IXLAN /XLN Spoilers
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previously spoiled with better quality
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This card reminds me of Constellation where by the time you have dropped a 4 cmc card you won't play the payoff cards anymore because those are all cheap
I wonder how well mono-red Dino aggro would work. There seem to be a good number of them that are cheap with strong effects, and having that to make them even cheaper and attack right away seems nice.
>6 mana for a 3/3
That's value son.
Is this what a fixed looterscooter looks like?
No fuck it doesn't loot at all my bad
Well, it is technically pumping out 4/4s with trample, thanks to its lord effect. Not bad for something you can constantly sink 6 mana into. That said, I think it'll mainly be useful for breaking stalemates in limited, as it gives you a constant mana sink that will inevitably overwhelm a lot of things.
That's a pretty good setup, turn 2 this, turn 3 some 4drop dino, then haste it.
Unironically this, because activated abilities are good.
>only beast of the set is black
A-Are they baiting me?
>They got more lords in one set than beast ever had.
don't bully
Why doesn't Wizards simply change the rule to make it that you have a separate pile for lands like any other game?
This way it would really become a skill game and not a game for rich kids that use daddy's money to buy fetches and lucky motherfuckers.
What's so impossible about this change?
We're still lacking a Don Quijote reference.
Is this a new pasta?
...This seems pretty great, right?
I mean yeah
>dies to removal
but it's a nice first-turn drop that can be an annoying deterrent for things much larger and costlier than it.
This is the matter of nightmare.
No, why are you asking?
What's the point of having to wait 5 turns or more to play something if you get screwed? It's retarded.
>being so bad that you get screwed
Next you'll say that you should be able to cast everything with any kind of mana because getting colorscrewed is no fun either
Also it's no fun when you run out of cards in your hand
Also it's no fun when you lose the game
>haha you're bad because you got unlucky even thought your deck won the last 3 PT
Damn son you're stupid.
Next you're telling me people who lose are bad because they don't believe in the heart of the cards enough.
kek, the pajeet is still mad about kaladesh
Ironically it was exactly to avoid butthurt pajeets that they DIDN'T use any actual Indian culture.
Does he really want WotC to use Indian mythology? Does he really want Hindu religious figures to make rants about MtG like this rant about Overwatch:
The same guy also wailed about a Hindu goddess being represented in Smite.
Does he not realize that there are people that share his exact same faith that would spit and fume at WotC if they catered to him, instead of them?
People with ego problems don't really care.
His opinion will start being relevant when he'll finally stop wiping his ass with his left hand.
SJW/Liberal 101, they'll always complain, if they don't have something to complain about they'd be unemployed
He's right. It wouldn't have been watered down shit if it had a hint of hindu myths, it would have been at least rememberable.
The point is that if it was done correctly it would have been inspired by hindu myth, not just a well done copypaste.
This is not India, this is Kaladesh.
Why does it seem like no one ever reads my posts?
Build your deck better. A big part of the game is crafting your curve very carefully and balancing your colors. If you want to play with more colors, you have to bring in color fixing. That's how it does and should work. Are you some kind of baby who can't figure out how to properly balance your colors, lands, and non-lands?
It had a hint. Its angels and demons were clearly inspired by hinduism since they are already religiously fueled figures, and its even suggest demons are dark parallel to angels, mirroring deva and ashura. Theres also the fact the world is built on a cycle, something rarely brought up and very subtle to the point im not even sure if they intended that parallel.
>That's how it does and should work.
Nope, even Wizards acknowledged the mistake of not having two piles for the deck.
>Build your deck better. A big part of the game is crafting your curve very carefully and balancing your colors. If you want to play with more colors, you have to bring in color fixing
It's not skill, it's necessity.
Agreed that it should have been a goat vampire
A necessary skill, yes.
I get what you're saying but the chupacabra is not a goat, it attacks goats. Its name literally means "goat sucker."
Hound Vampire would be more accurate.
Yeah but there's no need for that necessity, it's stupid. Like running with both legs tied just because.
H9w exactly does this read as wizards saying having lands in deck was a mistake? In th great designer search, one of the tests was being able to fucking defend the mana system.
