> Cockroach-folk who have an incredibly short lifespan, only living two years on average, with a three year old being a venerable ancient. Their short lifespan has made them absolutely frantic in their urge to live life to the fullest, leading to intense hedonism and nigh-suicidal risk-taking.
ITT: We post ideas for original fantasy races right off the top of our heads
>Humans are the perfect race by crafty use of their options. They are a middle of the road type creature with a generic boost that allows them to fill any other race's role without the negatives. They're short lives don't hinder them because they adapted lineage and have a hogher rate of birth than most other races.
Short-lived, cannibalistic faeries that love to fight. If they are not killed they will eventually self-destruct into a cloud of spores that infect plants and forces them to bear faerie-fruit.
These quickly hatch into new faeries who are pretty much full grown and flee instantly lest they get poached by nearby adults.
>Chimera-folk with mostly avian/humanoid bodies, humanoid faces, horns, feathered wings, talons, and tails that live reclusively on steep tropical mountains. Their society has thrived from the use of steps to allow agriculture in their habitat, and the domestication of mountain goats. They're lives revolve around agriculture and family and they're not prone to care about much else. The males tend to have Lively feather colors which vary from tribe to tribe, while females have earthier times. Females also have smaller wings and while they can still glide, can't outright fly like males can
Flibbt. They're boneless little tentacle dudes. They think magic is pretty dandy and are nice.
Name of Isle Rhodos
Name of Capital Rhodes, located upon the mountain of Vulcanis
Inhabitants Devoshi, Slaviish
Tech Level Late Middle Ages
Government: Oligarchic Meritocracy
The island of Rhodos home of the Devoshi mighty shapers of stone and metal, giants of flesh and bone standing head and shoulder above even the tallest of mainlanders. Rhodos itself was once a volcanic isle very similar to the nearby Muspel. In battle they don mighty steel plate fashioned after idealized versions of the Slaviish. Devoshi themselves are hideously misshapen due to a millennia of inbreeding. Their mighty city of Rhodes sat upon the great central mountain of Rhodos wreathed in mist and clouds. Only the brave or foolish ever ventured close enough to see the grand aqueducts, arches, and terraces that make the city a wonder of the world.
Think Archimedes Syracuse basically.
Peoples of Rhodos
Devoshi are all extremely focused individuals with a genius intellect upon whatever they focus upon at any given time. However, they have a distinct lack of ability to socialize or connect easily with other sapient beings. As well as understand abstract or foreign concepts without great difficulty and effort. Physically the Devoshi wear mighty beings larger and stronger than even the mightiest Muspelhiemian. This offset their chronic neurological deficiencies and physical mutation and deformities. An odd feature are the Devoshi’s inability to swim due to the density of their body mass.
Langauge: Mimic words of other language mixed with a complex sign language.
Slaviish myriad mainlanders purchased from the Muspelheimians to work the farmslands, pastures, and port towns that cover the lowlands of Rhodos. The Slaviish range from all corners of the world, ranging from as close as the nearby isle of Hono no Tochi to as distant Drekona. The general attitude of the Slaviish is one of gratefulness many feel blessed to be living upon Rhodos in relative safety and freedom rather than being taken to Muspel itself. Though there are certainly dissidents and those who wish nothing more than the death of the Devoshi and to claim the isle for themselves.
The Rhodian military is being led by the Devoshi military genius Goldarheim, who as a youth left Rhodes to travel among the Muspel raiders eventually being captured by a Goldarian fleet. She was seen as a novelty as the soldiers had never before met or heard of a Devoshi. The captain of the Pheonix fleet, one Leiger Antonel high Duke of Torenburg, saw this as an opportunity to amaze the sedentary goldarian court. Goldarheim spent the next decade amongst the Goldarians, after befriending the current King Arthorn. Goldarheim learned of many new advances in military and technological spheres. Upon the return to Rhodos, Goldarheim asked to be the new leader of the military.
Once in the distant past there was one God and he was perfect, this god lived within the light that shined down ceaselessly upon the world. This God made all and all was good, though as the time passed ceaselessly and endlessly this God fractured and all was bad. As the God fractured the light shattered into stars with the sun being the largest. Now the God is insane and forgets who it is, giving endless blessings and curses to it’s seers that can see the future and control light. Though each Seer serves a single insane aspect of the God. The seers seek to reunite and heal their God by piecing through the darkness of uncertainty and reveal light unto the world.
