Why are women far less likely to GM than men, Veeky Forums? Is it a confidence thing?

Why are women far less likely to GM than men, Veeky Forums? Is it a confidence thing?

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it's an intelligence and motivation thing

Ton of factors probably if you want to consider "the world population". Confidence, women being on average more used to being catered to, and other social factors. Most women I regularly play with do also GM though, so I don't know.

Something they don't tell you is that being a GM has a lot of project management involved, which is something that doesn't really appeal to women on the whole

Whenever I hear that argument I got to think of the 50s programming is for women ads a la "It's like managing a household. Make sure everything happens on time and is integrated! Totally a woman thing!"

Do you have any actual evidence for the claim that they don't? Or are you relying entirely on anecdotal experience to generalize this broadly?

Depends where you draw the line between anecdotal experience and evidence, honestly.
How many people's combined anecdotal experience constitutes "data"? Is it less people if they've been gaming for longer, or if they've been in more groups of players?

There are less women in the roleplaying community in general.

I'm 100% sure that if you looked at the percentage of men and women who GM'd you'd find that it's about the same percentage.

I don't know where you got the idea that women are "far less likely" to GM, because all of the women I've played with either have GMd in the past or were strongly interested in GMing in the near future, whereas quite a few dudes had no interest in running a game whatsoever.

>women are too smart to GM

Maybe they're just smart enough not to GM for you.

I doubt anyone's bothered to actually put together sufficient data to come to the conclusions OP has made, let alone ask why it would be. However, his follow up question is obviously intended to be inflammatory.

Fewer in the hobby in general.

Anecdotally, I observe that most women are more casually interested in the hobby, and disinclined to the kind of learning and prep work most GM's do.

Women in general are less inclined to flights of imagination (ie, creating worlds and people for no other reason than the enjoyment of doing so). That isn't to say there are no creative women, but it's a bell curve sort of thing.

I would guess many women play in home groups of friends, rather than seeking out strangers exclusively for playing elf games.

my personal anecdote is that of the 4 women I have known to turn up to more than two sessions in a row, 2 of them DM regularly
I understand this is about as valuable as "no ur rong" but maybe someone cares?
fewer women playing tabletop means fewer women DMing
I don't think it gets any more complicated than that

I doubt women are less likely to dm.

The issue is probably more just that more men play ttrpg, and thus, more men are going to dm as well.

Though thinking about it I've had a totally even balance of male and female dms across my years of tabletop, like legit 50/50

Because it takes time and effort to run a game. Most women don't like having to put forth effort. And I find most women will refuse to crack open a rule book.


I imagine it's what most people are saying

There are fewer women in the hobby, and frankly the proportion of DMs to players is already pretty low. I expect it'd even out per capita.

And how well did that work out?

GMing requires the ability to perform management and deal with the nittygritty numbers. The amount of women out of a traditional background, for whom the monitoring of financial information is instilled, is reduced every day.
So, even as TTRPG player counts skyrocket, the number of traditional women playing them still remains low. It's not to say that female GMs don't exist, but merely a reflection of how women are not being raised to serve as true leaders, merely figureheads ignorant of the support structure necessary to run their own games/households etc.


Do you have statistics or are you just making this post based on your own experiences so that you can wank yourself off with the idea that because they play less TTRPGs in your social sphere that they're somehow inferior to you?

There's less women interested in the hobby in general, and therefore less interested in GMing. I assume most people are more interested in being players as a whole, so GMs of either sex are relatively rare - at least a 1 in 4 ratio, because more players than GMs in a group.

There also might be some social stigma or pressure associated with it, though at this point I'm talking out my ass. Stuff like male players getting too friendly with their GM when they go for a romance arc, or assuming she'll be easier to deal with than a male GM.

What makes you say there's a discrepancy? Most groups are set up with around 4 players and 1 GM, so let's say that 20% of fa/tg/uys are GMs. The female population is the minority--based on totally circumstantial evidence, personal accounts, and hearsay until someone can give me some hard numbers--and I'm eyeballing it at anywhere from 1/3 to 1/5, so let's split the difference and say 25% are female.

20% of 25% is 5%. That's an exceptionally small number of ca/tg/irl GMs. Considering most people only change groups a handful of times, there's not a lot of chances to roll a female GM. I argue that there's no change in the ratio of players:GMs between men and women, only that the pool to pull female GMs from is much much smaller, making female GMs very rare.

Among people I know, % of wonen GMing doesn't differ much from % of men.

Because women are too retarded to DM. That and the only women who actually play are usually just following their boyfriend.

>ITT real hot opinions

I'm a female GM

I know at least 6 other female GMs

You guys just don't get out enough

>women in general are less inclined to flights of imagination

user do you realize how many fiction and fantasy authors are women

Jesus Christ, three times in a row in less then three hours?
What, have you never been laid or something? Just fucking clean yourself up and work on yourself instead of getting bitter about it and posting dumb shit on Veeky Forums you pathetic fuck.

As a general rule women are incapable of dreaming it big - just look at the proportion of fantasy writers and what they put out.


Yeah this one never meet a woman it seems

Men work in hierarchies. Woman work in more flat and bichty organizations.

Keep in mind that the female player population in general is significantly smaller than the male player population, such that if equal proportions of each were to GM, you'd expect fewer female GMs. This is not to say that there are no other factors, simply that the described observation is what we would expect given the previous statement.

It's possible that there's something about GMing that simply doesn't appeal to women, but it's also possible that GMing is something that people usually get into either because they're the one who found the game first among their friends, or after they've played some and got serious enough about the game that they wanted to run one themselves.Given the societal stigma against girls in TTRPG's, it is unlikely that women are going to be the one to discover the game first, and only a small percentage who do get into the game will become serious enough to run their own.


I will posit that women do not get out enough, because men are already out and everywhere and still cannot find women.

Less women in the hobby, of those who are a larger proportion are only in it casually as an aside to their other hobbies. You don't see as many women of the fat, greasy, shelves and shelves full of books and miniatures, this-is-what-I-live-for-as-in-this-is-why-I-literally-haven't-killed-myself-yet types who make up much of the GM community.

It's about numbers.
Less women in the hobby therefore less women GMing. Is not that hard.

It didn't.

You are the real reason

the men who go to the right places, and also don't treat women like shit, DO get gfs, user

I know this because I run a tabletop gaming club at a large university.

There are a lot of girls in the club, and many of the guys in the club who are genuinely nice, smart people have gotten into relationships with some of these girls.

However, there are some guys in the club that are socially challenged neckbeards and say insulting things about girls both in and out of games. Those guys do not get women.

I'd venture to say that the guys in this thread saying "women are too retarded to GM" fall under that latter category of people IRL.

Actually this

So half the thread thinks it's something innate about women that makes them unfit for the position, and the other half think there's just less of them in the hobby and it's mostly cultural?

Why are men more likely to roleplay/play tabletop games?

I don't think is 50/50

50% logical geniuses
50% pathetic whiteknights

Women are fine with being insulted by men, as long as those men are hot. So really it's just the guys are ugly.


First post ITT, I think it probably is more to do with the apparent scarcity of 'into it' female TTRPG players.

maybe like normie slut women

smart nerdy girls don't usually put up with blatant misogyny in my humble experience