>Yeah but there's no need for that necessity
Actually there is, given that the entire game is built and balanced around it.
The game would literally cease to function if the change you suggest was implemented.
I also notice that you haven't addressed why this logic shouldn't be applied to mana colors too? You could make the exact same "B-B-B-B-BUT I ONLY LOST BECAUSE I WAS UNLUCKY" argument about drawing the wrong colors of mana during a game and the argument would be just as legitimate.
Human vampires suck the blood of humans, ergo goat vampires suck the blood of goats.
I was about to go to my local card shop to pick up a deck kit to get started with this garbage, but now I want to do a dinosaur deck
Which set should I focus on the build mono dinosaurs, I'm not very particular on color, or power level desu it's only for kitchen table
not that user, but i find the most skill intensive games the ones that have the least random factors. This brings up the question, what kind of game would magic be, if you could choose which cards you drew.
>Which set should I focus on the build mono dinosaurs
The one that isn't out yet that has all the dinosaurs
>the most skill intensive games the ones that have the least random factors
Exactly. This is so obvious that makes everyone who doesn't understand it stupid.
You knownwhst one of the upsides the mana system wizards saus it has?
Do scrubs have something they can easily blame losing on to protect their little money giving hands from getting their egos hurt.
Ixlan is the only valid set with dinosaurs?
Are there even going to be enough dinos to build that deck or do we know yet?
It's a no-win situation. If they'd included more Indian stuff they'd be accused of stereotyping
I find the fact that even the most winning and balanced deck can get mana screwed to not be something acceptable in a skill game.
Now, if you want to claim that Magic is a casual game then that's a different matter.
Theyve aiad they wousl give enough of each tribe to be able to play 8t just from that set (its one reason pirates are in dinosaurs in 3 colors instead if 2, so thrres more of them). But i stil dont think a not shit dinosaur edh is going to be possible.
Know those decks that only need like two-three lands period to win?
Now they pull those two-three lands and never have to worry about another land pull ever again, drawing nothing but threats for the rest of the game.
"But what if we ban all those cards, or only apply it to formats they're not in!" That's a lot of bans, for one, holy fuck, and assuming the latter is even possible (considering recent standard decks), you've made Aggro/Midrange the Aggro/Midrangening. There is no variance in when people make land drops, because they will always make them. And people with various duals/fetches will STILL be better off anyways, because they can play more colors and more utility lands in their land deck without getting color screwed, thus not solving the initial problem to begin with unless you ALSO want to ban ALL THE DAMN NONBASICS too.
If you guys remember back when Kaladesh was first spoiled, a pajeet at wotc q&a thanked wizards for not using cliched indian mythical gods and creatures.
>This brings up the question, what kind of game would magic be, if you could choose which cards you drew.
It would be boring trash and every format would be 100% solved within a week
You might as well play with hands and decks revealed too since every player would play the same deck and choose the same cards to draw too if there was no variance.
Hey, psst.
Have you considered that maybe it's more important that the game is fun to play than be 100% straight-forwardly skill oriented?
>"If there's variance then it's CASHUL"
Fuck off and watch chess if you want a game that's 100% fair, the rest of us will be having fun.
Of course the worst part is that this "Skill vs casual" divide you're setting up isn't even remotely true, if it was then the gulf between the casual players and the competitively minded players wouldn't be as wide as it is.
Hell, a game like Poker has FAR more random chance involved, yet a pro with trounce an amateur basically every time.
If magic is so fucking casual then why don't you go pro and try to live off of it? After all it's just luck, right? You should have the same chance of winning the prize money as quite literally anyone else, right?
No. Of course not and you don't even believe that yourself. You're just an assharmed retard who is mad because you can't just buy the best deck and win and so you blame the vast majority of your losses on variance because you're a results-oriented shithead who doesn't understand shit about how card games actually work.
It is far too late to introduce this rule now. Maybe if they started a new format and had like half of the cards banned. I guess the question is why didn't they do this sooner.
They would've had to do it pretty damn early - a lot of nasty shit is from earlier, after all. Probably around like...Mirage at the LATEST.
