What is the dwarf equivalent of John Smith?

What is the dwarf equivalent of John Smith?

Well according to your table it would be Bolin Hillstone.

>Haggar Hillbattle
>Tfw bullies turn my name to haggler after a while
>Tfw it's like anudda holocaust

>Reingar Runeholm
>Produces dwarven pornography
>Famous for his extreme close-up scenes where you can see the metal cooling evenly.

Urist McMiner


>Bomin Goldhand
>Rich merchant dwarf with Gold prosthetic
>Distrusted after my flourishing trade with human lowlands results in me picking up their mannerisms/dress
>No-one trusts a dwarf who wears cloth instead of plate
>Sell inferior human goods
>Become the fantasy equivalent of "Honest John's Quality Preloved Car Dealership"

>Urkon Runebattle
Truly a glorious and powerful dwarf of which legends there are told of.

>Thorhardt Underbeard

I wield several hammers which I hide under my long beard

>Ragin Hammerbrew

Truly, the most dorfy name.