>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
>/5eg/ Alternate Trove:
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List three of your character's goals and three of their fears.
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
>/5eg/ Alternate Trove:
>Resources Pastebin:
>Previous thread:
List three of your character's goals and three of their fears.
why does everyone play wizards (and other spellcasters), but no one plays druids, rogues, or rangers?
1. Reforge his city's prized artifact weapon
2. Retake the parts of the city seized by drow
3. Avenge his brother and gain honour and recognition from his city, clan, and father by doing the above two.
His fears would be not being allowed back into his homeland, bringing shame upon his family, and seeing a companion or family member die because of his incompetence, like what happened with his brother.
That's funny, most of my group is kind of all wanting to give Druid a try once the current campaign is over. Seriously, one's considering a wood elf druid, one's considering either an aarakocra or firbolg druid and the less said about what Little Miss Snowflake wants me to allow for her "druid" the better. And the only reason player #4 isn't interested in a druid is that he's already playing one in a different game.
And two of these players are rangers in the current game.
> Goals
Succeed on creating a new magical theorem or create a legendary artifact magic item.
Eventually adventure alongside his older, more experienced sister as a family to confront the problems facing their world together.
Survive long enough to have/raise some family of his own.
> Fears
That the temptations he encounters along the his journey will lure him off his true path.
That not all of his party members are as morally well-centered as him.
That eventually he might need to help kill one (or more) of his current party members after they go over "the line" to stop a threat before it emerges.
>new thread while the old one is on page 6
fuck off
Find my lost brother.
Get to "know better" the Lord Commander of Feathergale knights.
Smite all the evil.
I fear nothing, i am paladin. But probably running out of smites. Eh. I mean:
One day, i am going to be old, weak and ugly. I am scared of being unable to protect the others - that's why i became a paladin, but time probably won't be merciful. And i am frightened of not being pretty.
>dm is your boyfriend
>giving you special treatment over other players
that explains everything
Forest Gnome Druids are thematic af
We had everything except ranger in our group.
I guess ranger is weird. I don't like my huntsmen to cast spells and the nature vibe doesn't really work for me. I love rogues, though.
Oooh now that's a story to tell.
>hey BF, you suck at Dming
Which is pretty much the only tolerable part of Little Miss Snowflake's "druid" concept...
There was an Unearthed Arcana about a spell-less ranger a while back but from what I recall... it wasn't very good.
>players infiltrate evil fortress posing as hired muscle
>thief sneaks into BBEG's room while he's sleeping
>asks if he can just stab him in the throat
>after trying to subtly hint at it just tell him outright the guy has 78 hitpoints and I'm not letting him instakill him (if he was just plain human MAYBE I'd let him but boss is more than human)
>then starts asking if he can set the room on fire and bar the door
You guys have cheesed or talked your way out of every bossfight thus far I'm making you fight this guy with the help from the captives you're supposed to rescue not ignore.
Its not bad per se, but its sort of all over the place.
Does BBEG not post guards to keep watch on his doors and windows???
He does but the thief managed to sneak *above* them since he's small enough to fit through windows that aren't real windows.
At this point, me and my players are just sort of making the class as we go. Fun, but not usable in any other campaign other than our own.
...windows that aren't real windows? And the BBEG just leaves these easily accessible areas?
He deserves to die for being so shit at preparing against assassinations.
He should smother him with a pillow just to watch you rage, hit points don't matter if you can't breath.
Also why the fuck even let him in the room you had to have know this would happen?
this desu. A sword to the throat is lethal no matter what. Hit points in that situation is kind of immersion breaking, like a skyrim arrow hanging off some NPCs head. You should've thought about some other way to deter him.
Can a tiefling be a mutated human?
His character is absolutely tiny. He has penalties to strength and constitution and basically anything physically exerting. Makes for a great sneakster and pickpocket though. He's using a homebrew race and made him as small as possible, fully accepting all the penalties I told him he'd have. It's come in handy for him though.
