>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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How rich is your character?
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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How rich is your character?
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Not very
If I go Mystic, Order of the Immortal, and then just all the straight up fighty vanilla stuff like Brute Force and Psychic Hammer/Mind Slam, how does it compare to Fighter or Monk?
What's wrong with splat if it offers more options as opposed to just optimal builds, which it seems to in 5e due to the subclass system?
Currently doing moderately ok since his wife is a diplomat, character I have as back up if this one gets to a point he doesn't need to adventure anymore is 10th in line, and plans to keep it that way, for the throne of a small northern Viking style kingdom. They're well off due to logging and mining, he's adventuring as part of his job as a diplomat since he's the least rowdy of his brothers and sisters.
>tfw just DM'd my first session
gotta say, shit's fun
DM is starting a new game allowing only VGM races. Game will start at 5th level, the higher we've ever went. What should I play, guys? I was thinking of rolling a meme character as I think it will be an one-shot (no confirmation yet), but in the same time it's the first time I will get to play a "high" level character.
No UA allowed though.
Because most people don't want a repeat of pf, the more splat material that is pumped out the more likely this is as the publishers run out of ideas and start churning out shit.
Also should add that just because it adds more options doesn't automatically make it a good thing for the game overall.
So what are people's feelings on Xanathar's Guide to Everything then?
It's the first true splat in three years, people are excited.
That does not mean there should be anymore splat any time soon
I'm extremely excited, because of how the new subclasses went through public playtesting via Unearthed Arcana, so they're far more likely to not be balance outliers
My whole party has 15 gold to their name, but due to most people using silver they are more than well off
What is the cultural equivalent, or closest equivalent to the Roman civilization in the Forgotten Realms? Is it the old Netherese Empire, Cormyr or Chessenta? Is the answer more simpler or complex than that?
Would a metamagic option for sorcerer's that removes concentration requirements on a spell be OP? I imagine the point cost for it would be the same as Twinned. (spell level)
Like others have said it'll be nice after a decent amount of time. The issue is if they just start churning this stuff out like some people seem to want. Also I'll wait till I actually have one, or see all the subclasses and such that made it in.
Yes, that's fucking ridiculous
Don't fuck with concentration rules
Why not play pf if that's what you're after?
Even as a level 20 feature this would be gamebreaking
Considering my character is a college student I'd say they're not just poor they have negative wealth.
if it simply said to disregard concentration rules, yes. having two conc. spells running simultaneously is dangerously good. If they both had to be buff spells, it might be more reasonable, but idk how one would efficiently word that
What you COULD have is a metamagic that makes concentration checks automatic for the spell.
they should just remove concentration and only allow a character to have one buff on them at a time.
There are buffs that do not require concentration. Concentration is a higher order of buffs.
that is a very stupid idea, but thanks for your input.
>t.wizard/bard player
Think we'll get a PHB2 with 5e, or do you think Xanathar's is as close as we'll come?
We'll never get 2. They're avoiding that because it can confuse consumers, especially first-time buyers.
Hold on let me check
Around 57900 gold
Starting off I'd have said not very- She's a petulant wood elf with dreams of being a first class adventurer, only to end up a barely decent fence in a city of thieves. Since joining up with a party of ACTUAL adventurers she's been able to save up some coin so I'd say she's become a bit more well off.
>only VGM races
>What should I play, guys?
Okay /5eg/: you are playing Tomb of Annihilation, you're in the final stretch of the last big dungeon, and POOF, you died. Your party finds your new replacement character, who is currently being kept as a trophy in a sort of magical stasis thing, and he comes from somewhere a bit familiar...
Who are you playing?
Someone from Earth
Also what do you faggots want me to post from Tomb of Annihilation?
A Japanese Samurai. He doesn't speak Common, only Japanese and attempts to kill any "demons" he sees on sight.
Post what character is gay
Wait, Earth? Krynn? Is there a spelljammer?
I'm going to find out next week, stay tuned.
Seems like the biggest difference to me is that you don't get multiple attacks with the attack action. You do get those psychic d8s with your one attack, but that's about it. I'm hoping that the various utility aspects make up for the damage loss but we'll see; I'm mostly looking forward to using Knock Back, since Brute Strike requires betting the psi ahead of time rather than reacting to a hit. But of course you also have Bestial Form so you can spend 5 psi and a bonus action to fly, attune psionic weapon to get past DR, etc etc, which is all nice, and you can still spend just a single discipline choice to get proficiency with any skill for the cost of a bonus action.
