Your party must now fight Sharpe and his Chosen Men
Can they win?
Your party must now fight Sharpe and his Chosen Men
Can they win?
Depends, are we the featured threat of an episode? Because than their plot armor is ironclad.
Always make sure you're not the supporting role in someone's story.
lol bitch please, it's Sean Bean - he ALWAYS dies
No one can defeat Sharpe. He is powered by the souls of all the Sean Bean characters who have died.
Man Sean Bean was handsome as fuck when he was younger
>The cuirassier takes off his helmet so he becomes more easier to empathize with
>He reveals a memorable facial feature, improving his odds to ascend to main character status
>He charges into Sharpe's line, screaming his first and last name as well as his occupation, backstory and goals in life as he charges into Sharpe's line
>While sabring around him he makes it very clear that he's in the prime of his life, nowhere near retirement and has neither a wife nor children waiting for him back home
He's too sympathetic and memorable to kill off, but not sympathetic enough to make his death dramatic. He literally cannot lose.
Orbital bombardment from our Star Galleon's missile bays? Shot from the Nova cannon on the Mars? Broadside from the Swords?
Either way, they're dead meat.
Why not announce these things in a separate scene between your character and his commander? You can even establish him as ambitious or noble, thus establishing him as an excellent recurring foe.
Yeah Ive noticed popular actors don't age, they just morph from a handsome 25 year old into an ugly 25 year old with a beard.
Sharpe is the one thing he doesn't die in.
my group would be blown away, no good at long range
my brother
We've got one of these covering us. I think we may just stand a chance...
this would be a great only war campaigne
The Gaunt's Ghosts novels are pretty much Sharpe in space, too
He came closer to dying in real life during filming than he ever did in the series
>unreasonably lucky canister shot through the windscreen
honestly Sharpeshotte Chosenmen are pretty naff in the current meta
Of course they would, he would get creamed by my Inquisitor and his guard
>not recognising Sharpe
Some bastid is getting a kick to the balls
Are you kidding? Even at point blank range a cannon of that era won,t go though, let alone a weak cannister shot
That's why it's unreasonably lucky.
Lurtz can take him
>lvl 10barbarian/1bard
>lvl 9cleric/2barbarian
>lvl 9archer optimized fighter
>lvl 10ranger
>lvl 9 rogue
>lvl 9 witch
>tactics? That's how hard we hit them with what, right?
Sharpe and his men would chew up my party with tactics. The party has gotten complacent in their power and have been going around beating up smaller threats.
You can't kill a man fated to never die. They can drive Sharpe off but they can never kill him. He's a lesser Griffith. All of Sean Bean's other characters were sacrificed to make this happen.
Canister shot wouldn't penetrate the Heli but a direct hit from a decently sized canon could probably bring it down. Aircraft are rarely armored for more than 20mm fire, if that, and Helicopters are notoriously fragile.
Not the russian attack ones, they have titanium armor worthy of a ww2 tank protecting the cockpit and the engine.
That isn't an MI-28. And even then, amy good whack is going to force a helicopter down.
>"Psst, nothing personell, kid"
>when he was younger
>implying Sean Bean isn't still handsome as fuck
Don't forget to deliver witty one liners and have a devil may care attitude so the audience likes you, giving them a reason to handwave your death and bring you back if it does occur
Man someone should make a game based on being genre savvy, where the best way to succeed/survive is to play the trope system
/k/ you're doing it again.
Yes it's unrealistic, thats the point. It's a JOKE. Because the thing in question operates on rule of PLOT, just throwing more gun at it will only make the plot armor STRONGER
One of our characters is a woman, Sharpe's one weakness!
She falls in love with him and betrays you for his affections even though they can never be together
>this retarded meme
Christopher Lee dies in like 95% percent of his movies but no one goes ok about that
It's less noticeable when you play a lot of villains. they're expected to die.
We think we've won after Sharpe's incompetent commanding officer allows us to take a crucial advantage on the battlefield (despite Sharpe's protests and Harper's folksy Irish wisdom). But we make the terrible mistake of separating Sharpe and a "few good lads" from the main force, only for them to single-handedly collapse our flank and rout our whole army.
Sadly, pretty much every attempt at a genre savvy work I've seen ends up having protagonists who just read the script combined with weaponised levels of smugness.
it's even worse when it gets a set up with a glimmer of potential and pisses it away
I loved the bit in Guards! Guards! Guards!
Where they have to ensure their chances of defeating the dragon are exactly one in a million.
Anything under or over and they will fail.
No see if you get Smug that turns off the audience, unless you have the magnificent bastard trait.
well shit, I forgot about Discworld.
Feel free to disregard my post
>unless you have the magnificent bastard trait.
That there is the problem.
A genuinely clever character can be smug and be lovable, but the character can only be as clever as the author, which is where the issues begin.
If the author thinks having the character just read the script is enough to justify smugness, it all falls down.
>1853, Sharpe is enjoying his retirement
>Suddenly, an old man kicks down his door
>Sharpe nearly has a heart attack and grabs his pistol
>"B-But you died! I saw you die! You were torn to smithereens by shrapnel!"
Wasn't that pretty much the plot of Sharpe's Devil?
No that's all about him going to Chile in 1823 to help an old friend and winds up in their War of Independence
Wasn't Lord Cochrane's entire plan to eventually spring Bonaparte, but only failed because he'd already copped it?
Oh right that part yes; I see your point. Sharpe even thinks it's a worthwhile idea for one crazy second, and is definitely relieved when he learns Bonaparte is dead.
>Sharpe even thinks it's a worthwhile idea
There's literally nothing wrong with that idea though.
We number only 4, Sharpe and his Chosen Men take us all easily.
Hopefully im lucky enough to join the crew, otherwise its a TPK
Sharpe lived in France at the time, and would have definitely been called up to fight for Britain.
How in fuck would he think that would be a good idea? Especially when most of his friends were killed at Waterloo?
Could Ace Rimmer face them and live?
They can win. First we warn them off, then we engage them with mostly nonlethal fire since they're primitives and that implies we're on their territory and we want to keep the incident from getting entirely out of hand. So we win.
Then Sharpe winds up as de facto representative of his nation and own the fuck out of the representative our commander sends in, because Sharpe. Sharpe wins.
Also, in the hullabaloo Sharpe somehow winds up with a heavy blaster pistol.
He actually survived a fair number of roles.
They'd wind up realising they are both stand up fellows, and combine forces to tackle the one who tried to have them kill one another.
The question is, user, could you face Ace Rimmer AND Sharpe simultaneously?
Neither can the guy using it, when his shoulder is dislocated.
What if this guy was on your side?
What if he wasn't
Sure, we'd probably win sans plot armour if they didn't have time to scheme, but why would we fight them? We're looking for cool stories to trade for loot, and they have excellent ones. We'll totally tag along and add the firepower of an excellent tinkerer/gunslinger, a general skill monkey and support caster and a couple misc. melees. We'll have to make sure not to actually use magic where Sharpe can see it, since that would just snowball massively.
We can do discreet, I think, and we'd get enough stories out of it after a year or two to get the equipment we need.
>uses other shoulder
Dang, what kind of game are you playing when you get a Kamov helicopter (is is a Ka-27?) cover you?
not too shabby.
no because we have heavy stubbers and magic