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>Shoot throwbacks
>Sharpen your ammo
>Pirate everything to phyisical
>And never, ever cut a deal with an AI

Offline edition.
Have you ever had a game where the system crashed in a wide scale? Did you or your players caused it?
How important is the Matrix for your runner's life or job?
A world were everything is always online, and every single thing on you has a small computer, what would be the consequences for a wageslave that the network fails on him? And for a punk living in the Barrens, is it the same?

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Sorta related but have you guys tried playing without deckers so that it streamlines the game? Was thinking of doing it for an upcoming campaign I might run.

What's spaceflight like in shadowrun?
Is it just shuttles flying between station and planet? Or is there more to it?

It's not a bad choice if you feel like delving into hacking is more trouble than it's worth. I basically ban hackers in game unless the players are willing to read the entire core book and the relevant supplements, and given the amount of lazy fuckers I play with, I toss them an NPC Decker if they need one.

More to it. Corporate Court is at Zurich Sub-Orbital. Evo-Corp has a Martian base overrun with Headcases.

But there's not a lot of spaceships around similar to the expanse?
I'm guessing orbital stations are guarded by some spaceships?

Not a lot. They use space shuttles and planes to move cargo into space. Corporate Court built a mass driver and is currently building a space elevator.

What would happen if someone drank a healing potion created with alchemy (water+heal)?
Would it heal any wounds the person drinking has or would it only heal any wounds the healing water touches?

>The core rulebook i bought in COLLEGE (~6 years ago) is close to losing its binding, but i do everything in my power to only use it at the table and not during prep.
Is you core rulebook the normal one or the collector one ? I have a normal one and took it to a professional for binging right away.

The campaign I'm currently in completely lacks a decker and even a face. Closest thing to anything of a social or mental character is our rigger, but even that's stretching it because he's basically just a hobo living in the backseat of his car, literally speaking.

Needless to say, most runs we get into tend to turn into gorefests pretty damn quickly.

I've been wanting to take the overly complex parts of SR out all together in my games and just focus on RPing. How would you go about doing that?

I once played in a group with nothing but 4 streetsams, who accomplished a surprising lot with violence, theft and threats. We even managed to pull of a datasteal. If blunt force does not solve your problem, you're not using enough of it.

I need a theme for a high profile mission that involves ares, dragons and a conspiracy but I can't think of anything.
Can someone throw some random ideas at me?

Health spells can only be Command, can't make health potions.

But the spell can still be bound to water, right?
What if someone drinks it and the spell is activated after?

Lynchpin would be destroyed by drinking it, so the spell goes poof.

Ares Excalibur Incident. The real reason why it failed because sealed documents show that not only was it extremely effective against the bug spirits, it was also an anti-dragon weapon. The mass-production weapon may have been scrapped and sabotaged. But the original prototype is still out there, and someone is paying top Nuyen to grab it.

>Sorta related but have you guys tried playing without deckers so that it streamlines the game?
Yes. It's strictly better. Our Face took a hacker-for-hire as a high-Loyalty Contact. Someone we could use as a fence for paydata, electronics, and go to if we wanted tags burned or to be walked through securing our PAN.

On missions where we needed a Decker (whether for an actual datasteal or just to turn some alarms off) we'd hire him on for the run, give him an entire full cut for his services.

His Loyalty and Connection actually went up as we kept bringing him in, and without any of us ever having to lay one filthy finger on a cyberdeck or jump through any digital hoops.

Remember this essential fact. If nobody in your group wants to play a certain role, that's the exact thing that Contacts are for.

I do believe a kraut posted before how in the German books health spells can use contact trigger
So you can have bandages,stickers or in this case potions with Heal that will activate the moment someone touches. Or drinks the water.
If the trigger is Command it won't work. You need LoS for it to activate and being in someones stomach prevents that.

>guarded by some spaceships
user, what do you think that outer space combat looks like? Because it's a lot closer to IRL than it is to Star Trek.

Anyone else having trouble with chummer just freezing after selecting gear/mods?

Yeah I get that too. Yekka do you know anything about this?

I know of it, but I can't reproduce it. Gimme more detail?

