Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1734: Eclipse Is Best Star Destroyer Edition

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So anons, those of you with minions at least. Do you have the most widely despised form of minion in any vidya at your disposal?

I'm talking about those fuckers who run at you and then explode

>I can still hear the hissing

OP= A man with excellent taste

So thread. Are you up for a bit of cooperative creation? Because I've got a bunch of OC power slots to fill out in an upcoming jump, few limits on the sorts of powers and a hankering to encourage some creativity. If you want a chance to maybe get a power of your own design in, read on.
I'm in the process of writing up a short jump for a series called Petals of Reincarnation. In this series, there are guys called Reincarnators who call back to an ancestor to gain a Talent/Power from them. These are generally based on their achievements and can get pretty kooky. By taking on those powers, you often get visual or even mental changes (Don't worry about this stuff, the jump will address it and provide ways around it). That said, isaac Newton becoming a man with an apple for a head is pretty funny.

Isaac Newton can create apples that he controls the gravity around in a 4 metre diameter, with enough strength to warp space or turn people to paste in an instant, even supernaturall tough people. Schrodinger can choose any possible path for his life to take, such as choosing for a single shot he makes to kill all his foes, so long as that possible path is, well, possible. Simo Hayha (Yeah, he gotta be in there) gets a snow based Reality Marble and crazy sniper skills.

So we got some pretty sweet stuff here. The Reincarnators are all based on actual historical figures, no purely mythical folk here, though historical/myth mixes work just fine. The powers can be pretty varied and even pretty strong. In the untranslated parts (Holy fuck why does the translation cut off just as we get to see a dozen more foes introduced) they can wipe out cities or mountains, with things like orbital satellite astronaut lasers or what has to be Nikola Tesla firing giant lightning bolts. Even on the hax side, guys like Schrodinger above are crazy.


So here's my idea. Take a look at the canon powers that are going in the jump (vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Petals_of_Reincarnation /Yes I know it's VS Battles but you just need to deal. Ignore everything but the power descriptions at the bottom of each page, the power stuff is accurate but everything else is pointless. This is the only good site that easily lists them all.).

Now that you had a look and know what sort you're working with, why not come up with some OC stuff? Since the non power section is going to be fairly small in this jump and the powers themselves are fairly light on rules, I thought I'd try and include as much OC as I can find. If you'd like a specific sort of power and can find a good historical figure to base it on, this is a chance to see it be used in jump. Of course if you don't want to, that's fine to.

Could I get some feedback on the JLU WIP? I'm still having trouble thinking up good powers, perks, and items to include.

No. My minions are adorable and the reason they are such big threats is that if you hurt one I will come for you.

Oda Nobunaga
Your hands turn into guns.

>Implying those minions don't run at enemies with explosives.

Can't turn down Gunsgunsguns.



I am unsure what you mean, if you mean by using a different power source than magic like electricity, they'd probably just be a regular demon every time.

Andreas Vesalius, author of De humani corporis fabrica libri septem. Grants a biomancy/flesh warping power

That's far too simple and easy to understand to work for Nobunaga. Also, it's retarded.

Petal Talents have less to do with legends or accomplishments and more to do with the idea of personal abilities that create those legends and accomplishments. Ignore the fact that Nobunaga used riflemen to conquer Japan. Ask what sort of talent he had that would have allowed him to accomplish that feat.

If anything, I would give him a "talent for explosives" and say it leads to him being able to just spawn gunpowder out of nothing in arbitrary amounts, manipulate it telekinetically regardless of whether it's his or someone else's, and set it off at will.

Sounds wicked.

I mean if you use something like ki, do they gain ki, or just whatever magic it gives them?

Napoleon. Not 100% sure what the power would be, but the man is known as the "King of Artillery" for a reason.

Charlemagne? Maybe he can summon up 12 minions to represent the Paladins.

Richard the Lionheart. Holy Crusader powers

Any famous pirate, with the ability to summon up their ship. I vote for Blackbeard, just because the Queen Anne's Revenge was fucking sweet.

Diogenes, can turn men into chickens

The Red Baron-His fucking plane, or maybe he can fly on his own and fire weapons from his hands or something

Andrew Jackson- He can force anyone into a 1-on-1 duel

Wait, then what the fuck do apples have to do with Newton's own personal skills? That's a direct reference to his 'legend'

When Size Shifting says it goes down to "microscopic levels" is that subatomic like the Atom, or is it significantly larger?

Teddy Roosevelt! He really liked nature, maybe something relating to that. He could also have extreme intimidation powers.

There's also Louis Pasteur, maybe he could have really powerful purification skills or able to kill the cells inside someone by using heat on them!

