Who does your PC plan on settling down with once the adventures are over?
Who does your PC plan on settling down with once the adventures are over?
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The elf he knocked up.
The irony of the situation is that he's racist as fuck when it comes to anything that isn't human.
He's a sword-wielding fighter who's adventuring only because he loves fighting and dungeoneering, once the quest to slay the Lich King is over and the party members go their separate ways, he'll likely keep doing what he's been doing. I doubt he'll make it to retirement.
What a fucking murderhobo
All my PCS will die alone
Just like me
Some cute priestess he met during their adventures. Her habit to pout and make tea when she gets mad is rather adorable.
user, you're playing a game of make believe. Let your PCs get the good ending
Aw, shit, she's breaking out the loose-leaf. Go play, junior. You don't need to see your father die.
He's either going to become the Arch-Demon of revenge who gets revenge for those who die unjustly, or retire to his studies in his tower, probably alone.
No one,
My Dwarf Lady had already 'settled' 3 times and has god knows how many grandkids and adopted war orphans.
Didn't help that her last wife was a gold digger and always bragged about how much more she made in the mines than my PC did as a soldier.
Endless adventure is her way of settling
>Lesbian dwarf
>Not making good, strong sons to serve the Homeland
Do you eben dorf?
I can't
The thought of a happy ending actually makes me more depressed, because I feel like it only points out what I can't have
That's the point, we're running a sort of relaxed, less-serious fantasy campaign after half a year of gritty cyberpunk, so far it's been a fun time.
Lesbian and gay dwarfs would get you exiled from a tradionalist and xenophobic dwarf clan or city for sure.
Also had 2 husbands, don't worry she dorved well enough.
I don't know
We stopped playing ;~;
I'd argue with you but I got too sad thinking about how wrong your opinion is
>anything less than 'their deity'
Underachievers, the lot of you
No one. He's got a few nieces and nephews and thats good enough for him.
Paladin of a war god who plans on dying in combat, doesn't really want a family leave to widowed/fatherless when he passes on. He's content with just sending money back to his brothers for their kids every now and again.
As long as she's not making herbal I'll be fine.
My character intends on settling down before the adventure's over, but it's a superhero game.
>inb4 waifu's in the fridge
My lady dorf wants to marry a man of a good breeding and noble lineage. The problem is, her breeding and lineage isn't that good, which is why she has to get rich and powerful, so her suitors will overlook it. This is her entire motivation for adventuring.
A cute Yuan-ti slave that the party rescued (she was supposed to be a Drizzt analogue in the #notalldrow sense but the DM actually made her an adorable character and we fugged). Still trying to workout the whole children thing but she's one of those mostly human ones so there shouldn't be an issue.
Our work is never over.
Not in this lifetime, at least.
No-one. He's a sophomore drummer in high school. He has characteristic frustrated-teenager ideas of romance and sexuality, and only a vague inaccurate notion of how to go about attracting women.
His original goal for adventuring was to prove himself worthy to marry the mayor's daughter. Now that their lifespans are comparable, the only reason he hasn't already settled down is because shit keeps getting in the way.
Maybe the one female PC in the party that he has a thing for, but he hasn't initiated any attempts at romance with them so probably not. He's an edgy weirdo so he'd probably just keep doing what he's doing, going around investigating shit and writing it down because the setting doesn't have a lot of centralized knowledge.
Well, my viera white mage from our Final Fantasy campaign had a thing for the male viera bard she ended up travelling with.
Unfortunately she went and sacrificed herself without telling anyone to create a new deity after she learned that her church's goddess had been annihilated. Now said bard is in a deep depression because of it.
Fucking church chicks.
Just wanted to add a couple details about the situation.
