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Is this new art?

>No bolt
Fuck wizards.

>the card that's been reprinted the most should get a reprint because I want it!
Fuck you.

Kill yourself

I'm not sure you're legally allowed to call it "Iconic Masters" if you didn't put Bolt or Counterspell or even Giant Growth in. All we got was Doom Blade at Uncommon. Maybe NWO Masters because that seems to be what is being celebrated here. EMA satisfies the conditions for "Iconic Masters" far better. Should've just called EMA that.

I'm actually glad it's "Iconic Masters" in name only. We don't need more Counterspells or Giant Growths. We need more Mishras Baubles and Horizon Canopys.

>all these cards I already have
>all these Tarkir-era reprints
>those few chase rares
>reprinting all the praetors in one set less than 6 months after I acquired Sheroldred to complete my collection
Fuck... At least MM3 got me some fetches.

Yeah, but so many cards are neither iconic or needed/valuable. Scourge of Valkas? Hypersonic Dragon? BFZ common reprints?

Well, sure. Every set is padded out with draft chaff. It's the nature of Wizards. Would we like a set full of nothing but 10$+ card reprints? Absolutely. But WotC is a business first and formost, and they're going to put 15-20 high priced chase cards in a set and full the rest out with garbage because that's what they think makes them the most money for the least investment. Also pisses off the least people who buy the most product. It's all a balancing act for them, and I think they do it very well. At least from a business standpoint. From a players point of view, I think the secondary market is simply predatory and that WotC should do their best to insure that no single card is worth more than 5$, investors and speculators be damned.

>kill meee...

you guys are dumb.

they're trying to make a balanced limited format too. "hurr no bolt" is completely lacking understanding of this.

>tfw Bloodghast reprint
>tfw it's the last card I need a set of to play Modern dredge
>tfw won't actually play dredge but it'll be nice to know I can

I can't. Wish I could. Killing is a crime, crime is for blacks, and you have protection.

Then don't pretend to call it "Iconic Masters". Look, I'm all for a great Limited format, but calling it "Iconic Masters" sets an expectation in most players that their most memorable spells should be in it. Immediately one would think: Lightning Bolt, Counterspell, Giant Growth, Doom Blade, Llanowar Elves, Mana Leak. Many of which would result in an overpowered and (arguably) unbalanced Limited format, but the facts are that you billed an EXTREMELY by-the-numbers Masters set as "Iconic" when few of the cards are truly so.

The fact that I have to justify it in my head as "Just Another Masters Set" as opposed to "the Iconic Masters" set indicates problems and disconnects between what the product set out to do and what the product achieved. It's kind of like how EMA got poked fun of as "Commander Masters" or "Pauper Masters" when everyone was secretly hoping for more just a few more Legacy reprints than what we actually got.

I actually like the set. I'll probably still draft it, and definitely use the price drops to fill out my Cube and other Eternal formats. Maybe I'll even enjoy the Limited environment (judging from the Dragon Ramp deck, I really think I will). But right out the door, looking at this full spoiler, can you in good faith tell me that this is the best possible configuration we could have gotten for something that, and I quote, 'features beloved Magic cards from throughout the game's history'? I just think we could have gotten something better.

>reprinted a bunch of cards I wanted for casual decks
>reprinted them at rare

My point was, use Shivan Dragon instead of Hypersonic, because both are worthless and one is at least iconic.

Rhyme not intended but whatever.

It's one of the most iconic cards in Magic.

Also, it could use a reprint. Its value is low but too high for a common.

MM17 2: Electric Boogaloo

i will kill someone with this in a draft. it's gonna happen.

Assuming nobody passes a channel they pull, you've got a ~0.2% chance of getting a channel and a fireball in the same draft.

never tell me the odds

A lot of these are included because they were Standard all-stars when they were legal.

This should dock the price of Thune a bit. Other than that...the set is pretty sleepy.

Asside from channel bullshit, the draft environment seems a bit weaker than previous reprint sets. What do you guys think?

This looks like it will play like a standard limited format with bigger fatties. Maybe I am just old but it doesnt seem interesting at all. Set is like 75% creatures or cards related to creatures, and the other is mana rocks, counterspells and draw.

Iconic as in the iconic tribes.

>Iconic Masters is a more traditional Masters with a light theme of the iconic creatures. The 25th Anniversary Masters is high on nostalgia with cards from (almost) every set in Magic.

>It's kind of like how EMA got poked fun of as "Commander Masters" or "Pauper Masters" when everyone was secretly hoping for more just a few more Legacy reprints than what we actually got.
But Pauper and Commander are also both Eternal formats.

Looks like a fucking tiefling.


What a travesty. What's the point of reprinting iconic cards if you are going to replace iconic art?


>If I don't like it it's garbage.

Like goblins, elves and merfolk?

too nude for nu-male magic

this set is turning out to be such a let down

It happened multiple times at hascon.

No, those are characteristic.
White: Human
Blue: Merfolk
Black: Zombie
Red: Goblin
Green: Elf

Iconics are:
Blue: Sphyinx
Black: Demon
Red: Dragon
Green: Hydra

Limited is such a garbage format that's ruined every set for the past 5 years

so much better than the previous art.

>WOTC announces these 'X-Masters' sets as a way of making badly needed reprints of cards that would be too strong for the standard kiddie-pool.

>Packs cost close to double the normal value, often more

>designed for limited play, so there's a shit ton of chaff and useless cards. You almost never make your money back unless you get lucky and pull one of the few chase rares.

Every time I see something designed for limited it usually entails a few valuable cards amidst a pile of crap. Can we get a set of powerful reprints that is less than 60% garbage?

>Said every person that stopped loving MtG long ago
Why don't you like the second best format?