>It's a Call of Cthulhu scenario set in Nazi Germany
Is this beyond the pale?
>It's a Call of Cthulhu scenario set in Nazi Germany
Is this beyond the pale?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the regime that hired Julius Evola and Maria Orsic to do magic for them.
The only problem with using Nazi Germany as a CoC setting is that the authorities would be completely okay with dark cults and pacts with nameless horrors from beyond the stars as long as it helped the war effort.
I want to play it.
>would be completely okay with dark cults and pacts
That's where the Conservative Revolutionaries come in.
Just make a party of outcasts then.
>Degenerate actress
>Half-Jewish librarian
>Marxist former professor
>Retarded man
>having to determine whether or not these prisoners are for ritual sacrifice or the camps
>getting to the corpses quickly so you can examine them before they are incinerated
>sending someone in to investigate the strange runes in the gas chambers
>discovering that the Gypsies are being rounded up before they can summon horrors
>frantically explaining to the Allies that there's no time to clear this camp, they need to stop a ritual in town
Hell, I'd play that. Just make sure that all of your players are a) 100% okay with RPing either side of the Holocaust and b) not too excited about being a Nazi.
Please tell me that you didn't make this thread just because of that stupid pun
So, basically the opening scene of Hellboy?
Well that depends. Are the players willing members of the Thule society working for the Nazis, or are the SOE operatives parachuting into occupied Europe to put a stop to Nazi occult meddling? Because the second sounds like it could be an amazing blend of spy thriller and occult horror.
>have to navigate the mire of nazi bureaucracy
>fight other internal organizations more than the allies
>you might have summoned a nighgaunt in your lab which killed just about everyone, but you're sure that Steiner was a Thule Society plant, and Fischer is a brainless SS ape, so it was a net positive for you
Look dude Nazi Germany is a historical setting about as valid as any other, as long as you aren't all unironic Nazis.
They made it, its called Achtung Cthulhu
I don't think anyone can be an unironically Nazi nowadays. There's no national socialist parties to join.
Weimar Republic is more interesting
Set it in during the Nazi expedition to Antarctica and draw heavily on "At the Mountains of Madness."
>you will never be a member of the Freikorps fighting communists in the streets of Berlin as the city steadily collapses into decadence, paranoia, and hatred
You'd be fuckin surprised my friend
"Sgt. Brackhau,
In my investigations into the prisoner's occult rumors, I have uncovered a plot by the Untermensch to use Thursday's prisoner culling as some sort of catalyst to open a gate leading to another dimension.
I am of the firmest belief that moving up the culling to Monday and including Cabin C should disrupt these plans and eliminate the cultists, but Guard Captain Muller refuses to alter his schedule.
Please talk some sense into him before I am required to put this scheme down personally.
Occult Operative Hans Lieber"
>it's another occult Nazi fuckery episode
Do something less tread upon, like Axis Hungary
>It's a Codreanu vs. Cthulhu episode
"Operative Lieber,
We commend your investigative efforts, but would like to remind you to direct all inquiries regarding occult happenings to Untersturmführer Dietrich Schneider of the SS. It is my duty to inform you that additional shipments of prisoners and canisters of 'delousing agent' will continue to be delivered to your camp as scheduled to be used as appropriate.
Sgt. Brackhau"
plot twist
>they're all the same person
>a bunch of old ass prussians in their great war kit
>a Bavarian wanna be crusader
>firebrand Lutherans
I fuckin love it
>Hungarian axis occultists
So, Sebastian Gorka?
Interesting to note that he appears to be at least in his late 20s in this photo of him from the 1940s when he wasn't even supposed to be alive.
Didn't Christopher Lee serve in the British equivalent of the CIA during the war and heavily imply that he saw some shit?
He even had the balls to wear the same jacket to Trump's inauguration.
>the US has a Hungarian warlock working with it's president
Cautious hype
Why do you think he was so good at playing vampires and wizards and stuff? He knew what the real deal acted like.
He got tired of Trump's shit quit his job a couple of weeks ago.
Just before Harvey and Irma rekt the two biggest red states in the country. Complete coincidence, I'm sure.
This. This is when you play outcasts or even normal citizens, unnerved by both the magic and mundane secrets of the Nazi's, struggling to survive.
I mean, tell me the holocaust doesn't kind of have the trappings of a massive occult ritual as it is.
>specific ethnic groups targeted for purging
>their valuables are confiscated - what are they looking for?
>sacrificed then dumped in mass graves
Other options include Stalinist Russia, China, and Cambodia
"Sgt. Brackhau,
I thank you for your timely response. Time is of the essence, after all.
I had hoped that, as this was a matter of scheduling as opposed to the occult, you may have assisted me in this ordeal, but I assure you I will not trouble you with it any longer.