3 primary orders of seers exist
The Order of Crystal
Believe that the creation of a great crystal that could emit light across the whole world (which to them is Rhodos) and indeed they have done just this and await for all to be made right. Building more crystals to plant on top of other mountains.
The Order of the Pure
Believe that there is no saving the God and that so long as the impurities of this world exist the God cannot heal. They seek to end the impurities of the world, they do this by igniting the ‘light’ within others. Converting people and granting the blessings of light upon them.
The Order of the Oracle
Diviners and augurs who are able to see through time and space using the stars during the night or the entrails of creatures during the day.
A bit jumbled but this was an ideal for a race of creatures, their goverment, and lands.
> Gurshtun: A race of tall and slender steppe nomads, their skin varies between shades of yellow and orange, they have small, wickedly sharp tusks, and have only three fingers on each hand. They have incredibly fast reflexes but aren't muscular at all. Their tongues are long and their voices are high-pitched and often whistle between their tusks.
> They favor short spears, sabers, and javelins above bow and arrows, and ride highly aggressive furred two-legged lizards. They tend to raid during early spring and late fall, and their clans rule themselves by general consensus.
>Magical abilities are rare and only occur in females. Every tribe has both one Messenger-Warrior (+ apprentice) to keep communication between tribes and champion their tribe in times of conflict, and one Sage (+ apprentice), a female who serves the tribes' spiritual, magical, and alchemical needs. The Chimera-folks feathers darken with age, and those whose feathers have turned to black are known as "Condors" and lead the tribe.
>Given their isolation, Chimera-folk are prone to incest. To avoid genetic stagnation, each spring neighboring tribes gather to exchange one egg, which once hatched is raised as one of their own.
I like this.
Greenskin orcs that are a marriage between swampthing and warhammer orcs.
Thank you for not giving that first post worst post any (You)s, Veeky Forums
Looks like the mods voted for Erdogan
A race of shoe symbiotes that survive by absorbing the sweat from their wearer's feet
A race of sentient origami people who live in deserts. They tattoo themselves with magical glyphs.
Birdpeople come from a volanic island that only regained contact with the mainland a decade ago, they think trees and grass look weird and they find birds to be horrific, to them a carrier pigeon is like seeing a tiny naked man running around delivering mail.
Tickers. Ranging from human to quadriplegic human in a spider themed clockwork mech, these pearl-haired beings repeatedly augment their own bodies with clockwork, both to stave off their underdeveloped hearts from age 21 onwards and to prepare themselves for a trip through time itself, in order to mend a mistake their progenitor made in his youth, fully aware that their action would prevent their existence. They can be identified by the tell-tale ticking of their clockwork systems and the faint smell of invar. They have great affinity to magic for some reason supposedly related to their progenitor's mistake, as well as fused brains as an evolutionary trait to make them as inventive as possible. Some trawl through the Chronos Tower trying to find when exactly their progenitor made his mistake - these can be identified by their dark but somehow uplifting choir singing and louder ticking of the group leader echoing through the halls.
a bird who is as big as a turkey. Has the head of a woodpecker, a head of a parrot on its chest/stomach area, eagle legs both in fron and on its back, 2 pairs of wings an ddouble organs.
The woodpeker head can rotate of almost 2000 grades and keep pecking, while the parrot head can turn 90 grades on each side.
It grabs on the bodies of large farm animals, or even people, with its legs and parrot beack, while the woodpecker head breaks its head to eat the brain.
It can also use the parrot beak to break skulls or crush bones, to eat the marrow.
It can also defend itself with the legs on its back.
Lives in communities as big as 100 individuals, and is very intelligent, as smart as a crow.
just play a human
> A race of three-gendered squid-folk stranded here from another dimensional plane whose brains are segmented into two semi-autonomous parts which are each capable of thinking separately and cooperating almost perfectly.
Noemoes. 16 inches tall, round lil fellas with a stache. They are all the same guy, displaced trough time.
Their racial weapon is the spear, which they use to fight against strong foes, such as medium sized dogs and existential dread
>A wide collection of tiny, colored shapes. Each carries a small amount of sapience and the more shapes that connect together, the more unique/intelligent the individual. An individual shape can only ever hope to bounce around whimsically, hoping to touch another and become a more efficient individual.
Their 'society' is composed entirely of hundred-shape sized individuals whom try to protect the small shapes so that eventually there can be more people like they are.
That's cute actually.