I want to get into Magic and hear standard is a safe choice of format

I want to get into Magic and hear standard is a safe choice of format.
Planning to build off the Ajani theme deck to get started and and wondering if I should stack tokens or further utilize revolt.

Also Standard mtg thread I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:


I wouldn't really call Standard a "safe" choice, given that it rotates often rendering even most of the good cards unplayable because they often aren't good enough for Modern, Legacy, or Vintage.

Safe to get into I mean. Don't have to spend too much to have something effective for local play.

Standard thread?

How do I deal with the graveyard hate?
Im playing Esper Mummies and Fragmentize is the oly solution I could come up with (since Crop of condemnation and the new enchantments will annoy me a lot), any other solutions?

and for standard I mean from Kaladesh to Ixalan

So what Ixalan cards can we expect to see in Ramunap Red? I have a bunch of Amonkeht and HoD cards from prereleases and i'm starting to think about building myself this deck.

You will need a good 1 drop since 2 of them a re rotating out when it comes XLN comes out, and be sure to add Lightning Strike.

If you really don't have anything use the new willy goblin

What about happy dino?

Whoever told you that hates you.

I highly recommend going to Draft events. You get loads of cards and you at least have more of a chance to compete against other players. If you go to a standard event, even FNM, you'll get face-raped by net-decking tryhards with 60 mythics.

>competing in a competitive event for a competitive game is being a tryhard

>telling a newbie to go into draft

Yeah, he'll get raped 0-5 because he doesn't know hot to build a deck.

play pauper instead, cheap and card never rotate

We've all been there. What better way to learn the game than to play people who learned the game?

Should I start with modern then? I don't want to spend 20 dollars a week for draft to get into a game.

>should i start with a format where i need to spend 300$ for a landbase only?

>I want to get into Magic
Stop right there.

Hang onto your money. Do something cheaper. Go to school. Get a degree. Have a life.

Stay away from MtG.

I obviously don't know these things.

To be fair you can play a couple mono colored decks in modern and expect to perform decently but you would be pretty limited on what you can play and thus you would get bored fairly quickly.
Anyway try browsing mtggoldfish.com for meta decks and see if you like how the meta for each format goes, then you can try searching for budget brews and get a hang on how to build a deck in the format of your likings.

calm down des.

Depends what you want really, standard is all about numagic design philosophy which gets boring quick and decks lose value quickly due to rotation.

You should first try some free software like xmage, try various formats and decks and decide where you want to stick.

Thanks for this, I was worried there wouldn't be something like this because of magic online.

If opponent plays Kefnet's Last Word targeting your Void Winnower, can you play Consign // Oblivion targeting Void Winnower to put it back into your hand?

Kefnet's Last Word is even cmc, they couldn't play it anyway because of Void Winnower's ability.

Pic related?

You're pretty fucked, buddy

Ah right, but there is another "take control of target permanent", the energy one I think. I got my Void Winnower stolen once, just forget what did it. Say even if he Scarab Gods it out of my graveyard. Consign // Oblivion has cmc = 7 so I can bounce it back to hand? Or will it not let me since the Consign has 2 cmc?

Yes you can bounce it

Also keep in mind Voidwinnower only prevents your opponents form casting even costed spells, you're not affected

Ah thanks, yeah this is the deck i'm playing, so pretty relevant desu. Opponent has tried to steal my Void Winnower more than once. Considering running another mainboard Consign // Oblivion. Such a great card, Consign, have been able to make some really cool plays with it in multiple different contexts. Triggers revolt, saves stuff from being targeted. Had someone steal a Noxious Gearhulk from my graveyard, targeting my Noxious Gearhulk I had on the field - consigned it back to hand, then blew up the gearhulk he stole on next turn with the one I consigned. Consign a Lili back so I can -3 her on two consecutive turns. Good card.

Forgot pic related.

too bad for haste, but at least he can get a small +1/0 with Azoret

probably will work better than willy goblin, you are right

I don't really know, he is a 1/1 on turn 2 without haste, yet will become a 3/3 with trample if it takes damage, since now most of the removal kills with damage you will get your green trampler right away unless your opponent decides to waste a fatal push/ unsummon/ counterspell / dark trial on it. And that is still good for you

let's see, with J being and R beingT1 T2 T3

J 2 dmg 2 dmg

XX R 1 dmg if still alive

XX R 3 dmg if damaged

idk I don't really play aggro

Oh cool there's a visual view.

;_; uff

Not even Disallow is worth it

How many times did you discard Drownyard temple using Champion of wits? Do you always get it back?Is it worth it?

