Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Big Guy Edition

>Death Guard stuff

>Top 5 Squigs

>Konor Campaign, fucken rigged

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:



The Imperium is going to win the Konor campaign. How does this make you feel?

I like the way they painted the flies/warpflame.


Proud of the millions who've given their lives even if they failed this time - victory is inevitable!

Strolling in to ask for more opinions on which army I should start into 40k with. IG? Orks? Necrons? Something I haven't yet considered?

Sell me on an army, anons.

Vaguely dissatisfied, despite playing Imperium

Imperium suffer heavy losses and Nurgle's army is rekt.

What do you even want to collect? Give some criteria otherwise this is pointless

Elysians. If someone complains about ForgeWorld just run them as Scions in spammed Valkaries.

Which one do you like, faggot? It's your army.
Or rather, why do you want to play. Hordes of dudes? Elites? Fucking waifus?


Reposting because last thread ended

If a psyker rolls double 1's or double 6's, but has a modifier (i.e. ahriman's innate +1, or a penalty from nearby sisters of silence) do they still suffer perils?


>not nandato

Up for a batrep my fine anons? Played a 3200 pt 2v2 with me and my Romanesque Scion ally working together to take out Renegade Knights of both varieties. How have your FoK games been so far?
And this was a pic of our deployment.

Yes. It's just doubles. So if you have +1 and roll 11 (12 with modifier), you don't get Perils.

>If someone complains about ForgeWorld just run them as Scions in spammed Valkaries.
>mfw the army goes from shit to "hope you don't need to close your anus for a few days"

Anyone that stupid deserves it.

Sasuga, onii-chan.

You perils on double 1s and double 6s. It's not the VALUE of 2 and 12 that causes perils, but what the dice say.

If I knew what I wanted, I wouldn't be asking. I'm trying to gather various suggestions and see if I can be sold on something. I identified the three up there because their Start Collecting boxes looked neat.
Only reason I want to play is my friends are, and it looks fun to do tactics.

Unless you're Orks.

Become a toxic tau player

I've been wanting a new army for a while now and I sort of narrowed it down to 4 choices (AdMech, Orks, Guard, and SM).
This might sound dumb but are Space Marines a competitive army? Other factions like IG seem to have hard counters to SM lists and are generally more point efficient. Asking about crunch since I like these faction's fluff and aesthetics already.

Is it just me or does that look fragile as fuck. If it's the size of Girlyman, I can see the bottoms of his robes or whatever breaking a lot

Looks like an AoS model

Tau seems right for you


This thread is claimed for the alpha legion


Pick your favourites then get back to us. No one is going to walk you through the entire setting here.
Alternatively go to a GW store where someone is paid to walk you through everything

Dead primarch

I always prepare a cheesy vanilla list just in case someone doesn't like my fluffy FW list.

Even if that was true there's two of them anyway.

100% true, Dorn killed Alpharius, Omegon is a cuck and there is a rumor around that he is ded too

>Even if that was true there's two of them anyway.
It is true m8, it's not up for debate, the book makes that very clear

Different user here.
Say I'm playing GKs, and I cast Vortex of Doom. I roll an 11. (5 and a 6) due to the Brotherhood of psykers rule, I get +1 to psychic tests, making it a 12. Do I suffer Perils?

It is

You've got to roll double fucking 1s or 6s. Read the posts you quote.
>It's not the VALUE of 2 and 12 that causes perils, but what the dice say.

A very good book btw, I always enjoy anything Alpha Legion.
Betrayer is my absolute fav tho

Making Alpharius Omegon into two Primarchs was a mistake, Im glad its back to one Alpharius Omegon.

There is only Alpharius.

Wasn't asking for the entire setting, just that maybe someone has strong opinions on an army they like or dislike and would be able to try and make a case for them. But sure.

I kind of like Orks because of how scrappy they look, and I also heard some weird shit goes on with them.
I picked IG mostly because of the normal person look they have.
Necrons look interesting because they like regenerate and shit.

