Just how strong was he?
Just how strong was he?
>Eldar gods get devoured by a single newborn god
>Chaos gods need to unite to cripple the Emperor
At least stronger than Eldar "gods"
reckon he benches about 150, think you can do better cunt? Bet you're some fuckin Eldar poofter.
Top percentile
God-like levels.
Not every. A single daemon was more than he can handle.
Weren't the eldar gods really weak at the time though because the eldar stopped worshiping them due to the rampant hedonism?
to be fair its a weapon specifically supposed to kill him
its like tanks, very strong even if infantry can carry weapons that damage them
Yep, the Eldar Gods were drained and weakened. They watched powerless as the Eldar degenerated and the Fall happened
Strong enough that the Big Four had to enact a very complex strategy around corrupting and planning to stop him. Because he was winning.
He could make a boulder that not even he could lift. And then turn around and lift it anyway because fuck you he's the Emperor and he can do anything he wants
If 1 is your average human and 10 is Dr. Manhattan
So strong that his psychic power has only grown in the past 10k years.
I hope someday we get a duel between Gulliman and Abbadon using The Emperor's Sword and Drach respectively.
Except he won, and locked it into one of his Tribunes.
And now it belongs to a failure of a warlord who gets stabbed in the back by a girl and has his entire crusade fucked by Guilliman Sue Mcgee.
Except he did not. He fled from it. At first he was winning against the daemons, Drach'nyen shows up and wounds him, and then he locked it inside a custodes and tells him to run before the Emperor flees the Webway to create as much space from him and it. It's outright stated that the Emperor cannot destroy Drach'nyen. It was too much for him. Now imagine if the Custard wasn't there. It would have torn him to pieces. The wound it inflicted him made it drain his very soul.
Let be visualise what just happened. A monster and a knight are fighting inside a castle. The Knight pushes the monster inside a cage and then locks it. Then he runs out of the castle.
Does that count as beating the monster? No. The knight survived the fight with the monster.
Now lets discuss how come the Emperor was powerless to destroy a single Undivided daemon.
The daemon is not alone. The Emperor defeated a weakened shard of the Void Dragon and chained it. He said that destroying the Dragon shard was something beyond his power.
Could it that the Emperor cannot destroy something with a divine spark in it?
What level of power would a full C'tan be at?
"Blow up star systems with a single thought" level.
How much can the Emperor bench press?
More than you.
Really fucking high, people break them into shards because they are literally woven into the fabric of reality and removing them is like dividing by zero levels impossible.
Also even the smalles shards are canonically capable of anything and everything, but their minds are to broken to think of something like replacing a tank with it's own mass of anti-matter.
He's as strong as an ant, if an ant was THIS big
Hypothetically, assuming that the Outsider is just a big C'tan shard (I'm not sure what the current lore is on whether it's just a big shard or is actually the full imprisoned star-god), entire tendrils of the oncoming Tyranid Swarm went millions of light years out of their way to avoid even getting close to the thing's prison.
So the answer is somewhere around "very fucking high" and "at the top of the heavyweight scale" as well as easily capable of knocking a Chaos God on its ass without too much difficulty on a point for point "power" comparison.
Emps ranges higher than 10, however there are still things that range even higher.
about 2 miles in strength
i expected some bobby-posting. i am disappoint.
Like S6 T6 W9 probably. A single tank would slay him
Nowhere near as strong as modern 40K fanboys make him out to be. If he was, the setting wouldn't make sense. Half the problems he faced could have been solved through psychic might alone had the Emperor been anywhere near as powerful as fanboys think he was.
He wasn't a planet killer. His most powerful feats are all against astral beings - he's more destructive against Warp entities than he is against material foes.
Doctor Manhattan could create complex life forms from essentially nothing with a thought. The Emperor required a lab, a ton of tech, and years of research to do the same. If he was a molecular manipulator like Manhattan he could have woven the Primarchs together out of his thoughts.
Hell, he could have created all his armies that way. He could have had essentially infinite legions of perfectly loyal created beings that expire on command and are tailor made for every situation, but he didn't, because he's not that powerful.
Because ADB is a massive hack and his OC marry sue daemon ruined that entire book with all it's segments of killing titans on its own like it was some super greater daemon.
Why do you even bother trying to argue with WH40kids?
>If he was a molecular manipulator like Manhattan he could have woven the Primarchs together out of his thoughts.
Creating the Primarchs required stealing warp knowledge to craft their souls. Manhattan could have made big humans, but they wouldn't have the same warp-powers.