It's pretty common post-sideboard since i'm more likely to leave 3 mana up for Disallow, if I brought them in. Bringing back drownyard can pay off once in a while though. Only tend to bring it back around turn 7-8, which can be critical for getting the Scarab God to start eternalizing twice per turn. Or if I have an ulamog in hand. But in the earlier game, it should be treated just like a normal land, and shouldn't be automatically discarded, unless i'm guaranteed to hit 5 land on turn 5.

So i'd say about 25% of the time there's a Drownyard in the graveyard, I bring it back. It's also good for hitting Delirium.

What do you think of this, anons?

I hope Ixalan brings some nice cheap keyword creatures for my Majestic Myriarch deck. Losing Beastcaller Savant will hurt.

// 60 Maindeck
// 22 Creature
4 Bontu the Glorified
4 Aethergeode Miner
4 Angel of Invention
4 Sacred Cat
4 Dread Wanderer
2 Noxious Gearhulk

// 8 Enchantment
4 Hidden Stockpile
4 Anointed Procession

// 4 Instant
4 Fatal Push

// 22 Land
4 Concealed Courtyard
9 Plains
9 Swamp

// 4 Sorcery
4 Fumigate

So, this is the deck I got right now. I removed everything from that will rotate and still haven't put in the IXL stuff. What you guys think? wha should I remove and add?

Also, I know I lack removal. I'll add in the Vraska's Contempt

the name of the game is fun you net decking troglodyte

>i will call every one who wins against me a netdecker
kys you yourself you baiting faggot

Is red a good place to learn the game? Aggro decks seem a lot simpler than the revolt deck I'm trying to toy with.

Good place to start but you still need experience to use them to the fullest

Speaking of which, how can I improve this dirt cheap deck for casual play? I don't know a lot about efficiency.

>tfw RED is my favourite color but I find myself playing more slow/control decks UWX

more than finding your right color I would say try finding your right deck, one that you can use and have fun with. Ask if you can try different decks to the people in your LGS.

I would help you, but I don't think you live in Italy lmao

not him but i live in Italy

the link doesn't work for me

Glorybringer will stay dead in your hand a most of the time if you don't have chandra and lighting strike is okay.

are you just starting? Im the Esper mummies guy

Here's a screencap then.
I don't know about card count and whats more important in most cases.

Play commander. Any precon is a good deck to start playing, cuz they're all strong (just avoid the dragon one). From there you can explore other formats if you want.

>are you just starting?
I'm thinking about it, i have a bunch of stuff for Ramunap Red so i'm already halfway done

Speaking of Standard,

How the fuck do I beat a deck that has ten thousand counterspells, no creatures other than Torrential Gearhulk, and exclusively plays all his actions on MY end step?

If you are controlfag yourself stall him out until you have enought mana to play your spells, I guess.
If you are aggro (Ramunap Red), your lands should do your job

Can Mono U Flying/Pirate make it into standard?

beat him up irl

what kind of deck are you running?

What I did when I started was play a lot of draft until I found something I really liked and built a standard deck around it.

And once I got tired of the moving format (because maybe the card I really liked left standard or the style of play I enjoy wasn't possible anymore), I switched to being a drafter/EDH player.

Supposedly one of my local shops has really chill players and I might just be able to get into standard fairly easily then choose a format. Draft sounds like fun, but the money for two weeks of that could just buy me an okay mono red aggro deck. Though I guess the bonus of experimentation could be a great benefit.

standard player here, overall pretty new

draft seems like the toughest format. you need good knowledge of the entire set, and can't just build around colours you know. I play blue black for instance, and i'm pretty decent with it. However in draft, I may have to switch to colours i'm less familiar with. And that's tough.

Well I went to a free saturday event at a new store, won a battle pack or whatever they're called. Got a Samut the Tested and a foil planes in it. Also won a a Fatal Push promo from a free to enter FNM at same store last night. Decided to give back and buy some packs, got 6 Kaladesh.

From the 6, I pulled:

Chandra Torch of Defiance, Angel of Invention, Blooming Marsh, Concealed Courtyard, Bristling Hydra, Foil Fumigate, and a Gonti.