Additionally, our experiments are showing limited success. I cannot disclose anything further, but I expect we should be able to send our results to the Eastern Front in one week's time.
Occult Operative Hans Lieber"
"Untersturmführer Schneider,
I have news from our trials here in the camp. It appears the guards posted to our laboratory were less trained against mental assault than reported.
Fortunately, we have stabilized one of them, and are beginning to attempt communications with an entity from the other side.
I would request no greater than four guards as replacements, with at least two able to withstand Feldgeister-level attacks of the mind.
I would also request one Untermensch infiltration agent, posted within the next three days. The guards have proven less than co-operative with my suppression efforts.
Occult Operative Hans Lieber"
The SS Ahnenerbe division and the various other secret occult projects weren't really representative of the overall attitudes of Nazis, or even of Hitler himself (at least until the final stages of the war). They were mostly doing their own thing with Himmler's blessing.
You could definitely do a Cthulhu mythos game set in the late 1930s where the players were "good" Nazis sent by Hitler to figure out wtf was going on.
>"good" Nazis
I know what you mean, but that's a hell of a concept.
"Halt! Are you sacrificing these prisoners to Yog-Sothoth?"
"N-no, just killing them for being subhuman."
"Ah, very good. Carry on, then."
I could see it as a black comedy/Paranoia scenario.
Watching "Man in the High Castle" can put you in the right mood for it.
Well, there's a difference between
>We're killing people to summon dark gods who will end the world but hey maybe we can control them
>we're killing people we think are vermin, because we think they're to blame for all the faults in our life
Between and the letters, it's making me want to play Paranoia pretty hard.
Shame I'm the only one allowed to GM it in my group.
Reminds me of the Nazis from Captain America.
Eg. the 'the fuck are you doing here' and 'BERLIN IS ON THIS MAP' that got zapped
>occultists using Himmler's 'MUH MYTH' boner to try and bring about the end of days
>Play as some SS officers who notice this fuckery, and go about trying to get some more concrete evidence/stop the plots in order to save Germany
Yeah, but that was more...you know, stabbing and blood rites than actual monsters.
It's been done.
I know that fucking feeling, forever Paranoia GM whenever I get to play it. My fault since it was the first game I ever GMed for but still.
It's simple.
Set it at the end of the WWII, Allied troops are closing in on Berlin. We're literally days before Hitler supposedly blows his brains out. Allied troops get word that there's some fuckery going on in what's supposed to be an SS bunker.
Bunch of Nazi scientists are trying bring about the end of days as a going out with a bang kinda thing. They have a shitton of cultist shit because they've been collecting it as Nazis are wont to do. Players gotta stop it.
Sure, your players will have rifles and side arms and feel all gungho, but fat lot that's going to do against a shoggoth.
Achtung Cthulhu and Delta Green already have stuff for this.
Better yet, tell your players it's going to be a WWII game, in the final push to defeat the Nazis. Give them whatever the fuck they want and make them feel like liberators and shit.
And then drop fucking the shoggoth
This is literally Delta Green canon, as DG had to stop the Werwolf militia to reenact a botched summoning of Azathoth that wasted an entire mountain and that Hitler wants to use as a nation-wide suicide button.
Read up on the Bucharest pogrom, that was so brutal even the anti-Semite loyalist officers that were trying to stop the concurrent Iron Guard rebellion were horrified by it. Maybe they saw worse things that Jewish girls disemboweled and hung like cattle in slaughterhouses.
Both of those are terrible, neither ate particularly less terrible, and it really should not have to be explained why that is
Well your players don't need to know that.
I'm just so tired of this assumption that you have to play as Nazis.
Heck, make it Inglorious Basterds, but with Cthulhu. That's fun too.
The deal is, if you're not playing as Nazis (or Germans in general) there's little you can do until the Allied troops are rolling in, which limits the time period where you can stage a scenario. What about a game set in the '30s where desperate Jewish people perform ancient rites to save themselves from the purges? What if the old horrors are preferable to what the Nazis will do to them?
Oh shit, I can totally see a group of Jewish stone masons, jewelers, construction workers and bankers trying to make an army of golems only to have the golems completeky fuck over everything in their paths and destroying downtown Berlin and it's up to the SS to fight them and cover up the story
My group's first CoC campaign was a short one I GMed which was set in 1937 Germany, with the players being an occult crazy wizard professor from Frankfurt, a Scottish business man who carried a shotgun in a cello case, and a detective from Munich I think who's daughter got kidnapped. It was really fun and reminded me a lot of the pulp fiction short stories you'd find in a 50's magazine.
I think you're missing the possibility of espionage.