>be warlock who does nothing but self loathes
>used to be a paladin but was left for dead and got desperate
>party is out doing shit that warlock didn't care about so he decided to stay at tavern and drink with the sorcerer
>elf starts flirting with him
>sorcerer is suspicious but tells my warlock to have fun
>attempt to leave before she wakes up
>fails miserably
>make slight small talk and leave
>party is apparently dungeon delving but left no indication of where they were
>fuck it more time to drink and self loath
>elf shows up and wants to get to know my warlock. Start shooting the shit and seem to kicking it off well
>party barges in, shouting how they got eaten by a froghemoth and bring up warlock's habit of racist tendencies
>warlock gets bummed out since he never got her name
>leave to adventure for a bit
>come back to see if elf is still around and/or interested
>says she doesn't want me around
>get drunk and find a note from her in the morning asking to go to her place
>party is suspicious since my warlock spent the an entire night crying about her
>decide to go anyway but dwarf necromancer tags along as a wingman
>turns out there was an assassin in her house wanting to kill my warlock
>kill the assassin, find out her parents are being held hostage
>party goes to rescue them and almost them get killed
>elf is surprisingly still interested
>warlock decides to try and maintain some form of relationship with her since she seems to be the only person he's met that pities or cares about him
>spend some couple months adventuring, party passes through town, stop by her house and she's apparently 3 months pregnant
>warlock knows he has to put a ring on it at this point
My only fear about the situation is how fucked that kid is since demons love fucking with my character and why does the DM keep playing Aerith's theme when we bump into her?
>Aerith's theme
May God have mercy on your heart because the GM probably won't.
>stuck in a setting where all the "gods" are long dead and dreaming or evil eldritch beings who don't care about mankind
>tfw no eldritch gf from beyond the stars
How about "the 2km long dark-elemental dragon of the deity of magic, fear, and secrets that he both made a dragon pact with and knocked up"?
>Now said bard is in a deep depression because of it. Fucking church chicks.
Best cure for depression.
Why does this seem familiar...
Some upper class girl. Appearance doesn't matter as long as her father is rich and powerful and she can give me a few heirs.
>>Aerith's theme
>May God have mercy on your heart because the GM probably won't.
Well that's just disheartening
The cleric npc that gave her a warforged arm when she lost it early in the adventure. Belongs to a powerful house and she was a princess of a very advance kingdom. Its gonna be a power play
>Aerith´s theme
kid that is going to hurt
Had a potential husbando ands a confirmed waifu or two. The latter had even met my mother.
Then the campaign ended with us being trapped outside reality and in a different genre(literally) with no way to ever return.
I'm still pretty mad.
Books fall, everyone gets a degree?
Books fall, GM tries to do an artsy, "b-b-but it was all a story being told by the dm self-insert all along! With no foreshadowing! Aren't you guys impressed? Isn't that highbrow?"
All while basically confirming that everything along the way that was really fun was pure accident.
Being a military veteran in her mid-30s, she believes she's too old and scarred to attract a suitor.
So what's so bad about Aerith's theme?
Tell her to follow the path of /ss/
She isn't romantically interested in anyone as she is still in the low part of her life after her mentor died by an accident. I expect in the LOOONNGGG term she would end up with her cohort. Probably after they both open colleges for their respective class (She is a tinker and he is an Artificer) would they settle down.
Basically the Shadow of Death for a female NPC, I'm guessing...
something very bad is going to happen to her
Nah man, he lost his church chick. That's why he's depressed
Harem ending, of course.
He DID the settling down thing for fifty years already. Now his wife's gone, even his grandkids are grown, and he's ready to check out
If a gunfight doesn't do him in, the whisky or his heart will, and he'll go out smiling
Buy a castle, marry a princess and became a lord
His dwarf wife, only out and adventuring because an ancestor of her's fucked up bad and almost got a relic from their God stolen by a lich he thought was a regular decent person. Her marrying him is highly frowned on for a couple reason 1)dwarves 2)her family wanted her to marry up to try and restore their name more and 3) he's a Goliath that met her when his clan took on a contract to provide extra protection.
It's a beautiful theme, but horrible things happen to the character.
A big bottle of whisky.
Either one of the other PCs or just chill in a cabin with her mind demon.
If we survive the final battle that is.