Nah if the BBEG woke up he would have killed him without much effort. If I thought he could take him 1 on 1 I would have let get a sneak attack for bonus damage and possibly a maim wound but when a party member tries to commit suicide I usually tell them they're not going to like the outcome.
Like I said Satan, if the dude was human I probably would have allowed it, but he just looks human. He doesn't actually have a jugular to cut.
/5eg/ I just got a ring of three wishes on my fighter/cleric sharpshooter archer, what do I wish for? I'm thinking about making a simulacrum of myself to start off, figured he'd be somewhat safe attacking at range to make up for the half hp, maybe save a wish or two for the full heals
What level are you currently?
I'm going to be DM'ing a game soon and I offered to make a homebrew Vampire race for one player.
Anyone have any suggestions?
So far I've basically made a race that has +1 to STR, CON, DEX.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity: takes 1d4 radiant damage when exposed to sunlight, disadvantage on attack and skill rolls. This can be avoided by wearing a cowl/cloak.
Resistance to Necrotic damage. Takes additional 1d4 from Radiant and Fire damage sources.
Regens health per turn equal to CON modifier when in darkness (so the cowl won't help) and this effect is blocked for one turn when they take Radiant damage.
Unarmed Strike + Bite from the Vampire entry in the Monster Manual, but with lessened to-hit.
Charm spell at Lv.3, Shapechanger at Lv.5, Children of the Night at Lv.10 (reduced to 1d4 bats, 2d6 wolves).
Forbiddance, acid damage 1d6 each turn from running water, spider climb, can be paralyzed by a stake, must carry grave soil to rest or add one level of exhaustion, must feed on a humanoid each day or add one level of exhaustion.
then in that case let him to a perception check to find out, and if he fails let him cut and then give him time to escape or some shit. if the BBG is undead he doesn't even need to sleep in the first place. if he's some other being that doesnt need a jugular, then now the party knows. the way you are going is on a rail, so let the players do what they think is right.
just make sure to have the guts to tell the player about changing some of those things if it gets out of hand. That's what really matters.
Only level 11. Basically we defeated the dragon from Storm King's Thunder thanks to the potions and found the ring in the hoard, which ended up going to me.
We're basically just doing some post campaign adventuring at the moment
It's bait you dip, stop replying.
The Thief wouldn't know what he was even if he had the ability to tell, he's not undead though, just a monster with an illusion spell on him maintained by a magic item he didn't see through. Also, if he had disturbed the BBEG the end result probably would have been a TPK since they haven't rescued the prisoners yet. I know what I'm doing here and I assure you I've let them have far more leeway than I probably should have given they're here already since I forgot the golden rule of don't give subtle teasers or the party will latch onto them like a parasite while ignoring the blatant plot hook.
>His character is absolutely tiny.
And this BBEG is still shit because you know what else probably could pass through those things? Druids in wild shape, or polymorphed things, or things other local rival evil peoples might use to try and kill him.
This is usually the part where you fudge things and there's a force field or a rune that triggers unless the person passing it is wearing a specific item. Or plan these things ahead so you don't have to fudge them.
Not sure how balanced it is but Plane Shift Innistrad has Vampire as a playable race if you want to avoid the homebrewing headaches.
This isn't a particularly high level campaign dude.
Also I was fine with him sneaking in and stuff, he failed his perception check to realize the dude wasn't really a dude but he did notice other plot pertinent things on him and in the room.
In the book, there is a variant rule about insight checks on yourself to see if something is a seemingly amiss. There is also a rule about having to roll a wis save against fear if the CR gap is too high in the DMG.
You might have written yourself into the corner, if you won't accept those type of solutions though.
I had him roll perception and he failed it by 3 so he just noticed the fancy key and fancy ring and the perfectly normal human sleeping there. I mean they'll find out next session, I can roll with what they've got as long as they don't try to take on a heavily guarded fortress and monster man with 2 mages by themselves in the dead of night while they're all tired.
Anyone got a hold of Lost Artifacts of Greyghast?