>Nowhere near as strong as modern 40K fanboys make him out to be. If he was, the setting wouldn't make sense. Half the problems he faced could have been solved through psychic might alone had the Emperor been anywhere near as powerful as fanboys think he was.
You do know there's a whole subplot based around why he couldn't just handwave the Horus Heresy away right?
Still doesn't explain why he couldn't just make legions of warriors out of thin air. Nigga isn't even closet Manhattan tier.
Him being on the Throne? Still doesn't explain why, after getting up during Malcador's sacrifice, he didn't just annihilate Horus' entire fleet with these sun-crushing psychic powers fanboys think he has. If he really was torn up about Horus, he could have just left the Vengeful Spirit alone and destroyed everything else.
That would have been the actual logical thing to do, since he had limited time before Malcador burned out.
>b-b-b-but the Chaos Gods were stopping him!
I thought, according to you guys, he was stronger than all four Chaos Gods?
Just how gay are you?
That's because 40k runs off of Rule of Cool, and having a duel with Horus is much cooler than throwing his ship into the sun, same reason why Horus didn't Exterminatus Terra.
It's sort of silly that people claim he can do all this stuff, though, when there's literally no instance of him doing any of it. There's been no word of god on the matter either; no writer has ever put pen to paper and said "the Emperor can explode sunszzz and shiiitt bruhh."
Ugh, You're just fuckin with me.
A big ork nearly killed him.
So not super powerful. A good sniper would have actually killed him.
As it stands, there's no real answer to that question that isn't conjecture. There's next to no data for him actually fighting something. The most concrete display of power we have for him is powering the astronomicon, which is fairly considerable considering it's a psychic beacon visible throughout the galaxy, even through all the fuckery going on in the warp.
However, that's not as flashy as destroying a planet, so he's going to rank lower on the totem pole than people who can do that.
What we do know is that he's more powerful than the eldar gods, like said, and that he's more powerful than magnus, who could scale himself to the size of eldar titans and beat them up with his fists.
General consensus is that the emps did that on purpose in order to help set up horus as the warmaster.
They are the gods of reality.
Not strong enough to win.
>What we do know is that he's more powerful than the eldar gods
He's more powerful than the Eldar Gods were after the Eldar had stopped worshiping them for millennia. Maybe.
I find the idea that he's more powerful than the Chaos Gods - or any gods - completely unfounded. All we have to support this is that he hit Horus so hard the Ruinous Powers had to leave his body. That doesn't mean he's more powerful than them, just that he was capable of DELETing Horus and anything inhabiting him. It says nothing about whether a straight up fight between him and a Chaos God in the Warp would go in his favour.
In fact, it makes no sense to assume it would, as if the Emperor really could take on any of the Chaos Gods like this, why hasn't he? If he's more powerful than them, he can definitely find them and fight them in the Warp, and he'd win. So why didn't he do this?
My own personal theory, which is admittedly only headcanon, is that at the time he wasn't sure if he could win against all four at once with everything else he had to deal with. Even when he does delete Horus, he marshals absolutely everything he has, surrendering every other possibility he has available to him in the use of those powers. It's not just about whether he could or not, but about what is winning going to cost him if he extends too far, and if he doesn't know for certain when he does his hail mary it could be all risk, no reward if he tries it versus an easier way that just takes a bit longer. And for somebody who's lived for forty thousand years or so, the risk in one hour versus risk over a century becomes a more complex issue for him. We do know he's singularly capable of blasting out that psychic beacon solo during the Heresy while also maintaining the Webway protection and later holding the door, needing the Choir post-Heresy.
Depends on the C'Tan but I'm guessing they'd be a mini Galactus.
In "Vengeful Spirit" it's said it would be suicide for the Emperor to confront the Chaos Gods directly.
Imperiumfags won't accept that. They're adamant that the HH books can't be canon because they don't portray Big E as literally flawless and omnipotent.
I don't blame them on disliking HH though. I myself find the way ADB portrays the Emperor to be lacking.
>Just how strong was he?
Enough to stop time on the scale of an entire planet, threatening the Chaos Gods' very existence, sending very, very large things to the warp (I'm not sure of what Malcador did exactly with the Grey Knights fortress but Emps was way stronger than that), throwing around bolts of energy supposedly strong enough to shatter planet (though that is debatable ; maybe it was just descriptive writing), able to teleport around, being entirely immune to chaos corruption, and of course being pretty fucking durable and strong. We can assume he is as strong and durable as the strongest primarch, and we all know those guys could take a titan to the face and walk it off, or break the neck of a Khaine avatar (god that was dumb).
