Note how she shuffles her cards while waiting for her next game

Note how she shuffles her cards while waiting for her next game.


Good practice.

Is it?

>implying this isn't a staged photo to show you how girls can totally play magic too, but guys are too autistic to care
3/10 bait, not bad, but it needs work.

>playing mtg at all

>Complaining about MTG
>As he posts on Veeky Forums

I went into an all male store with my hot nerd friend and they didn't care that we were there at all. Hardcore nerds don't care about women.

It's a waste of time is what it is. You think whoever's playing next isn't going to assume she's stacked it to hell and back?

Is that Michael Cera with a wig?

It's true. They know they have no chance

That's the point, most guys don't care because she's probably with some obnoxious tool asking her to pose like that for a picture, instead of playing magic.

She's mashing unsleeved cards, while some dude in the background is making a stank face, which means she probably isn't there to play magic.

>She's mashing unsleeved cards

They look sleeved to me.

Did this really deserve its own thread?

So if they talk to her then they must be creeps expecting her to suck their dick but if they don't then they must be resignated virgins?
I guess some people will always see evil in all situations concerning people they despise for whathever pitty reason.

Some advice: when you want to talk about how you don't care, just stop at the part about not caring. Don't go on and on about the reasons you don't care, because it belies the terrible complex you have about women.

best post in all of tg

>So if they talk to her then they must be creeps expecting her to suck their dick but if they don't then they must be resignated virgins?

That's retarded especially if your reasoning is that everyone you find unattractive MUST be like that.
In real life a lot of them are maybe just respectful or can see a woman without thinking about that at all.
It's too simplistic and stereotypical to be true.


>"noting" female behaviors

I was expecting a gif.

>*most dudes don't actually try to flirt with random women just going on their business, especially when they are visually taken

Michael Cera goes through a lot of effort to disguise himself in public

That's a man.
I mean, it's not an issue, but that person definitely has a penis

That is obviously a dude.

>not .webm
What year is it?

Is it just me, or does she kind of look like Michael Cera?

No one will ever love you and you know it.

Didn't know Michael Cera played mtg

It's the only way to get good at shuffling cards.

Not your safespace, leftypol

You do realize he could likely be right? It's not like people for example on Reddit don't do that kind of shit all the time, it's like most female cosplayers not playing games at all.
I really understand how admitting that makes you a frustated virgin or something.

Get lost degeneright

why would I give you a safespace?

Some kind of skin tone chemical and probably lots of make-up but there's no mistaking that bone structure, it's definately him.

Be a decent human being man, let the poor guy have some safe space.

We're all in this together senpai.

What the fuck do you expect them to do?
A female walks through the door and they drop all their stuff waddle over and flirt? World isn't American pie

Some people litteraly believe that.

Oh man, there's a word that's been slaughtered so much over the recent years
>Just be a decent human
Which has been twisted by the left to have their bizarre practices be accepted as normal. There is no bigger crock of shit than "be a decent person." That just sounds like saccharine Hallmark card bullshit. It's passed around by people who want to do good, but also don't want to offend anyone, so they have to use a half-assed remark to appear "moral."


Have you no decency?

>Which has been twisted by the left to have their bizarre practices be accepted as normal.
And what are the "left's bizzare practices"?

>"don't be an asshole"
>omg the left is opressing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hmm, maybe you're the problem here?

Motherfucking kek

Accepting the mentally ill as normal (gays, trannies)
Anti-slut shaming
Anti-fat shaming
Advocating for the removal of borders
The destruction of skill in art, reducing it to sloppy splotches on a wall that's more about symbolism than actual art

It is like catan or dominion. Important in their historical context, and good to introduce someone to the genre they represent... but playing them seriously is like racing model Ts right now. You can, but there are more fun and inovative options.

Oh ok you are just retarded and probably some /pol/ christian larper.

Back to Westboro Baptist Church with you

>implying any of that is wrong
t. Atheist


Yes I am an atheist, is anti-unbeliever shaming also a leftist bizzare practice for you?


That man has excellent hair.

I'm not the user who posted that list, I just said that you're both wrong and that I'M an atheist too.

If I wanted to imply that you were an atheist, I would put
>t. Atheist

It's a wig as it is clearly Michael Cera. Try reading the thread before you post

looks like he's palming a card in her right hand

Green screens and floopy tacos

>anyone who dislikes what I like is a Christian
I'm not a Christian, but this kinda shit really activates my almonds



Could be a nervous tick/stress relief, or just idle hands.


>non-religion is necessarily nihilism
>sciencism is the same as science
Really tickles my noggin

>parroting the catalog of criticism leveled at modern/western society by Christian/Islamic fundies
>Yes, I'm also an unbeliever my fellow atheist.

The two together almost certainly imply that.
Nihilism as "without God life has no purpose" and Scientism is just a buzzword against all those daring to use science in their worldview rather than spirituality.

Seeing /pol/tards sperging out about literally nothing at all is one of those little joys that you don't ever think about until it happens.

They're valid criticisms regardless; living life without some higher purpose or cause (theistic/spiritual or otherwise), and blind trusting in empirical evidence or inductive reason in situations where they might not apply.

>all atheists are leftists
>atheists cannot share or hold morality similar to religious folk
The existence of Catholic atheists, among other such examples, counters this immediately.

She looks like Michael Cera in a wig.

>blind trusting in empirical evidence

Poor little establishment stooge. Is your reality crumbling around your ears? Boo hoo hoo. Get on board or get run over, the future is coming for you.

>You can be atheist but only if your think like religious folk, are "spiritual" and obey to your religious overlords

In what other kinds of evidences people should believe?

>it's okay when we did it to HASBRO
>but these lefties wanting to do it to /r9k/ are just.... monsters....

You're floating in a swimming pool full of piss, and you're complaining about people planning to piss in it some more?

Why don't you just climb out of the pool?

If I take the cards away, will he die?

>implying I implied any of that
Your proposition is that atheists are necessarily leftist and diametrically opposed to morality held by religions.
I provided a counter example.

Empirical evidence and inductive reasoning cannot determine philosophical or logical truths (except in a few special cases, in regards to inductive reasoning).
It is useful and can assert what is probably true with sufficient certainty, but the assumption that it can do so for all problems or statements, and that it is an absolute replacement for deductive thought and a priori reasoning is an ultimately fallacious one.

Does this mischievous creature have a penis?
I have no particular hopes for or against, just curious.

What are these philosophical truths and what are logical "truths" if not tautologies?

At its most basic, what we determine to be "right" or "good". Without this, we have no basis upon which to make moral decisions from conclusions or data gleaned by empirical induction.

>and what are logical "truths" if not tautologies?
By the very fact that basic logical truths are tautologies, we can then relate empirical truths with each other.

Looks pretty flat down there, user.

>implying any of these are bad things

You mean smooth. It looks pretty smooth and... Yeah this is a blue board

The only not-bad thing on that list is gays.

I mean to imply she's probably a vagina-American rather than commenting on the state of her muff or lack thereof.

Patriotism is the intersection of moral relativism and political correctness.

It's about as non-relative as you can get.
>I love my country and see it greater than others for its culture, morals, and history.

Moral relativism would be saying "all countries are ewuak because no one culture or set of morals is superior to another"

Equal*, sorry about that

>not being patriotic is always being a moral relativist, you can't value humanity, a religion or something else higher.

The last one is the worst.

>implying I implied that
Patriotism not being relativist does not necessarily imply that not-patriotism is relativist.

Regardless, it implies equivalency among unequal things, especially in something as nebulous as "humanity".


>le right side of history