Terry Pratchett memorial thread
Terry Pratchett memorial thread
Do I have to be a nerd to understand the pyramid building parts of the Pyramids? Because I feel like I have to be a nerd.
I miss him
I think it's a piss take of the Ancient Aliens idea. That it couldn't possibly have been ancient man that made them because everyone before Rome were clinically retarded and incapable of maths or feats of engineering.
Also the magic of True Names taken to an unusual place. The true name determines not just the label of a thing but the properties of a thing. Change some of the name of it and it changes the properties. Thus change the weight value to 0 and you can pull a 40 tonne block behind you on a rope like big square balloon.
There's some little engineering and maths jokes in there but nothing too serious.
Is it insensitive of me to think that we don't need a "Terry Pratchett is still dead general"
GNU TerryPratchet
Is having Pratchett remembrance threads every other day an Alzheimer's joke?
A bit. I can understand you, because we've had at least two more those threads this week.
Not really. The thread as posted isn't even tangentially Veeky Forums relevant.
Could be. Admittedly I did open a book again yesterday and found the "And is still not dead"
It's to make sure his name keeps getting spoken, asshat.
I'd be fine iwth a Discworld general if it could sustain itself, but this sudden resurgence of mourning is weird.
I was gonna come in here and be all "Take this shit to Veeky Forums you la la homos" but nah, Pratchett is a pretty cool and Veeky Forums dude. I'm pretty sure it's unlikely he'll be forgotten.
Actually seeing one of these threads inspired me to pick up one of his books for the first time in like ten years.
And I kind of regret it because woof, Raising Steam is really not good. It's enough to make you wish his publisher or family or someone would have stepped in and got him to stop, it must have been an awful thing to watch his body of work degenerate as the disease progressed.
His name will always be spoke with or without these threads. At the moment it's like listening to a drunk old family member getting embarrassingly maudlin as the bottle gets emptier. It's undignified and diminishes the subject slightly by association. If you must keep doing this then give it a month or two between iterations.
Don't think that I'm not Pratchett fan by that. Quite the opposite. But please, show some decency.
>Is it insensitive of me to think that we don't need a "Terry Pratchett is still dead general"
No. These threads are lower than stat-me threads on the "stuff that's maybe Veeky Forums-related" scale.
I still can't pick up anything to do with goblins, like Unseen Academicals. I didn't even buy Snuff, but I've heard it's horrible.
Discworld ended with Making Money and I Shall Wear Midnight.
I actually really like his take on goblins, they're still monstrous little bastards even as they get the full "do I not bleed?" treatment. It's just far late in the game to be introducing them and there's absolutely nowhere left to go with the monstrous species getting civil rights storyline.
I think the plot for both Snuff and Raising Steam are both good, but the prose is terrible compared to the quality of the other Discworld books.
>Terry Pratchett memorial thread
You're a cunt
It's really unsettling to read Moist, Vimes, Vetinari, Harry King and the bloody Low King of the dwarfs all talking in the same voice, and it's not any of their own voices it's a pompous british grandad lecturing you about multiculturalism.
>It's enough to make you wish his publisher or family or someone would have stepped in and got him to stop,
He would probably have died earlier if people made him stop. His books were his reason to keep going.
I didn't notice, but then I'm literally autistic.