Whenever I add anything, whether it be skill, attribute, piece of gear, a weapon or a mod to a weapon, piece of clothing or vehicle, theres a few seconds where the program just stutters and says 'not responding'.

I thought it might be some sourcebook overload since I have most of them selected in options but its still doing it.

For me it's most common when adding or removing cyberware, or when I want to change the way I sort my skills to dicepool, but it can happen randomly with just about anything. Chummer will freeze and be Not Responding for ~1 min then it will unfreeze. It's never hard crashed though it always fixes itself.

Seconding the add/remove cyberware, Recent memory cybereyes did it most often.

Still works fine for me; career mode, create mode?

Create mode

Dunno about them but for me its most common when the programs been open a while

Which melee weapons in 5e aren't Strength-based? So far I have chainsaws, monowhips, and electric stun-weapons. I'm trying to make a compact hunter-killer drone, but it's important to know what my options are.

I have the same problem but after some testing it seems to be more common on career-mode saves that have a lot of things added (Karma, gear, nuyen). I don't get the same hiccups when I make a fresh save or access one still in create mode.

What does everyone here think of the alternative Mystic Adepts in Forbidden Arcane? Specifically, how do you deal with/house rule the magic groups, (Conjuring, Sorcery, Enchanting), they have access to?

Semi-officially, they weren't suppose to have Astral Perception as a free ability and must still purchase it as a Power.

tl;dr How do you house rule mysads in FA regarding access to the three magical groups?

An auto-injector with a dose of Narcojet.

My group was mostly meatspacers last campaign. No mages either. It was fun, but from the GM's chair I tried to not dick them over too hard from Astral or Cyberspace. Tried to run 6th world as true to form without cheesing them.

It's the normal first run book. How much did a professional binding cost you? I really do like the book, despite CGL controversy and the fact that I use online resources a ton.

So what exactly is wrong with CGL books? Why so they fall apart?

As with any situation where you go "I want to focus on" - ensure you have player buy-in first.

After that the easiest thing to do is give them twice as many points to spend on contacts at char gen but establish that these points be used on "joke" contacts. Kind of like knowledge skills are separate and can be used for languages or hobbies.

These contacts could be ex-girlfriends, Uber drivers, Comic Book store owner, a Friend on a Matrix VR game, a Deepweed dealer, a grandparent- etc. The idea is to establish your Runners are more than just their job. Have these contacts reach out for favors or even just to hang out from time to time. They won't slow the game down in any significant way either. Don't try and kill any of them in the first couple sessions or you'll lose your players' trust.

I think they're glued, not bound.

I know the basic concepts for Denver, but is there anything specific I should be keeping in mind for GMing a game set there in 5E? I know the Azzies are back.


He intends for you to use your drone to inject obscene amounts of narcojet into your enemies.

Knight-Errant has a new player in town, a mysterious vigilante who beats Dante's boys to the punch, every time. This vigilante never kills, and has attracted a variety of equally insane rivals into the city. The Mr.Johnson in question is a shadowy black woman likely working with the feds, who believes this vigilante works alongside Knight-Errant and wants proof.

The Vigilante is a bored Dragon

I got one better for you. He's fighting a dragon to free an A.I from it's tyrannical overlord.

Anons, last night I looked up on some info about this game, and seems really interesting.

Have played only D&D, what kind of stuff should I expect if I start looking for a shadowrun game, and what kinda of bullshit usually happens for newbies to get fucked?

>What kind of stuff should I expect
>What happens for newbies to get fucked.

Legwork. The place most people trip up coming from D&D is doing their legword. SR5 is very lethal, and it's incredibly important you find out as much as you can about the run before you make your move. Don't forget to scope out physical, matrix, and magical threats.

And have an escape plan if the run goes bad. You can't always know everything.

Newbies forget about perception. Also 1 point in throwing weapons is useful for throwing grenades.

>group of newbies goes into room
>"Everyone, make a perception check."
>everyone fucks up
>"Don't worry, you're fine."
Everything was not fine. First skillpoint i got for karma was fucking perception. Also if you don't have any idea what you are doing, 3 points in edge are nice.

What matrix threats are we talking about?

The security system of a building going nutshit on our runners? The guys with cyber equipment getting their asses hacked? Or what kind of shit? Would a character with no cyber/matrix implants be affected by direct matrix actions?