It's apparently a massive tome of 5e items, magic items and artifacts. Anyone have any reviews/thoughts?
Is there any reason for a Hexblade Bladelock to pick up Booming/GFB when they're already going to take Thirsting Blade when the time comes?
Instead of a long winded post, I'm just gonna say I want to know more about these modules. Have any of you guys ever played them? Can you go into more detail about them?
Are they fun?
hey guys, I'll be playing in the new Adventurers League season. The one with perma-death and shit. Any recommendations on what to play? Also anyone have any spoilers for the modules?
Like most things TRPG, depends on the DM. I mean it's not the MOST fun I had, I kinda like building my own world with the DM, but if your DM and party is good, anything can be fun.
Do people feel something like Out of the Abyss has too many unresolved plot threads?
kinda had bad experiences with the adventure's league. How're your experiences so far? I mean paladins will always be strong, but you could always play it safe with a wizard or fighter.
The one at my local shop is pretty good, but that's because we have god-tier DMs who are super-chill and advocate non-aggessive mean to complete objectives
Damn I'm jelly
Our store's DMs focus on telling the story, rather than rolling dice. But yeah, permanent death makes me wonder if there's going to be bullshit Tomb of Horrors crap
The whole ToA adventure is basically "what if we made tomb of horrors a proper modern adventure length" so yeah, expect tomb of horrors bullshit
and dinosaurs
Anyone here own elderwood products at all? Been thinking about dropping cash on the spellbook
Rolling up random Backgrounds to have an actual 5 minute char creation, y/n?
Is there really no coup de grace variant rule somewhere? With bounded accuracy you could just have it as a con save or something.
none here, but I always found it hard to drop cash on third party stuff, especially when I haven't seen whats inside.
So when will the new stuff be available as pdfs?
If you take warcaster booming blade makes for some spectacularly nasty opportunity attacks
Also to clarify, Tiefling using point buy, so I don't really have much room to get feats.
Anyone else overly critical as to the dice you buy? Like specific color, texture, etc?
I've realized that I can only be satisfied with 100% plain matte unicolor dice, ideally a bright color with numbers painted in very strong contrast.
Don't force anyone to do it unless they show up without a finished character sheet.
Some people absolutely must have control over every aspect of their character, and if you take that away they just won't have as much fun.
100%, anything else isnt legible
Yes. Legibility and utility first.
Fuck multicolored, speckled, and translucent dice with a rake.
Moon druid PC has been cursed with lycanthropy in my CoS game.
I'm not sure how to play it, don't really want to take away her player agency, and no idea how it should mesh with her Wild Shapes.
Wisdom saves as she is turning? Asking her to make attack rolls on her friends even when combat is over?
I don't think Strahd has any direct "magical" influence on werewolves, right? Book doesn't seem to mention that, they just have a lot of respect and fear towards him.
Here's how I did it when I ran CoS and faced the same issue.
The PC can transform into the werewolf hybrid form as an action, as per the MM, gaining a +1 to AC, and use of the bite & claw attacks using STR. However, when they do so, they have to make a CHA save against losing control. If they do it too much/often, they risk alignment shifting toward evil (which normally isn't a big deal, but in 5e is pretty massive). I also said I could force them to make a save whenever its a full moon, e.g. whenever I think it'll be most interesting. Play up the RP aspects of it, the feeling of being cursed, of having something inherently wrong inside yourself.
correction, normally isn't a big deal in 5e, but in CoS is a big deal
>which normally isn't a big deal, but in 5e is pretty massive
what do you mean by that?
also, she's a moon druid. I feel like turning into a werewolf isn't going to be that interesting to her when she could turn into a bear.
Already posted a correct, but what I meant was alignment normally doesn't matter in 5e but in CoS it is a pretty big deal, a lot of magical effects in the adventure key off of alignment in some way
As per the moon druid, reminder her that a werewolf is immune to quite a lot of damage. Especially at lower levels it'll make the moon druids' ability to tank even better.
YMMV, I had a paladin afflicted by it.
