fuck the cancerous op. Let's talk about Iconic Masters. what reprints are dope as shit?
fuck the cancerous op. Let's talk about Iconic Masters. what reprints are dope as shit?
was thinking of buying into UR Delver
woah pal you're not a namefag
i'm very pleased about the Flusterstorm reprint
I hope that Flusterstorm comes down to a reasonable price.
Possible Sulfuric Vortex substitute? Discuss.
Hey I do too, even though I don't play it
>Complains about good/useful namefags
>OP pic is a card banned in Legacy
You are the cancer, not the namefags.
That dies to Bolt?
No, it's not that good. Maybe a SB option
I never understood why they put Storm on a Commander card, especially like 5 years after its last printing
Could see play in some delver lists.
Do you want nothing but namefagging? because this is how you get nothing but namefagging.
>what reprints are dope as shit?
I'm looking forward to the Flusterstorm reprint, I'll finally be able to play more that 2 without taking out a second mortgage.
looks like I've got an imposter! Joking aside, what varient are you on? Godo+skulls, Chandra's + Combustables, or something else?
Chandra-Combustible my nigga
I haven't had this much fun in Magic in a long while. I'm borrowing a friend's deck, he runs Esper Stoneblade as a main but rocks Big Red as a fun side deck/a loaner and it's turbo-rad.
I want to build one myself, is Godo/Skulls just Godo's ETB for Batterskull? Does the Bandit King get any combat in?
Iconic didnt mean shit here. No dt bolt counterspell port dark ritual. Im more exited about unstable full art lands than this set.
no Port was bullshit but Ritual, Bolt and Counterspell have all been commons before, we don't know if they have been spotted yet
Does the Bandit King get any combat in?
He can and it's awesome when it happens. If he's hardcast swinging with Godo will allow Skull to swing twice too because it has vigilance.
How does this happen and what do I need to make it occur? Skulls don't have haste when you Sneak Attack a Godo... I need this in my life, Godo is my most favorite Magic card ever printed and I want to go maximum Heavy Metal Raider with him
Glad your enjoying the deck! it's pretty well positioned right now with all the greedy manabases running around.
You would hardcast Godo to make it work. You could also Sneak/Breach Godo and Equip the Skull and get the same effect
Do you have a Godo-based list, by chance?
Sure thing. The SB for this list is a little dated (4x Leyline for BR Reanimator); I haven't run the Godo list in a while, been trying out Chandras and Hulks for the couple months. I do miss Godo in the grindy matchups, he is just a trip to value town.
4x Lotus Petal
4x Blood Moon
4x Chalice of the Void
4x Seething Song
4x Through the Breach
4x Sneak Attack
4x Simian Spirit Guide
3x Griselbrand
2x Inferno Titan
2x Emrakul
2x Worldspine
2x Godo
2x Batterskull
10x Mountain
4x Ancient Tomb
4x City of Traitors
1x Crystal Vein
1x Magus of the Moon
1x Shattering Spree
2x Fiery Confluence
2x Kozilek's Return
2x Sudden Shock
3x 3ball
4x Leyline of the Void
Forgot to add, If your running Godo you could also swap 1x Batterskull for 1x Elburus, the Binding Blade if your feeling spicy.
When will they save the format by banning True-Name "connect with Jitte, g2?" Nemesis and Deathrite "This 4c manabase has no right to work ever but it does because of DRS haha wasteland me go right ahead it just makes my mana better in the long run here's a Leovold backed up by the stupidest pile of BUGR goodstuff you can imagine" Shaman? I miss playing against RUG Delver.
Can Mighty Quinn be updated to 2017 standards or is it just Parfait right now?
It's cool, but it's a Harsh-Mentor-tier card. Like "maybe in SB but never makes the cut"...
It's the clock set by Sulfuric vortex and the (relative) difficulty of getting rid of it that makes it amazing.
This dino looks cool but dies to bolt, swords, decay, jitte...
I can see it being a sideboard card in UR delver or burn. Not sure how many matchups you'd want a threat that stops lifegain
Lands? Doesn't die to one Punishing Fire and prevents Swords on Marit Lage from making the game unwinnable.