You could be British spies investigating rumors of Nazi atrocities.
You could be Polish soldiers trying to reclaim your land.
You could be French loyalists fighting against vichy rule.
You could be Italian reinforcements learning just how far over your head you are in this alliance.
There are a lot of things that happened before 'Murica saved the day, and a lot of redacted information you could play with.
This is also true, and I wasn't thinking enough on spies.
Sure all of this is good. Heck, you could be the guys trying to initiate Operation Valkyrie and assassinate Hitler from within, but with Cthluhu and not just a bomb.
The point is, anyone wringing hands about playing Nazis in Nazi Germany is either actually looking to play a Nazi and feel like they need an excuse to "force their hand" or doesn't have the imagination to actually pull off a game like this.
Or they don't want someone else to play a Nazi.
In my group, we have two people that could play a dramatic Nazi, two that could play a comedic Nazi, two that could go either way, and one that I would absolutely never let play a Nazi.
even better
make everyone actually a spy or looking to assassinate hitler but thinks everyone else in the party is an actual nazi
And we're back to
Cthulhu already looks like your average """"natsoc""""
What could the one guy possibly do as a Nazi among a group of Nazi player characters do that could throw the game into oblivion?
There's always Japan, if you want a character for an Axis game who isn't a Nazi.
The Japanese intelligence service had some pretty interesting characters. Like Yoshiko Kawashima, a Manchu princess (and cousin of the infamous Baron von Ungern-Sternberg's wife) who swore allegiance to the Japanese out of ancestral hatred for China and worked as a spy and insurgent against the Chinese.
Coming to think of it, Manchuria in general is a kickass setting for spy versus spy action, with or without Mythos shenanigans in between.
There is a large difference between following orders and peeling faces off people.
And I get that overkill can be its own humor, but there's a fine line between commenting outside the gas chamber "get in while they're still warm" and actually getting in while they're still warm.
>tfw you will never go back in time and rescue fascist Mulan
Why even live?
Oh my god he sounds like a fucking blast let him do it! Let him be the Nazi he was always meant to be please!
So, more of an Oskar Dirlewanger sort of Nazi?
Another part of it is not being able to be a full caricature or an actual character, and sucking in the middle.
>GM: What do your characters do in the downtime?
>Serious: I have dinner with my family, bringing home the toy fighter plane I bought as a gift to my son.
>GM: You watch his face light up as he asks you about your heroic tales of battle.
>That Guy: I go find Jews to kill.
>GM: Okay, you pop by the camp and take part in a firing squad.
>Silly: I go to the bar and pay for a round with gold teeth fillings.
>GM: The bar cheers your name as the barkeep pulls out your special, swastika-inscribed stein.
>That Guy: How many did I kill?
>GM: Uh, they'd probably have less guards than prisoners, so-
>That Guy: *rolls D12* 9!
>GM: ...Sure, 9.
Yes, but the player is of the impression that they were all atrocity, all the time. The shtick gets old, and the guy I'm talking about isn't terribly imaginative.
I honestly don't know if he'd let that scene fade to black, and I do not like the odds of it happening.
Perhaps he lost to some Chinese wizard and decided to cut his losses and run?
Well if he actually can't handle being a Nazi you can just specifically tell him his boundaries. Don't let 1 player be the thing that disables you from making a Nazi Cthulhu campaign
The weirdest fucking Unknown Armies game, right here
Isn't that basically metal slug?
>tfw the nazis discover that the jews are a hivemind lovecraftian being and do everything in their power to stop it
I have basically consigned it to "he has fun in a different way than I, and a lot of the rest of the group, do".
It sucks, because when he GM's it's of a much different style than the group likes (a weird mix of ultra-railroad and "do literally whatever you want, I will throw powers at you" that doesn't, in my opinion, make for satisfying stories or combats), and his PC's are not conducive to co-operation (mostly assassin-type loners that can't read the room and don't have the finesse to pull much off).
Schedules have made him show up much less, and I feel bad saying this, but I haven't missed his input to the games. Him, sure, but dude just doesn't have chemistry with the group.
Nazis... good?
>The reason we can't find any mass graves for holocaust victims is because Hitler was feeding them to Yog-Sothoth to become a Lich or some shit.
Oh fug
Wecome to the thread, user.
I'm surprised we've managed to get this far civilly.
Personally, I'd like a "good" Nazi campaign where the Allies show up halfway through.
That way, your party could have two forces applying pressure on them: the occult forces that threaten everyone, and the Allies that will shoot you before you can explain that to them.
