What is the dwarf equivalent of John Smith?
What is the dwarf equivalent of John Smith?
Well according to your table it would be Bolin Hillstone.
>Haggar Hillbattle
>Tfw bullies turn my name to haggler after a while
>Tfw it's like anudda holocaust
>Reingar Runeholm
>Produces dwarven pornography
>Famous for his extreme close-up scenes where you can see the metal cooling evenly.
Urist McMiner
>Bomin Goldhand
>Rich merchant dwarf with Gold prosthetic
>Distrusted after my flourishing trade with human lowlands results in me picking up their mannerisms/dress
>No-one trusts a dwarf who wears cloth instead of plate
>Sell inferior human goods
>Become the fantasy equivalent of "Honest John's Quality Preloved Car Dealership"
>Urkon Runebattle
Truly a glorious and powerful dwarf of which legends there are told of.
>Thorhardt Underbeard
I wield several hammers which I hide under my long beard
>Ragin Hammerbrew
Truly, the most dorfy name.
Just pick a common Scandinavian name, like Sven, or Muhammed
>Urist Beardbeard
I've never loved my name so much as I do right now
>Bomkarl Runeholme
It sounds like I would be the dwarf equivalent of the village idiot.
>Ragin Hillbattle
I'm not sure about this one
Something with Iron or Stone in it
>Gimgar Hillsmith
Even in fantasy I am mundane.
Durin Doombattle.
Aye, that'll do.
Thread ended here.
>Urin Beardson
Sounds pretty generic to me; I'd say I'm the John Smith of Dwarves.
Urist Smith or Smithsson
Durgan Spikemountain.
> Left caves and build himself a house in the dirt under the hill like a hobbit. People call him madman. Later house became big enouph to host a small inn where travellers, who cant bear dwarven small quarters, rest.
>not using the superior version
>Gimist Goldgrip
A fine dwarf goldsmith, decked out in rings, armlets, torcs and more.
>Durni Runebrow
He ain't too bright, but he's got a forehead like an anvil.
>to get the name Urist you need s-t and q-r
shit list
>Dwali Runeaxe
Runewarrior. Neat.
Urist DoomMason.
His job consists of pushing minecarts and hauling items in wheelbarrows. He's a trained mason, adept in crafting stone blocks and furniture, and in assembling masonry structures.
He prides himself on being able to work obsidian into blocks, even still warm from the farm.
>Durvi Stonestrike
>First I clear out the mine, then I destroy your kind.
How is "Wilfur Goodhand" a dwarf name?
It sounds more like the village fuccboi great with handy jays.
>Bornar Deepgrip
I don't like it.
>Bomgan Hillshield
>Bolin Goldfoundersson
aspiring dwarf merchant, sending caravans all over the globe.
>Dwallin Runebrew
Barkeeper/Alchemist who gets his jobs mixed up.
I don't know, first table gives me
>Wilgar Axehand
But when you use the shortened form of my name it comes to Willi. Which I can totally see being a nickname for Wilgar.
Meanwhile your table gives me Murvi shortened to Murdar.
Shuttup non-Trevor.
>Urfan Underbattle
Fuck this. I am out.
>Hagin Goldfoundersson
So, like, a member of a clan of dwarves that specialize in making cast gold?
That's… respectable, I guess. A bit of niche market, I'd wager.
Unless there's a fucking monstrous amount of gold yet to be mined, and we're the only ones working gold at all.
>embrace the nickname
>become the shrewdest merchant in the land
>their faces when I bring gold and riches to the clan
>Durli Runebrew
Magic ale. That's fuckin' legit.
My brother!
Durgar Runebattle
I am literally Hagkarl Undershield...Boy, this list sure did me justice
That straight line life
Are you complaining because that's uncommon or? Cuz Tyler is a pretty common name.
>Ragin Beardstone
Holy shit that's a fucking winner
Not everyone can be as based as
Do I count й as y or i?
