why can't space marines have girlfriends or boyfriends?
Why can't space marines have girlfriends or boyfriends?
Be..because there is only war, baka!
What do you think a "battle-brother" is?
space marines are not really humans anymore
they got body-horrorered into no-dick and mind-fucked into cult-memes
they are more like robots than man
>Implying robots can't have sexual tensions.
Alien Covenent was good for this.
Can't love be the battlefield and war be your girlfriend?
You better not be implying they don't have boyfriends.
Who says they can't?
Any aspirant that can get distracted by a shapely body will fail to qualify during selection. Thus natural selection will keep only the asexual ones.
Idk man that guardsman chick in that game wanted that Ultramarine Cock
There was a female Inquisitor who lamented their junks did not work anymore after watching a nude Grey Knight in one of the BL books.
They have to have ultimate focus on their duties. It depends on the chapter, though. Space Wolves often bed human women.
Most Space Marines are raised in the kind of cloistered lifestyle that means they don't ever really come to understand women, lust or desire. Rogue SMs have been known to indulge, which can lead to falling to Slaanesh.
The book is The Emperors Gift btw.
I bet when a space marines busts a but the pressure and volume is enough to shatter a bitches pelvis.
Go away
my theory is that it's partially a control measure.
In all his genius you really think the Emperor couldn't have kept them verile or made female marines? No, he instead didn't do those things because imagine if Space Marine chapters were fully capable of reproducing.
You'd have billions of Space Wolves yiffing across the galaxy.
And how much worse might the Horus Heresy have been?
I admit, it might not have made a difference as I understand, current Marine production isn't that much trickier than standard breeding (well, the making a scout isn't, the actual astartes part is a post natal thing) and chapter limits were put into place well after the HH.
There is no shortage of recruits in the imperium, they don't need to reproduce. All of that creates attachments that could detract from their duty to the emperor.
Yeah, except a space marine is still genetically human. If space marines could conceive children, those children would be born as regular humans.
Why doesn't his Emperor's Gift work then?
I got the feeling they'd be pretty robust though. Even if I'm wrong, they'd have children who are probably prime candidates to be turned into Space Marines later in life, meaning they'd have a closed society with no need to interact with humans on the outside. As is, they have to recruit people who have lived as a human first, and been around humans all their lives before joining. I have to assume that perspective was important for the Emperor, as ever new Space Marine will remember what it's like to be a normal person.
>verile he-man barbarians pulled as aspirants
>not getting biners at the SoB strippers pulled in to "test" them
Boners! I meant to say boner!
Like a hard cock!
>ew what mentioning homosexuality exists get away gay agenda ewwww gay cooties ewww
No, you go away.
Who said they can't?
>Having truly meaningful relations with anyone instead of just going from fucking to snorting to raving to self-mutilating to scat fetishism as they slowly lose their ability to find pleasure in this
>Space Wolves often bed human women.
>Rogue SMs have been known to indulge, which can lead to falling to Slaanesh.
Girlfriends are needy and distracting and homosexuality is Slaaneshi heresy
Because it's a weakness
> Slaaneshi Marine
> Not having a personal Daemonette concubine that surpasses even them in sheer depravity
> Not obsessing over that Daemonette more than is physically possible for the sake of it
> Not eventually falling into a mutually beneficial pseudo-relationship, making that Daemonette their defacto significant other, thus answering OP's question
Do you even heresy?
Cause sexual desire, Lust, was rewired for BLOOD LUST the most EXTREME kind of Lust. So they can only get hard when fighting to the death! Like real warriors! So they could probably only fuck during an epic battle! Imagine it brothers! Female Guardsmen/Sister-o-Battle strapped to the front of every Astartes as they charge! Running and Rutting! Only the best Astartes will have his seed passed on by keeping his Female Guardsmen/Sister-o-Battle safe while slaughtering the enemies of man!
Pretty fucking metal, right!?
Marines are not interested in sex, they are not even humans anymore.
Because they're a monastic order. They even live in monasteries, man.
What's that from? Looks like a 30k book.
In one of the night lords books it's mentioned that the recruits lost all sexual thoughts after the surgeries
Space marines don't understand regular humans. Their decade+ of regular childhood is mostly wiped away by training and hypno-therapy, and anything that's left is culled off by centuries of unceasing warfare and service.
It could be a theme explored in RPG, Black Crusade, especially to a recently fallen marines who find there is more out there. Although they'd be a clueless virgin in those kind of situations.
They have little to no sexual desire
Said it best. Space Wolves bed human woman but their sperm no work.
