What would a Veeky Forums flavored RPG look like?

What would a Veeky Forums flavored RPG look like?

It would taste like shit.

Fuck off, frogposter.

>rolling shitposting skill vs bait recieval levels
>secondary rolls for dubs and trips
>occasional stealth roll to dodge bans
>botched rolls get tl;drs
at the end of each day take a constitution roll to prevent suicide

Like get the fuck out you piece of shit.

wizards would be practically unstoppable

FATAL, you fucking degenerates. You know this is what you would get. Knowing your dumb frogposting ass, it would be FATAL with furries.

Degenerate scum.

>a Veeky Forums-flavored RPG would be FATAL with furries
>in Veeky Forums

Come again?

Everything would be hyperbole.

salty as fuck

It's more likely than you think.

Where have you been? It ain't 2006 anymore. Get over it.

Everything? That seems like a gross exaggeration.


Everyone that played it would hate it but have no other outlet and continue to crawl back because it is active and almost addictive.

So... Pathfinder. It's even full of SJW bogeymen devs to constantly complain about, and pfg "hates" the OP images. Fits perfectly.

Bumping this for you, sweeties.

Like salty milk and coins.

Spellcasting rules - choose board, random script chosesthread and image. You sumonned that was on that image.
If you choose /b just roll perils of the warp table

You are a bunch of uncultured degenerate newfags.

Have you all forgotten the glory of Dungeons: the Dragoning? Have you forgotten the face of our salvation, or just never heard of it?

It is the essence, the heart, the soul, the liver and even the thyroid of Veeky Forums.

Veeky Forums flavored RPG? So...a game where you play people who sit in front of their computer and post on a website?

Why would anyone play this?

You can play in alternative reality where Veeky Forums are still good

Call of Cthulhu Delta green

It would just be F.AT.A.L.

It would be a dream come true. I'll be pre-ordering /pol/ & /k/

Dude, I'm a furry fuck and I've been coming here since the Mongler was the big meme. Also, I keep my furry bullshit the hell away from Veeky Forums. I imagine that's so for most of the furries around here (and I -KNOW- there's a fuckload of them lurking here. Hay Guyz!)

>4channers are supposed to become DG Agents
God save us all

>Pre-ordering anything
You are everything wrong with free market

>Veeky Forums joins Delta Green
That'd be fucking hilarious. Imagine how many problems would be solved by a pack of solipsistic retards

Downside is we'd have to just ignore bond mechanics

The definition of a faggot

>Imagine how many problems would be solved by a pack of solipsistic retards
Nigga everybody would die
They'd be seduced by some ugly ass sorceress
Most of them would stumble back to their pcs and the world would burn

It would be a massive pile of steamy liquid shit, like 99% of this place