Alright. I think I'm gonna keep the surprise element of the lycanthropy at first, but afterward i'll give her the possibility to control this power.
Thanks for your input.
>Sentinel (p. 169). Ignore “within 5 feet of you” in the second benefit.
How did people go an entire thread getting this wrong? The feat's whole new text was even pasted. It has no problems with reach weapons.
When I played this module, I gave the player three days to find a cure, before being turned into a werwolf and becoming evil. I even set up a little quest where they could find it by cooperating with Muriel Vinshaw and the Keepers...
But then it turned out that I really underestimated just how much time three days really are. They got to level 6, got a remove curse spell and just cast it on her.
Anybody dumped ToA yet?
For the Dungeon Masters who like worldbuilding: do you use the D&D setting's deities as the gods for your settings, or do you have your players learn a new pantheon that you made up?
>the D&D setting's
My super generic fantasy lifted Greyhawk deities, modified them when necessary and removed/replaced a few. I made it back when DMing 3.5, so it was convenient because if somebody came with cleric of Pelor, there was no need to change shit and if somebody had worshipper of Vecna (who wasn't a deity in the setting), I could point him to the closest similar deity.
Though now I'm running a new game focused on exploring and killing things, and I'm testing the approach where the deities have no names, people just refer to them by their portfolios: god of light, god of darkness and so on; they're not quantified so one could refer to the god of death and darkness as one entity or not.
Yes, "the D&D setting's" gods. I'm well aware there's dozens of published settings, but not only do the vast majority occupy the same canonical multiverse, but practically all of them share a pantheon.
Don't be obtuse.
Can you choose the form that a wall created by a mystic takes, or is it always in a line? If it is only a line, what happens if the wall doesn't fit completely into the space your creating it, can you make it shorter?
On the last two threads a guy posted some stuff like dinosaurs, an atropal, main lich stats, and some magic items
Looking at the wording wood wall, it doesn't not say it needs to be a straight line, just 60 ft long, so I would take that as do whatever with shape
RAW it cannot be shorter than 60ft, as a DM though I would allow it because it'd be retarded not to
is the guy with the tomb of annihilation book still here? are there any new beasts in there? i play a druid in my current game.
If you wanted to go for true inhuman, you should've let little rogue slit his throat
Then, when the party walks away thinking he's dead, show that he's not
Hell, even if he was human, what type of BBEG doesn't have a guy to raise him from the dead from a single wound death
There's some dinos, but they're already in volo's guide
Bah. Was hoping for a full scan to be doing the rounds. Amazon in the UK is saying it's delayed until the 27th.
You can buy them individually on DnD beyond, bit of a rip, but you can at least see the list of what's there.
>bit of a rip
let me guess, american?
An user said that Tuesday he was going to get the book for a scan, so 3 days
I'm really looking forward to it because it might have a monster with a new weapon
It's a alittle annoying, the overlap of NPCs
Do ogres have homes? Do they raise ogrelets in them? How motherly is the common ogre? And do half-ogres require the mother to be an ogre to actually take the child to term?
All this talk of narrative murder because the damage mechanics don't apply outside of combat, but we're ignoring the narrative twists that would come from a similar action in the sorts of fantasy or sci-fi novels that D&D is meant to emulate.
Obviously, stabbing someone in the throat is pretty much fatal.
Obviously, you can't just throat-stab everyone in combat and kill them regardless of power because you said, "I want to aim at his throat."
Obviously, it's stupid to 100-0 the grand superwizard with a Stealth check.
But also obviously, if this were Conan and he snuck up on some non-mook evil sorcerer (in fact, the main villain of the book) and tried to stab him in the throat, we'd find out that the sorcerer is made of fucking snakes that shift apart to let the blade pass, or snapped awake at the last moment, or it was a dummy body placed there specifically to fool assassins because this sorcerer of the old gods has the dark blessing of never having to sleep, or the sorcerer's true form is that of a giant anaconda and all the Rogue has done is un-Mildshape him, and so on and so forth.