Chandra was in the first pack. Made me involuntarily say "holy SHIT" (forgot why I bought Kaladesh - forgot Chandra was in it - was thinking more about T Gearhulks)

Don't listen to all these people crying about the rotation in Standard. Sets now last two years, that's more than enough time to test and play and get tired of all the current cards you have. The Kaladesh and Amonkhet blocks both won't rotate out for another year, and the upcoming Ixalan block releasing at the end of the month won't rotate out until 2019. All formats end up being pricey, but at least in Standard you won't be stuck with the same stale old cards clogging up every tournament. This time next month, you won't even have to deal with all the Eldrazi bullshit that Modern players will now have to contend with.

ulamog was the card that saved standard

I've decided to get back into standard after seeing all these cool dinos. The idea is to use unbalanced cards like savage stomp, regisaur alpha, and otepec huntmaster to generate massive advantage and have swingy turns.
24 lands
4 commune with dinosaurs
4 raptor hatchling
4 Otepec Huntmaster
4 Drover of the Mighty
4 Rampaging Ferocidon
4 Ripjaw Raptor
4 Savage Stomp
4 Regisaur Alpha
2 Infuriated Gladiodon
2 Carnage Tyrant
What do you guys think? Recommendations or criticisms? Does this get shit on by some standard horseshit I'm unfamiliar with? inb4 put it on tapped out, they don't have these cards yet.

hahahaha fuck off

>Average cmc: 4
Not even EDH decks have this amount of Timmy in it

I know you probably get this question all the time but I been thinking about getting into magic. Brother used to play a ton years ago so I sorta know how it works, but don't really know where to start. Any advice?

My only actual cardgame experience is Hearthstone and the Pokemon TCG about 10yrs ago if that helps.

Get a preconstructed deck for you and a friend and start playing, see if you like it. Then you can start getting a look into what format is better for you:
Standard is relatively cheap, you get to play with the last 4 blocks worth of cards but the oldest block of cards rotates out once a year when the 5th block would get released. Now is a good time to jump into standard because rotation is happening right now and wizard changed how rotation works delaying it only every 2 years.
Modern is an eternal format meaning no cards will ever rotate out, it has the last 10 years or so worth of cards and for this reason it can be pretty expensive but there are still a couple budget decks that can hold their ground fairly well. If you're limited by budget it's not the best choice however since you would be pretty limited in what decks you can build and compete with.
Legacy and Vintage are for really rich kids i would stay away from them even though they look really fun to play with tons of strategies and the entire history of magic at your disposal.
Commander is basically singleton Legacy, instead of being a 60 card format it's a 100 card format where you're allowed to have only 1 of each card except for basic lands, you must choose a legendary creature to be your commander and the cards in your deck must be in that creature's colors. It's a fun casual format for the most part but you still have every card in Magic's history to play with.
Lastly Pauper is a common cards only format that's only recently getting popular, it's dirty cheap and contrary to popular belief common cards can be pretty powerful.

Alright give it to me straight
Good or bad

That's just a pile of cards

Get into pauper OP. It has a variety of cheap competitive decks and a nice healthy meta the only downside is you need to find other people who play

On the real though, if you wanna play casually but have a good deck to use. Use some pauper lists







There's a couple different ones, all about 50 bucks. And you can always ask your local store and see if they play pauper or would be interested in starting a pauper night. If they aren't then you can play with casuals and destroy them.

Thanks dude, will do.

WHat is that even trying to be? If you're going for casual 60-card highlander, I guess it's whatever, depending on whether it can face up well enough against whatever you're playing. Remember, though, that most people here are at least trying to be competitive to an extent, so chances are that we're not really gonna be able to say anything useful about your stack of cards. Also, this is a standard thread, and your deck isn't standard legal.

That's not what eternal means.

>I want to get into Magic and hear standard is a safe choice of format.

Your first mistake is wanting to get into magic in the first place. You really shouldn't. There are plenty of card games that are cheaper, better-designed and have a less cancerous player base than Magic. The best way to get into Magic is to not. If you're going to get into Magic anyway, for the love of god don't play Standard. Tournament play and FNMs mean playing with randos and you should never play with randos. Limited and kitchen table Magic with friends are the best ways to play. Grab five of your friends, buy some packs and do a round-robin draft. Grab seven of your friends, and you can have an actual draft pod. You only need one other person for sealed. An afternoon of drafting or sealed is about the most fun you can have in an afternoon playing Magic. There is literally no reason to ever play Magic with people who aren't already your friends.

Not him but there's an open house event happening soon, should I go to it or not bother?

You say that, but if you keep going every now and then to the same LGS, you will start meeting the same people and sooner or later you will have enough confidence to talk to them openly.
You will slowly start to make friends, maybe not besties or the kinda guy ready to take a shoot for you, but that depends on both of you.

Not that Im against kitchen table, I play with my close friends the most

Do you have anyone else you can play MtG with? Or are you gonna try your LGS?


