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B-but there's already a new thread up
Fake thread.
Real thread here
You mean the one with the fake pastebin? This thread is far better then that atrocity.
seriously, this is real pastebin so its real thread
I don't really understand why that guy thinks its funny to replace the pastebin with someone's build.
Probably because it's Angel's build and they want to suck up to her.
>LASER CYOA gets day in limelight
>Pastebin was replaced by angel's build
Side question, are you replying to yourself?
>Fake thread.
>fake pastebin
>Women's Intergalactic Super Max Prison
Okay, that's actually kind of fucking hilarious.
no nigga
but you can post laser cyoa if you want, its a good cyoa
Italics here. Since I'm making this a full cyoa and based off of Earthbound. You guys wouldn't care or get upset if I can't get full alien companion in it, as I cannot find enough anime-good alien artwork?
I'd be upset because boring humans suck.
Here is the box.
If there's no alien girl then there better be some alien pets.
I don't mind man
I love non-human companions. So yeah I would be sad.
The poll's staying up until Sunday night, so vote while you can if you haven't yet!
Current Results:
Lucianna of House Leo
Vignette of House Virgo
Suri of House Sagittarius
>Current Last Place
Abirathi of House Aquarius and Right Hand of the King, Sebastian the Homunculus
>Actually saying what SCP-447 does when it contacts dead bodies
Get this trash outta here.
What's the point of the poll? Will it affect a future cyoa?
Well. Heres my one repost of the OC I did earlier in the week before it sinks into obscurity. Good day.
Curiosity and to see which of the Waifus were best received so I can take that into account when writing new ones.
Also, it may affect some minor details if I ever do another CYOA centered around Zodiac...
Sebastian best waifu
I like the idea but there are basically no interesting powers or anything. There's not much point in a cyoa of something you could just realistically go out and do already. It's pretty well put together though, but there's not much incentive to play.
Thread died just as i hit post.
* Lactation: Would be great if this were like breast expansion where it's induced to various levels controlled by the various control options. Including high output. (forced lactation)
* Liked it better when hyper immune system was not shoveled under being forced to be an android. Would rather see 2 options with perhaps android being cheaper then a non android version.
* Minor cosmetic changing/shapesifting as a body mod option? change eye/skin color etc.. You already have magic hair on the list.
* Would like to see the option to keep the food replicator and clothing replicator when you cash out at the end, but they're not under "entertainment".
* Vagina storage as a punishment, can't carry stuff except in your vagina...better not go out and buy a tv.
* Shouldn't the sexbot be under entertainment?
* Can you clarify services and extra services under job. How are they different then level 3 of having sex on/as part of the job?
* Why are rewards pick 1 if you have the points to pick more then one?
Fuck, I mean LEFT
>Sebastian best waifu
Not according to the poll...
10 internets to whoever made this
/cyoag/ confessions.
I tend not to look at cyoas if they don't have pictures.
Reposting my OC from last thread, just added that you can pick two organ options.
Also thanks to everyone who posted builds, it was great seeing what people did with it.
That's fair. I just made it cause I felt like it and I was thinking about if I ever get rich enough to build/rebuild/design a house or apartment complex or something, how it'd be nice to have some sort of indoors garden.
Also; I have trouble with figuring out how to balance points so coolio ideas n shit are hard to make for me.
>you have a parasite that is actually a symbiote
>it lives inside your body its also a waifu
Wtf am I reading
I am just as guilty of this as you are, user.
You pretty much summed it up.
I understand, but it still hurts.
No no user, it lives inside your body but also it shits out itself so it can also live outside of you and that's the waifu part
Some user accidentally used the link to Angel's build for Super Prison a few threads ago and some other user has found it incredibly hilarious despite the fact it was mediocre at best and has now been ruined from his forced attempts to make the same joke.
It actually chestbursts according to the author.
Form- YA
Relationship- Romantic
Root- Spleen & Spine
Tier 1- Muscle, Speed, Intelligence
Tier 2- Natural Weapon, Chameleon
Tier 3- True Understanding
Future- Science
I only come to these threads once every couple of weeks to see if they've gotten better. Judging by the last one, they have not.