And then there's Emperor Justinian, who had a really good talent for designating the right people for the job and was able to band together a very quirky cast of characters to do really big and ambitious projects (like for example, finding the perfect person for sorting out the GIANT mess that was the legal system back then) and in general being really good at expanding the city. Maybe he could have a really good talent in assessing people's strengths and weaknesses?

And then there's Marie Curie, who could have extreme nuclear powers. and Rosalind Franklin, who did a lot of work in DNA stuff so maybe she could have those abilities?

And the Wright Bros could have flying abilities or being able to summon attack planes!

Napoleon and his wonderful artillery are already there.

Charlemagne? Sounds cool. I like that one.

Richard is also potentially cool. Perhaps some light based powers.

I think rather then a ship, it'd be better to do things based on their other feats. Blackbeard that can turn into smoke and flame demon for instance.

Diogenes....not sure. That might be too much of a stretch.

Red Baron should be something yeah. May be too similar to Rudel though.

Jackson could be cool with something extra.

Joan of Arc: Morale raising aura, all allies within a certain radius are filled with a fervour and energy for battle, allowing them to fight on when they would normally falter.

Jack the Ripper: Capable of disguising oneself and hiding evidence of crimes, or at least hiding any that might point to the user.

In Golden Morning in canon, he wasn't really fighting pragmatically. Which can be butterflied, and you really don't want him to fight smart.

The issue is his Powers and the cosmology of worm.

Scion is a high-level threat, because you need a bunch of exotic powers to kill him.

He has powers other than dimensional travel.

He can travel dimensions, and attack from other dimensions as well.
The golden man you see floating around isn't his real body, and his real body is hidden in a universe that is blocked off.

Hitting the avatar doesn't hurt him directly. He takes energy to heal the avatar, but he has a lot of it. Biggatons don't work to kill him, since any damage that is more than what is needed to force the avatar to reform is wasted.

To kill him (baring certain weird powers) you have to get to his real form, which is a challenge in itself since it is blocked off.

The other thing is that there are around 1^80 different universes in Worm, so you can forget finding him by trial and error.

His primary offensive power is rather versatile. It cancels out wavelengths. Pretty much everything is a wave (particles count as waves).
It can do some weird stuff, like it somehow allowed him to cancel out a area of looped time.
It also has a massive range, he was able to strike a target on the other side of the ocean with it.
It basically ignores normal forms of durability.

He also has PtV.

Neat! I've been looking forward to this for a while.

An Amazonian origin/race/whatever would be a good inclusion - Wonder Woman is a character that looks large in the Justice league. I'm a little surprised that there's no Kryptonian option here (especially considering there's an Argoan), but I figure that you not wanting to step on the toes of the Superman:TAS jump?

Btw, would picking the scientific power source and superspeed let me mess around with the speedforce? I've already gone the Batman and Superman routes in their respective jumps, and kind of want to go Flash here (I've already got the Arrow verse jump for all speedforce related insanity, but the Flash is just fun).

All fantastic suggestions.

Wright Bros are actually in canon already, think they're just not on that list.

Oh, forgot to mention too. While great historical figures are good, great sinners of history also work. Serial killers, mass murderers, tyrants, traitors and so on all form the Sinner section. So if you have any nasty faves, feel free there too.

Joan is nice, may add some sort of Martyr based ability too.

Jack too is good. Hiding evidence and changing own hysical appearance, maybe some fog stuff too.

Wow, my formatting is terrible.

Any info about Addams Family jump ?

The apples are an aesthetic. His talent is manipulation of gravity.

Please stop.

Oh I gave them a way to FTL.
I did it by creating the Admech.

Genghis Khan- Hax boost to planing

Diomedes- Being able to ignore defenses/ harm anything

August Vollmer- He's know as the "father of law enforcement" for a reason

Maybe Francisco Pizarro, Marco Polo or Blackbeard?

user, you're making very little sense. There are plenty of powers that don't work as you describe. You're right in that a lot of suggestions may not be quite right but they do give many ideas that can then be adjusted into properly fitting powers.

Genghis is a bit too generic and there's numerous other sorts.

Diomedes I believe is entirely mythical.

Hm. Law enforcement may be good....

Marco Polo having some sort of navigation/travel ability is gonna make it.

>great sinners of history also work. Serial killers, mass murderers, tyrants, traitors and so on all form the Sinner section
Well the obvious answer would be Caligula. But I have no fucking idea what his power would be.