Yeah but most decks that would play swords wouldn't play red for the Dino.
Grixis Delver reporting in. I just top8'ed the German Legacy Championship, pretty happy about that considering I only played some games yesterday and the week before after quite some time. To be fair, there were only like 40 players.
The rest of the Top 8 includes (still playing) another Grixis Delver (with Stifle, I play Therapy), Esper Delver, Grixis Death's Shadow (lost to that in the quarters, it's pretty good), BR Reanimator, Infect, Sneak'n'Show and something else. Prizes were laughable, 20 Tix for 4-2 finish (50 for 5-1, 150 for 6-0) and 50 tix per top 8 win. Nevertheless, I'm quite happy.
list senpai plox
Congrats.I think the death shadow deck is underplayed. It seems powerful and can be made relatively cheap.
Cheers. Indeed, although I guess it's a lot weaker versus several Combo decks and maybe also stuff like Maverick (actually played against that as well and saw another). StP is bad news as well.
It's a rather normal list. I will post it later when I get back home and don't have to type it out on my phone. The flex slots are Kola-Chan's Command, Fire // Ice and Spell Pierce. 18 Lands, 3 YP, 2 Angler, 1 TNN. 3 Probes, 2 Therapies.
Yeah only needing like 5 drills woud make it worse vs combo. Still it seems like a great cheap entry to the format for people who want a delver style deck and really can't afford duals.
Definitely. The guy basically played Grixis Delver with Shadows instead of Angler/TNN and of course shocks instead of duals. With even one dual of each kind, you can play the other deck easily.
Anyway, this is my deck:
// 60 Maindeck
// 14 Creature
3 Young Pyromancer
4 Delver of Secrets
4 Deathrite Shaman
2 Gurmag Angler
1 True-Name Nemesis
// 19 Instant
4 Daze
4 Brainstorm
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Force of Will
1 Spell Pierce
1 Fire // Ice
1 Kolaghan's Command
// 18 Land
3 Volcanic Island
2 Underground Sea
4 Polluted Delta
3 Flooded Strand
4 Wasteland
1 Tropical Island
1 Misty Rainforest
// 9 Sorcery
2 Cabal Therapy
4 Ponder
3 Gitaxian Probe
// 15 Sideboard
SB: 1 Umezawa's Jitte
SB: 1 Pithing Needle
SB: 1 Grim Lavamancer
SB: 1 Vendilion Clique
SB: 1 Pyroblast
SB: 1 Abrupt Decay
SB: 1 Ancient Grudge
SB: 1 Echoing Truth
SB: 2 Surgical Extraction
SB: 1 Electrickery
SB: 1 Spell Pierce
SB: 1 Diabolic Edict
SB: 1 Invasive Surgery
SB: 1 Cabal Therapy
I didn't want to buy Flusterstorm so I only have another Spell Pierce in the board. As I've played a lot against Trinisphere and Vial decks, it definitely comes in handy. I will however get one with the reprint happening as it is definitely better in most cases. Aside from that, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I did not regret the Kolaghan's Command in the main as there are several equipment decks running around at the moment. Fire // Ice is just a personal favourite, though it definitely has it's moments generating value or basically timewalking.
You're in the club and this guy slaps your Gf's ass. How do you respond?
>get cucked
heh... nothing personnel.... kid...
>implying I didn't draw into Sire t1 and reanimate him too
>implying you topdecked it
>slaps your gf's ass turn 1
The idea was that, since storm scales with the number of spells, you could use it to destroy huge stacks of spells during the longer turns. It's not how it actually works of course.
>sorcery speed
It sucks
when do I pop wasteland vs Lands when they're activating thespian stage with depths out
When the Thespian Stage trying to copy Depths is on the stack, kill the target, ability fizzles.
nope, let the stage copy and have him sac the original depths, then with the lage trigger on the stack wasteland the new depths. He can't sac it so he doesn't get the marit lage and he loses both lands
The fact that they're finally using the good art for Evolving Wilds is the big one.