This. Also...
>Reminder that the orks looted the only good Avatar of Khaine to kill some Tyranids.
One of these days the Orks are going to loot the Emperor too.
Emps is a character we love seeing as powerful. I was really disappointed to see that he lost to Abaddon's sword, because he is supposed to be the most powerful human being in the universe. Him being challenged, and even killed, in the short story of his duel with Horus is awesome, and this short story is my favourite in 40K. But having him only be a flawed guy, and mostly a hack (actually not that strong, easily killable, an incommensurable douchebag with everyone, owing his strength to Chaos) really is sad, because the character can meet obstacles and fail without retconning everything we liked about him.
Wait, the orks did what ?
He can be powerful without being able to beat anything without breaking a sweat. If he was that powerful then he no longer makes sense, because he should have won easily.
I don't like Drachwhatever's depiction by ABD (is it ABD? I try to limit my exposure to these writers to what I need to know, as ultimately they're all pretty trash). It's silly to pretend the Emperor was unbeatable, though, because he clearly wasn't. He clearly didn't have the power destroy worlds or mindlock fleets or yada yada, as there are many, many occasions where this shit would have been extremely useful to him, and he didn't do it. If the Emperor had that kind of power, then he would have had to have been an absolute drooling backbirth retard to lose the way he did.
I don't think anything has been retconned. The official position of GW was that all we knew about Big E was a mixture of half-remembered myths and Imperial propaganda, and even then there were heavy implications that he wasn't the god he'd been made out to be. Hell, in RT it was pretty explicit that the Emperor was just a powerful psyker with a cult of personality that outlasted his demise.
I actually like the 'got his power from Chaos' thing, by the way, because it makes him more human and relatable. It shows that he used very human traits to gain power - he's cunning, he's inventive, he's ambitious, etc. It's also human traits that cause his downfall. In his hubris he reached for the fire and, believing himself master of it, was burned. If he had just overcome his basic human flaws - his hubris, his xenophobia, his tribalism, etc - he could have saved everything, but he didn't, because... he's human, in the end. I find that far more compelling and sympathic than the shaman shit.
Well, I guess since he got stabbed by that random sword daemon and said sword daemon was previously driven off by a cybernetica clade of forty or so combat robots, a couple of tanks and a score of Custodes he's less powerful than that if we want to do it simply. Given that Emps seems to be especially vulnerable to that thing he's probably stronger, but not that kind of "tank Imperator cannons and Exterminatus by himself and he can never die" levels that a lot of the Marine fans assign to him and some of the Primarchs.
Honestly if I was fighting against the Primarchs I'd just set up cyclonic warheads over my planet and explode the whole damned thing with those and/or virus bombs when they came down. Boom, dead Primarch and a whole bunch of Marines, probably for a lot less than what they cost since there's only twenty or two million of those respectively. The armies of humanity are kinda pathetic honestly, I expect the Imp Army and Mechanicum did most of the work.
The sisters and bananas were killing it at one point.
Nice blog faggot
>I don't like this post, but I don't have a real reply to it either
>guess I'd better just shitpost
Sisters and bananas > Emperor.
are you
???????CANT HANDLE ALL MY SWAG???????????????
????OWNT???? OWNT
>He can be powerful without being able to beat anything without breaking a sweat
That was my point exactly, and that's why the moment he loses is my favourite in the series. It doesn't mean he has to lose to a single demon that will become Abaddon's fucking sword (god I'm still mad).
A lot of plotpoints are about him being a god in denial about his own nature, and though I admit he mustn't be able to annihilate solar systems, he is still the one protecting humanity in the grim darkness of the far future.
Him owing his powers to Chaos most bugs me because of Chaos wankery, which is only one of the many dangers of the galaxy. He is inhuman yet way too human (he had a friend in the person of Malcador, is unreasonably xenophobic, etc), this is why the shaman things isn't that ridiculous.
>unreasonably xenophobic
Um no sweetie... ever hear of Long Night?
Yeah, I don't like what they did with Abaddon's sword either, reading about it was like reading about that Uchiha Madara copypasta. I wouldn't mind it if the most powerful of daemon princes from pre-Old One days could drive him into a corner and present an uphill battle for him, but we agree here, Dracula Nyan was terrible.
Anyway, for me the shaman vs chaosboon thing is just about how it feels thematically. I like the idea of the Emperor as a powerful but mortal man who clawed his way to power through human means - with his cunning, his wit, and his tenacity. It fits the Space Conan thing better.
