Take down a Pyramid Scheme?

How do I bring down a pyramid scheme?

This scumbag I know is running a pyramid scheme. His name is Chris Castaldi and he runs "Denver Executives". He calls himself the "Founder" and "Senior Managing Director". This firm he is operating prays on recent college graduates, desperate for jobs, offering them positions as paid employees of his "Premier International Business Development, Communication and Customer Acquisitions Company". The firm guarantees a good salary + commissions, an important sounding job title, and the opportunity to travel and put on corporate events. In reality, new employees are sent to various Walmarts to try and push Comcast Xfinity services. If they don't meet nearly impossible sales milestones they are paid nothing. They are encouraged to recruit new recruits - so they can collect a portion of their commissions - which is where it begins looking like a pyramid scheme. Most will leave the company in a matter of weeks. Meanwhile, the firm itself takes basically no risk. They are paid well for sales but pay their "employees" almost nothing. It isn't necessarily illegal, but I am highly confident that in this case he's engaging in fraud.

Why do I care? This sociopath leaves a path of destruction. He cheated his way through college, lies and manipulates his "friends", bullies those who can't stand up to him, and absolutely terrorizes anyone who does. Personally, he has wronged me, but the motivation is deeper than that. I just can't stand seeing this scumbag "succeed".

So, again, how do I take this guy down?

I've considered reporting him to the Colorado attorney general, but I want the complaint to result in real justice. Not just a "cease and desist" order. I don't have any evidence of wrong doing, except that I am nearly sure that he has no business license and he seems to be operating out of a residential apartment. Given his character, I am nearly sure he is doing something that qualifies as fraud.

Pic related: it's him.

Other urls found in this thread:


Be a man. Challenge him to a fight.

Start your own business and get all your employees from his pool since they are already desperate for jobs.

Just go on darknet and pay some fag with shitcoins to put a bullet into him lad.

sand niggers being sand niggers

You wanna see this dude crying on the floor every night?

Buy him some LINK


Myself and others have done this. He's been ostracized by my friends and I, in part because he constantly started fights. Not a solution - he needs to go to jail.

>bullies those who can't stand up to him, and absolutely terrorizes anyone who does.

the weak should fear the strong.png

Hack his WiFi and plant CP in his personal pc, then you run a Tor exit node on his private network and leave an anonymous tip to the FBI and Interpol.

Boom, his gone for the next 15-20 years.

He's actually Italian, but he does look like a sand nigger.

Wait for the recession to buy out his company and liquidate all the assets.

lol u don't go to jail for that shit fag


This nigger is at least 98% moor.

This sounds effective, but I doubt I could pull it off.

Sure you can.

you fell for a pyramid scheme? how retarded are you

I did not fall for a pyramid scheme. I knew him in college and grew to hate him. He recently tried to connect with me on LinkedIn. He was clearly trying to broadcast himself and his important job. It just rubbed me wrong and reminded me how much I hated him. Once I looked into it, I realized what he was doing - taking advantage of people and scumming his way around - and I just can't take it. Guy needs to go down.

holy shit. Why do iltalians look like spics?

I don't know but the look fits him. Piece of shit.

its the shadiest people in these types of businesses, he probably gets $300+ per person they sign up and they probably get like $30-$50. He probably lives really well if he has a large operation.

Based on the glassdoor reviews, that sounds about right.

And he's probably living quite well. This is definitely the type of guy who rolls into the club and drops a few hundred bucks, leaving you wondering "how the fuck does that guy have money?"


No way I fucking sold Comcast in wall Mart too! I was in Atlanta (I had the record for most sales in a day in big south region, inb4 larp). You have been working for the devil Corp my friend. One step you take is sending this link to anyone you know working for them.



glassdoor is full of similar stuff, people not being paid or making a lot less than promised, signing forms waiving wages in favor of commission.

There probably isnt anything you can do. The people he hires will also never google him or his business name, they most likely see an ad on craigslist or something then just call/email, show up, work for pennys for a couple months, quit.

