>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What are your expectations from the Chult adventure?
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What are your expectations from the Chult adventure?
I'm trying to homebrew an item to give the party member playing a Dragonborn Warlock. I was trying to find a way to incorporate his breath attack into his Eldritch Blast, but I couldn't NOT make that OP. Any ideas?
To be better than all the other adventures considering how much they have been hyping it up
Undead, dinossaurs and undead dinossaurs
Eldritch Breath, now does Force Damage, and benefits from the repelling blast feature if he has it
Option to make his eldritch beams deal the damage type of his breath weapon. Since everything's shittier than Force, it ain't more powerful. But sometimes you just wanna shoot lightning at a fucker or set some stuff on fire.
My hearts all a flutter.. with all that lust for murder I have.
From what I've heard it's pretty deadly. I'll be adding the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan as a dungeon in the Area.
Hopefully it'll end up as CoS > ToA > LMoP > OoTA > SKT >>>>>>>> tyranny of dragons storyline
A lot of jerking off over the difficulty by people who aren't playing it.
When you cast EB, you can use a bonus action to enhance it with Breath Weapon. The target and everyone within 5 feet of the target needs to make a standard Breath Weapon save or take the standard Breath Weapon damage.
Once per day. Can't use Breath Weapon again for that day.
>DMing my first session today in 5 hours
>completely scared shitless and have no idea what to do
>just noticed 2 players haven't even made their chars
I require assistance
Sounds like you need to tell these idiots to make their fucking characters now.
Wing that shit
Go fucking wild
Is it level 1? Just give them premades.
The Kiss of Tiamat option, where when you hit a target with Eldritch Blast you may choose to expend your breath weapon at center of the target of the blast
It's common to have a "session zero" where everyone makes their characters together and figures out how everyone knows each other and what kind of tone they want the campaign to have. Do that.
I told one of them, the other's offline
That's how it'll be
I will if they won't make them until it's time
The punishment will be forced to play an elf
Eh, it was kinda done by just discussing what campaign they want before, and setting up what's allowed and what's not for character creation
>Have a session zero
>Everyone makes their links with other characters
>Except one girl
>Have to spend session 1 doing two different stories because she is doing different things than the party
What's the best bladelock/ rogue build?
I was thinking Fiend 5 for temp HP on kill and two attacks, swashbuckler x. Whip as a pact weapon with sentinel, and hand crossbow with x-bow master in my off hand.
Or should I add level of for twf fighting style and and dual wield proper?
For everyone that's been designing encounters, how well do you feel the math works? Is an encounter with 4 CR 5 monsters really a deadly encounter for a group of 4 Level 10 PCs? How far over the deadly scale is "safe" to throw at a party as a boss fight, and how much will just wipe them?
instant trash build I'm sorry. 1d4 is a waste of an action
The math assumes something that is often not true: that the party will have between 6 and 8 encounters today with one short rest. If a party is fresh and will fight nothing else today, as is the case in all overland encounters and most urban encounters, you've got to pull out all the stops just to present a moderate challenge.
Obviously I'll be relying on sneak attack dmg and sentinel.
That makes sense. How would you calculate it for a fresh party, who's not going to face much else the next day?
I'm moving from a 1 shot to Out of the Abyss, how shitty for the players would it be to end the session with "those bandits you let get away come back with like 6 drow and capture you guys. You all wake up stripped of everything in a dark underground prison."
Finally getting back into DnD after a summer of hiatus due to shitty campaigns.
Could not be more excited, even if I'm recycling a character concept to use with an actually decent campaign this time.
Where did they players end up after the one shot?
Give them a fighting chance, make it clear the enemies are striking nonlethally as all the players black out.
If they win the fight you've done something wrong.
I shrug and don't.
My bad guys are gonna do what they're gonna do when they're going to do it because of their own reasons, and usually they don't blow their wad at the adventurers in the beginning of the day.
I adjust for drama, not time of day
Seems fine to me. Or you could just have them be ambushed by a bunch of drow, and have them wake up in the cell with the bandits.
So I guess its more of a two shot now since im having this inbetween session tonight. But last time they came to this lawless town, got ambushed by bandits, but 2 got away. Then went to help with a goblin attack. Standard one shot things. Right now they are halfway through the goblin encampment, and i was planning on having the drow attack the tavern sometime during their "longrest"
If you're sure they're going to be resting at a tavern, just have their food/drinks be spiked.