His older sister is already married to a wealthy merchant, his younger brother is single, and his younger sister is not betrothed to anyone. So, as the future of the house is secure, he only plans on marrying if it's absolutely necessary.
>once the adventures are over
The party's femBarbarian.
He's one or those nerds that never lets go of a grudge, one of his goals in life is moving back to his hometown so he can rub in the face of the girl that rejected him in his teens how he now has awesome magic powers and a wife that could break her spine like a twig.
And then they have a threesome, right?
He would settle down with his mentor and marry her, but she died on a bad mission to a ghost infested castle, and he buried her nearby. He's basically full on ghost PTSD'ing about it and still sees her at his side in times of danger, protecting him, in the place of his adventuring companions.
Thats what necromancy is for son
wow, if he is using Aerith's theme then he's not even being subtle.
I mean, George Wallace loved his black mistress and the bastard kids while doing dumb racist shit, while HP Lovecraft loved his wife despite being /pol/ material.
in b4 guts and casca
He's gonna go home, clean his axe, get something to eat and then fuck the shit out of his Paladin wife. Sucks about the cursed gauntlet she can't get off, though.
what kind of shitty paladin doesn't have a way to remove curses?
And then he orders his wife to break her spine, right?
deathwatch marines' adventures only end one way, user
If he wants to go to Not!Valhalla he must die in glorious combat, so no settling down.
Serving the emperor is an endless task, brother
We managed to nullify the curse. The cuff is fused to her flesh directly after a very close encounter with a minotaur pyromancer that left me blind in one eye.
If the party gets high level enough, he'll probably make a run at defeating and replacing Gruumsh so he can lead the orcs down a more noble path than wanton destruction and abject savagery.
Nobody. She's barren, married to her work and is mostly asexual with a very unhealthy understanding of romantic relationships. At most she'd marry for political power or keep a luckless concubine around for the rare occasion.
Some rich trollop who wants to hear stories of adventure and dreams of escaping her "terribly boring" cushy, relaxing, wealthy, responsibility-free life. They always go for the swashbuckling swordsman, and if the parents don't like him, it will only make her want him more. Aren't rich girls a treat?
It sort of already happened, though it's not so much a spouse as an adoptive family.
He collected a bunch of outcasts and invited them all to live in his manor over the course of the previous few adventures, as a reward for helping him with this or that, or just being fairly interesting people who he took pity on, and now they won't stop bothering him to eat with them at mealtimes, or celebrating his birthday, or cleaning up all of his clutter, or taking an interest in his research. No matter how stoic and aloof he tries to be, they won't stop.
The big secret is that he likes it. He's just too proud to admit it to anybody, so he acts gruff and annoyed with the entire charade.
Probably no one. She exploits her own looks and availability in political games to get ahead, and has a sort of shitty attitude towards healthy relationships for it. Most likely outcome, given how things are going, is a bittersweet ending where she "wins" but realizes too late that her goals were shallow.
The cleric that helped the party out when they first got press ganged.
My last PC was Florida Man, so he's out.
The one before that was one of the last Jedi Knights, so settling down is out.
The one prior to that actually did settle down and raise the twins he and his waifu had, but the waifu didn't settle down (honestly everyone agreed this was probably the best end).
The current PC is a government super soldier project result, so I'm not sure "settling down" is in her future.
He just got off a ship that was about to go full Inquisition. Took up a side ship for the family to keep trading/help restore some goddamn proper 'order' to the Expanse. Got in with his girlfriend as he helps get her org's shit together after most of their leadership died in an attack on the station they were on.
He's just happy not to be demon hunting at this point.
Murder hobo for life!
Not that horrible, I mean she gets to exit the shitty plot before anyone else, so she's got that going for her.
My clericess settled with my other cleric from a concurrent campaign. During the final joint session, I ran them as a single character for the sake of gameplay. They were holding hands the entire time.
You know BBEG is going to kill your waifu right? That's Aerith's whole thing
Most of my characters are too self-destructive and incapable of intimate commitment.
Ironically, it's the ALWAYS ANGRY good-aligned young male human fighter that might be capable of tying the knot. Underneath all that seething hatred, he's really a nice person.