Unknown (14)
2x Chart a Course
2x Fell Flagship
3x Lookout's Decision
2x Sleek Schooner
2x Storm Fleet Spy
3x Wanted Scoundrels
Creature (14)
3x Admiral Beckett Brass
2x Captain Lannery Storm
4x Dire Fleet Captain
2x Fathom Fleet Captain
3x Siren Stormtamer
Instant (4)
4x Opt
Land (24)
4x Dragonskull Summit
4x Drowned Catacomb
6x Island
3x Mountain
7x Swamp
Sorcery (4)
4x Walk the Plank

What you guys think so far

Want to start going to an fnm and these are the reviews for the place closest to my house. Probably going to go in today to check it out but wew lad it's not looking good

I'm really sorry if I fucked up, but I'm curious to know... when I quit Magic a very long time ago I decided to keep a deck of "cool" cards, disregarding value or competitivity. I wanted a deck that I could play casually with other people without fussing too much about it.

I played so long ago that I barely remember the formats, but I wanted to know if this deck is playable with the latest "block" which I remember was Standard (not Extended?)

It's really a shit deck made purely by what I like so don't mind that
4x Counterspell
4x Mana Leak
4x Opt
4x Spell Snare
4x Voice of All
4x Blade of the Sixth Pride
4x Exalted Angel
1x Erase
2x Troll Ascetic
4x Mystic Snake
5x Forest
6x Island
6x Plains
3x Flooded Stand
2x Windswept Heath
1x Hallowed Fountain
1x Temple Garden
1x Breeding Pool

4x Paladin En-Vec
4x Circle of Protection: Red
3x Annul
2x Erase
2x Troll Ascetic

Just sheer curiosity!

The smell in some cardshops is pretty fucking bad.
I stopped going to the most popular one in my area because it was unbearable. If you find yourself in this situation, look for another, smaller shop

The best way to get into Magic is to find a friend. Magic is at least a two player game despite how much Storm players wished otherwise, and if you don't have a Friend of comparable power level then you'll find yourself spending so much dosh just to play against strangers with competitive, tuned decks.

Play Pauper. Play Commander. Play Cube if your Friend has one. Draft if you have enough friends. Just for the love of God find a playgroup, and find one that isn't autistically competitive.

Yeah my city has at least two stores that offer friday night magic and shit like that. Also my brother plays. And if I get one of those duel deck things I'm sure I can get one of my friends to play with me if I need to.

Just wanted to add that I am a little intimidated just going somewhere that I don't know anyone, where I'll invariably be a noob. But I'm willing to try if that's what it takes to have fun with this hobby.

copy that list to a site like tappedout, it will tell you which cards are out of the format

Thanks! And holy crap that's a lot of formats, I had no idea.

Sure, go for it, at least it will give you an idea of what format(s) is (are) most played in your zone and you get to see what everyone is playing, discuss what is a good starter deck for a noobie and play some games to learn the rules.

Alright I'll do that.

Fucking this.
My had the luck my LGS had the following

- A good non-stinking enviroment
- clean fucking toilets
- owner who had the balls to not allow the entrance to someone who have poor hygiene/stinks as hell.

That was great till the owner sold the entire business to some redneck 5 years ago. The new owner didnt care much about cleanning the store and he didnt care about allowing people who stinks like fish as long as they play their tourneys/buy products.

My sisters and I stopped going to that LGS and started to play at home.

Are your sisters cute?

I can find a million articles on drafting a particular set, but is there a particular site/writer that is considered the best way to prepare for drafting a set? the primary authority? I don't have time to read a million articles

Nah, usually i just look a couple videos i found randomly a day or two prior to prereleases, otherwise just run a draft simulator a dozen or so times and get a hang of what the set is about

>Planning to build off the Ajani theme deck

>buying a theme deck

Just get some friends and play kitchen table magic. If you want to play FNM at your LGS, you need to spend $250 for Standard, $800 for Modern, and $1500 for legacy to get an even remotely competitive deck. The theme deck you bought is not competitive in the slightest compared to what is played at FNM.

You might have something "effective" if everybody at the store you plays at is also homebrewing stuff that is on the line of kitchen table Magic, but if your store has people with competitive decks you're not even gonna come close.

Stuff like this? youtube.com/watch?v=_Ml91nEa71Y

That's two hours long. Does the guy give insightful commentary along the way?

>hear standard is a safe choice of format
You either go to Drafts or Releases to even out the field, or you get into something like Pauper or Commander.

>Planning to build off the Ajani theme deck to get started
There are lists or more beginner friendly events as an option
There are lists

Try searching for HoD draft archetypes or sealed archetypes, stuff like this youtube.com/watch?v=Z6uslj3egA0