Go nuts. A level 10 party can mop the floor with liches and archdemons if they haven't been worn down by a dungeon first. Take stock of all the expendable resources they have and figure out their effect if they're all used in a single fight (or at least as fast as they can be used. Different classes can spend their resources at different rates. A paladin can burn through all his spell slots in one turn, but a wizard can't.)
and if someone goes to bed without eating/drinking, throw them an ambush in their room.
Has anyone played any of the AWW Games mini dungeons on roll20? How are they? Is it worth getting a bundle for a couple of quick mini dungeons?
I built a sorclock for a level 12 campaign, all UAs fair game.
What subclasses / level spread would you have taken?
I took 9 sorc with Sea Curse subclass to add 25 ft of pushback to the first 10 ft of EB pushback and 3 warlock Hexblade for that sweet sweet hexblade curse
So I am running PotA and one of my players is convinced that he can start a, "Gang war," between the opposing cultists (like the Eternal Flame and Crushing Wave) by doing random assassinations and leaving notes or their crest etched into the body. How should I handle this? I'm pretty new to DMing, so I apologize for sounding ignorant. The book is pretty clear that they distance themselves between each other and I'd like to think they are smart enough to realize this isn't normal behavior of the other cultists.
I've never read any of pota but If you want to be a dick you can have them both increase security and become more reclusive overall
>Not having multiple DMs to run concurrent events for seperated players
I actually do this and its fucking amazing
Have you tried talking to her and explaining that DnD is a party-based game
Me neither but here goes a sugestion
No gang War, but the party does catch wind of an important meeting between two major representatives of the cult in order to discuss the recent murders
If the party steps in, two major combatants can be taken out away from their lairs, if they don't, security indeed does go up from both sides
It wouldn't take much of an Insight check to realize that nobody would want to actually take credit for an assassination that went off without a hitch when they could pin it on someone else. If they're smart enough, this could incite them to start working together and go after the adventurers' friends and family.
You realize that terrorist groups regularly take credit for attacks and murders, even ones they had no part in, right? Sometimes you want people to know you're in their base killing their dudes.
Quick! I need character concept for paladin!
I have one hour to came up with one, because i had busy weak playing Mass Effect.
Variant Human Polearm Master Devotion Paladin
You're a grave digger who wants to send the undead back to where you let them escape, using your refluffed halberd as a shovel
Bonus points for chanel divinity holy shovel
So I'm interested in starting to play, but my rl friends definitely wouldn't be interested. I'm fully prepared to spend time learning the rules and stuff but realistically what sort of experience will I get if I play online on something like roll20?
Oath of Vengeance dual wielding short-sword paladin.
My experience varying from garbage to better than all my IRL games. It's not the medium for me, its the players and GM, and since I'm almost always the GM, its the players. The ones I have now is the best one I've had ever and roll20 works perfectly fine, we have our 32th session on sunday.
Any leaks about ToA or XGE? What about the Tortles?
Every time you ask, the wait gets longer
I just saw the stats for the Chewenga and PLEASE TELL ME I CAN HAVE AN ELEMENTAL FAMILIAR
Thanks for the answer user. Hopefully I find some players who aren't autistic about playing with a noob
>playing Mass Effect
Pic related
As to your request, son of a noble who got lost in the forest and was saved by a Nympho/Dryad. In thanks your father made the forest a protected area on his land and you visited every now and then because you didn't her to become lonely. As she told you stories growing up you eventually decided you were going to be just like one of the knights inn her tales and ask about becoming a Paladin. She taught you the tenants and ritual to do so and you became an OoA paladin to protect the beauty in the world around you and to spread the same joy the tales had brought you.
post ur paladins
Should be nymph unless you want to have a nympho nymph I guess that's up to you.
Replace the symbols with vine work and a tree in the middle, like the depiction of the world tree.
I can't draw, but your paladin's cute
What's wrong with Mass Effects?
Also, that is pretty neat idea! I dig it, thanks.
Well I should ask which one, if it's the original trilogy I can forgive. If it's that abortion that is Andromeda then refer to my previous pic.
I'm very new and just starting to read over all the classes.
I want to play wizard, but warlock's Misty Visions eldritch invocation looks incredibly attractive.
Would it be a bad idea to be a wizard and then multiclass in warlock just enough to get the eldritch invocations?
Thanks, I usually play CHA-dump characters but this time I decided to play a classically heroic archtype so I played it up.
Yall niggas need Kensai.
I really like this idea, i might have to replace some of the OotA NPCs with members of the theives' guild that attacked them. Ront could easily be one of them and maybe ill drop topsy and turvy or derendil
Two short rests, actually
How do you make Kenshiro in D&D 5e?
