Today is a good day.
Iconic Masters Spoilers
>call itself iconic
>no bolt
>Dissolve instead of Counterspell
Eternal Masters is more iconic than Iconic Masters.
Iconic more like print "expensive" cards lmao. Where is bolt/cs/demonic tutor?
She's back
pretty neat, hopefully the set will be fun enough to draft multiple times.
God I'm gonna pimp my Pauper decks out with these SO HARD.
>Borderless full-art
>John Avon
>M15 formatting
It's perfect. They're going to look so much better without camera glare too.
This mountain is the blandest thing I have ever seen. The other are good, though. the swamp is the best one.
Ugh, user, she is a "she".
from what I've seen there's only been 96 out of 249 cards revealed. there may be still room for bolt, I haven't checked any number crunches
Now imagine all these foil.
Also, they're rares? What the fuck.
I'd assumed people would have cracked it by now though.
Redditors have commented that the stamp is there likely because they're on the same sheet as Steamflogger Boss.
What's the only thing in the set that has any value? That's right, the sick ass lands.
What does this even mean?
So the reprinted Modern cards are Modern legal, right? Like, can i play an Iconic Masters Thoughseize in a Modern deck?
Enjoy losing your fucking planeswalker points cunt, you're going to jail.
Yeah that Mountain really sticks out as unremarkable on its own, and compared to the rest of the art cycle? Total shit.
Thanks. I'm a relatively new player.
uh what
You can use all the cards in the set, go brew a deck with mana drain now and use it next week at FNM!
I'm informed that MaRo confirmed Steamflogger Boss is printed on the same sheet as these lands, meaning 120/121 packs will have a Steamflogger Boss instead of a land. Because they're on the same sheet as Steamflogger Boss, and Steamflogger Boss needs to have the rare foil stamp, all the lands have a rare foil stamp.
Which is pure bs, I know that's the sort of shit I do to my cube drafters when I throw Steamflogger Boss and Storm Crow in my Vintage cube but fuck my hypocritical ass that's dick move on Wizard's part.
Hah. I'm new but not that new.
This had no right to be over $10
I still don't understand.
Is Steamflogger Boss a special card or something?
>120/121 packs will have a Steamflogger Boss instead of a land
Does this mean lands will be super rare? Because that's complete bullshit.
You are legitimately stupid
Boss escalated into a meme when Contraptions were never introduced in a real set despite the keyword on the card, last they were speculated to debut in Kaladesh. There has been some speculation around the card which WOTC is aware of.
Or maybe you it's you who can't explain shit.
Okay, that's explains everything. There's still the matter of the lands being ultra rare.
No, every pack contains a full-art basic, but 1 time out of 121 there will be a Boss instead of the basic.
No, it's because Steamflogger was originally printed in a set with a black border, which means it needs to keep that black border even in the Un set because it's a card that's technically legal in other formats. The only way to do that economically was to print it with the lands.
Seeing as I didn't explain anything and understood the other user immediately, no, you're just fucking dumb.
You heard the man.
That clears things up. The dude he replied to said:
>120/121 packs will have a Steamflogger Boss instead of a land
instead of 1/121
Remember a new Seize on the market will make all Siezes cheaper for a while. If you prefer the other art, or even one with something like the great icon of Morningtide, you should also go for it.
To be honest I'm not sure either which way it is, but it would be enormously retarded on Wizard's part to make the basics practically ghost rare.
>all this new art
Draftfags can suck my dick, this set is worth it just for how beautiful some of these cards look.
when it comes to thoughseize I like both of the arts a lot. The only thing I care about is having matching art. Do you think the prices of the Lorwyn ones will drop?
Then I guess we're all retards except you
Likely, Theros made it lose a little bit of value. You'll still probably have to pay a little extra for the Lorwyn version, but I think it's worth it. I suggest going for it during the second week of December if you aren't in a hurry.
Yeah, probably. Its not a difficult concept
>121/120? That doesn't make sense, probably a typo
Not really that hard.
You mean Lorwyn?
I'd prefer to have both arts.
The mistake doesn't intrinsecally contain the correct answer. Sure, you can guess but only retards claim a guess is the truth or start an argument with a guess as proof.
Also you aren't even able to quote correctly, he typed 120/121.
And only dipshits take anything said on a Mongolian throat singing board as truth of god without basic reasoning or a primary source
See? Its not that hard
I want to have sex with this card.
Alright, what do we know about the draft archetypes and what rares/uncommons to look for? So far, I think we can see allied colors, with W/G blink and maybe a 5-color defender strategy. A lot of commons seem to care about spellslinging, too.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks man.
