>This race's males look like barely human monster people but the females look sexy and approachable and are inexplicably nice, intelligent and seem to be more interested in human males then members of their own species
Thanks a fucking bunch, Japan.
This race's males look like barely human monster people but the females look sexy and approachable and are inexplicably...
Other urls found in this thread:
They don't look like human females, human males look like their females.
Not when these faggots do it. Even Veeky Forums isn't immune. They talk all high and mighty about the importance of keeping things serious and grimdark but then you bring up centaurs and it's a thread full of buxom horse waifus.
Why don't male humans look like anything?
By the time He got around to making them, God had already finished whacking off and was just kinda tired.
Humans are chosen race of the gods. They are all beautiful.
This whole comic, and the one point where I lost my sides was where the female T-Rex is a "T-Regina"
Welp, I guess if another thread needs to sink into HFY shittery it might as well be a fetishy baitthread with no value to lose.
You dun goofed, OP. Of all the stupid monstergirl concepts you could have chosen, satyresses/faunesses are actually a thing.
>HFY shittery
It's not HFY if they aren't the best, most awesome, enduring and coolest. Learn some trigger discipline.
>implying horsepussy isn't part of Veeky Forums since forever
>but then you bring up centaurs and it's a thread full of buxom horse waifus
Since centaurs weren't created by Japanese shouldn't centaurides resembles their male counterparts more closely and be booze loving savages?
yes, I'm sure its the same people saying both of these things.
That would be a great idea if the "centauress as waifu" concept hadn't already been so firmly ingrained in Veeky Forumss subconscious. Turn them into drunkard barbarians and people will just think of them as drunkard barbarian waifus.
In the original myth I dont think there even were female centaurs, the Japs really cornered the market on monstergirls
Nope, Veeky Forums is just a sucker for big tits.
I mean, though they don't have big honking tittays, they are still described as total waifu material, absurdly beautiful and nice and basically the perfect woman from the waist up. Maybe the from the waist down as well, depending on what kind of Greek you were.
>Nope, Veeky Forums is just a sucker for big tits.
That's because, contrary to popular belief, people in olden times were just about as often lonely nerds as today, and just like today, many got into art. Don't forget: Pygmalion was the first hardcore waifufag.
What about a race where the females look like horrific monsters, but the males look like sexy and approachable human females?
Kinda makes sense; after all, most baby critters are cute, so reason why females wouldn't be as well.
Veeky Forums just likes to put a new spin on concepts.
40k/WoD? Get ready for wacky adventures
Inspector Gadget? Gonna make a dystopian cyberpunk setting
Add sexual frustration to the mix, and you'll understand how everything get waifued.
I'd rather have cute females, honestly.
They look like blobby chicks you wouldn't fuck
Avoid at all costs
>most baby critters are cute, so reason why females wouldn't be as well
Yeah, would you just look at that piece of ass.
There's an ancient Roman text about centaurs, where the author talks about how beautiful female centaurs are. So if you want to blame somebody for waifu centaurides, blame the Romans.
There's also a hilarious bit of Colombus' diaries where he (presumably) spotted some manatees around the Caribbean and went like "Oh, and we also found mermaids today! They're... uh... not as beautiful as the painters made them look, honestly. I'm disappointed."
Nothing that some makeup and a garterbelt can't fix.
And I bet she gives very good head.
They look so happy :3
Do they have human dicks or weird dicks?
You monstergirls fags are just furries in denial.
Something, something, deviant sex shapes.
Dear furry, it's not true no matter how many times you say it,
>his monster people don't come in a variety of shapes and sizes
>he doesn't also have monstrous females, handsome monster studs, and cute monster girls(boys)
The problem with furries isn't what they're attracted to, weird enough though that often is, it's the fact they make a lifestyle of it. They want to become something, rather than just be attracted to something, which is the deal with fursonas. The reason they're still hated by vocal portions of the internet even now is because this desire to assert their furriness and the freedom of anonymity granted by the internet gave them the opportunity to make complete asses of themselves as they tried to inject their fursona into everything. Furthermore, their persecution complex became a self-fulfilling prophecy, attracting as much or more persecution than the things they were doing to attract attention to themselves to begin with.
That's the dividing line. Monstergirl fags have an attraction, Furries have identity issues.
>spend a lot of time worrying about the ethical and political issues of "monster girls" as defined by a primarily-human mindset
>i mean really, they wouldn't be called MONSTER GIRLS for long, really, and monster rights would surface pretty fast
>what with their lovely appearances, ditzy demeanors and stereotypes consisting of "they live 2 fug"
>i take this concept
>and toss it into the recycle bin
Just use whatever works for your group, dudes.