Its all anybody multiclasses warlock for
Whats the best use of Thieve's fast hands?
What ever the situation calls for
It is Andromeda. And i am enjoying it tremendously. What is wrong with it? I guess it is not the best game ever, but still pretty good.
To be honest, i didn't expected much from the game and got it for 20$ on sale - so i am positively surprised.
>he liked Andromeda
It's obviously a false flag. If anything, the cultists would band together to find out who's doing it.
Yea, and you know what? I liked Dragon Age 2 as well!
Let him use the blast and the breath weapon at the same time in one breath, basically an Eldritch infused breath attack.
Just combine the dice, it's only one use per long rest anyway.
It's an insult to fans of the series because each character is nothing but a discount version of one from the original. The enemy are not!reapers, the new aliens are not!protheans, the amount of poor animation and outright lack of any improvement over the other games, aside from combat which is top notch, all due to the b team given the project wasting 3 of the 5 year production time because they had a hard on for procedural world generation.
It's a decent shooter, but a garbage ME game and this is coming from someone who loved the original trilogy and gave ME:A a chance despite bad reviews and complaints.
It's like if you played a DnD game and the DM didn't even bother trying to hide the references he was basing his world off. He just changed the name but made who or what they are from so blatantly obvious to anyone familiar with or pay attention.
/5eg/ I need your help
My players managed to off an important bad guy and grab his magic weapons, to put a long story short there were some lucky crits involved and it would have been a cop out to have him escape after how thoroughly they wrecked his ass.
But now I have to come up with the actual stats so I can give them to the players and I can't figure out a good way to split it up.
The items are two coral short swords named Ebb and Flow. I gave the NPC water breathing, swim speed 60, the ability to cast Shape Water, Tidal Wave, Watery Sphere and Control Water. He was a Half-orc pirate captain using Swashbuckler Rogue features.
I need to figure out what features to put on what sword, should they both be Attuned items? Can you do paired items as one attunement slot? How many charges should I give them and how many charges would each spell take?
I thought this guy was going to get away and didn't design his gear for players to pick up. Party is level 14, mostly using +2 weapons.
sexual assualt
real answer: medicine kits
Can't help much in dividing but let this be an important lesson, never put something on an NPC unless you want to risk it falling into the hands of the PCs.
Have them be cursed, for the one who posseses them must be attuned both and cannot swim while attuned to the swords (similar to the devil fruits in One Piece)
>Can you do paired items as one attunement slot?
Sure, why not? Boots, bracers, gauntlets - all work this way as well.
None of the powers are too outrageous, it's just that I threw it all together in one big container and said "I'll figure out the specifics later"
You mean to one sword right? Because one of their powers is giving you a 60 ft swim speed, dude was all over the place in the boss fight. Knocking people off the boat and making a whirlpool then fighting them underwater.
But they were his swords, and only he could unlock the true powers, they attune as a pair and cannot be split between party members
Counterpoint: They weren't cursed before but are now cursed with an angry ghost of the pirate captain who drags your ass down if you try to swim.
Now they have to go find some sea witch who can exorcise his dead ass off these swords.
Thanks, this makes much more sense than what I said
What is the best monk archetype??
Open Hand
Level 18+ open hand monk
Why would you go on the internet and lie to people user?
He meant the revised version of course
And when they try to exorcize him without going to the sea witch (probably a sea hag or some Ursula looking bitch) he comes out of the swords and fights the party as an angry ghost
Sure I did : ^ )
I know nothing about Feys and the like.
How well does this character concept work for a Pact of the ArchFey Warlock?
>womanizing charlatan ends up wandering into the domain guarded by an Archfey
>attempts at seduction, clumsily fails, Archfey finds this endearing
>dude wakes up next morning with little memory and is now the Archfey's lackey
If you know more about how Archfey's work, please give me some tips to refine this character concept! I always liked Archfey pact Warlocks and want to play one with this character.
All are solid (except for the non revised Wot4E) and offer different things for different playstyles.
Shadows is the most mobile martial in the game and great for stealth.
Open Hand gives the most crowd conrtol and best capstone ability.
Long Death makes you near unkillable.
Sun Soul offers range and aoe.
Tranquility is one of the best healers in the game.
Idk either but that one is pretty hot
Garnet best lesbian space rock
Fey are big on words and gifts. So say the womanizer wanders into the fey and hits on the Archfey, maybe she decides to interpret that as a marriage proposal and says yes.
The Warlock powers are wedding gifts but now his crazy fey wife shows up and tells him to do stuff from time to time and sends fairies to cockblock him if he tries to chat up any other women.