Maybe Horus Heresy/Great Crusade era Marines were into that more than 40k Marines because they were more closely related to the Big E, who was known to bed many woman. But it's not something that gets brought up very often. If at all.
Gonna need sources on all of that.
Not that user...
>Space Wolves.
Lukas the Trickster's backstory claims he was a womanizer before becoming an Astartes and his ways have not stopped ever since.
>30K Marines.
None of them as far I know. Emps made them sterile to make sure they don't replace humankind.
Rogue Trader fluff speak about a group of powerful psykers known as the Sensei, who are rumored to be decended from the Emperor himself. The Inquisition gets in scraps with secret groups who don't want their extermination.
I wonder if marines feel loneliness and long for deeper companionship
>Lukas the Trickster's backstory claims he was a womanizer before becoming an Astartes and his ways have not stopped ever since.
After transformation into astartes he don't fuck anymore :P.
Because they already have the emperor.
Long term steroid use often causes impotence.
spot the slaaneshi
Rogue Trader fluff is no longer canon, and the status of the Sensei are up in the air. They haven't really been references since 3rd edition. I think they've basically been replaced by the Perpetuals.
I don't know anything about certain Space Marine characters bedding anyone.
As far as I know, canon has Space Marines without sex drive, which is sensible considering they have a duty to uphold, which has nothing to do with fucking around and squandering the Emperor's strictly controlled geneseed.
That's heresy
>or boyfriends?
2% of the modern population is gay. So that means only 1% are faggots. Marine chapters have a trainee success rate of 1/10 to 1/100, so let's average that to 1 in 50. That means only 0.0002% of Astartes could even possibly be homosexual. That's one in fifty thousand. Out of the million (or so) Astartes in the galaxy, at most 20 of them are gay.
If Space Marines were sexually attracted to anything, that is.
I uh
I don't think your maths works out there, chief.
If 2 in every 100 people are gay, then of those 50k space marines, 1000 of them are gay.
Multiplied by the chances of being homosexual if you've spent your entire adolescent and adult life around massive beefy men, living in close quarters with them and having very intimate, brotherly friendships with them with no contact whatsoever with women.
You've heard of going "prison gay", right?
You do know that 2% in real life includes lesbians, right? So only 1% of the boys they choose to recruit are statistically gay. Only one of fifty of those will survive to be a Marine. That's averaged across the chapters, some have a 99% death rate among neophytes, and for those chapters the chances of a faggot getting in are 0.0001%. So, maybe one fag every thousand years.
Wasn't Uriel Ventris the son of a space Marine
I also remember in a Ciaphas Cain book some kid said he Space Marine father (later found it was a lie) but it most not be too uncommon then?
>Wasn't Uriel Ventris the son of a space Marine
I don't know much about him, but the wikis don't say anything of his parentage.
>I also remember in a Ciaphas Cain book some kid said he Space Marine father (later found it was a lie) but it most not be too uncommon then?
That was Gaunt's Ghosts, and it was probably intended to be one of those outlandish lies children say to seem cool. IIRC, he was trying to impress a young Gaunt.
What if there's a chapter with a geenseed flaw that makes them all gay?
>The "Fuddruckers"
Don't the salamanders have families?
They do visit the household of their families from time to time. Considering life expectancy on nocturne, by the time your a full battle brother, your parents would of died and your siblings descendants would be your 'family'
>Your parents will never see you as a full space marine
Unless the condition to become a space marine is to be gay in the first place. Only men with the gay gene can accept the geneseed of Marines. It would also explain the success rate of 1/100.
This thread I don't even.
No where post 3rd edition is it specifically stated spacemuhrens can't into vagoo.
The mental conditioning varies from chapter to chapter and the emprahs chillin' have legit sex slave competitions with enlightened eldar.
In Eye of Terror, there's a 30k era DA marine that looks at a daemonette and thinks "nope, doesn't do anything for me" while a pair of humans are totally enraptured by the daemon.
On the other hand, it was a DA marine...
Your math is still wrong. if 1/50 recruits survives to be a marine (and I'm pretty sure the odds are better than that, but w/e), straight recruits are getting culled at the same rate, keeping the straight/gay proportion the same inside the marines as out of it.
Like say you have a population of 100 people, with 4 gay people (2 men and 2 women). The proportion of gay people in the population is 4% (4/100). The proportion of gay men is *also* 4% (2/50).
They are monks and have no sex drive.
Sw say they do. Part of norse storytelling is making up entertaining bullshit.
Sw are pretty much einheriar with extra wolfwolf. Thus norse.
Do the math.
Nah. One of his distant relatives was a marine.