Might be a random farm-girl from his old hometown or he might somehow win the affection of some monarch's daughter. (Personally I ship him with the cruel elven queen that's one of the big baddies)
The princess he has been betrothed to.
Unfortunately there will be another two to three years before they can wed, so she reaches her age of majority, but it's all set up and in the meantime he's Sorcadinning his way through the campaign to rid the world of a demonic scourge with the rest of the party.
Aerith's Theme is the biggest death flag any female character can get
The woman he's currently engaged to I would assume. Too bad he's picked up all the death flags.
After killing his old boss who quite literally refuses to die as he's a lich, my PC will take over his empire and have his everyday life full of not only sex, but not having to do anything and simply always let a slave do it aslong as it isn't business related.
Settle down? You jest. There will be no settling down. I will explain.
I was eight, when the blessed emperor decided that, to ensure the end of the 'infectious rebellion' that had cost him all of one wagon of grain, my section of his vast city was to be purged of every last living thing, down to the very last blade of grass. It was to be a walled off monument to his unrelenting fury, rotting meals, empty streets and homes, a testament to what would happen if anyone else should let hunger overcome loyalty.
Among those purged were my family and friends. How did I escape, you ask?
My father was a friend- a good friend- of a wizard back in the day when he served the emperor in the wars, yes, he served valiantly with sword and shield the very man who condemned him to die over the actions of two hungry bandits. This wizard claimed a fraudulent life debt, owed by the countless times he had saved my father's hide.
Because wizards who live to such powerful ages and serve willingly are few and far between, the emperor humored his request. I was his to sate the debt. Everyone else was nailed to a cross and burned. Then every animal slaughtered and poisoned food spread to kill what they could not round up.
Archmage Sularis had grown discontent with the Emperor's insatiable greed and abject abuse of power, but to oppose him then was death, even for him. His plan was to outlive the Emperor, and I would be one of the seeds to build a new world where little children were not nailed to crosses and set ablaze to satiate a grown man's petty wrath.
Then Asmodeus offered the Emperor immortality for a cost, and we learned a new definition of what it meant to have your country go to shit.
You have all heard the rumors, yes, of the horrors that Emperor Caxep put his people through? I assure you, the truth is worse...
You have heard that he offered six young girls, six young boys, and six young mothers, every winter to Asmodeus. But did you hear of how they were selected by lottery? Did you hear of the birthing quotas?
You have heard of the half-men, half-demon soldiers he sent to war, and you have heard of the Hellfire ballistas that burned down the Glacial Walls that withstood a horde of lava golems, but did you hear that he took young boys from their mothers, raised them to hate each other to violence, and when they had grown to know nothing but hate after a life of murder and misery, present the defiling ritual as an evolution into a perfection? Or that the hellfire ballistas were fueled by baby fat?
"Why?!" You ask? I have asked that many times. Sularis and I eventually settled on the answer that Caxep was simply devoted to evil as a Vestal is devoted to her deity.
I shall not paint us as the sole heroes, of course I will not. There were thousands. Some had suffered directly and wanted vengeance. Others had merely heard and wanted to stop the spread. Others still joined because they feared Caxep's reign would give way to something unfathomably worse.
Did I slay him personally? No.
I did, however, alongside hundreds of mages, call down every single cosmological and meteorological disaster in creation and then some the gods were too merciful to unleash on his Black Iron Citadel, until finally the demonic wards were exhausted and the walls cracked asunder.
I purged from existence vast swathes of those who swore allegiance to Caxep's banner. I will boast this; my actions gained me a nickname. "The Malestrom".
I was there when Emperor Caxep lay beaten, his forces purged to the last Imp, and Asmodeus had forsaken him as a lost cause. We were all there as an Avatar of He That Is And Was came down, wreathed in the fire of the stars, and with a force that made the mountains bow, condemned the hubris and cruelty of that monster.
What became of Caxep, you ask? I have prayed for an answer to that question, and a priest of He That Is And Was took pity on me and answered, that I may put this burning acid of hate to bed once and for all.