Usually when that happens you're locked on character thinking "this is fine" but the player's screaming internally expecting ANYTHING to violently blast on them.

>Matrix threats

All of those are a concern, and not least is keeping any alarms from calling in Lonestar or Knight Errant on your ass.

post music to sharpen your ammo to itt.


My DM kinda did this. As the Adept I ended up becoming a master breacher. I had battering rams, crowbars, lockpicks, bypass tool, and a a fuckton of explosives.

Without a decker, stealth becomes hard, no impossible, but when shit goes loud it gets f u n.

Anons, would I be able to SR a lil' old master roshi, all monk/martial artist like, or would I get my behind handed to me the first time we have to fight?

iirc you can get something like 18 to 20 damage on a punch as a human if you build yourself right. I don't actually remember the build though so you're SOL.

If you manage to get a special cyberarm for a laser kamehameha, maybe.

Yeah, Adepts are pretty solid.

You want to make Master Roshi? This is probably an Adept, maybe a Mystic Adept with some ability to simulate the Kamehameha wave. But what does he do that makes him actually good at Shadowrunning?

The Excalibur plotline is one of the most retarded things ever. Especially considering even real life corporations that don't good monopolies don't tank when they release something God awful.

There used to be the construction laser as cyberarm module in 4e. That thing was pretty awesome

Speaking from the point of view of someone who doesn't have any idea of what shadowrunning actually means, wouldn't prowess in martial arts, unarmed combat, mastery of the metahuman body, and considerable strength be valuable assets for a shadowrunner? That, without counting the level-head of the elders.

All those things are good. It also helps alot if you can convince someone that right at this moment someone has a gun to the head of his 5 year old daughter, so he better play ball or else little Jessica will never get that almost lifelike ponybot she wants so desperatly.

Oh, so basically you need to be a huge dick in order to shadowrun properly, yes?

>I punch stuff dead
Yeah, any mook off the street can kill anyone else provided they have a gun. Basically yes, you can be the muscle in a group of runners, but unlike D&D you should be able to be self sufficient, or bring enough resources to the table for the game. You can't just punch your way through everything, so you always need to have enough alternative skills/talents/capabilities to solve problems without bloodshed.

Even if you are a combat role, you always can use a few other things on the side to help you get through situations. If you carry visible restricted or illegal gear you can drop a few points into Con to get the cop who happens to see your package off you with a few sweet words. The same words can be used to get inside your target place and give a scout, or to convince the chief of janitors that you are the new arrival and got lost searching for the locker room. You can have a shitload of contacts, basically people you call and offer favors/money in exchange to give you a hand or a clue. You can be a mediocre driver, but one that has a secondary vehicle so the entire party doesn't have to ride in a single easy to spot van.

Shadowrunners are basically a shadow operations team for sale, they are trained killers who do their best to not go in guns blazing into everywhere.

No, you don't have to. You can turn down jobs that cross lines for you.

How many basilisks is enough to threaten a six man party that's fairly competent?
>Have you ever had a game where the system crashed in a wide scale? Did you or your players caused it?
Not yet, but if all goes according to plan the second coming of Deus will be their fault.

It's not about being a dick, it's about doing things in a way the GM did not anticipate in the slightest.

Boy, thanks. I'll see if I can find some group on Roll20 to run something with and get myself brutally murdered by the SWATs once I mess up the tiniest of things

So I want to try running pic related (Doppelganger Damacy) in the sixth world.
I would be running it for one, maybe two, players.

How would you go about running this? I was thinking of running it using a rip off of the rules for essence drain/essence loss, with some tweaking here and there.
I would probably run it as 'when you reduce the target to 0 essence or consume the blood (maybe flesh) of a recently dead creature, gain one attribute, skill, quality, spell of the target or assume the appearance of the target.

The only major changes I would make would be:
Allow draining of creatures that do not have the sapient feature. (this would probably be something I would have to determine on a case by case basis, but this should be fine with the low player number and some preparation)

I would like to keep the addiction rules attached to the essence drain, it should add an interesting aspect if they do end up addicted.

The part that has me worried is the starting stats. I'm considering starting the player with a baseline human (2 in all attributes) with skill rating of 3-4 in brawl and maybe a specialisation in grappling, just so that the player has a pool, albeit a shitty one, to work with at the start.