>reprinted at common
Who pauper here?
Fuck yes.
ASSualt formation defenders looks viable and it got bumped down to uncommon.
I'm interested that Overgrown Battlement is in the same rarity too, along with Fog Bank and Mnemonic Wall. I'm not sure how the archetype is supposed to reasonably come together if it is 5-color, but it does seem that flying will be a premium keyword outside of the rare slots. There's also a good bit of lifegain to consider too. I'm not sure how the aggressive Dragon decks are going to close out before people can stabilize. Maybe U/B mill is supposed to prey on that?
How fucking tiny will the print runs be?
Cost per pack/box?
It is Temur. I don't know where people are getting 5 color.
Looks to be quite sizable. People are saying that the drafts today still had product left over at the end, despite a big turnout. I expect something slightly larger than MM3, riding off the Timmy hype from the Praetors.
$9.99 USD MSRP, same as always. desu I get that they have to inflate it somewhat so that investors can't hoard sealed product, but $7.99 USD is perfectly reasonable, considering they've now worked out the overhead kinks for these sets.
Any other 3-color archetypes, shard or wedge? I'm not sure what third color Dragons are going to want. Maybe blue for some early-game deterrents?
Preorder at €200, think it will fall to 180 before release.
>when you traded in your playset glimpse the unthinkable a month ago
Now that the dust is settling, I find that this is just a Modern Masters with like five Legacy cards. Far from the "Iconic" we were promised.
This is NWO's icons, not Magic's icons.
It looks like fun to draft, don't get me wrong, but it feels like MM2/MM3 levels as opposed to MMA/EMA, where we have to make do with terrible spells for "balanced Limited formats" and to "avoid price gouging".
Is this supposed to be good? All I see is a more expensive version of that other wall.
>Kami Dragons
>huge amount of Modern staples
>Standard all-stars from as far back as Urza block
Looks pretty iconic to me. They're measuring by play rate in constructed formats more than anything else, although I too would've liked to see some more popular spells like Ponder, Daze or even Electrickery.
Walls with more than one power can be a bitch in Limited, and this one benefits from being blinked out. Pretty sure G/W blink is gonna be one of the draft archetypes, so this could be a huge overperformer.
Where's my port reprint? :(
Electro Kerry is in the set
Lel. Electrickery.
How does the 25 Masters set one-up this?
And by electrickery I mean electrolyze.
I'm imagining a dual/tricolor draft set with very heavy focus on the big cycles, like Dragonlords, Guild leaders, and possibly Eldrazi in the colorless slots, as well as some format all-stars and Gatewatch reprints
There are no colorless mythic I've seen yet. Port could be the mythic
>the only valuable thing in the unstable set are the lands
>that's why it have the foil stamp on it
It could have grizzly bears
>he wants value in a joke set
Fuck yes. Do we get swiftspear too? It looks super blurry.
Jace's phantasm and jaddi offshoot are noteworthy too, and River of tears is weird but I'll take it.
Swiftspear is uncommon, thank god. Still waiting for one of the Archetypes to get the bump down. Courage could single-handedly make U/W fliers a real deck.
I might be slow, but how does first strike help uw fliers?
>have no problem with Unstable lands not having borders
>think the art is just okay
Except the forest. If it weren't for this sick ass Autumn forest I'd go for that one.
beating down delvers?
It helps stop Faeries from uncontestedly smacking you, for one, as well as Delver folding hard against it. Your own Delvers and possibly Glint Hawk become extremely scary depending on how many artifacts you want, and you can run right over most Tron variants once Augur and Oracle become outwitted.
Why don't they sell fat packs of this? The book inside along with lands made them worth buying. And think os the bad ass dice we could have had
That's fucking ridiculous
so uhh how many uncommon tiers will there be?
i wouldn't get too exicted
Because supplemental draft product can't be sold in that small of an amount. You need a lot to just pull off a single draft.
How about "sealed" packs that have five boosters, a land brick, and a spin down? Each player gets one and you're good to go.
You do realize that if they print fucktons of these lands in land packs they won't be worth the $10 that the unhinged ones go for, right?
>How does the 25 Masters set one-up this?
Reserved List abolished.
Reserved Masters.
Good, why would I want vasics to cost that much?
Just making sure you're not one of the idiots who hoarded BfZ fatpacks because MUH $80 LAND PACK
>gatewatch reprints
fuck off
Didn't say you had to like it, but the Gatewatch's individual characters have a lot of history in the game. We'd probably see both them and the Weatherlight.
I like the way you think
I'd actually be fine with that.