Describe your best player character without mentioning class, profession, race, or appearance

Describe your best player character without mentioning class, profession, race, or appearance.

An absolute arsehole who could not pass by a machine without molesting it, the team wheelman and overall nutjob with a few loose screws

But what does he/she WANT?

What doth life? (life, life...)

>Awkward and confused young adult who willingly left her own culture/society and became a self-imposed outcast due to disagreements over it's values. Having since integrated into a society she agrees with and becoming accepted as one of their own, she now feels an obligation to protect her new "family" when several members end up going missing. Unfortunately she's in way over her head, lacking the life experience, power, or or resources to tackle this problem alone. In fact, she's incredibly unqualified, being mostly a socially awkward pacifist who relies on book smarts, idealism, and avoidance to deal with problems... and while those are useful skills in certain situations, this isn't one that's easy to solve just by reading about it, believing it will be alright, or running away from it. Luckily, the other members of the party are there to help cover the gaps, and serve as an examples of things she might have to find the strength to do herself someday.

I think I did OK.

A tactical genius who seeks to undermine the status quo in his home land using only the gifts he has from birth and the goodwill of his adventurers.

A delicate and youthful changeling witch who moonlights as an alchemist as she works tirelessly to restore the rightful ruler to the throne.

>protective of family
>socially awkward
>avoiding, pacifistic

Yeah, I think that's a pretty strong character, when it comes to RPGs. So many are just a pile of abilities with no good motivations or morality. I think just as actors have an impossible job when they don't know their characters' motivations, tabletop players too become aimless.

He got exiled for his sexual preferences. He tells everybody its becouse his dueling addiction.


It's like you didn't even read the OP.

>image is 'You're not the boss of me'

I think they were being petty

The best part is, I can't tell if this is DnD fantasy, Shadowrun cyberpunk, Space Opera futuristic, as far as setting goes... but I could see it working in any of them.

Outcast who survives with deceit and her fate altering power, trying to find out just what the hell is she.

You forgot
Delicate and Youthful

a lazy person with immense power and skill she barely worked for and often misuses with a sordid past life she doesn't entirely remember but still feels immense guilt for. despite all this she tries her best to be upbeat in most situations (though often fails) and can be a terrible force when made angry. Though she has a big heart she doesn't always know how to approach people and so only a few close friends receive her love while strangers tend to get cold shoulders or kind smiles thrown at them, causing them to have to make a lot of effort to get close to her and so many people don't bother, but she is fine with that. She's artistic but, again, lazy and unfocused and so rarely finds time to practice her art despite everyone she knows encouraging her to do so. She thinks of herself as peaceful and not as prone to violence as some of her peers are due to her past being filled with it and her trying to escape it, but often loses her temper and abuses her power to make others suffer, she will rarely take full responsibility for her actions, making excuses for herself.

An ever-cheerful girl who prefers to trade with secrets and knowledge rather than coin, though of course she will take coin if she has a particular need in mind. Her only desire in life is to travel the world and obtain knowledge of so many things - history of regions, stories of heroes, even simple food recipes. She's willing to sacrifice it all to know so much about the wonderful world, and if she lives to be old, she'll return to her homeland and spend her days entertaining and inspiring the cubs of her tribe with stories.

I never understood this meme
While I have never seen Star Wars, except the first one, how do you fail at giving a character even a basic one note personality?
Looking at my current campaign, before the near TPK that forced us to roll new characters
>psychopathic drunk that's in way over his head
>quintessential murderhobo with a hidden agenda
>straight guy that's trying to protect his family
>tag-along dude that's the only one that's not insane
And that's that, I could go on but that's enough for me and my friends to instantly recognize each one of us

a terrible person who realizes just how terrible they are and wishes they weren't but cant stop being an asshole since its the easiest way of getting others to interact with him- secretly wishes he was a hero and that he could help and protect people since he desires to feel useful to others, willing to go to unreasonable lengths for goals that may not warrant that due to having a perverse form of a savior complex. unnecessarily vindictive and insecure due to being socially maladjusted

Kind, generous, a bro, kinda naive (and as in the last game a great wingman). Wants to leave the world better than he found it following a path of perfection both physically, mentaly and spiritually. Will always give you a second chance unless you're an evil piece of shit who enjoys being evil and who wastes that chance then he'll come at you with righteous might.

Bitter edgelady with borderline personality disorder

>enough for me and my friends
The point is that the strong characters don't require understanding references to the particular work to understand.

Anyone who doesn't play these games doesn't understand what kind of personality "murderhobo" is - and truthfully I don't understand either, because it's usually used to describe players, not characters - and players who don't care about coherent character personality, at that.

"tag-along dude that's the only one that's not insane" is incredibly boring and undescriptive too. "Not crazy" is not a personality trait. "straight guy that's trying to protect his family" at least gives me an idea of motivations and priorities.

Murderhobo means, at least in my mind, a character that doesn't care about dirtying his hands, or loyalty, he only cares about money
Basically a very pragmatic and self serving man without angsty "what have I done" internal monologs while looking at his bloodstained hands
I used murderhobo because I'm on Veeky Forums and I expect people to understand what I mean
I know the last guy is like that, but he wasn't really too invested, he was literally just tagging along for no particular reason except "why not?"
Besides of course it can only be enough for people who know the characters, otherwise you can't recognize and link a description with a character

Flirty, confident at times (especially in her people skills), yet obsessive to people she believes in, and prone to depression if things go wrong/she's tricked. She tries her best to help people, but is pretty guilible, and can be easily manipulated into believing she's helping save lives when she's actually doing the opposite. She has a tendency to be infuriated by the appearance of Giants, since her home country has been at war with a seemingly infinite force of giants since she was a child. Despite her tendency for being optimistic to a guilible degree, she's a talented strategist, and can save lives in combat situations if things go south.

Bratty illegitimate daughter that hated her father after learning about the scandal he caused that resulted in her birth. Left the environment she was raised in without much idea about what she's doing, so she got herself into much trouble that mostly were caused by her own inexperience and stubbornness, and would've met a terrible fate had she didn't stumble upon her party. Cares about others but tend to only see things from her own perspective, she tends to act quite inconsiderate. Rarely thought about the consequences of her actions which made her suffer from it often. Well aware of her flaws but finds it hard to change by herself, though she's very willing to do so if she gets the opportunity.

Young adult who was raised in a family where she was overshadowed by her brother. Made a friend who made her want to go to college and ended up one of the top students. Mentor friend dies in freak accident and she is left alone and trusting that nothing will ever last. Leaves to travel the world working (not saying how though) for the Empire's Hiers. Any work she does she makes sure can be self destructed by her choice whenever she desires. This is done as a way to teach others to not take things for granted in life as it is unfair.