Any tips or tricks you would give me? What should I add (or remove) from the starting baseline?

Don't worry, our decker doctored the footage, jammend his commlink and our face did the rest.

That's not how auto-injectors work.

Also, this pic might give you a hand.

Generally your character should be able to contribute Pre-Run, Mid-Run and Post-Run.
>Pre-Run: Can scout out places, observe persons
>Mid-Run: Throw magic, summon spirits.
>Post-Run: erase magical traces, clean things up, help with escaping (Movement power or levitate Spell)

>Pre-Run: Can gather information through the matrix, get contact details, disable some things
>Mid-Run: Can hack doors, delay alarms, destroy information, steal data
>Post-Run: Can hack street lights, can hack pursuing cars, can erase traces or distract investigators

>Pre-Run: Can gather information through contacts, can get to hard to reach places to plant things
>Mid-Run: Can break open doors, kill guards, provide cover fire, reach difficult places (to e.g. plant a SatLink)
>Post-Run: Can drive the getaway car, can protect against pursuing vehicles

>>Pre-Run: Can gather information through contacts, can get to hard to reach places to plant things
Don't forget that Street Samurai have the Attributes necessary for some tricked-out sneaking, palming, and perception skills.

Sharpen my ammo? What like my arrows?



Yo guys i'm in a hurry

Do dual-natured people automatically detect magic being cast around them?

Thanks in advance!

>Do dual-natured people automatically detect magic being cast around them?
Assensing requires a roll, no matter what, but it's super easy to notice.

Do they still see like a grey astral spooge appear?

That depends on their roll on their Assensing test, same as normal Perception. It's not a matter of whether it's visible, but whether they even notice it.

Aight thanks man

If I'm playing a barehanded adept, is improved reflexes 3 a must or should I save the point for penetrating strikes or something? Also, how do you feel about attribute boost vs improved physical attribute? Also on a troll would I use them to improve strength or agility?

One of my retarded players wants to ride around on a segway. How would you price/stat this foolishness? I'm thinking low top speed but excellent turning. To say nothing of severe social penalties

It's a must. More initiative passes is almost always better than the damage or armor penetration you could get.

segway is stated in rigger 5

>barehanded adept
Make sure you pick up Nerve Strike and turn your fists into Weapon Foci. You'll never out-damage a Street Samurai, but you can get a bigger dice pool.

no one?
I didn't think the idea was bad enough to not even warrant being made fun off

What do you think of vigilantes, /srg/?

So there is. Made by Ares at that. Thanks user

Chummer, I have never ever heard of whatever DD is

Sounds good, thanks anons.

well, my failing was thinking more people on Veeky Forums would know about doppelganger damacy.

if you care to, you can read about it on these two threads:

me, I'm just going to crawl into bed.

Are there any decent shadowrun streams?

Roll4It's Shadowrun campaigns were okayish. Second one suffered a bit due to introducing a new person who wasn't full onboard with the rules and didn't like to listen to the GM

Was that the team with the amazingly incompetent elven face, the M'lady technomancer, the racist troll and the homicidal dwarf?
I only got to the point where dwarf was attacked by a unicorn and ended up getting tasered by the elf while both of them were covered in troll piss for petty reasons.
I am not sure wether the guy would played the elf was actually an idiot or if he was just amazingly good at roleplaying his insomniac character who just stop having any sort of coherence after 4 days without sleep.

Yes, and both for Caber's player. Sadly Splattercat, the Dwarf player, left the cast so I basically stopped watching.

Yeah, it was annoying how the show would come to a screeching halt so the GM could basically tell the decker what to do cause she didn't seem to understand or care about what was happening a third of the time.

And then the fans white knighting for her when anyone called her out on it.

>SR5 is very lethal
We're talking about the same SR5 that explicitly has plot armor as a ready convenience for most players?

Do not spread the legwork meme so much. That's how you get overly-paranoid players who spend eons scoping out a Stuffer Shack.

Which drugs are the best?

>Do not spread the legwork meme so much.
Not that guy, but fuck you. There's a difference between making people overly-paranoid wrecks and giving some solid, basic advice for new people.