Caxep shall feel every last ounce of pain he has dealt in his wretched existence. Once that sentence is meted out, he shall be purged from reality.
Gone. The death of all deaths.
Of more import is the fate of the souls he tortured and sacrificed. The Mother Of Mercies tends to them now, yes, but the wounds they suffered rent their souls. It may be centuries before they are sane and whole again. May they have an eternity to rest.
But you ask if I will settle down? No.
Who offered Caxep the boon?
Who turned misery into a nightmare?
It is known, that if every single mortal who paid tribute to a god, goddess... or devil, even... were to perish, that they would slowly fade, like a starving man dies. Asmodeus is fed, by his nature, by wicked deeds, so it is impossible to wholly starve him.
But he has many, many cults. If his sustenance were reduced to mere scraps of scraps, he would be weakened.
I believe he is aware of the plan. I have killed my 1,023rd assassin this last month. Who could blame him. I alone am responsible for three dead cults. Sir Granth "Razing Lion" has done in seven, but he no longer needs sleep. I have some catching up to do.
The 1,004th is making his way through what he thinks is an unguarded emergency escape route. In a few minutes, the paralyzing mold he inhaled when he broke through the sewer grating will take effect. I will find him twitching and spasming, but alive.
I will give him the same message to take to Asmodeus that I gave the others before I disintegrated them.
"I'm coming for you."
-1,004th +1,024.
Out, damned typos! Out!
His wife back in Australia. He misses her, but she needs new lungs and he needs money to buy them.
My dwarf fighter fell in love in a girl name Heidi. The bakers daughter in a small remote town my party stopped by in during their travels
Here's how it happend, it's not an interesting story, but I will tell it nontheless:
>party goes to a small town in order to find somewhere to wind down and sleep
>I go to the tavern to get something to drink
>DM asks if I want to roll on the curousing table
>I agreed as it would be fun
>I wind up in a romance, and the DM rolled on a table he made himself, so I can see who I fell in love with
>The result was the bakers daughter
His familiar that started as a caterpillar then a tiny fairy and now a thicc human sized cutie. It's still kinda weird shes technically only 2 years old though.
We just ended our campaign actually, my character, the team leader, ended up settling down with a nice normal girl he met in one of the towns we rescued.
There's something charming about the famous hero settling down with a normal girl and having a happy family.
My knight pc met this lovely half-orc female who joined us in our campaign. Despite missing an eye, she was a terrific shot with the bow. After many trials and tribulations, and lots and lots of homecooked meals (I was the party cook), he confessed his love for her in orcish and dropping a boar at her feet. The boar was entierly superflous, as it turned out. She was already in love with him from his treatment alone. So once the BBEG of the campaign was slain, he introduced her to his family, who took quite dearly to her, and they were to get married. But at the wedding day, despite sending a courier half a year ahead of time, her tribe was running late, none had shown up. With tears in her eye, she told us we should go on with the ceremony. As my father walked her up the aisle, there was a loud commotion outside the chapel. The doors nearly flew off the hinges as an orc warband barreled through, weapons drawn and caked in mud!
>"'pologies we're late. Pack 'a tasty boars crossed our path, and we wanted ta bring some proppa food for the cer'mony. Now where's my son-in-law, I wanna shake 'ands with 'im!"
The party was a blast. Everywhere drunk orcs and half-orcs were bellowing about long lives and happiness and children. We were showered in gifts, ranging from boar tusk necklaces and fetishes, to even a proper orchish hunting bow, blessed by the tribe's shamans. My wife was so happy. My father, a rather burly man, even got into a friendly wrestling match with my father-in-law, and they only broke two oaken tables! Rather boring for an orc wedding, they tell me. But that was many years ago. So now I sit here, scrying this dwarven basket weaving appriciation forum, with no less than seven sons and four daughters. Two of them even have latent magical powers! My wife is pregnant again, and we are all looking forward to the delivery. Blessings upon you all, my anonymus friends!