I guess if I had to really push for something I like, probably something that does lots of destruction, maybe explosives or something.

I read what you said just fine, just wanted to ask anyway, because it came up in a game today where I argued he doesnt peril, but my opponent said it doesnt work.
Thanks for answering, though. Please accept this anime girl as compensation for your efforts.

Portraying the Primarchs as anything but long forgotten legends was a mistake. Although I like how Curze turned out.

With a few symbols filed off I think the rubric torsos and legs would make a good base for some Smurf honour guard.

Of the three. Orks and IG would fit explodey.
IG has tanks and artillery by the buttload. Whereas Orks as a faction are destruction incarnate

Chapter Approved will have points adjustment for FW units too.
Which is great because the biggest issue with them is FW not being remotely on top of balancing things when issues arise

He wasn't bad, but then
>I like children, they are tasty

All Ork technology works because they think it does.

Any alpha legion players have stories to share?

I like Curze best when he's the ridiculous edgemaster. Much better than his emo side.


Aside from everything else, I only like the portrayal of the Primarchs when ADB or Abnett do it (excluding some random people's short stories). He at least gives them a sense of power and mastery that supports their legendary stature. When everyone else gets to close and has a plot focused on them, it's invariable cringy, underwhelming, and/or like show wrestling (though to be fair the last two points are spot on for Angron).

Op is a faggot
Ddnt link to previous bred

>want to run an exclusively primaris force
>absolutely not interested in repulsors

will foot-slogging bring me bad times? Also has anyone had any experience with the redemptor, with either loadouts?

sweet mother of god

>chaos is best step-dad the traitor primarchs dindu nuffin
I'll give you Abnett but fucking ADB?

I fucking loved how ADB did Angron. I really felt sorry for the guy.


>the book makes that very clear

Fuck off Aaron, we hate your shit writing. Take a lesson from Guy Haley, you fucking hack

and they're both dead. Dorn Killed Alpharius and Gulliman killed Omegon

Primaris-only is very shit right now, because they really lack options.
Get your asshole lubed.

Fuck off ADB, nobody likes you.

Hey guys, AMA.

Is ABD the Todd posting of Veeky Forums?

I don't know what you're referring to. His flashbacks of Curze in the NL trilogy is great, and his short story of Curze fighting the Lion actually made the Lion look knightly and competent (after the Lion was ruined in two books by different authors).

As for Angron, I remember some random story where Kharne tells the Word Bearer DMPC that Angron didn't have the same demigod aura as the other Primarchs, but that he was just fucking strong and angry. I thought of him as a broken Primarch since then, and it fits.

So sorry you can't enjoy good books

I've heard that Ork stuff goes faster if you paint it red. Is there any other stuff in relation to Orks that works similarly? This kind of quirky stuff would be pretty interesting if there was enough of it to play around with.

>literally just an undercoat, 4 colours basecoat, and wash to finish
Why have LGWS become so fucking lazy of late?


So, different eldar hate each other now and tyranids might not be completely united (what's next? actually having personality and being interesting?).

Also AL vs Inquisition is the top rivalry of the 41st millennium despite it literally never being mentioned until this blog post.

How does that make you feel?

>they really lack options.

honestly i think over the course of the year these will come around

in the meantime though I have a box of rubric bois that'll be next in line once i'm done with DI

I beleive purple orks are stealthy because you never see a purple ork.

There's this stupid shit for all the colors really.

Fuck off.

The Forge World LoC has been pissing off people tons lately.
LoC+Malefics making people wanna ban FW again

Lol, maybe to whipe my ass. The only thing your shit writing good for; pages to wipe up shit

>Ork Wargear: Red Paint: Add +2 to the movement stat of any vehicle with red paint. 20pts

I guess, but todd posting has had a lot of entertainment come out of it, while ABCDposting is pretty much always just yelling at the same retard over and over again.