Oh! Right. My favorite assassin ever.
Rashid ad-Din Sinan- Not sure what his powers would be, again. But he lead the Hashasharim during the Third Crusade. When Saladin seiged Masyaf he went into Saladin's war camp, alone, into Saladin's tent. Then left a dagger, a threatening note, and a plate of (unknown, many sources say scones, but they all agree it was some type of pastry.). Only Saladin saw him during this event, and it's believed he let Saladin see him.

>His talent is manipulation of gravit
Which has nothing to do with "talent he had that would have allowed him to accomplish that sort of feat"
Instead it has to do directly with the feat itself.

Honestly I don't know how Diogenes would work with combat abilities. Maybe some weird social mind fuck by being a god-level weirdo and mega-based at the same time?

One of the big three of Ancient Western philosophy, Plato. Like the 'Monarchs' presented in his dialogue "Res Publica", one could come to possess a sense of absolute benevolent authority, over either the hearts of men or the environment. Fitting for the philosopher-king of an ideal autocracy.

Josef Stalin: User is capable of unpersoning someone if they kill them, erasing any evidence of their existence. They have not been outright retconned out of existence, however, there's just no evidence they existed. Records, memories, scars, every trace or evidence that they existed is gone.

>Mary Shelly
>Modern Prometheus: Able to conjure up storms and call down bolts of lightning that can reanimate the dead?
>Changes your appearance to look like a stitched up corpse.

>?: Madness aura or discover hidden knowledge?
>Transforms you into a dark amorphous blob or tentacle monster.

>Edgar Allan Poe
>Nevermore: Induce lethal despair or sickness in others with your words or with a single touch?
>Makes you look pale and sickly and causes you to grow wings for arms or other raven like features.

>Harry Houdini
>?: Able to escape from anything or anywhere. Really good teleportation?
>Ties you with rope or traps you in a straight jacket?

I was looking at the death note jumpchain, and you basically have to go looking for trouble for it to be a difficult jump (like Light Yagami did).
Well, unless you end up starting in the shinigami realm by accident.

You can just get a death note, stay for 10 years doing normal people things and leave.


What if this guy had really outlanish comedy powers relating to making a mockery of his enemies or duping his foes into slapstick pranks.

Sure, I'll allow it. They won't be able to cast magic, though, if you use ki to revive them. They'll just get ki and not magic in the process.

Though if you play the "I have to entertain my benefactor angle", you might have to get involved.

Caligula...definite Sinner but you're right about needing to think stuff up.

Also could be cool but would need something to stand out.

Hmm, some sort of non aggressive mind control perhaps?

Oh, that's just lovely. Might combine that with some sort of winter/snow/ice power too.

Hahaha. Shelley is great.

Lovecraft too. Poe is good too.

Houdini is present in canon, just in a very minor degree. Still, never thought of authors as a possiblity so that's grand suggestions.

Charles XII of Sweden. An Immunity to bullets, and a natural talent for leadership.

Yeah basically. Although, Kira becomes worldwide famous after he kills L, to the point that he's got cults and shit popping up about him. But if you keep your head down it's basically just a normal person jump with some detective shit going on in the background.

The first major clown? How nightmarish. It's in. We can do high and low and mid power here.

Can Body Granter be used on somebody who already has a human form, but lacks one of the features granted (such as intelligence, leglessness, etc.)?

Why are you limited to taking Pokemon as your first jump?

Is it like a tradition thing?

Newton: Maybe something to do with magic or alchemy? He was noted for his research in it.

>Hmm, some sort of non aggressive mind control perhaps?
You're the one familiar with the setting, I'd leave the particulars of how the power would operate down to your discretion.

Could be.

Newton's already featured in his gravity research angle.

On the other hand a famous Alchemist of some sort could work as well.

Yep! I'm happy for any and all suggestions. Ooh, it's making me wriggle already.

Does picking a power source and a race with powers have any interaction?

What i mean is that you can take other jumps as your first, but pokemon can't be taken if it isn't your starting jump.

Most people do it out of tradition. You can choose a different jump, but a lot of people won't take it after then due to it not really offering much that can't be heavily upgraded/outclassed soon afterwards.

Does the shrinking/growing scale if you're in a bigger/smaller alt-form?

At this point, yeah. The guy who came up with Jumpchain originally envisioned it as the starting point, but I don't think he envisioned other people making jumps either and after other people started making their own it eventually became commonplace to start wherever you like. Up to you whether you decide to do that or not, though if you ask me Pokemon has some very useful pickups for general adventuring.

Maybe Caligula's power could be the power to create grand projects like temples or palaces? One thing Caligula was known for was construction such things, including a ship that was basically a floating palace.

Ohoho, I like it. Instantly summoning up grand constructions.