Cute dog girls. Or cute dog boys and dog girls. Or savage race with canine traits that has a rich culture and worships so-and-so deity and holds festivals during spring and summer seasons.
No reason to shake your fist at an entire country since you won't be playing with all these fucking retards. You know the ones.
They take their setting notes from renowned hack author Kenkou Cross and his Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
I assume we're all old enough to know: if you don't like something on the internet, you can freely ignore it, no hassle at all.
Agreed, monster people of both genders should be equally scary looking or equally sexy looking. Ideally both.
>Ideally both.
Yes please.
Superior taste.
The way the tree and his cloak line up makes it look like a weird optical illusion if you aren't looking straight at it.
>bearded, serene warrior-patriarchs
>lithe, muscular warrior-concubines
Gotta get that 1 to 4 M/F gender ratio if you want to hire out the women instead of men, user.
Did you just describe night elves from Warcraft?
I like what you're describing but I can't actually parse the statement you're making there.
Anyone know what game/media the OP's picture is?
Fap material.
It's just a single pick of a monstergirl related to Chinese zodiac wishing you happy new year. Japanese artists love doing it every year. Usually they draw a lot of pics but for 2017 we got nothing. But for 2018 we will see lots of doggirls which is great.
thanks user!
We got plenty, my dude. Just gotta know where to look.
This images is missing a sheath bulge and that's nigh unforgivable
Wow. A thread complaining about monstergirls and we went almost 50 posts before someone started talking about animal dicks.
Don't post pant-less guys with crotch exposed if you don't want people complaining there's no dick there. It's not rocket science.
I'm not the one who did.
>if you don't want people complaining there's no dick there
Welcome to our sausage fest. We don't need any more dicks here.
Don't forget about Hephaestus/vulcan.
He was lame and ugly(by godly standards, he would still be a 8/10 among mortals)
The other gods made fun of him for it, so he spent all his time alone working iron and making mechanical trinkets.
His work was useful to the gods and to thank him Zeus made Aphrodite marry him.
Obviously she wanted nothing to do with him, and anyway she was already in a relationship with her brother Ares.
After he trapped them while having sex on his bed and showed the other gods, they mocked him, and so he decided to make himself a robot waifu who would be only love him.
You know, for all the shit that grognards give to this idea it is the logical conclusion of the whole "-4 str" meme.
Now if we only we could find some mechanical appeal to playing a monsterwoman to balance this out that doesn't involve "produces breastmilk for 4 medium sized creatures per day" or however that meme went.
The first that we know of.
Produces alchemist's fire that can kill 4 medium sized creatures per day.
>"produces breastmilk for 4 medium sized creatures per day" or however that meme went
I've never heard about this one but now I want to.
Maybe there were even more ancient lonely nerds in Egyptian and Summerian mythology
You don't need a monstergirl for extreme lactation, my elf ranger did that just fine.
We're not a hivemind. Don't lump me in with those monstergirl-loving degenerates.
It was part of Veeky Forumss ill conceived attempt at taking the comedy fantasy anime trope of "female minotaurs are big boobed girls" and making something gameable out of it.
Two years later the latest edition of Changing Breeds comes out and it turns out OPP had the exact same ideas.
Go on.
The alternative is furries so I'll take it. You could also go down the asexual route like warhammer orc/orks or have bloated, unthinking brood-mothers
The word 'unthinking brood-mother' does unspeakable things to my dick, and I say that knowing full well what you were referencing when you said that.
user, no
You wouldn't know.
I can see dudes playing that race, but not chicks.
Ever play Vampire: The Masquerade with chicks? None of them want to be Nosferatu, none of them. They all want to be either Malkavian, Ventrue or Toreador.
Women like feeling attractive, even in fiction. Anyone who denies this has never met women.
Ever heard the term 'male power fantasy?' There's some bits of the theory that fall apart, but it mostly holds true.
I put forward, that in games there's often a 'female beauty fantasy' in play with female players.
>none of them
I've personally met two. And before you ask, one was good looking and straight.
Okay, great. You know two women who like being the ugly characters.
That doesn't change the fact that as males are fixated upon and enjoy acting out strength and power in fiction, so too are females fixated upon and enjoy acting out beauty and sexual gravitas in fiction.
Yeah I made a definitive statement when I should have been making a general one, statistical outliers do not disprove a trend. My mistake.
