Is this attitude wrong, Veeky Forums?

Is this attitude wrong, Veeky Forums?

Yes, knowing the rules doesn't turn someone into an asshole. The sort of person to get autistic over the minutia was an asshole already, and no amount of ignorance about the rules of the game is going to stop them from shitting things up.


A GM who knows everything and doesn't want their players to is more likely to be a cheat than not, using the asymmetric powers invested in them in good faith by the nature of the game to push their own agenda at the expense of the players' agency and fun.

Powertripping pieces of shit, most GMs.

Rogbard the Fighter knows that the uncanny speed of his kobold opponent makes him harder to hit, but that the armor of the kobolds are easy to pierce.

Steve the Player knows that kobolds have an AC of 12.

Steve's knowledge of how hard it is to hit the kobold matches Rogbards knowledge. The GM reflected upon this and was enlightened.

>This is a good way to play
>This is the only way to play

Steve is going to spend the next 15 minutes calculating the optimal Power Attack penalty.

Doesn't that mean that every GM ever is a ruleslawyer?

Steve needs to go back to midschool if he needs 15 minutes and not 30 seconds for that.

Yes. The idea that rules for games like D&D even come close to mapping to reality and that you can make good in-game choices by pretending that it's realistic is absolutely fucking retarded.