After taking some time to do my research, I'd like to suggest Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marquis of Dalí de Púbol and his power which is something along the lines of "Inspiration Collected From Everything Beautiful in this World"

Salvador Dali would be able to manipulate objects in his surroundings using his paintbrush, assigning new meaning, properties and forms in the process. An elephant's legs stretched numerous times over and made spindly and multijointed in the process, but giving it weightless properties in the process by having such impossible biology clash with the reality around it.

Mmmm, since the idea is still a bit confusing, think about it like this. Salvador Dali's inspiration would be enforced on something by painting over it, he gives meaning to an object (associating it with sexual desire, death, luxury) or warps its form by pulling or warping its body (as if it was paint) or adding onto it.

Reality then would attempt to make sense of his alterations or additions (making the heavy elephant on impossibly long, thin, weak looking legs much lighter to compensate/making an ant associated with death and desire able to produce a toxic aphrodisiac).

The limitations would be more along the lines of not being able to change any one thing to the point of being unrecognizable with his works, and a kind of permanence to the associations made (an egg is used to symbolize love, so other eggs he paints too will symbolize love). The inspiration is natural, the paintings a tribute to the natural beauty already there.

Sorry, I think I went a bit too over the top.

It's slightly less than what Atom can shrink down to, but I may improve it later.

Huh, I thought Amazonian was already in there. I guess I either accidentally deleted it or just forgot to put it in.

I'm still debating about weather or not I should include the Martain and Kryptonian/Argoan options. However you'll be able to reach the same level of power as those options with he right purchases regardless of weather or not they're included.

Maybe. I think the speedforce was only mentioned once when Flash almost got sucked into it, so no idea how you'd interact with it.

Yes, maybe. Haven't gotten to that part yet. But you will be able to become a cyborg demon or a magic using gorilla.

Haven't thought of that yet.

John Lennon: "Reality Marble" that massively heals everyone in its area of effect.

Any time limits? Can you go all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia and up to modernity?

>[Muffled UMU in the distance]

Also I wanted to suggest some sort of floating, supernaturally durable barrel-armor for Diogenes but someone got him first

Looking good man. I Am The Power! seems a bit too limited to be as attractive as the other capstones. More like 200-400 cp with it's current description. Maybe expand it so that power sources, whether they be parasites, xenotech, or cosmic whatever, are under your control, and can't screw you over at all.

Also, the Power Sets seem like they should be cheaper, or maybe grouped into actual sets of power instead of purchasing individual powers. You could have something modeled after Captain Atom for instance.

Hoho, well, I'll see what I can do. I definitely don't want to turn down such work and we've already got some painters in canon.

>On the other hand a famous Alchemist of some sort could work as well.
Might I suggest Khalid Ibn Yazid, an Islamic prince famed for his Alchemy. Although historically contested as to how involved he was in the former, The Liber de compositione alchimiae and the Liber Trium Verborum are both attributed to him. The first book was the first alchemical text translated from Arabic to Latin.

Not too modern. It does need to be the ancestor of someone in the modern day so preferably no later than WW2 or the middle of the 20th century.

So hype!

What you've got looks pretty good.

Cool! I'll try to go figure out some more simple suggestions to try and contrast with that.

Val said no to my idea anyway user

If he's famed for it, let's get him in there.

Thanks cutie.

Yep! You can't use it to make someone sentient, though. They have to be sentient already.

whisperwhisperI would suggest picking up Life Granting Magus from Adventure Time to get around thatwhisperwhisper

For Overlord how strong/fast are Birdmen? Every other race has a modifier like x10/x20 yet Birdmen don't.

Nifty, thanks.

>New God less expensive than Argoan or Martian

Gosh. I mean I'm...not complaining, but that seems a little off? I remember Martian Manhunter kept getting sidelined or taken out early, while Supergirl's more of a sidekick than a mainlister despite being roughly as powerful as Clark in thoery. Whereas Darkseid IS generally seen as the bad guy powerful enough to make everyone stop messing around.

Nero: Capable of summoning and controlling fire using a musical instrument.

Yeah, I know the 'Fiddled while Rome burned' story is most likely fictitious, but it seems like a cool power and it's all I can think of for Nero.

I think that's because nobody really knows for sure, the only one seen so far is Ainz's pervy adventuring buddy from the MMO who came up with Albedo and we haven't seem him fight at all.

Controlling fire and causing chaos equal to the volume and skill you play instruments at? Why the hell not eh?

Seems like a good idea to me.

>still debating about weather or not I should include the Martain and Kryptonian/Argoan options

Including them makes sense to me - the jumps there to represent the setting and the league, and all of those things are a fairly big part of the league. Plus they're fairly good story hooks by themselves. What's the argument against including them, in your head?