Other big thing I see is that as an Immortal you don't get anything that lets you use your dex for weapons, which makes your Barb-esque bare AC thing less useful. You can get around it by going High Elf; you get +1 int and proficiency with the Shortsword. It's not a rapier but it is finesse, so then you can pile on the Dex/Con as needed without blowing a feat on Weapon Master. And there's the cantrip, ultimately I think High Elf's probably the best PHB race for an Immortal. You can also just use feats to get up to medium/heavy armor and focus on strength instead.
Someone played Mothership Zeta recently.
my waifu
What's the best Artisan Tool?
What are some cool stuff I can do with them?
Blacksmithing, if your DM throws a flail snail at you.
>Brute Strike requires betting the psi ahead of time rather than reacting to a hit.
Has this been confirmed? You can't activate it in between confirming a hit and rolling damage?
I built a human mystic Immortal but I'm focusing on ranged attacks. I took Nomadic arrow as on of my general disciplines. It's like psionics weapon but for ranged, right? Makes the Dex pump feel worth it.
Hey guys don't remember to pre-order the Seaso Pass for Volo's Guide to Monster: Special Edition!
Not him but nice catch
That's how it reads to me, like a concentration weapon damage cantrip but without the long window to make the hit. Don't know if there's a Sage Advice that says otherwise.
Oh yeah, you could just do that as a Nomad though and get more access to Nomad stuff, more teleportation to stay out of melee, etc. You got Studded Leather anyway, so you can get 17 AC with maxed Dex. If I just wanted to shoot a bow I'm not sure I could find two Immortal disciplines I'd want to know.
A man from our earth. He was Kid-in-King-Arthur's-Court-ed years ago and failed on the magical life-affirming quest he was supposed to undertake and has been trapped in this fantasyland ever since.
I'd probably burst out laughing if my DM started shilling Volo's as a character trait of Volo. Make that definitely if he did it like Billy Mays.
>7 hit dice
>+2 proficiency modifier
Also, expertise in Animal Handling apparently.
It would be completely in character for Volo. He loves shilling his books and mentioning his familiarity with famous people.
Volo's Guide To Nymphs when
Fuck now I need an Edit of Todd's face on Volo's or just in some random medieval adventurers outfit.
Proficiency bonus is based on CR, not on HD or anything else.
I don't so much shoot a bow as throw psychically enhanced darts. I also didn't feel most nomad disciplines worked for my character. I only took restoration and adaptive body
Is the spell point variant something the whole table has to agree on or can you just have a sorc using points while the bard and cleric use slots?
My bad, I checked the MM and you are correct.
The DMG seems to suggest you can do it on a character-by-character basis. Either way you have to ask your DM before you do it.
Tabaxi bard, but play it as a merchant. Shove as many Khajiit jokes in as you can.
Any info/screenshots on the two new backgrounds added in ToA?
If you haven't already hired a wizard to make you a clone, DO IT NOW
>Tabaxi bard
You know not what you do, user.
Do y'all think the gunslinger will return?
Backgrounds don't add anything to the game, user. Are you that desperate for content?
Everything from ToA just seems so comfy.
Hopefully not
It has to exist in the first place to return, user.
there are rules for guns and rifles in the DMG
I don't want them to touch a gunslinger class with a ten foot pole unless they're sure they can do a better job than the tire fire matt mercer put out
in my darkest dreams I have visions that instead of making their own they just give MM's gunslinger an "unofficial" thumbs up and put it in a splatbook, then i wake up screaming
just wanted to see them because they sounded neat.
I would argue backgrounds do add a lot to the game, you are playing a character according to your chosen background after all.
Is ToA out?
what they're really asking is 'is it out online for free yet', to which the answer is currently no.
Not him but not even remotely, why gimp yourself like that? Make a character then pick a background to fit, not the other way around.
It'll be a little longer just because you asked :^)
it's totally acceptable to start with background first. there are plenty of ways to make characters people need to stop being so autistic about how someone else character creates
Implying nothing. You are likely doing both.
And are you roleplaying or rollplaying?
Backgrounds are a fantastic roleplaying aid for noobs and pros alike. For me, they've made making characters more fun, and DMing for others' characters more fun as well.
Fuck, man, I know this board is for adults only but I don't come here for this horror content.
>Even the background choice, which by RAW fully allows you to switch skills and proficiencies, is about "Muh Optimization"
Your roleplaying is based on your character ideals, bonds, flaws etc all coming from your background. You should know this.
but that's for faggots.
>all these people asking for the PDF
It's only released digitally calm the fuck down. It usually takes a few weeks before it's scanned, AFTER the full physical release.
Also people on the past few threads have asked if people want screencaps from DNDBeyond, Roll20, or FantasyGrounds but you ignore them and just whine.
Then you should stop roleplaying.