Chest burster waifu, user!
Note taken. Next question. If you read it. Who was your favorite Pokemon Personified companion?
But isn't the chestburster also technically your child?
>Grimy note with phone number
>Demon maid
>Five year apprenticeship
It doesn't really have your genes so no?
Only if you picked that option user.
Ciel. Rayquaza is best girl.
The one in this doesn't, but the chestbursters from Aliens do. The entire reason the Aliens look the way they do is because they have human DNA integrated. If you look at concept art of what they're like under the exoskeleton, it's basically a stretched and mutated human skeleton. This is why Xenomorphs from dogs and other animals look different from the standard.
Rabi, Plaxis, Justina, and Link+Cassiel.
A while ago there was a CYOA based on Worm that was popular for some reason, is there anywhere I can still grab that?
also why shouldn't I give it to some people I know who like Worm? (I haven't read it)
Man is hard enough to choose multiple companions I don't really have a favorite
But if I could make a request a Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium inspired companion would be cool
I bet Symbiote user would love this.
oh worm?
Why it would have to be Decadence of course. Constantine is good, too.
The only reason you should ever pick Decadence is if you want to give her the VIP spot for when you NTR Color away from her.
There is already one in the update.
You're not suppose to put your dick into crazy or tsundere.
Heh. Their friendship is pretty strong.
Tsunderes are made for romancing.
i dont have a desk
How many more companions would you say your adding for the update anyway?
I report Tok's posts all the time because I hope he gets banned so the threads can be marginally less shitty.
I steal ideas from many cyoas for characters and events to use when I dm pathfinder.
Give me more of best girl please
Sorry user, but I only need Decadence, not Color. She is the best, after all.
It can sit on the floor. Or you can take a small one and make it a necklace or a 250 mL graduated cylinder or something.
That font tears at my retina.
>How many more companions would you say your adding for the update.
Overall: 202 New Companions
Ami Continent Overall: 83
-Black Sea Company: 13
-Free Islanders: 45
-Origina Apex: 25
Constellia Continent Overall: 119
-Adventurers: 88
-Imperial Thrones: 21
-Ragnarok: 6
-Underground: 4
Mewtwo (Amew's daughter) is a recruitable companion.
How do you 'water' a small necklace one?
how many of them are used goods
Holy shit Italics, now I know why it has took so long.
Droppers? Or you could just make it a closed system and rarely if ever introduce water. There are certainly "closed" terrariums where basically you set it up nicely and shut the lid and dont open it unless theres a problem.
I don't know which one to pick. Good job.
There were several good ones IIRC
There is also the extensive updates to profiles/moves of existing companions.
When I started working on Plus+, I actually restarted from the very beginning and retyped the: move list, abilities, items, profiles, and everything else. When I do any massive update to a cyoa, I restart typing from the very beginning of it.
Not that many, maybe like 10 of them.
I wish I had your dedication when making my cyoas.
The Goodra Officer Lady.
I don't understand how the picture for durability has its defense broken while the description says the opposite
Ansin and Akchik allies, Quyk adversary.
I wish I had SDA's skill in making cyoas look decorative and speed in finishing cyoas than taking a month or so to spit something out.
In the new update? Great!!!
>Suri the rape bait is in top 3
I expected better from this board. Rape fantasy is just a prelude to full NTR
Male Kobold Engineer 3
Physical: Speed, Speed, and Stamina 9
Social: Charm 3
Mental: Knowledgable, Quick Learner 8
Misc: Lucky, 4
Companions: Bombastic Brawler 4
My post is rolling for the world I get. 1-4, or 5-8 are self explanatory 9 or zero just means skip to the next-to last digit for fusion parts.
I'm a crafty kobold who makes all sorts of dangerous stuff. Most of the time, I just wanna chill, but you know how adventures go.
Not long after I get plopped down, I get found by my brawler, who think's I'm adorable, and adopts me. The nature of this adoption varies depending on setting.
>Who was your favorite Pokemon Personified companion?
D is a close second.