Pretty bad desu
Pretty bad desu
Like your life desssu
>pirate creature
I like the card, and I don't think it's bad in itself. All the abilities do something good. Of course, being a 6-mana spell it's automatically probably not effective in competitive constructed settings.
But why the fuck is it black green when the pirate commander is grixis?
>Relic Seeker
>Has very little to do with actually seeking relics
>is, in fact, only equipped to explode relics
I mean I GUESS you have to find them before you explode them, which implies seeking... Shouldn't Tezzeret be doing this? Oh wait.
keep in mind that pirates can get Treasure to bring her out sooner and manafix.
Because Vraska has been a black/green character since she was introduced in Return to Ravnica? I would have accepted her getting a monoblack card here though.
>black pirate
Well she does spawn them after killing a creature (among other things) so it kinda works?
Yeah but part of that is exploding another artifact first. I guess you can write it off as pawning artifacts for gold, but... eh, it just feels like a miss. The ult belongs on a Vampwalker.
>artifact destruction
Her ult is a variation of her previous one. It turns all your creatures into "if this deals damage to an opponent, they lose the game".
Sans the ones with infect.
Obviously if she got a monoblack card it'd be a different card entirely. I didn't expect to have to say this.
The irony is that this card art from original Inndistrad is a better pirate art then anything in this set.
Good. I'm fucking sick of pushed chase mythic rares. Maybe Wizards has finally learned that cheaper standard makes for more popular standard. People won't magically crack more packs if they put the good cards at mythic.
Does the word irony mean literally nothing to you?
So much about this card just makes me sad.
People are happy she comes in at 6 loyalty but if you're dropping this shit on turn 6 or later she almost always has to immediately -3.
If you're in a position where you can pay 6 mana and get a 2/2 you're probably already going to win anyways.
Her colors match her but make no sense in what this set is trying to do, only decks she could go in are hapatra and energy and she has synergy with neither of them.
Her ult is also a meme in standard and will result in some cheese jund decks I imagine that barely work.
I just wanted a snake waifu for my hapatra deck, even the R/W walker that makes 3/3s is cheaper than her.
The walker that makes 3/3s does not do so with her +2.
Yup because she costs 1 less mana and her ult is extremely dependent on her loyalty.
The ironic part is Vraska is likely going to die to her own removal spell more than she can actually plus herself up.
This is a card like the new liliana where you run it for the neg ability and the ult is a nice fall back.
Maybe in control this is okay but most control doesn't touch green.
oh boy i cant wait for this fucking cancer in edh
>doubling season
>drop this shit
>wipe out one player instantly, flash out and repeat
I thought she would be BUG due to pirates. She's not bad, just expensive. I like her more than Huatli though.
>if you're dropping this shit on turn 6 or later
That's where ramp comes in
I'm open to making her playable because I like golgari colors.
Who would you use to ramp her out? Channeler initiate is the first one I think of.
Well shit.
Can't put another decent source of Pirate tokens into the Grixis EDH deck.
Well I suppose that might make sense thematically, not sure Vraska would be interested in joining Granny's fleet.
One's man useful relic is another man's swag.
Im hyped, it's going straight into Shattergang. This, Revel in Riches, and Itlimac will be sweet.
>blaming others for your poor communication skills
Ayyy fuk yoo foney!!
Pirates are also primarily in Grixis. She requires either treasure to colorfix or dropping either red or blue.
Which is really awkward since most of the really good pirate stuff is in Blue.
Nah, you're right, it's on me. I'll try to be more explicit in the future.
A: The Ult is the reason to play the card, the removal spell is the justification to play the card. If the Ult didn't win the game, she wouldn't be worth the mana investment. If she didn't have removal attached to her, she wouldn't be worth the deckbuilding investment (I.E. you'd often find yourself dead on board if you cast her, thus making her a dead card in hand). I know it seems arbitrary but understanding your motive for playing a card is important in conditioning yourself to correctly play the card. The removal is to protect her and yourself so that she can eventually ult to win the game.
B) There are enough ways to set your landbase to justify a small green splash to be used by turn 6. Aether Hub + a few dual lands to produce green + whatever Treasures might be playable and you can run with it. Plus, if the deck is U/B, you get some sweet card selection that's being spoiled (Opt holy shit) to get to your green source quicker.
I am 100% predicting U/B control with green splash for Vraska to be a contender. This card is a beast, this thread don't know how to evaluate Walkers that win the game.