You mean thanks a lot, humanity. This isn't some recent phenomenon created exclusively by Japanese shut-ins. History is filled with stories of "this monstrous female is beautiful but..." originating from every fucking corner of the globe.
The reason a lot of this shit is coming from Japan recently is because their autists don't let their worthless pseudo-intellectual busybodies prevent them from doing what they love: masturbating furiously to women with eight chitinous legs and an F-cup rack.
>F-cup rack
You mean you wouldn't masturbate to this?
What kind of freak would want something so disgusting.
The majority of people find this acceptable.
Common type of freak widely known as normal person
pic related.
I would gladly play a WFRP campaign that begins like the usual "the ratmen have poisoned the well, go in the mines and kill some" where a young female skaven tries to escape the Underempire and her fate as a baby factory by acting as a guide for the party and helping them return to the surface. And the attempts of the clan to recapture one of their precious females afterwards.
I like rats, they're very cool animals, actually clean, smart, and nice to each others and humans. While mice are the bloodcray fucktards that fantasy often portraits rats as.
If you dont like the cute girls animalistic men thing I'd totally avoid this manga:
Whatever happened to translations for this?
Are there other rat folk that Veeky Forums knows about that don't have a completely borked reproductive cycle?
Besides Ink-Eyes and her rat ass.
It's honestly funny/sorta informative manga that uses animal biology for its jokes
DM played CoC and tried to subtly introduce his newfound magical realm by having us rob a shady hedge wizard who makes 'folk medicine' that isn't potent or clear-cut enough for divination magic to reliably work. Since my elf had the best fortitude save she got nominated to try the nastier-looking stuff, and oh joy a few days later she started lactating. We pulled some math for pregnancy effects off the internet (homebrewed from Book of Erotic Fantasy, I suppose) and the numbers indicated the problem would go away if she clenched her teeth and refrained from draining the milk for a week or two.
Unfortunately, the numbers also indicated that instead, if she kept draining it multiple times a day, she could produce enough milk to feed one adult, and eventually the entire party, while only having to forage food for herself. This broke his game about as well as a beneficial mid-level arcane spell would, because as long as there was enough food and water for one elf we could go anywhere. We circumvented an entire story ark because we could carry enough supplies to trek across the big impassable desert instead of dealing with the local succession crisis in order to reopen trade routes. We also had more money than he'd wanted us to have, because the sorcerer figured out he could use frozen excess milk and an air elemental to make exotic icecream for nobility while we were traveling through his homeland.
This is what separates player character from NPCs. That hedge wizard knew how to mix his herbs, but he had no vision.
Oh, man.
That's absurd enough to make it work.
Thanks, I could have sworn they stopped updating a while back.
I'm never sure how long to wait between updates before dropping something.
>This broke his game about as well as a beneficial mid-level arcane spell would, because as long as there was enough food and water for one elf we could go anywhere
This doesn't break the game, it breaks physics. Was the lactation explicitly the magical kind, i.e. more nutrition comes out than in?
You called?
Ironclaw as decent rats (and is a good setting in general), and Veeky Forums had a couple of brainstoming sessions about the biology and reputation of rodents that ended with rat-people as seasonal workers.
>hedge wizard selling potions
the magical nature of the stuff is heavily implied.
It could be fighting game non-magicial.
You know, Harley pulls a mallet from nothing type non magicial.
That is not something I knew about giraffes. Does it go into how giraffe girls feel about that?
Yes, it was magical in nature, as in the magic enhanced natural milk production but had no special requirements to work and a soft upper cap based only on diminishing returns. As long as she could keep any milk going she had a scaling volume bonus for free.
>This doesn't break the game, it breaks physics.
That was the point? Quadruple caloric efficiency of any food we had on us for the price of a physical discomfort of the character specialized in ignoring physical discomfort.
>eats food sufficient for one person
>produces milk for multiple people in addition to herself
That's not how nutrition works.
Yeah, it's almost like magic or something...
>That fucking kangaroo
That's like saying all bisexuals are just fags in denial, except not actually the same but still worth using as a comparison.
At the end of the day I'll happily fap to Liru but show me a "sexy" Renamon pic and I won't really be aroused much.
>cast easy spell
>produces matter out of nothing, which becomes permanent when ingested
>put cheap ring on
>don't need to eat or drink but hair and nails still grow and skin still sheds
Speaking of which, ring of sustenance x3 = 7,500 gp and three ring slots saved by one elf woman with extremely sore tits.
That's exactly the sort of things that lewd-as-fuck games ought to have. Top form, user.