What was the pay like?

Throw some poop in his face


He used to work for one of these firms. Do you think he "incorporated" as a "manager" and he is effectively an extension of Devil Corp? There's no way he figured this out on his own.

Also, I did not work there, as I've stated before.

If he's doing wrong to others, success will abandon him eventually. Just let it go user.

Remember, to succeed in life you have to first serve others.

Why not just start a similar business but with better salary and shit like that? Everyone will flock to you his company goes broke and then you have the lead. You're happy getting wealthy your employees are happy because they're getting paid better and treated with dignity

Nothing you can do man. This is a scheme as old as business and has many forms in every country from comcast to magic power juice to diet pills. Only the people at the top make ridiculous amounts of money from it. I was offered one where you have to buy your own stock to sell and people who buy can use the product or join the pyramid. If you have any common sense you would instantly know its a scam, besides that theres nothing you can do, its completely legal...

>Not how business works

This isn't some karma shit. Some really despicable people get away with billions without ever facing justice or the consequences

Mate don't worry about him, he is not a business owner, he is a cog.in the wheel, he has to answer to regionals and vps and they take cuts of his money and have power of.attourney over his 'business' bank account.

And the reason I say he doesn't have a business is because it is worth nothing, the second he stops working the business stops. This type.of business is a puppy mill, interviewing 60 people a day(yes 60) and of that maybe 5 come for an 'observation interview' (we liked you so much that you made it to the second round interview) (reality is the other 55 figured out it was a scam or were maybe super retards that can't speak the language and smell like 1week old cabbage) . My point is that even though he posts all this shit online about him being successful, he is very much in the rat race still but if he doesn't project success you will never want to work upto his level in the pyramid. The only winner here is the guy that started the pyramid and nobody has ever heard of him because he's on a yacht saying "I told them they had their own marketing company can you believe it hahahah" sipping on his fine beverages surrounded by hot females

Rape him

stupid shit like this makes shitcoins look nobel.

In the offchance that OP is just jelly

This, OP unironically sounds jealous. Remember, Sam Hyde said "The Weak Must Fear the Strong" :^)

I see what you are saying. He's at best a Lieutenant, and probably also busting his ass.

Nonetheless, he is ruining people's lives. What I am reading on thedevilcorp.wordpress.com is borderline disturbing. Do these middle managers ever go down?

I've admitted that his success bothers me, though I wouldn't call it jealousy. I do just fine for myself.

Taking him down would accomplish two things, I get the satisfaction of stopping a bad person doing bad things and I get to see this prick fail.


Just stab him in the dick with an aids infected knife. If the knife doesn’t kill him, then yeah....

Yeah, just murder him. Nobody will figure out, especially if he lives in another state than you. Would definitely be funny

Main things you can do, write bad reviews on all websites they use to recruit. And report the job ads as misleading.

Here's some I used to use at my company.
Marketing manager
Events manager
Client aqusitions manager for fortune 500 company
Executive account manager
Marketing team leader
There's too many but a lot of them are misleading. I'm sure if these websites looked into them they would take action and that would hurt them as the only way they survive is by recruiting faster than people leave

Yes that's what it is, you start as a sales monkey then you take out the second round interviews and then when enough of these people start they are your team and when your team is big enough then you are "promoted" to your own company, Comcast pays 60$ per service 40% of each to the manager and other 40% to the monkey and the rest to the ones above. The umbrella pyramids are credico, cobra, smart circle etc.

You can actually start your own if you wanted that life, email a bunch of companies that are willing to have you sell their shit and then you hire people on the same scheme

Most of those services are fake.

I'm good.

So would reporting to the attorney general, or something, do any good?

Is there anything that these umbrella companies would consider a big enough infraction to "fire" him? Suppose they realized he was blatantly engaging in fraud, would they want to separate themselves from him?


you should pull a bill ackman and short-sell equity of this guy's company

Find enough others who feel the same way you do?
Bernie Maddof was brought down by exposure of his fraudulent bookkeeping iirc.


Not him