The thought likely never came to them. They WERE the first, after all. It only makes sense that a deck of cards is one deck and not two.
Yeah. At most I think you could design a new format based around that idea. I think there's one that uses lands as a sort of 'board' and does it differently that way.
Aside from that, anyone really that scared about mana screw can just play Green. Green always has need of more mana and can always fix it well.
>cliched indian mythical gods and creatures.
What does this even mean?
You know that not everyone derives fun from the same things, right?
>Of course the worst part is that this "Skill vs casual" divide you're setting up isn't even remotely true, if it was then the gulf between the casual players and the competitively minded players wouldn't be as wide as it is.
Of it is but ONLY IN THE LONG RUN. It's like you didn't even read my post, I said "can", not "will".
You seem assblasted, for some reason.
The chupacabra is from Texas and is a cryptid not a mythological creature.
It's like saying John Henry is a figure from african mythology.
The Chupacabra is from Puetro Rico.
They should really have at least printed Designated Shitting Street as a land.
Flying Menace
Its a dinosaur, yes?
Hoping something similar cheap drops for other tribes.
vampires already have the BB 2/3 deathtouch lifelink from kaladesh, pirates need one
Compelling, but I still think dinosaurs are better of RG or RUG since blue is complete value. In white you just have this and the pterodactyl.
Even the Russians have claimed Chupacabra.
Fact of the matter is that it's not a Texan or Russian word.
It would have been better in this set imho.
Maybe 'cause it seems vampires in this expansion seems the weakest tribe.
But also they don't need many support having that many expansions that supported while pirates and Dinos are "new", but also every block would need to be self sufficient in his archetypes and tribes imho.
But at least i Hope at least they create a viable mono-white vampire part .
Heard a couple of cards are getting errata'd to dinosaur. Do we have a list yet? Or is it just a rumor?
We do, probably somewhere on wotc site,
It was posted on IIRC tuesday on the main site and was disappointingly small, considering all the things they're calling dinosaurs in this set.
If a pterosaur can be a dinosaur, so can a hystrodon (just try to tell me that's not a Mirari-roided ankylosaur), and a Kaladeshi dimetrodon sure as hell can fall under the label if they're just going with 'what the general public considers to be dinosaurs'
Dimetrodon was closer to mammals than saurians, and that's just a sail-finned iguana on roids.
But the Hystrodon should have been a dino.
What I care for the most is that they'll reprint these cards in some product with the errata'd text because I play with casual whiners and don't want to waste my internet everytime someone goes "but that doesn't say it's a dinosaur!".
I imagine they're all going to find their way into the core sets or things like conspiracy and commander products within the next two years
It's a little late to be changing something so fundamental to the game even if it is the worst part of it.
Wizards doesn't know much about their own games, see how much gets past them every set.
I know full well where dimetrodon sits, but (much like pterosaurs) if you ask a random on the street what it is, they'll say 'a dinosaur'
And I suppose it could just be that way, it looks like one to me, though.
It's kinda funny, though - they just went and searched for 'raptor' and 'saur', tossed the birds and the mounted ones, wobbled on a few lizards, added the two Tyrannaxi from the Mirrodin sets and that's basically that.
Have no fucking clue about Ripscale Predator, though. That's some sort of fanciful created monstrosity no matter how you look at it.
I can only hope Deathmist Raptor will be in a supplemental product soon.
Because it's the only old dinosaur worth a damn.
Ripscale Predator is evasive fatty, Alpha Tyrannax and Frenetic Raptor I guess are generic fatties, Imperiosaur doesn't work unless you're doing at most two-colors (but is good enough if you can make it work, comparitively), Ridgetop Raptor is...technically not THAT far behind the curve for a 3R double striker. Fungusaur gets to play with Enrage, Magmasaur...I mean I guess it's a wipe that's also a dinosaur?
Dromosaur, Pangosaur, Pygmy Allosaurus, Shivan Raptor, and Tyrannax all just suck, and Putrid Raptor sucks balls unless you're using its morph cost (which you won't with other dinosaurs. Also it's black, in the case of EDH)
Open the door, get on the floor, everybody do the dinosaur