot of this goes for playable races as well. Here I like it when they are a bit smaller than humans. - CON, + DEX elves that tower over them just doesn't look right to me. Hippies is retarded in my opinion, all folks that live in the woods should know hardship and care about strength and survivability while having a disdain for pussified city people that can't even hunt for food. I know they barely exist, but vegan wood elves don't make any sense.
Any depiction of elves is better than humans with pointy ears, even though some can go overboard. Also the manlier the better.
I like them in space flavour
I like them grouped in elementals and slutty as hell.
evil magic pirates
why is there no good lewd for BD
My elves are haughty immortal forest samurai. They're generally peaceful, and they live forever if not murdered, so they pick up a task as children and spend the next centuries perfecting their art beyond most races. As such, they have stronger militaries, their leadership is a council of high level elders with most of the classes represented, and they have some of the highest level characters alive in the world. However they also tend to stick to themselves in their forest kingdoms and the only time you hear about the unstoppable might of the elves is when someone decides to take over a forest after their community has collectively forgotten the last ass kicking they got. They also have a stronger fear of death than most other races for them because it isn't quite inevitable, so they always try diplomacy first.
Different elves for every setting. Because I can.
Not really any of these, not really original either.
As a race mixing high elf and wild elf in one, capable of urban farming, glass-sap greenhouses, giant tress which supply many needs, giant webs of mothsilk which supply both water from dew and transmit mechanical force from windcatchers, basic militia being bow-spear types, living architecture shaped into things like fields of venomous thorns in front of fortifications.
Funnily enough, the image you posted would fit in, because the city with a greater population of dark elves is a port city based on a giant mangrove's roots, and about 10% of its population are courtesans, male and female. Not all elves, but most of them. Just like 19th century Paris.
BTW, I use french language for them.
>Or is one of these Elder Scrolls things where everything is technically Elves?
this will always be the patricians choice of setting, dwarfs? Just a bit shorter elves, orcs? Green bodybuilder elves, humans? elves with rounded ears
>How do you like your elves?
Constantly fighting over old Precursor tech
Cow tits.
Feared for being a thing of perfection. All other races are jealous of their flawlessness. To be an "elf" is to be flawless, perfect, in a way that's insulting to other people.
Also, completely nonexistent and only a facet of Dwarven folklore, to warn against the idea that you can achieve perfection as compared to constant improvement over the previous generations.
I like WHF elves and Tolkien elves. I guess I'm just boring.
Spooky perfect innawoods folk with mean senses of humor.
Who are lewd.
Pic not that related.
masculine males, elites that have no sympathy for animal races such as humans and dwarves
I prefer it when elves are more like minor celestials that are part of the world. In muh setting they're one of the only races actually intentionally created by the gods (alongside dragons and elementals), whereas every other race is the result of random mutation brought about by sinister outside forces. Elvish magic is less magic and more just a byproduct of their connection to the world; even the least magically adept elf is assisted very slightly by the world around them, most notably in the way air currents will shift slightly to assist them in feats of swiftness of balance.
I feel like making them completely alien in terms of personality and outlook is retarded, though. That ultimately results in vague, samey, uninteresting characters.
Where are you from, Poland? Some nigger republic in South America?
I wish the Druchii were toned down slightly. SLIGHTLY less backstabby, SLIGHTLY less retarded tortury/slave abusey.
Keep the Cult of Murder though.
Collared and at the feet of humanity. Hear me out here...
Elves used to be an important advanced civilization, but for a variety of reasons their civilization became unsustainable. The warlike elves pushed the society to start wars of conquest to prop up those empire. The smarter elves realized this wouldn't work, but pushed the warriors into war purposefully. After the elves lost, effectively purpging the warrior elves from their society, the smarter elves sold the remaining elves writ large into slavery. They did so with the idea that they could slowly gain power from within the human civilizations by way of proving themselves useful and desireable.
Fast forward several human generations and elf slaves are a necessary feature of all human societies. The relationship is similar to biological mutualism, however both sides see themselves as the superior: the humans due to their ostensible ownership of the elves, the elves due to how much influence individual elves have over humans.
There are elements on both sides that agitate as they view the other species with distrust and try to out conspiracies / argue for separatism. They're regarded by the majority as fringe lunatics.
>Hear me out here...
Every setting that tries to justify the elf slav meme into a comfy status quo is retarded fetish shit. I'd say this stuff is genuinely worse than even Dragon Age lore.
I always like to focus much more on the magical talents of elves as opposed to their nimbleness or agility. I do love the stewards of nature aspect though.
Wood Elves/Wild Elves are the most common kind and simply take care of any environments they live in, maintaining the natural order and keeping their homes healthy. How they do this varies and the appearance of their home reflects it. Some elves are peaceful living in serene woodlands, others are horrifically violent and live in toxic, inescapable jungles. Magics largely consist of subtly manipulating their surroundings to hassle their opponents while concealing themselves as well as communicating with flora and fauna. Their only concern is for maintaining the status quo of their territory, including the safety of any human villages present, but they dislike outsiders of any variety, who they view as "invasive".
High Elves are similar to the former except they dwell in areas that are extremely high in magical energies. Things like ancient groves or temples to forgotten Gods are where High Elves make their homes. Magic is much more apparent, making use of blasts of elemental and arcane magic as well as the typical elven repertoire. They are extremely isolationist and typically rather aggressive towards humans who they see as destructive and unnatural.
Dark Elves are Elves who followed their human wards into civilization and hold secret societies to keep what they deem the "natural order" by any means necessary. Political espionage, intermarriage with humans, assassination, societal manipulation, etc etc. Unlike High Elves they still view humans as a part of nature, but acknowledge, and to a degree admire, it's destructive ability. To them humanity is simply a dominant species that needs to be groomed and directed carefully to make sure they don't cause their own destruction on top of the destruction of their surroundings.
pic unrelated
All of the above
>stand-in for Slavs within the Austrian Empire
They always go WE WAZ EMPERORZ N SHIT but are mostly forest dwelling backwards race.
Yep, Poland
>SLIGHTLY less backstabby, SLIGHTLY less retarded tortury/slave abusey.
honestly, its not dark eldar/ skaven levels of bad- since there are people who live fairly "normal" lives
its just that our exposure is to the most extreme parts (high risk games of political dickwaving)
>race X enslaves race Y
trash and shit
>Tolkien ubermench?
Moorcockian, universe conquering sociopaths.
"The blood elves will survive any hardship, overcome any obstacle and become stronger than before."
All of the above
I prefer them to be alien and/or savage rather than Human+.
Warcraft 3 portrayed Elves decently until WoW turned them into hippie bimbos.
so who are the hungarians then? And who are the humans?
>Warcraft 3 portrayed Elves decently until WoW turned them into hippie bimbos.
this, where did it all go so wrong?
Nordic unseelie.
I can't decide on what to name my male elven wizard. Help.
Why does this picture of Hades and Persephone get posted in elf threads so often?
They wanted to make them less "mysterious" and more personable
... because they look like elves. Come on, brah.
Why does Hades looks like Elric?
I like them just as myself. Absoluty fucking DEAD!.
Thanks my dead DAUGHTER.