Also Future Sight lands I guess.
wizards, what the FUCK?!
why did they print this shit? why???! i hate to be that guy who thinks anything that's new is too strong, but this card is seriously fucking bullshit.
He should have been Abzan desu.
This. Would have loved the shit out of junk hate bears with Leovold being the top end if wizards had only made him GBW.
>a white effect
>and a white or white/blue effect
>on BUG because fuck you
How the fuck is stealing your opponent's draw supposed to be white instead of UB (notion thief)
I think Leovold being the best hatebear after Sanctum Prelate/playable creature in general after 1-mana walker despite not even being fucking white along with DRS making retarded manabases like Czech's possible is the worst thing about Legacy. Even TNN wouldn't be as retarded without the latter.
Where should i buy cards from? there are so many sites out there
This card wouldn't even be legacy playable, if it got unbanned, with the way the current meta is.
It's a strictly better counterspell. Counterspell sees a bit of play. I'm sure mana drain would see play.
What deck is counterspell still being played in? There's no deck leaving UU open on turn 2, 3 or 4 and surviving very long. The only time I've seen counterspell, in the past year, was in Merfolk because of Aether Vial, and even then it's still usually Spell Pierce, Force or Daze. Even if it were in Merfolk, the extra one or two mana it would give you (because that's all you're going to get in legacy) isn't going to change anything, that deck can usually dump all its creatures by turn 2 or 3.
The only deck I could have seen it being a nice addition to would have been the non miracle countertop decks that were running Tarmogoyf, Jace, thoughtseize, etc. Those decks were much slower and often had mana open early while building up to the jace or waiting to draw a tarmogoyf, they were also very prone to getting wastelanded, but now with top gone those decks don't exist.
Well you could do a bit of research before you spew nonsense. 56 legacy decks containing counterspell in the main since August 1st of this year. Archetypes include nu-miracles, stoneblade, a couple Czech piles, a grixis delver list or 2. A standstill list and a bug list.
Mtgtop8 is my research tool, in case you were wondering.
are you dumb dude? The meta has shifted towards these 3/4 color control decks that all run 2-3 counterspell, like czech pile, grixis pyro, twinblade (or other stonblade variants), miracles, etc.
wait why does he sac the original depths
I thought you sac the new depths (the thespian stage)
what are you saccing the original depths to, crop rotation?
The legend rule
oh duh
Is Death and Taxes still okay? I want to play something without RL cards.
I was slowly collecting Cards for my Doomsday deck, now that top is banned, what do I do?
I just opened an Invocation Doomsday too, Play vintage or is there any way to make it somehow viable in Legacy?
I just talked to a Doomsday player at the tournament yesterday who decided to stop playing it. It's just not viable like that. Maybe another card will come, but until then, I'd try ANT or TES.
Got a casual deck I'd like some thoughts on, please. Some of the cards are legacy, but this is a casual deck. It is a "black dog" creature theme deck I call Churchill. The idea is to trigger the hounds' abilities to cause direct damage or trigger Delirium. My main concern is the curve.
1: 4x Sinister Concoction
2: 4x Hymn to Tourach, 4x Grave Strength
3: 4x Thraben Fouldbloods, 4x Victimize
4: 4x Mortis Dogs, 4x Flesh Allergy
5: 4x Hound of the Farbogs
6+: 4x Hollowborn Barghest
I recently top8d a 60 person 1k with doomsday. The deck is inferior to other storm variants right now but it's not unplayable. Do what you dream my man.
Was supposed to respond to
props for not giving up on Doomsday after the ban
What to force vs delver? When is a good moment to wrath? What to sideboard in vs delver?
I have no clue what deck you're playing so I really can't help you
I nearly did. Went off the deep end with some bizarro Doomsday lists with Veteran Explorer. Did real bad at a GPT with that one. 4-1'd a couple leagues with TES but it wasn't as much fun. Ended up just going back to the old Doomsday list, straight swapping the Tops for Preordain, and cutting all the grindy shit like Decay and the 17th land for more lotus petals. It was good enough I guess.