Coz i'm either
Durgan/Durnar Axe(founders)son
>Urin Goldbrow
Just put me out of my misery
>can't form Ironfist
>most overused dwarf name of all times
> Urkarl Goodhelm.
> Dwarven Paladin
> Get name after my helmet takes a giant's club to it with nary a dent.
Fine craftsmanship, dwarven work.
> Gimdil Bloodbrow
I wouldn't fuck with me with a name like that.
Bolist Runebeard
How would you even put runes on your beard?
Pink ribbons with the runes scribed on them?
Surely 'Smith' is a perfectly legit dwarf name?
This, only true answer
>Urin Runebeard
How about no?
Ragist Hillbrew
Thorgrim Doomstrike
I have a chill hill dwarf and a crazed mountain dwarf.
>Reinhelm Bloodhelm
Well if that isn't a edgy fallen paladin I don't know what is
Bomin Hammerbattle
I would say Y, but I'm not confident of that. Cyrillic letters make things complicated. I wouldn't know how to count that spanish N either.
bolist goldfounderson
Urvi Anvilgrip.
I'm a dwarf blacksmith known to hit people with my anvil from time to time.
Surely Bjorn Stronginthearm is my uncle?
>Urin Goldbrew
Well laddies! Wanna taste me "special" ale?
>Reinnar Goldbattle
>Grungi Runegrip
I think I prefer the first one. Rolls better off the tongue.
Durist beardsmith, smithing the durist beards this side of home forge.
>Bolin Goldhelm
>Warrior Noble
>Who also partakes in sports involving the flinging of rocks at others
>Ragnar Goldbattle
Ready your weapons! Soon the trading floor will be open!
Our names will echo in the Dow Jones for years to come!
Durin Ironmountain
Urdar Stoneheart
>Urli Deepbellow
He the guy who warns the crew about cave-ins
Thorgi Goldhammer? This table sucks.
>Gimcarl Hammerfounderson
your chart is shit
>Dwaist Goldson
Blond dwarves
>Maggrim Runebeard
I like this one
>Ragist Hillholme
Holy shit, that's god awful. This chart is really fuckin' bad.
>Thorgrim Doomforge
Now THAT'S more like it.
You're out of your mind, dude. Second one is wayyy better.
Reinkarl Hillsmith.
>Ragfan Axeshield
>nobody questioned why he killed himself
Grundil Doomhammer.
>Balgan Bloodsmith
Not sure if that makes me a warrior or a eugenicist, but I'll be the best damn one either way
>Hankarl Runehelm
Could be worse.
>Bornar Thunderhammer
Bretty gud
>Thorni Steelaxe
>semi-naked barbarian
>lives on the surface to shit all over the surface-dwellers world.
>"fook yer shite forest, ye knifeear hoor"
>tfw urin goldbrew
Reinkarl Beardsmith
Dwarvern barber, perhaps?
Grundil Stonehammer
Probably just your average miner, maybe a mason if he's particularly interesting. Ho hum.
>Gimgar Goldsmith
The only real answer is Urist McMiner though
>Durin Goodhand
Eh, okay, awkward thing is I have a condition which makes me shit at using my hands, that or someone keeps injecting my hands with crack.
you think THAT is a barbarian name? I got Urli Bloodhammer!
> Bolin
Ragin Axebattle
Thorli Steelgrip
I like the first one more.
>Hagfan Axeshield
I don't dislike it
>Ragnar Ironaxe
No complaints here
Willi Hillforge
Murdar Doomfist
So im either a dick smith or dick puncher? Not sure how to feel about that.
> Durin Runesmith
Step aside snowflakes, dwarfen cliche incarnate coming through!
>Ragin Goldfoundersson
That's terrible.
>Thorli Runebrew
That's better. Strong ales so stout you'd swear it was magic.
> Urli Goldgrip
Fuck yeah, that's a kickass name for a dwarfen thief.
>He will never live up to his father's legacy of founding the hammer
>Reinhelm Goldsmith
>Reinkarl Fireholme
>[warcry in German]
>Durist Goodhand
Sounds kinda retarded, honestly.