>is most likely fictitious
It's proven fictitious. Nero wasn't even IN Rome when that happened.

Now if you wanna powers based on what Nero actually did, something with lions. Fucker fed Christians to the Lions, and burned them in their temples.

The answer is clear.

Flaming lions directed by music. I'm kidding, we'll just do fire powers and lion powers.

What early jumps would let you cure basilisk venom from Harry Potter? I want to put it on the goblin sword but I'm not comfortable being unable to cure it in case someone accidentally cuts themself on it.

I don't know, lions made out of fire directed by music sounds pretty cool to me.

New God doesn't instantly put you on the same level as Darkseid, instead it makes you more like Mr. Miracle, Big Bertha, or kalibak.

No real reason other than "This doesn't make any sense." and that's a piss poor argument so I might as well just keep them in.

You could have Columbus as a Sinner and have it so that he has extreme disease spreading skill.

Also I'm not sure if he counts as a Sinner or not, but Akhenaten could have sun-related powers because of his whole "only worship aten" religion he tried to put in Egypt that subsequently pissed off his subjects and led him to get stricken from the king lists.

That could work. Nero did love music and performances.

Oh. Good point, I can't remember Orion doing anything that impressive now that I think about it.

The Omega Equation doesn't come up much in the cartoons at all, does it? What sets Darkseid up above the rest there? Is he just stronger than everyone because reasons?

Haha, true. We'll see.

Colombus is a great one.

Akhenaten....well, that could be cool.

I wanna second even if it's just for the power's super mode, flaming lions directed by music sounds badass. Like if Metallica participated in Fantasia 2000.

So I'm watching a youtube video about how to get into Kamen Rider for a newbie.

It's incredibly depressing. All I can think is how happy I would be to consume Kamen Rider in ANY format other than live action, I would enjoy a fucking screenplay more than live action.

Yeah, that's a cool middle ground. You have both but you can combine them and rock out as your flaming pride of lions attacks the enemy and grows giant at the same time.

Fuck yeah.

Yeah, he's still Darkseid, lord of Apokolips. Which means he's still super strong and tough and he has his omega beams.

Anyone making an Armored Core 4/fA jump? If not, I'm claiming it.

Oliver Cromwell with the power to ban Christmas

Alfred Hitchcock with "Master of Suspense". Perhaps something like "increases the lethality of any object or weapon he has against someone who hasn't seen it, based on the number of other people who have." The effect would endure for a short time after the big reveal too. Heck, the big reveal might deliver a tremendous shock or something on the prospective victim that leaves them open.

George Washington Carver and "The Many Uses of Peanuts" or something. It would basically allow him to make and turn peanuts into basically any form of product he can think of if possible, from the obvious peanut butter or oils to things as weird as particle board made from compacted shells.


I believe someone is making it, yeah. They've posted a WIP a few times I believe.

Haha, I'm definitely avoiding the fear of too many high end stuff with your suggestions. Like em both.

Get a pet phoenix

You know... This is great and all, but if it's that freeform that you're soliciting so many ideas... Why not just do something like NP Creation/the Stand bit at the end of Jorge/etc.?

Can't afford it. Though it did remind me that Disney Princess has a healing tears capstone. Hopefully that'll work.

Two reasons. One, the series isn't nearly as powerful as Jojo. There's very little in Jojo that isn't okay as a Stand and what isn't is fairly obvious.

Two, I just don't want to deal with another Fate. It's hard enough when there are rules and lots of examples but with Reincarnators, there's few real rules or limits on power and some shockingly strong things available. Things like being able to choose any possible outcome of a situation, ensuring you only die/fail if there is literally 0 chance of not dying/not failing or immortality that works by negating any attack against you so long as your stamina holds out.

So rather than that, I thought I'd just collect every idea I could get and make a huge list of OC powers to add on too.

Steal Dumbledore's phoenix when you go take care of that snake.

Happy to hear! I'll just keep dropping suggestions as I think of them.

Babe Ruth with "Calling His Shot" could be cool. He points where he wants to send something, slams his bat into it, and off it goes.

Probably because with Noble Phantasms she's still being asked by people if their new idea would work or is the appropriate tier, and the Stand Guide was written and designed using numerous chapters, multiple parts and decades of observations and Stands and the new Jump she's working on is for a much shorter series that isn't fully translated.

Hehe, nice.

Do you have any memory of when this person last posted their AC4/fA Jump? Looking through the archives, I can find mention of the AC Classic Jump, which covers up to Nexus, but not an AC4 Jump.