The lower echelons of the Wehrmacht were pretty much in the dark as to what Hitler was up to, they were just happy that Germany was proud and strong again. This tended to go sour when SS divisions showed up and slaughtered towns, or they got orders to do it. Before he an heroed, Rommel tended to 'lose' such orders
I'd run it as a Dark Heresy campaign where the PCs are just poor shmucks in the Heer who get roped into following around their Inquisitor--an SS occult-division Captain--who is DETERMINED to find a way to raise R'lyeh because it would form a strategic barrier near Iceland that would make Western reinforcements impossible.
>Herr Koko, are you sure this is a good idea? Couldn't we just, you know, go find Baba Yaga and ask her to kill Stalin for us?
>okay Herr Koko, but I haff ein bad feeling about this.
It's been done. It's call achtung! Cthulhu.
Harvey literally cut through the Mexican half of Texas to hit Liberal central. Charlie Hebdo didn't do their research. Look at a electoral map of Texas sometime.
>Yeah, but that was more...you know, stabbing and blood rites than actual monsters.
That's the official story, of course.
This, Hebdo, aside from showing that it really always was just a piece of shit troll magazine all along that everyone got delusional was somehow satire or important 'cause of the terrorist attack, is about as ignorant of the United States as the United States is ignorant about France
There's literally an entire game based on the idea.
>Interesting to note that he appears to be at least in his late 20s in this photo of him from the 1940s when he wasn't even supposed to be alive.
Or just a grayscale picture of him.
If everybody in the group is a nazi to begin with wouldn't everybody be fine with it anyway?
>TFW play as a group of anti-occult Nazi characters
>TFW pic related is one of the enemy BBEGs
>TFW you run into each other by accident during a mission.
You die.
>Party has to comb through the aftermath of an Einsatzgruppen mass execution to find an important artifact
This has potential
>barely survive, lose so much SAN you wish you would have been killed
>get killed, become a part of him and lose infinite amounts of SAN
>stalinist russia
>a group of commies find a shogoth
>commie scientists make it into a part robot part shogoth because fuck your religion and fuck yeah science
>now we have roboth shogoths that play the USSR anthem when every they kill someone
>the mi-go come
>the mi-go either have to learn communism or go to gulag
>we have space commies
>we have achived posadism
Pretty much. I've wanted this for a while but my group is focused on more regular fantasy. Strict historicals won't even cut it anymore for me. I want to measure skulls and check eye sockets to watch for signs of deep one ancestry, recount loosing toes and friends to those pale things that lived beneath the Himalayas to the idiot guard who takes these matters too lightly, have a drink, burn some incense, and kill cultist partisans while reciting lines from the pali-texts. I'd save some Jews, and then kill them myself in a way that doesn't summon Hastur. Eventually I'd go mad as the whole system crumbles, but by most standards I'd have been mad from the start.
von Ungern-Sternberg is a CoC villain through and through.
>game starts in 1933
>Nazis are just starting to errect their totalitarian dictatorship
>most party bureaucrats are busy making that mad money
>SA is still huge and powerful and rules the day
>your players are a group of former Thule members now in the SS
>look up the early concentration camps
>essentially a bunch of torture/murder Basements run by the SA
>SA is clustered with fucking mad cultists worshipping the old ones
>the leadership decides to Start a crackdown on the SA
>and you have to make sure to prevent the SA-cultists from ending the world until the Night of the Long Knives
>what is Achtung! Cthulhu!
Already done a bunch of times.
Fiends of the Eastern Front
>be squad of German soldiers fighting commie hoards
>Commies counter attack threatens to overrun your position
>Elite Romanian mountain troops show up and save the day
>Unit is lead by aristocratic officer from the remote mountainous region of Transylvania
>seems like a good guy to have on your side
>further encounters with the Romanians, always at night
>Yup those guys are vampires lucky they're on your side
>political landscape shifts Romania and Germany are no longer allies
>the charming officer and his unit of blood drinking monsters are now hunting you!
Achtung Chtulhu?
It's not like Weird War 2 is rare or anything, either.
You can also set the game in besieged Berlin. This will take a lot of glamour away. The city is in ruins. There are fires everywhere. Troops are retreating on all fronts. Volkssturm composed of old men and children (boys and girls). Amputees. Nothing can stop the advance of the Soviets. Horrible rumors about rape and war crimes are told by German refugees. Food is in short supply. Flak towers. Burned out tanks and half-tracks. Hopelessness and madness.
PCs have absolutely to stop a ritual ordered by Hitler before his suicide, but it takes place in a hidden area that soon will fall under Soviet control.
Also, watch the intro of Urotsukidoji 2. It's set in Nazi Germany.
Charlie Hebdo was pretty damn good before the attack. It killed the most influencial members and now it's shit because it's in the hands of a failed journalist who wants to use it for his personnal gain.
Polite sage for off-topic.