Well, yeah. Like all unreasonable xenophobia, the Emperor has a weak excuse he can point at. Which was a good idea to include, as it parallels how real xenophobes act.
In reality, the full on the Long Night states that hostile aliens, seeing their chance, circled in. Plenty of other species were just defending themselves from the same Chaos shit mankind was struggling with, and other actually tried to help humanity. One of the best indications of how illogical the Emperor's xenophobia actually is is that one story where the Iron Hands find a coalition fleet of humans and xeno refugees, created when a bunch of aliens, after having their worlds destroyed by daemons summoned by humans, decided they still couldn't leave behind millions of innocent humies. The Iron Hands killed all the aliens and sent the humans to slave labour camps for the sin of being rescued hundreds of years ago by xenos.
Fuck you for reporting me. if i ever see you irl I,m going to drop your bitch ass.
>weak excuse
Yea i guess the species almost dying out because of hostile aliens is a minor thing. I bet you're swedish or german. Kys dumbass
They looted an Avatar of Khaine to fight the nids at Octarious. Don't remember the source, though.
How do you loot an demon?
We could all use a bit more xenophobia in this day and age. It just shows you have eyes to see real threats and lack a suicidal implulse.
SOME aliens being hostile is indeed a weak excuse for genociding every other species you come into contact with, especially when they are others that have been complete bros to mankind.
You ever been mugged? Your grievance is with the mugger, not with every other person you ever meet on the street.
Just the black ones. Because I've noticed a pattern.
You have to eighteen to post on this board, edgemeister.
Horus didn't exterminatus Terra for the same reason he went there in the first place. He needed Terra as a symbol of his right to rule, which would have been diminished if he had split it open with cyclonics.
stronger than Veeky Forums but not as gay
he gets pissed when people mistake his flowing hair for some gay trend
and he can drink 5 liters of red bull in an hour without dying
>How do you loot an demon?
By being an Ork, that's how.
that's a trick question, no matter how strong i say he is, it's still heresy.
Didn't the palace have heavy sceniarium-powered shields or something like that ?
Explicitly not strong *enough*. No matter what fanboys wank themselves over, he ultimately couldn't make his vision a reality.
This. Ultimately, his power, however much it was or could of been, was ultimately wasted on him being a cocky idiot. The fact that the imperium is still around has more to do with Malcador than anything Emps did.
well most of the "fanboys" say he is god. he is omnipotent and while this is not true most of the stories come from mortal humans, who see the shit he has done and their thought prosses is "he has done the impossible and thus he must be god" and his creations then did the impossible for the next 200 years. many people see something they can't understand they attribute it to a higher power.
you don't need to be as strong as a god to be considered one. you just need to do something impossible to normal humans.
personally I think that the emperor should be inhuman a world apart from the reader, or a herculean giant with his duty. not both, it just seems to cause irrational splits in his personality
Wasn't he getting drained by trying to power the astronomican from so far away?
The Emperor doesnt power the Astronomican.
The full power C'tan could do things like drop entire systems into black holes, their larger shards have been known to devastate dozens of systems at a time upon breaking lose.
I would say that a single full bodied C'tan correctly motivated could cripple any single faction in current 40k. Gives you an idea of the scale on which the War in Heaven was fought.
Enough to equal the 4 gods, regardless of what the edgy autists from black library tell you.
>blocks your path
>complains that an OC Mary Sue actually showed the emperor isn't a Mary Sue
Source ?
I like this but I want to know it's legit.
A lot of places had those, but that doesn't really stop you just nuking the rest of the planet into fragments of shattered rock and killing them anyway as the ground shatters under their feet or leaves a little ball of isolated forcefield that probably doesn't function as a biosphere. Prospero, Istvaan and a lot of other battles could probably have been finished pretty damn quickly that way, it's just that the generals usually have a grudge significant enough to lose thousands of men pursuing personally.
If all else fails, apply Jon's Law:
>Any interesting FTL system is a WMD, all that matters is how long you want to wait.
Word Bearers used it at Calth to turn a starship into an RKKV, so we know it's more or less possible.
How strong is the Lord of All Creation, the Almighty God?
He simply Is.
>if i ever see you irl I,m going to drop your bitch ass.
Empy's plan resulted in abject failure and all his ambitions were laid to waste. An Almighty God he was clearly not.
Is powered by thousands of psykers shipped over to terra so they can be used as the throne's battery.
*As the emps battery