Blue is luck
Yellow is wealth
Orange is explosions
Red is fast
Purple is stealth
Black is 'ard (tough, strong)


The different Eldar branches have always hated each other's guts, so that's nothing new.

Because good anons deserve more

Do these things translate to actual gameplay or is this just kinda fluff.

>There's this stupid shit for all the colors really.
For green, yellow, blue, red, black and white, yes. But it's almost entirely just meaning the orks ascribe to the colours. Red paint jobs getting tangible benefits is a later thing.

Blood axes and kommandos use camouflage, but poor imitations of it, because they don't quite understand how it works. The purple ork shit is an old forced meme made by people who never read the three rogue trader ork books and figured everything about was lol magic colours.


It seems possible that a particularly powerful GSC Patriarch might go "actually fuck that" but if the Hive Mind can block all warp-based communications with its psychic aura, it doesn't feel as though a GSC patriarch would actually be able to battle it for long, if at all.

>implying children aren't tasty

They are so cute I just want to eat them all!.

There's one Hive Fleet in particular that's been noted for targeting other Hive Fleet for biomass.

Here, found the profile.
This is possibly the FW unit/model that pissed people off most at NOVA

No, because Toddposting involves discussion of genuinely convincing tales that makw one want to do something even though they know it's a lie, while ADBposting is about made up stories that make you mad

Tyranid Hive Fleets have always been fighting eachother since the beginning of Fluff. They don't do it because they aren't united or some shit like that, but rather so that the victoriuos Hivefleet can effectively assimilate the most efficient traits of the losing hive fleet.

>700 points
rofl why the fuck do FW do this shit

[childish shooty noises]

Quit shoving your well painted and fluffly army in our faces.

Fuck off.

This is why you should just ban FW. They don't give a shit about the game really.

Considering the current tendrils are the scouting fleets it is quite possible that as the rest of the Tyranids arrive there will be several larger hive fleets whose only purpose is to eat the weakened vanguard fleets, improve themselves and consolidate the information procured by the vanguard fleets and then spread that information across several other fleets by splintering into smaller ones so they are in turn eaten by larger fleets. Basically a way for several Hive Fleets to adapt to the galaxy without sacrificing bio-mass.

Either way Tyranids were never portrayed as this monolithic entity, they are bent on the sole purpose of feeding and that has always included other Tyranids from different Hive Fleets.

Depending on who you ask, anything from 'literally everything about orks' to 'not even that red ones go faster thing'.

Basically, in 40k faith might be one source of warp abilities.
Orks have some kind of collective psychic thing going on, which seems to be directed by ork beliefs about how things should work.
According to some fairly unreliable sources, this might be what makes some ork technology work the way it does.
The effectiveness varies from 'psychic WD40' to 'if enough orks believe it, it beomes true, no matter how ridiculous' depending on who you listen to.
The only really well documented effect is red ork vehicles going faster than other ones.
It's not 100% certain that the 'red goes faster' thing is even accurate, since every ork vehicle is unique and the mekboys most likely to build fast ones are speed freaks and evil suns who have red as their clan colour.
It's also possible (although this has never been mentioned by a GW source that I know of) that there is something in whatever orks use for red paint (possibly a type of orkish fungus or something) that acts as a psychic conductor.

Colours other than red which are speculated to act as a focus for ork powers are
A generally lucky colour, actually has some support from GW as a colour orks think does something (Deff Skulls paint themselves blue for luck) but no mention of it being effective.
Often described as giving things more energy, so used on power generators, explosives, etc. Completely fan-made association, as far as I know.
Tougher and stronger. Another fan association.
Stealthy. Not just a fan association, but a joke. The gag being that 'you never see an ork in purple'.

It looks pretty fun tho

FW is just incompetent at keeping tabs on things and doing things in a timely manner


Talks about each of the factions in more informal style. There are too many factions to go over all of them in a post, go there and see if anything piques your interest and get back to us.