It's out physically in WPN stores as well.
no one expects a sub 24 hour full pdf scan. Most people are looking for shitty phone pics of pages from the books.
Then go play a video game. Or sit in a corner with a monster's manual, a bag of dice, and a character sheet.
Tales from the Yawning Portal was on the trove the same evening it was released digitally.
I don't know that Tomb of Annihilation is high enough level for that character concept.
What're some good spells for a 4th level melee fiendpact warlock?
That's fine but attempting to assume and tell someone else that they are playing x isn't especially if it's false.
Roleplaying, but it's funny how you immediately have to accuse someone of being x or y because they disagreed with you.
No but nice try
Not at all did you read? I make a character and decided what motivates them myself. Then pick a background that is closest to that as possible or fits the character.
Also I love how everyone throws a fit and assumes its about min/maxing.
Roleplaying is actually super fun. I'm not sure if I like roleplaying more or combat more, but it's a close one.
Not necessarily. If you're a capable roleplayer, there's no obligation to follow a mechanical process for generating a character personality.
On the other hand, the ideal, bond, etc. tables can spur the imagination to come up with interesting characters whether or not you roll on them/pick from them, and just having a background separate from class makes characters more interesting.
>Implying user doesn't
What do you think of this character concept?
>Goliath Totem Barbarian (Bear at 3 and 6, Eagle at 14)
>Take Brawny at 4 and Tavern Brawler at 8
>Fight using a stupidly huge sword (Huge sized Dagger or Shortsword) as an Improvised Weapon, using it more as a lever in the battlefield than an actual sword since even as a Goliath it's too big to be practical
>Goliath wanderer with a sword that makes even him look small he's got literally chained to his body so he can't lose it, if asked about it says he took it off a Giant he killed and doesn't go into it any further, most people assume he killed a giant in combat because he's a bad motherfucker
>In truth the Goliath was taken in by an extremely old (even by Storm Giant standards) Storm Giant after being separated from his tribe in an avalanche, the Giant offering to let him stay there after he proved himself a good servant and person to converse with, becoming something of an adoptive son
>Eventually the Giant tells him he's not long for this world, asks him to fulfill the last bit of some Storm Giant Omen he won't be able to because he's about to croak- deliver this sword to it's "rightful owner", and that he'll know when he finds them
>Giant gets ded, Golaith is sad and blames himself for basically not being able to do a single thing to help him, takes sword/dagger (Which he can barely lift) and sets off to find who the Giant was talking about
>Somewhere between 1-100 years later, Goliath is wandering around with this giant fucking sword, at this point he's able to wield it in some fashion (Though he tends to rely on punches and kicks using it as a counterweight more than swinging the weapon itself)
Who the sword is meant for is up to the DM, could say it's for someone plot relevant, another PC, or some bullshit "it wuz ment 4 u all along :DD" sappy thing, or go the entire campaign without ever finding them.
Personally I prefer an even mix, too much of one or the other for whatever reason just start to make it drag.
It's pretty nice DESU
The only problem is that your regular Goliath doesn't live that long. Talk to your DM to see if it's different in his settings.
What class/subclass have you had the most fun with?
You seem upset, maybe you should look to your own idiotic outburst before saying everyone else is illiterate and just assumes.
Why can't you have both in your character creation process? Why can't you pick a background first and have this inspiration to create a character? Why is this deliberately gimping yourself? What sheer stupidity is this?
You are basically min/maxing when you say you're deliberately gimping yourself by choosing a background first.
i'm really digging my war cleric right now. I don't do amazing damage like my barb or fighter, but fuck do I love the utility.
Yeah I figure 1-100 years is long enough for the DM to shoehorn it in wherever he wants while having the bare minimum for him to get used to the weapon, maybe his bigly yuge sword is making have an unnaturally long lifespan or something if it's magic.
Like 60 gp rich.
Rogue swashbuckler, but it's was more about the character being funny than class itself.
What about you?
>can't get booming blade before 4th level without being a half-elf or vuman
I refuse to sacrifice my character concept for this shit but I'm going to feel worthless in combat until fucking sixth level
Nekked lizardfolk monk for maximum hungry jaws cheese. Tabaxi swashbuckler for maximum greased up deaf guy cheetoes
What would it take to break an uncommon magic item? Like a +1 greatsword or something
Let's say the weapon had a large gem in it, and someone tried to pry it out. If it happens, would that destroy the magic? And what happens if a magic item is destroyed?
>mechanical process for generating a character personality.
It's not a mechanical process, you can specifically choose or make up some new ones or modified ones with your DM. It's entirely fluff.
I'm not talking about the skill or tools proficiencies.
What kind of character are you making, user?