>but wah you've punished the rogue for success
No moreso than when someone locks their door but enchants it with Alarm and Magic Mouth so the sleeping guy inside wakes up and the guards in the barracks are alerted.
>Ogre home
Cave but yes
>Raise ogres
Depends on how tough the offspring are, I'd imagine that if it was a runt the father would just eat it
>How motherly is common ogre
Not really sure, it's humanoid enough that it probably has some sort of bound to the child so it wouldn't just step on it for being annoying
>Half ogre need mom ogre or no
No, the mother can be a medium humanoid, RIP vagina of course, but it will still be a half ogre
is there a viable/interesting low-wisdom cleric "build" ?
You're the answer to my ferverent prayers user, many blessings on you and your current party
>Low Wis cleric
Awful idea, Wis saves are amazing, perception is also amazing
>Can it be done
Yeah, just use no spells that have no saves, maybe be a forge cleric too so you can be melee man
The ogres of Thar differ from their Faerun relatives somewhat, lending credence to the theory that they are a more advanced group. They are slightly smaller than ordinary ogres (averaging about eight feet in height), and their heads are somewhat larger. Thar ogres skin color ranges from lavender to brick red, and they lack the distasteful odor usually associated with the species.
Ogre tribes range in size from two to a hundred, united under a chieftain and his tribal warlords. Tribes will sometimes band together in alliances numbering several hundred. These alliances rarely last for very long, but while they do, they can be quite dangerous.
As in orc tribes, chieftains attain their position through combat, but they rule only with the continuing approval of their people. A bad chieftain may be overthrown by force, with the entire tribe rising against him. Ousted chieftains are either killed or exiled. Thereafter, a few may manage to subsist as hermits, dwelling alone in huts, holes, or caves, emerging to prey on passing animals and luckless travelers.
Females have somewhat more influence among ogres than among the orcs, but they are still forbidden to rule. Some ogre legends speak of female chieftains, so the notion is not completely alien to them, but in fact it has not been seen in modern times.
Restrictions on rulership by female ogres are somewhat mitigated by the fact that only an ogress can serve as a shaman. Powerful in their own right, they cast useful spells, receive visions from the ogre gods, and create the scar-patterns that portray the heroic deeds of other ogres.
Tribes subsist by hunting, foraging, and raiding. An ogre can eat virtually anything (including, some claim, rocks and dirt, although I personally do not believe that). Cannibalism, though, is not unheard of.
Use no spells that have saves*
That sounds interesting but smart ogres would tear my party a new one, I'm sticking with the dumb kind. Good information to know though!
Nope. UK
Ogre villages are an assemblage of stone or hide huts, sometimes surrounded by a crude palisade. Orcs raid ogre villages regularly, and all tribe members are expected to fight. Unlike orc females, ogre females face no restrictions against serving as warriors or hunters.
As discussed above, a few ogre tribes actually keep orcs as slaves. They do not think much of the green-skinned mad ones, as the orcs are called, but will sometimes trust them with menial tasks. Orcs will raid ogre settlements from time to time to free orc slaves.
While ogres are unquestionably a dangerous and murderous race, they are surprisingly indulgent parents, treating their offspring with considerable affection. Ogres dote upon their children, denying them little, ignoring temper tantrums and misbehavior, and engaging in corporal punishment only rarely.
Young ogres mature rapidly, and join their tribes as adults once they have engaged in battle or have slain a large animal such as a deer or antelope. Once accepted as an adult, the ogre participates in hunting expeditions, battles, and raids.
Adult ogres mark their achievements by the creation of ritualistic scar patterns on their faces, arms, and backs. These are created solely by ogresses, who select appropriate patterns based on prophetic dreams and visions, which they claim are sent by Vaprak, god of the ogres.
There's more about religion, tribes, and ogre philosophy but that seems a bit out of the original question.
Now this is the useful shit, should help me flesh out an otherwise boring hack-and-slash encounter. Good show old bean!
Where? England?