No filename thread? Let's fix it
Filename thread
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>it's another "filename thread" episode on Veeky Forums
I dont get it
the plot of the movie is based on the idea that Hercules was a very competant mercenary who spread the 'son of Zeus' story to build his reputation.
Ahh, thanks
The Gamers: Natural One
general Melchett is the standard IG general
Am I missing something?
There isn't anything cyberpunk about this other than a self driving car being present.
It is very shadowrun, however.
This one was inspired by that one webm.
The sheer incompetence shown by this artist never fails to amaze me
I'm just surprised someone else knows what an ozodrin is.
Sir Didymous! YES!
>it's a 'someone forced me to come into this thread and stare for hours at all the images' post
How far beyond the Internet has this meme spread, if at all?
I even recognise the little guy from ops image.
But its funny because i like to play comfy bright characters. Like those in Tintin. Even when i play DH.
(spoiler)and when i play ToE i have sorta grimdark characters.(/spoiler)
I thought they were pretty well-known here, although I guess I only remember one or two archived thread mentioning them
Whoops, forgot to censor that one. It'll have to wait.
Never in my time on this board have I seen the name mentioned before now. I hope to play it some day, but my group's pretty strict with third party material if it's not from a recognized publisher.
What bothers me is that this isn't how D&D tracks ability score modifiers. It's off by a single digit.
1: -5
2-3: -4
4-5: -3
6-7: -2
8-9: -1
10-11: +0
12-13: +1
14-15: +2
16-17: +3
18-19: +4
20: +5
Why on earth doesnt DnD just have your modifier be your score? When you take ability damage you usually take at least d3 which averages out to 2 anyway.
He also was freakishly strong. Very freakishly strong.
It's birds all the way down.
Alternative name:
By the way, can anybody link me that image of the diner with all of the weird and creepy stuff. You can post it if you want, but I think everyone has already seen that.
What is it with Japan and their obsession with lewdness and noseblood?
The problem I have with war is not that people die, but that people die because of stupid leadership that is wasteful of human assets.
I don't get it.
Yours is more clever.
I assume this is a joke about how no one on this Mongolian basket weave website knows what a fedora is?
You spelled his name wrong. "Necrons" works just as well.
That DC isn't very high.
I love how the artist has managed to capture the look of "this is gonna go so badly wrong" on the scientist's face.
A lot of games do things slightly differently than 3rd through 5th edition dnd.
>Why on earth doesnt DnD just have your modifier be your score?
It's a legacy sacred cow they haven't killed off yet. Roleplaying games which use more modern design principles (i.e. ones that aren't just copying dnd) generally do have just one number for their equivalents of ability scores.
> Implying she isn't there just to swipe your ugly duckling player who hasn't figured out that a late puberty and joining the cyclist club did a number on him
Skill check DC15. If you fail, he leaves the group, citing 'time commitments' elsewhere. Succeed, and it turns out she's an ex-drama nerd really into the pre-Rapheallites, who you blackmail into joining the group when you find her old Geocities page with a lot of b&w goth photos and bad poetry.
>Defeating dark mechanicus
High enough for me :D
Hey her tits are too big.
Is this a cosplayer?
I need the expanded version of this, please
I neither recognize the person nor understand wht penalty they're taking. Help?
The joke is that shes a pretty spot on copy of the dead bitch from game of thrones, but her tits are too big and that gives her away.
>wizardd headwear
she gon die
>the dead bitch from game of thrones
Narrows the field down to, what, 50% of female characters?
yep, her name's xenia shelkovskaya, she mainly does GoT characters