Unfortunately Mighty Quinn needs something that will manipulate the top of their library for cheap so they can continue to grind advantage using Scrying Sheets and Eternal Dragon. It was interesting because it was a "Big Mana" deck while Parfait tries to run as low to the ground as possible (to keep Land Tax online), so they play very differently. However I don't think it can survive the Top ban as a mono-white deck. Maybe there is design space to brew a Blue/White Scrying Sheets deck, though.
Watch as she rips off his arm.
I didn't know Ixidor posted on Veeky Forums.
Just force the delver senpai
Don't force anything unless you can't deal with it when it resolves. Game 2 you should sideboard them out for pyroblasts and other cheap counters.
It's still a long way off but anyone here going to Eternal Weekend North America in october?
I like you user.
I pay 7 life and get 7 gfs.
I dont mind DRS that much on principle its just boring seeing him constantly
True Name Nemesis im actually mad about. Commander cards are not balanced for Legacy and should have never been legal in this format, True Names the biggest mistake out of them but theres some like Flusterstorm making other colors even more irrelevant because Blue traditionally had a hard time dealing with Storm so White and Red hate effects were actually relevant and I have a feeling Teferis Protection might do something obnoxious in the format.
Overall I like Legacy but making Commander cards legal was one of the biggest mistakes ever and ruins some of my enjoyment.
Pic and Flusterstorm pretty much cover it. I'm hoping some of the Praetors drop a bit; been eyeing Vorinclex for Commander.
Also, re: names, I know at least one person in the thread IRL, so names are fine.
Yep, this is one of those cards that probably shouldn't have made it to print. I like it, and I'm brewing with one (Nic Fit), but I don't think it was good for the game. I can see how they missed it, though, if they're letting stuff like Deathrite through. I think I'm becoming that guy who hates certain cards but hates bans even more.
I'm so glad you're still keeping the faith. Again, I'm really happy Miracles took a hit, but the collateral damage from their choice of ban was pretty catastrophic for a number of decks.
As a rule, Force isn't great in the matchup if you can use other countermagic or comparable threats instead; pitching cards isn't good when your opponent wants to limit your options anyway, and the strength of Delvers is that they edge out other decks by deploying too much stuff to deal with that isn't usually worth Forcing on its own. Also, if you're playing combo, targeted discard is usually better than getting into a counter-battle.
Underrated post.
Hoping Team Florida weathers the hurricane ok.
If you have isochron + orim's chant do you just use it opponents every upkeep?
And hope they don't have instant speed removal for it
>tfw people pronounce jitte "jitt"
>tfw people are autistic enough to care
>not pronouncing it "shittay"
It should have been UB or esper.
The first ability is Notion Thieve (UB) or maybe even white like a sort of Alms Collector effect (C17, if an opp would draw more than one, both players draw one instead).
The second ability is pic related.
I still dont see how it is green other than being obnoxious as an elf, but it is deffinitely OK in the blue color pie.
Additionally this and Spirit of the Labyrinth
You're not stealing their draw, you're preventing them from drawing. That's pretty white.
Yeah, but white anti-draw effects (like spirit of the labyrinth that everyone uses as an example) are almost always symmetrical. One-sided anti-draw is definitely blue/black.
I think the real issue with the card is that it is green. There's nothing green about this guy except he's an elf. If it was esper it wouldn't be so widely played.
>Aggro getting up to dangerous amounts of aggro and low combo
where are you getting huge amounts of aggro? All I ever play against is deathrite shaman based control decks
I completely agree. Then if the bug decks want to splash for him they would have to go white for leo/stp instead of getting a free red splash for bolt/kcommand/pyroblast, which is a much tougher choice imo. Then again they could just go full esper (splashing green for drs and maybe decay) and run sfm which is another great card with leovold
Shit senpai if Mystical were unbanned I would bust out of my goddamned jeans.
So would I murrr~~
I just call it bangarang.
Mystical was banned about a month before I got back into Magic (and into legacy in particular) after a hiatus of a few years, so I never got to play legacy with it. I can't imagine how the format would change if it came back. It was so different when it went away.
Mostly combo gets un-shittified and a huge power and cnsistency bump, high tide gets much, much better.